Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1173 This is a god!

The lingering sadness in Qing'er's brows is her concern for Zhui'er. Now she only remembers that Zhui'er was taken away by a very good fairy to learn art. Logically speaking, she should be satisfied, but Er has traveled thousands of miles. The mother is worried, her child is still so young, how can she not worry.

Of course Hongshi is also worried about his son, but he is a man and cannot be as affectionate as Qing'er. A man should be responsible. His son is a bit young, but he is studying art. This is a big deal. His nature is much better than that of the children in the village who go out to work as apprentices. Aren't all children from poor families like this? They should suffer a little and be tired, so he is more tolerant than Qing'er.

After being away for six years, it was naturally a lot of fun and joy to gather with relatives and friends after returning. Fortunately, the two elders were in good health and everything was going well at home. Qing'er and Hongshi had already discussed how to handle Zhui'er's affairs, and they only said that it would go smoothly. He sent his children to learn skills. Of course, outsiders said that he sent his children to be apprentices.

Because the couple returned home in fine clothes, their relatives and friends were more concerned about how they made a fortune. Therefore, no one paid much attention to the matter of a child like Zhui'er. Hongshi took the opportunity to get busy preparing to recruit people to go into business. Qing'er left for her parents' home after staying for two days. Six years after she left, she naturally missed her relatives there very much, and she also had to hand over the "danbao" to her parents as soon as possible.

To return to her parents' home, she had to take a boat from the fishing village. It was a good time to visit the village elders. Now that she had a lot of money, Qing'er bought a lot of gifts for everyone. After visiting from house to house, Qing'er returned to the vacant six-story house. Nian's former residence, due to the care of Shui Yanniang, the home still maintains its original appearance.

As soon as she saw the familiar courtyard, Qing'er naturally wanted to think of Zhui'er's figure here, and tears fell down her cheeks. She might never see her son again in the future, and Qing'er's tears became more and more violent.

"Where did the child go?" An anxious and angry voice suddenly sounded in Qing'er's mind. She was so scared that she wiped her tears and saw a woman in green with kind eyes but supreme majesty and a gloomy face. Stare at her.

"You..." Qing'er couldn't help but kneel down. The other person's majesty made her dare not look directly at him.

"Who is that woman?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked again. By using the magical power of asking the mind, Qing'er knew that Zhui'er was kidnapped by a fairy, even though Qing'er didn't answer a word, but she knew from Qing'er that No information about the woman could be traced there.

"I don't know...I don't remember, she...she is very good to Zhui'er..." Qing'er answered with fear.

Fairy Princess Huarui interrogated Zhui'er carefully about her life experiences over the years, trying to find out some clues, but in the end she could only let out a sigh. The other party didn't leave any clues for her. It can be seen that the other party's cultivation level is Among those who are not under her, when searching for the great supernatural powers that Xun Yi got to know, it seems that only Yu Chan meets the requirements, but Fairy Huarui knows that it is definitely not Yu Chan. If it is Yu Chan, she will never care about Qing as sloppily as she does. If you think about your child's feelings, you will definitely take the child away immediately.

Should I tell Yu Chan about this? Princess Huarui secretly hesitated. She pulled up Qing'er and put her finger on Qing'er's eyebrows, trying to find out some clues from the skills she practiced, but the result was that it was just an ordinary set of skills. The introductory skills of Nanjingzhou are no longer ordinary.

She pinched the silver hairpin on Qing'er's head, and then said to Qing'er in a soft voice, "You don't have to worry about the child. He is a blessed person and nothing will happen to him."

Qing'er felt peaceful in her heart, and nodded to Fairy Huarui with a tearful smile.

"If the fate is not fulfilled, he will come back to visit you. If that day comes, you will give him the silver hairpin on your head. Don't forget it."

"Well! I'm waiting for him to come back..." Qing'er pulled out the silver hairpin and held it tightly in her hand, with tears of joy flashing in her eyes. She believed everything this woman said, since she said her son would come back. , that son will definitely come back. This is the wish she wants to realize most in her life.

Fairy Princess Huarui immediately said, "I don't want to ask for the silver pendant that Zhui'er gave to Shui Yan for the time being. Let her take it with her."

"You...know about this?" Qing'er asked in surprise.

Princess Huarui nodded lightly. She came as soon as the ten-year period came. If she couldn't find Zhui'er here, she naturally had to search for their whereabouts through the silver pendant. She found Shui Yan easily and asked Qing Yuan Afterwards, she could only secretly curse herself for being too careless and ignoring Xun Yi's prodigal temperament. She knew very well how prodigal this child was in his previous life. As soon as he met her, he gave her the best night pearls, spiritual fluids, etc. He took out all his belongings and was so generous to his senior brothers and sisters. It seems that he has kept all this temperament for Bao. Compared with his generous and generous deeds in the previous life, giving such a silver pendant now is simply not worth mentioning. .

