Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1180 I won’t give it to you anymore

After staying with Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan on the hill for three days, Zhui'er went to Cuiyu Peak, which was Shu Yan's lineage. The reason why he went to find Shu Yan first was because she was the closest.

Shu Yan is now in her early twenties, she has grown into a tall and graceful beauty, and her cultivation has reached the stage of Qi Gathering. She has not seen Zhui'er grow into a big boy for a few years. She finds it funny, just like before. He scraped Xiu'er's nose as affectionately as he said, "The little follower has actually grown so big?"

Zhui'er smiled and said, "Don't be shameless. You two are my followers. Don't forget who was following whom in the first place and begging to hear the story."

Shu Yan held back her laughter and patted him on the head again and said, "Why are you becoming less of a thing as you grow older! You weren't like this when you were a child!"

Zhui'er giggled and said, "That's right. I let you go because you were too naive and I didn't bother to argue with you."

"You brat!" Shu Yan used a burst of spiritual power to roll him out.

After laughing, Zhui'er asked Shu Yan to find Lu Gang. Lu Gang was at Tiansheng Peak, more than five hundred miles away, and he couldn't fly that far.

Lu Gang had already broken through and entered the Kailuo period. This kid was quite popular in Tiansheng Peak and was doing well. As soon as the two came back, they immediately joined forces to "pack up" Zhui'er and threw Zhui'er like a ball. Throwing it back and forth, no need to ask, this must be Shu Yan's report to Lu Gang about Zhuo'er's black condition.

Zhui'er, who only had the thirteenth level of Qi Gathering, had no power to fight back in their hands and could only beg for mercy again and again.

After the two of them had played enough, Zhui'er pulled them to a quiet place and took out the two golden essence fruits that Aunt Juan had just given him. He was still breathing heavily from being tortured, but he revealed a With a flattering look on his face, he said, "One for you two, one for each of you. This is good stuff. Don't waste it. Eat it when you encounter obstacles in your cultivation."

"Golden Essence Fruit?!" Lu Gang stared at the two spirit fruits with bright eyes.

"Where did you get this?" Shu Yan seemed to know this thing.

"Do you know this thing?" Zhui'er became ignorant this time.

"Idiot, this is a specialty of Tianlang Mountain. You don't even know this?" Shu Yan finally found a chance to take revenge, and the disdain on her face was exaggerated.

Lu Gang also patted Zhui'er's head complacently and said, "You are really ignorant. Your brother has already eaten one. Only outstanding disciples in the sect have the chance to get this thing."

Shu Yan's face looked ugly now. One of the two people had already eaten, and the other had two pills in his hand. According to Lu Gang, wasn't she the worst one?

"I... I can also get it. It's just that I have been cultivating very smoothly. Master doesn't think I need to use this kind of spiritual fruit."

Regarding Shu Yan's excuse, Lu Gang nodded seriously in agreement. Regardless of whether that was the case or not, in this case, the two of them had to stand on the same side to bully Zhui'er.

Zhui'er had long been used to this. He held the Golden Essence Fruit in front of the two of them and said, "Don't ask how you got it. One for each of you."

Lu Gang licked his lips, then narrowed his beautiful but sharp eyes, stared at Zhui'er and said, "I really have to ask clearly, the Golden Essence Fruit is not an ordinary thing, you How come there are two at once?”

Zhui'er raised his chin proudly and said, "Two? Silly brother, you said there were less. I have three, already."

I ate one. "

Lu Gang was really a little stupid. He blinked and said, "Three? Are you bragging..." But looking at the two golden spiritual fruits held in his hands, he said this in a very weak tone.

Zhui'er gave Shu Yan a fruit, then held the remaining one and asked Lu Gang, "Stop talking nonsense, do you want it?"

"I want it! I want it!" Lu Gang quickly took the fruit and put it away quickly.

"Zhui'er, where did you... come from?" Shu Yan was still a little worried and asked in a lowered voice.

Zhui'er giggled and said, "Don't ask, it's not stolen anyway. Just eat it without any worries. There won't be any trouble. I'll give you some more spirit stones." Then he took out ten more spirit stones, "One person. Five yuan." Naturally, Xu Zhong and Yun Juan gave him this spirit stone. They gave him a total of twenty yuan. This couple is really doting on Zhui'er. How can a child whose cultivation level is only at the Qi Gathering stage use so many spirits? Shi, according to Zhuo'er's temper, he should have given more to the two of them, but he always had the idea of ​​flying back to find his parents early. If he wanted to fly back, he would have to prepare more spiritual stones, so he was willing to Taking half of it and sharing it between the two of them is already very generous.

