Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1174 Is this really my junior brother? !

After asking about Senior Sister's situation, Zhixia knelt down feeling ashamed and sad.

She lamented, "Disciple is unfilial. He failed to take care of your junior brother. He...he..." Zhixia choked with tears as tears fell down her face.

Xin De, who was beside him, also knelt down, too ashamed to dare to raise his head. With Xiaochun's departure and Xunyi's death, only the two tenth-generation disciples were left in Zixiao Palace, and the rest were not qualified to come to this small green building.

"I already know that life and death are fateful. It is his destiny to have this calamity. You don't have to be sad." Fairy Huarui used a spiritual power to help the two of them. She had already seen signs that Zhixia was overly sad.

"You have already heard..." Zhixia was afraid of making her master sad, so she forcibly stopped her tears. .??.

"It's a pity that it was too late to know." Fairy Princess Huarui shook her head gently and said faintly, "He can go as long as he goes. This child is suffering too much. Death is a kind of relief for him, and it is also a kind of..." She did not put it into words. Say the following.

From the moment she saw her master, Zhixia had been worried that her junior brother's matter would make him sad. Now that she saw that his master seemed to have looked away, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I think so too." She said with forced relief.

After hearing Xin De report the affairs of Zixiao Palace, Fairy Huarui sent him away.

After Xin De left, Fairy Huarui looked at Zhi Xia and said, "You know that I have been looking for the reincarnation of your master. I also know that you disapprove of this, but you just don't dare to say it openly." At this point, she Show a picture in front of Zhixia.

The picture showed a chubby little baby crawling on the ground, and then a voice called "Yi'er". Zhixia could tell that it was Master's voice, and saw that the little baby stopped going after hearing this call. He crawled forward, turned his head and frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't be cheating! Don't use magic!" A woman's anxious voice rang out, "Zhui'er! You are my mother's Zhui'er, not Yi'er. Come here quickly! Come to my mother's place quickly!"

The little baby turned his head back again, probably to see the woman who claimed to be his mother.

Fairy Princess Huarui's voice sounded again, "Come to Master's wife. Master's wife failed to take good care of you. After hearing the news of your death, I still haven't recovered. If you are Yi'er, give Master's wife a chance to make amends."

The little baby slowly turned around, tilted his neck and crawled toward Princess Huarui with his little brow still furrowed.

The picture ends here.

"Master! this really my junior brother?!" Zhixia was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out.

"What do you think?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked calmly.

Zhixia blinked her eyes quickly, and after a while she nodded repeatedly and said, "It must be yes, otherwise how could such a young child not crawl towards his mother? Where is he?"

"He was taken away by another old acquaintance who found him." Immortal Concubine Huarui briefly told Zhixia what happened.

"Where is his mother? I want to go and ask myself!" Zhixia looked at the master eagerly.

Princess Huarui said sternly, "I'm just afraid that you'll be troublesome, so I didn't let you see his mother's appearance. This matter has already involved heaven's secrets. If I hadn't seen you so sad because of him, I wouldn't have told you about this matter." It is said so clearly that the person who took him away must also be someone who has a very deep connection with him. You can rest assured that you have definitely known the secret of reincarnation. I believe

It will be of great benefit to your realm. You must keep this secret and do not mention it to anyone, including Qiu'er and Dong'er. I will give them some advice later, but I won't say it so clearly. It can be regarded as another blessing given to you by your junior brother. As the saying goes, God's will exists in the dark. Qingqiu and Nuandong are not so close to him. Although I love them, I have to respect God's will. "

"Yes..." Tears blurred Zhixia's eyes. On the one hand, it was because the news of her junior brother's reincarnation made her so excited that she could not control herself. On the other hand, because the master said that this was another blessing given to her by her junior brother. She was so moved that she couldn't contain herself.

"Steady your mind, I have something else to ask you." Immortal Concubine Huarui placed a magic seal on Zhixia's head.

"Yes!" Zhixia trembled all over, her tumbling heartbeat calmed down a little, but her face was still full of excitement.

"How's it going over there with Yuchan?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked.

Zhixia took a deep breath, her eyes regained some clarity, and replied, "She came here three months ago and told me that she wanted Xiyang and Jiangxiao to go out to practice more. I suspect that she quietly went to Xuzhou that time. Shui, because about a month before she came to me, the Palace Protector Shenlong had noticed something strange, and only her cultivation could avoid the Shenlong's pursuit when she entered the Chenhua Sea. "

"You mean she has acquired Qing'er's unique skill?" Fairy Princess Huarui frowned.