She didn't let Qing'er get the silver pendant back to fulfill Zhui'er's good intentions. In fact, from the perspective of cutting off the common ties, it would be beneficial to Zhui'er to let Shui Yan die early. But her current state is far beyond what she was before. , Xunyi's reincarnation gave her a lot of insights, and some of the principles of world cultivation that she had believed in before were no longer so correct in her opinion.

"Always use this hairpin. It can keep you safe. That set of exercises should not be practiced diligently." Fairy Princess Huarui left after leaving these words. She still decided to go see Yu Chan. As for following If you don't tell Yu Chan about Zhui'er, it depends on the situation.

Qing'er stood in a daze for a while before she came to her senses, because Fairy Huarui wanted her to remember something, so she remembered everything just now.

"Fairy! This is a fairy! This is a fairy!" Qing'er's body began to tremble, her legs became weak and she walked to the couch and sat down. She was so excited that she started crying again. It was gratifying to see a fairy with her own eyes, but it was even more disappointing. She was happy that the god said that her son would come back to visit her, and she could still see her son! Qing'er held the silver hairpin with trembling hands, and after a long time, she carefully inserted it back into her bun.

When she went to her parents' home by boat the next day, Qing'er seemed to have suddenly changed. The deep sadness between her eyebrows disappeared, replaced by unconcealable joy. Her exuberance made her look as if she was completely Glowing.

Fairy Princess Huarui returned to Zixiao Palace first, and all the disciples were naturally overjoyed.

Zhixia had been thinking about the senior sister Xiaochun who had not returned since the last time she went out with the master. Now seeing that the senior sister was not with the master, she couldn't help asking.

Fairy Princess Huarui said calmly, "She stayed with me for a while, and then she seemed to have some insights and left on her own. You don't have to worry about her. She may not come back."

"Is it possible for Senior Sister to break through?" Zhixia asked happily.

Fairy Princess Huarui shook her head noncommittally, "It's hard to say, it just depends on her luck."

Zhixia sincerely blessed her and said, "That's great! I believe that the senior sister must have such a good fortune. Zixiao Palace is about to produce another monk who transforms into feathers." The lingering sorrow between Qing'er's brows is her concern for Zhui'er. , now she only remembers that Zhui'er was taken away by a very good fairy to learn skills. Logically speaking, she should be satisfied, but her mother is worried after traveling thousands of miles. Her child is still so young, how can she not worry about it? .

Of course Hongshi is also worried about his son, but he is a man and cannot be as affectionate as Qing'er. A man should be responsible. His son is a bit young, but he is studying art. This is a big deal. His nature is much better than that of the children in the village who go out to work as apprentices. Aren't all children from poor families like this? They should suffer a little and be tired, so he is more tolerant than Qing'er.

After being away for six years, it was naturally a lot of fun and joy to gather with relatives and friends after returning. Fortunately, the two elders were in good health and everything was going well at home. Qing'er and Hongshi had already discussed how to handle Zhui'er's affairs, and they only said that it would go smoothly. He sent his children to learn skills. Of course, outsiders said that he sent his children to be apprentices.

Because the couple returned home in fine clothes, their relatives and friends were more concerned about how they made a fortune. Therefore, no one paid much attention to the matter of a child like Zhui'er. Hongshi took the opportunity to get busy preparing to recruit people to go into business. Qing'er left for her parents' home after staying for two days. Six years after she left, she naturally missed her relatives there very much, and she also had to hand over the "danbao" to her parents as soon as possible.

To return to her parents' home, she had to take a boat from the fishing village. It was a good time to visit the village elders. Now that she had a lot of money, Qing'er bought a lot of gifts for everyone. After visiting from house to house, Qing'er returned to the vacant six-story house. Nian's former residence, due to the care of Shui Yanniang, the home still maintains its original appearance.

As soon as she saw the familiar courtyard, Qing'er naturally wanted to think of Zhui'er's figure here, and tears fell down her cheeks. She might never see her son again in the future, and Qing'er's tears became more and more violent.

"Where did the child go?" An anxious and angry voice suddenly sounded in Qing'er's mind. She was so scared that she wiped her tears and saw a woman in green with kind eyes but supreme majesty and a gloomy face. Stare at her.

"You..." Qing'er couldn't help but kneel down. She didn't dare to look directly at the other party's majesty.

"Who is that woman?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked again. By using the magical power of asking the mind, Qing'er knew that Zhui'er was kidnapped by a fairy, even though Qing'er didn't answer a word, but she knew from Qing'er that No information about the woman could be traced there.

