Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1179 Golden Fruit

Four days later, a man with a flying sword staggered out from the cliff above Xiulin Yuan. He fell from the sky after less than twenty feet. Fortunately, someone rushed over in time to catch him. , otherwise there will be a fatal accident.

Zhui'er, who had broken through the tenth level, just wanted to try flying with his sword. He didn't want to fly outside the cliff, but he actually flew after trying it. Then he panicked and flew outside the cliff.

Bai Hua was almost punished again for poor supervision. After investigation, he found out that Bai Hua did not teach the sword flying technique, but Xu Zhong and Yunjuan taught it to Zhui'er a long time ago. Xu Zhong and Yunjuan Silently shouldering the blame, the couple couldn't help looking at each other and smiling bitterly after returning. They really didn't teach this technique to Zhui'er intentionally.

It would take a long time to investigate this matter. Not long after Zhui'er arrived, she pestered Yunjuan to tell him how to fly. After Yunjuan gave him a rough explanation, he was not satisfied, so Yunjuan had to explain it carefully. Tell him, thinking that this child still knows nothing about meridians, Qi, etc., and he doesn’t like listening to it after a few sentences. Unexpectedly, Zhui’er listened from beginning to end in a daze. This is not the end. A few days ago, he pestered Yunjuan to tell him again.

The couple knew that the child wanted to learn to fly, so they didn't take it too seriously. Unexpectedly, the child memorized the magic formula without knowing what the meridian Qi Palace was. When he came down, his perseverance and intelligence really made the couple marvel at his qualifications, but they were also very happy about his qualifications. Of course, they were also heartbroken and amused. Anyway, the child was finally able to fly, and finally fulfilled his dream of flying. The couple was very happy for Zhui'er.

Needless to say, Zhui'er was very happy. After he could fly, he couldn't bear to get off the flying sword. He did two things all day long, meditating to gather spiritual power and flying. It's a pity that the spiritual power he can store in his body is too limited. He can only fly more than a thousand feet and then have to walk back by himself.

Seeing that Zhui'er was about to embark on the road of impetuousness again, Bai Hua couldn't help but

As a last resort, he had to let him fetch water again. This time Zhui'er was not afraid because he knew that Senior Brother Bai would not drive him out of Xiulin Court. However, Zhui'er knew what was good and was fetching water. I don't dare to be careless in this matter. I don't know if Senior Brother Bai did it intentionally or just carelessly forgot that his cultivation level has improved. The deadline set for him is still one month before, which makes Zhui'er hit him. He seems to be able to get out of the water with ease. When his cultivation level increases, it is very different from before.

During this month, Zhui'er took some time every day in the middle of the night to meditate by the water pool in the small valley. When the water tank was full, he also showed signs of breaking through to the eleventh level.

More than ten days later, Zhui'er rushed into the eleventh level of Qi Gathering. After passing the tenth level, most people rush to the eleventh level faster, but his speed is still a bit alarming, but considering that His soul number, which has been determined to be over thirty-eight, is not surprising at this speed.

In order to fly home early, Zhui'er, who broke through the eleventh level of Qi gathering, is still the most diligent disciple in Xiulin Academy. Xu Zhong and Yun Juan told him before that if he wanted to fly thousands of miles, he must at least have The cultivation level of the KaiRong stage, so his goal is to enter the KaiRong stage.

When he turned sixteen, Zhui'er reached the thirteenth level of Qi Gathering and could fly hundreds of miles in one breath. This distance was enough to reach the top of the hill where Xu Zhong and Yun Juan lived. So in the third year after entering Xiulin Academy, Zhui'er asked Bai Hua for leave for the first time to go out. He wanted to go back to visit Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan.

Bai Hua readily agreed to leave. He hoped that Zhui'er could relax and slow down his practice.

Zhui'er felt proud and excited as she flew back to the familiar hilltop with her sword alone.