"Disciple is just guessing, but considering that she advocated letting Xiyang and Jiangxiao go out to practice, one has to doubt her intentions. These two children are both talented." There was worry in Zhixia's eyes. Now she and Jiang Xiao are very close. Whether it is because of their feelings or their commitment to Xun Yi, she cannot let Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang be harmed.

Fairy Princess Huarui sighed, shook her head and said, "Human nature is difficult to change. She has been a snake-hearted person all her life, and only Qing'er can get a little bit of her sincerity. Now that Qing'er has only been away for ten years, she... …well!"

Zhixia smiled bitterly and said, "Junior brother is still too inexperienced and doesn't understand the evil of people's hearts deeply enough. It is a big mistake to entrust everything to Yuchan."

Princess Huarui sighed with emotion, "If this were not the case, how could we get Yu Chan's sincere treatment? It is already very difficult for a child to reach this point. I will go see Yu Chan and see her." What do you mean?"

"I'll go with you." Zhixia was a little worried.

"No need, you need to go to enlightenment as soon as possible now. You don't have to wait for me to come back. After I see Yuchan, I will go see Qiu'er and Dong'er, and then continue to find your master." Fairy Princess Huarui finished speaking. The shape disappears.

"Master..." Zhixia looked into the sky reluctantly, feeling melancholy in her heart as she wondered if we could see each other again.

When Fairy Huarui came to Yunxing Pavilion, without waiting for her spiritual thoughts to call Yuchan, a passage appeared in the protective formation. You could see Yuchan standing pretty on a hill, looking calmly at the flames below. of apricot grove.

Fairy Princess Huarui fell to her side and said, "I'm disturbing you."

Yu Chan turned her head, showed a smile and said, "What did my sister say? I am worried about how to find you. Have you heard about Yi'er?" When she mentioned Yi'er, her expression turned to sadness.

"I heard." Fairy Princess Huarui replied softly.

"I really want to cut that Su Wan into pieces." Although Yu Chan's tone was light, the resentment contained in it made Fairy Huarui's heart tremble. She could tell that Yu Chan really wanted to do that. Made. After asking about Senior Sister's situation, Zhixia knelt down feeling ashamed and sad.

She lamented, "Disciple is unfilial. He failed to take care of your junior brother. He...he..." Zhixia was choked with tears as tears fell down her face.

Xin De, who was beside him, also knelt down, too ashamed to dare to raise his head. With Xiaochun's departure and Xunyi's death, only the two tenth-generation disciples were left in Zixiao Palace, and the rest were not qualified to come to this small green building.

"I already know that life and death are fateful. It is his destiny to have this calamity. You don't have to be sad." Fairy Huarui used a spiritual power to help the two of them. She had already seen signs that Zhixia was overly sad.

"You have already heard..." Zhixia was afraid of making her master sad, so she forcibly stopped her tears.

"It's a pity that it was too late to know." Fairy Princess Huarui shook her head gently and said faintly, "He can go as long as he goes. This child is suffering too much. Death is a kind of relief for him, and it is also a kind of..." She did not put it into words. Say the following.

From the moment she saw her master, Zhixia had been worried that her junior brother's matter would make him sad. Now that she saw that his master seemed to have looked away, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, I think so too." She said with forced relief.

After hearing Xin De report the affairs of Zixiao Palace, Fairy Huarui sent him away.

After Xin De left, Fairy Huarui looked at Zhi Xia and said, "You know that I have been looking for the reincarnation of your master. I also know that you disapprove of this, but you just don't dare to say it openly." At this point, she Show a picture in front of Zhixia.

The picture showed a chubby little baby crawling on the ground, and then a voice called "Yi'er". Zhixia could tell that it was Master's voice, and saw that the little baby stopped going after hearing this call. He crawled forward, turned his head and frowned, his eyes full of confusion.

"Don't be cheating! Don't use magic!" A woman's anxious voice rang out, "Zhui'er! You are my mother's Zhui'er, not Yi'er. Come here quickly! Come to my mother's place quickly!"

The little baby turned his head back again, probably to see the woman who claimed to be his mother.

Fairy Princess Huarui's voice sounded again, "Come to Master's wife. Master's wife failed to take good care of you. After hearing the news of your death, I still haven't recovered. If you are Yi'er, give Master's wife a chance to make amends."

The little baby slowly turned around, tilted his neck and crawled towards Princess Huarui while still frowning.