"I don't know...I don't remember, she...she is very good to Zhui'er..." Qing'er answered with fear.

Fairy Princess Huarui interrogated Zhui'er carefully about her life experiences over the years, trying to find out some clues, but in the end she could only let out a sigh. The other party didn't leave any clues for her. It can be seen that the other party's cultivation level is Among those who are not under her, when searching for the great supernatural powers that Xun Yi got to know, it seems that only Yu Chan meets the requirements, but Fairy Huarui knows that it is definitely not Yu Chan. If it is Yu Chan, she will never care about Qing as sloppily as she does. If you think about your child's feelings, you will definitely take the child away immediately.

Should I tell Yu Chan about this? Princess Huarui secretly hesitated. She pulled up Qing'er and put her finger on Qing'er's eyebrows, trying to find out some clues from the skills she practiced, but the result was that it was just an ordinary set of skills. The introductory skills of Nanjingzhou are no longer ordinary.

She pinched the silver hairpin on Qing'er's head, and then said to Qing'er in a soft voice, "You don't have to worry about the child. He is a blessed person and nothing will happen to him."

Qing'er felt peaceful in her heart, and nodded to Fairy Princess Huarui with a tearful smile.

"If the fate is not over, he will come back to visit you. If that day comes, you can show him the silver hairpin on your head. Don't forget it."

"Well! I'm waiting for him to come back..." Qing'er pulled out the silver hairpin and held it tightly in her hand, with tears of joy flashing in her eyes. She believed everything this woman said, since she said her son would come back. , that son will definitely come back. This is the wish she wants to realize most in her life.

Fairy Princess Huarui immediately said, "I don't want to ask for the silver pendant that Zhui'er gave to Shui Yan for the time being. Let her take it with her."

"You...know about this?" Qing'er asked in surprise.

Princess Huarui nodded lightly. She came as soon as the ten-year period came. If she couldn't find Zhui'er here, she naturally had to search for their whereabouts through the silver pendant. She found Shui Yan easily and asked Qing Yuan Afterwards, she could only secretly curse herself for being too careless and ignoring Xun Yi's prodigal temperament. She knew very well how prodigal this child was in his previous life. As soon as he met her, he gave her the best night pearls, spiritual fluids, etc. He took out all his belongings and was so generous to his senior brothers and sisters. It seems that he has kept all this temperament for Bao. Compared with his generous and generous deeds in the previous life, giving such a silver pendant now is simply not worth mentioning. .

She didn't let Qing'er get the silver pendant back to fulfill Zhui'er's good intentions. In fact, from the perspective of cutting off the common ties, it would be beneficial to Zhui'er to let Shui Yan die early. But her current state is far beyond what she was before. , Xunyi's reincarnation gave her a lot of insights, and some of the principles of world cultivation that she had believed in before were no longer so correct in her opinion.

"Always use this hairpin. It can keep you safe. That set of exercises should not be practiced diligently." Fairy Princess Huarui left after leaving these words. She still decided to go see Yu Chan. As for following If you don't tell Yu Chan about Zhui'er, it depends on the situation.

Qing'er stood in a daze for a while before she came to her senses, because Fairy Huarui wanted her to remember something, so she remembered everything just now.

"Fairy! This is a fairy! This is a fairy!" Qing'er's body began to tremble, her legs became weak and she walked to the couch and sat down. She was so excited that she started crying again. It was gratifying to see a fairy with her own eyes, but it was even more disappointing. She was happy that the god said that her son would come back to visit her, and she could still see her son! Qing'er held the silver hairpin with trembling hands, and after a long time, she carefully inserted it back into her bun.

When she went to her parents' home by boat the next day, Qing'er seemed to have suddenly changed. The deep sadness between her eyebrows disappeared, replaced by unconcealable joy. Her exuberance made her look as if she was completely Glowing.

Fairy Princess Huarui returned to Zixiao Palace first, and all the disciples were naturally overjoyed.

Zhixia had been thinking about the senior sister Xiaochun who had not returned since the last time she went out with the master. Now seeing that the senior sister was not with the master, she couldn't help but ask.

Fairy Princess Huarui said calmly, "She stayed with me for a while, and then she seemed to have some insights and left on her own. You don't have to worry about her. She may not come back."

"Is it possible for Senior Sister to break through?" Zhixia asked happily.

Fairy Princess Huarui shook her head noncommittally, "It's hard to say. It just depends on her luck."

Zhixia sincerely blessed her and said, "Great! I believe that the senior sister must have such good fortune. Zixiao Palace is about to produce another Yuyu monk."

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