Xu Zhong and Yunjuan were naturally overjoyed by Zhui'er's arrival. Outsiders were not allowed to visit Xiulin Courtyard. The couple missed the child very much. After what happened to Xingpeng last time, they both felt even more worried about Chang'er. They were like grass, and from time to time they would peek outside Xiulin Courtyard. Unfortunately, Xiulin Courtyard's protective array prevented them from seeing what was going on inside.

In the past few years, Zhui'er's mind has been focused on cultivation, and she only occasionally thinks of Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan. Now that she has reached the thirteenth level of Qi Gathering, she can no longer maintain the overwhelming progress, and has other thoughts. Something happened, so his longing for Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan suddenly came to him. When he saw the two people's surprised looks, he couldn't help crying. He deeply felt that he was too heartless and should come back to visit as soon as possible. Their.

Xu Zhong and Yun Juan were very proud of Zhui'er. They had cultivated to the thirteenth level of Qi Gathering at the age of sixteen. This was a level only an extremely outstanding person could achieve. If nothing unexpected happened, it would be logical for them to enter the Nascent Soul stage in the future. Entering the Nascent Soul stage is a state that they all dream of reaching.

"Good boy, stop crying. Aunt Juan knows it's time for you to come back and see us." Yun Juan wiped the tears from Zhuo'er's face while wiping them.

A hug that was filled with tears of joy was interrupted by little Futon'er. Little Futon'er, who had been abandoned for three years, finally saw Zhui'er again. Seeing that the little master ignored her, she couldn't help but scream wildly and even He couldn't help but pull at Zhui'er's Taoist robe.

"You have grown so tall all of a sudden." Yunjuan happily touched Zhui'er's head. Now she had to raise her hand to touch the child's head. "Go and hug the little futon'er. Since you left, , it lies on the top of the mountain every day waiting for you to come back. "

Zhui'er hugged Little Futon'er distressedly. Little Futon'er was still so big, but now he looked more like a slightly larger cat when he was held in the arms of Zhui'er who had grown taller.

Entering the house, Yunjuan happily took the

He took out two small golden fruits, not much bigger than beans, and said to Zhui'er with a slightly solemn expression, "We dare not give you random pills, but this kind of golden fruit is beneficial and harmless. I will always give it to you." Keep it, it’s a valuable thing and it’s very effective in improving your cultivation.”

Zhui'er waved his hands repeatedly and said, "You and Uncle Xu should keep it to eat. I practice very quickly, so I don't need to eat these."

Xu Zhong said, "Silly boy, take it. At our level of cultivation, eating this kind of spiritual fruit is no longer of much use. Your Aunt Juan specially begged it for you from her senior sister. Put it away quickly and wait until you feel that you have encountered difficulties in cultivation." Don’t waste it if you eat it later.”

"I really..." Zhui'er was about to refuse, but Yunjuan had already wrapped up the two spirit fruits and stuffed them into his sleeves.

At this time, Xu Zhong took out a small gray jade shield and handed it to him and said, "You can barely use this magic weapon now, keep it for self-defense." Seeing Zhui'er wave his hands anxiously again, he smiled and said, "This is not really... What a good thing, I used it when I was in the Rong period, but now I have no use for it.”

Yunjuan took the jade shield and forced it into Zhuo'er's sleeve again, pretending to be angry and said, "You kid, why are you so polite to us? Your Uncle Xu and I only have so little ability, and we can't give you anything good. When your cultivation is higher, we will give you all the treasures that are suitable for your use. Anyway, your Uncle Xu and I will not fight with others, so there is no use keeping them."

Zhui'er shook his head vigorously and said, "That won't work. It's my turn to repay my uncle and aunt in the future. I will never take your things again."

Xu Chong smiled and patted his head and said, "You brat, we haven't even reached the opening stage yet. What can you do to repay us? You just need to practice well in the future."

Yunjuan looked at Zhui'er with loving eyes and said, "It's good for the child to have this kind of heart. It won't be easy for him to reach the Kailuo stage. I think it won't take Zhui'er fifty years to form the elixir."

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