The picture ends here.

"Master! this really my junior brother?!" Zhixia was so shocked that her eyes almost popped out.

"What do you think?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked calmly.

Zhixia blinked her eyes quickly, and after a while she nodded repeatedly and said, "It must be yes, otherwise how could such a young child not crawl towards his mother? Where is he?"

"He was taken away by another old acquaintance who found him." Fairy Huarui briefly told Zhixia what happened.

"Where is his mother? I want to go and ask myself!" Zhixia looked at the master eagerly.

Princess Huarui said sternly, "I'm just afraid that you'll be troublesome, so I didn't let you see his mother's appearance. This matter has already involved heaven's secrets. If I hadn't seen you so sad because of him, I wouldn't have told you about this matter." It is said so clearly that the person who took him away must also be someone who has a very deep connection with him. You can rest assured that you have definitely known the secret of reincarnation. I believe

It will be of great benefit to your realm. You must keep this secret and do not mention it to anyone, including Qiu'er and Dong'er. I will give them some advice later, but I won't say it so clearly. It can be regarded as another blessing given to you by your junior brother. As the saying goes, God's will exists in the dark. Qingqiu and Nuandong are not so close to him. Although I love them, I have to respect God's will. "

"Yes..." Tears blurred Zhixia's eyes. On the one hand, it was because the news of her junior brother's reincarnation made her so excited that she could not control herself. On the other hand, because the master said that this was another blessing given to her by her junior brother. She was so moved that she couldn't contain herself.

"Steady your mind, I have something else to ask you." Immortal Concubine Huarui placed a magic seal on Zhixia's head.

"Yes!" Zhixia trembled all over, her tumbling heartbeat calmed down a little, but her face was still full of excitement.

"How's it going over there with Yuchan?" Fairy Princess Huarui asked.

Zhixia took a deep breath, her eyes regained some clarity, and replied, "She came here three months ago and told me that she wanted Xiyang and Jiangxiao to go out to practice more. I suspect that she quietly went to Xuzhou that time. Shui, because about a month before she came to me, the Palace Protector Shenlong had noticed something strange, and only her cultivation could avoid the Shenlong's pursuit when she entered the Chenhua Sea. "

"You mean she has acquired Qing'er's unique skill?" Fairy Princess Huarui frowned with two thin eyebrows.

"Disciple is just guessing, but considering that she advocated letting Xiyang and Jiangxiao go out to practice, one has to doubt her intentions. These two children are both talented." There was worry in Zhixia's eyes. Now she and Jiang Xiao are very close. Whether it is because of their feelings or their commitment to Xun Yi, she cannot let Jiang Xiao and Xi Yang be harmed.

Fairy Princess Huarui sighed, shook her head and said, "Human nature is difficult to change. She has been a snake-hearted person all her life, and only Qing'er can get a little bit of her sincerity. Now that Qing'er has only been away for ten years, she... …well!"

Zhixia smiled bitterly and said, "Junior brother is still too inexperienced and doesn't understand the evil of people's hearts deeply enough. It is a big mistake to entrust everything to Yuchan."

Princess Huarui sighed with emotion, "If this were not the case, how could we get Yu Chan's sincere treatment? It is already very difficult for a child to reach this point. I will go see Yu Chan and see her." What do you mean?"

"I'll go with you." Zhixia was a little worried.

"No need, you need to go to enlightenment as soon as possible now. You don't have to wait for me to come back. After I see Yuchan, I will go see Qiu'er and Dong'er, and then continue to find your master." Fairy Princess Huarui finished speaking. The shape disappears.

"Master..." Zhixia looked into the sky reluctantly, feeling melancholy in her heart as she wondered if we could see each other again.

When Fairy Huarui came to Yunxing Pavilion, without waiting for her spiritual thoughts to call Yuchan, a passage appeared in the protective formation. You could see Yuchan standing pretty on a hill, looking calmly at the flames below. of apricot grove.

Fairy Princess Huarui fell to her side and said, "I'm disturbing you."

Yu Chan turned her head, showed a smile and said, "What did my sister say? I am worried about how to find you. Have you heard about Yi'er?" When she mentioned Yi'er, her expression turned to sadness.

"I heard." Fairy Princess Huarui replied softly.

"I really want to cut that Su Wan into pieces." Although Yu Chan's tone was light, the resentment contained in it made Fairy Huarui's heart tremble. She could tell that Yu Chan really wanted to do that. Made.

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