"This...this is all given to you by Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan, right?" Lu Gang finally thought of this.

Zhui'er waved his hands guiltily and said, "It was given by Senior Brother Bai from Xiulin Academy. Didn't Xingpeng bully me last time? Senior Brother Bai was also implicated. In order to stop me from causing trouble, he gave me some compensation. Let’s forget about Peng, don’t bother him anymore.”

Lu Gang looked at him dubiously and said, "Give you so much compensation? Huh, I can't spare that kid. If he dares to bully you, wouldn't that be a slap in both of our faces!"

Shu Yan also said indignantly, "We were both very angry at that time. It's his fault for not being able to deal with him properly. This matter is not over yet. You don't have to worry about it. We will definitely avenge you."

Zhui'er felt helpless and said, "Let's forget it. I feel bad for causing you two to be punished. Senior Brother Bai has given me so much compensation. If we continue to make trouble, I feel sorry for Senior Brother Bai."

Lu Gang stared blankly and said, "I told you that you don't have to worry about it. It's none of your business here. If we don't beat him up, what kind of dignity will we have?"

Shu Yan also said calmly, "If you don't let him know how powerful you are, he will bully you in the future. That bastard is no longer a thing."

The fierce light in Lu Gang's eyes grew brighter, and he told Shu Yan, "You have to step up your practice. That bastard is almost in the middle stage of Kai Rong. We can't drag down our fellow disciples anymore if we go to settle accounts with him. We have to deal with him."

Shu Yan nodded solemnly.

Zhui'er became a little anxious and blushed and said, "If you're not like this, then I don't need you to avenge me. This is the grudge between me and him. I should go and settle the accounts with him myself. What's the point of asking you to help me?" "

Lu Gang curled his lips disdainfully and said, "The enmity between you and him is between you two, and the enmity between us and him is between the two of us. If you have the ability, you can beat him after we teach him a lesson." , but when will your cultivation level catch up with others? He is a leader among fifteen generations of disciples, and his qualifications are no worse than yours."

Zhui'er had no choice but to act ruthless, glared and said, "Then return the Golden Essence Fruit to me, I won't give it to you."

Lu Gang took out the Golden Essence Fruit and handed it to him without hesitation, snorting coldly, "Do you think this can scare us?"

Although Shu Yan was a little reluctant to part with it, she still took out her golden essence fruit. After staying with Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan on the hill for three days, Zhui'er went to Cuiyu Peak, which was Shu Yan's lineage. The reason why he went to find Shu Yan first was because she was the closest.

Shu Yan is now in her early twenties, she has grown into a tall and graceful beauty, and her cultivation has reached the stage of Qi Gathering. She has not seen Zhui'er grow into a big boy for a few years. She finds it funny, just like before. He scraped Xiu'er's nose as affectionately as he said, "The little follower has actually grown so big?"

Zhui'er smiled and said, "Don't be shameless. You two are my followers. Don't forget who was following whom in the first place and begging to hear the story."

Shu Yan held back her laughter and patted him on the head again and said, "Why are you becoming less of a thing as you grow older! You weren't like this when you were a kid!"

Zhui'er giggled and said, "Originally, I let you go because you were too naive and I was too lazy to argue with you."

"You brat!" Shu Yan used a burst of spiritual power to roll him out.

After laughing, Zhui'er asked Shu Yan to find Lu Gang. Lu Gang was at Tiansheng Peak, more than five hundred miles away, and he couldn't fly that far.

Lu Gang had already broken through and entered the Kailuo period. This kid was quite popular in Tiansheng Peak and was doing well. As soon as the two came back, they immediately joined forces to "pack up" Zhui'er and threw Zhui'er like a ball. Throwing it back and forth, no need to ask, this must be Shu Yan's report to Lu Gang about Zhuo'er's black condition.

Zhui'er, who was only at the thirteenth level of energy gathering, had no power to fight back in their hands, so he could only beg for mercy again and again.

After the two of them had played enough, Zhui'er pulled them to a quiet place and took out the two golden essence fruits that Aunt Juan had just given him. He was still breathing heavily from being tortured, but he revealed a With a flattering look on his face, he said, "One for you two, one for each of you. This is good stuff. Don't waste it. Eat it when you encounter obstacles in your cultivation."

"Golden Essence Fruit?!" Lu Gang stared at the two spirit fruits with bright eyes.

"Where did you get this?" Shu Yan seemed to know this thing.

"Do you know this thing?" Zhui'er became ignorant this time.

"Idiot, this is a specialty of Tianlang Mountain. You don't even know this?" Shu Yan finally found a chance to take revenge, and the disdain on her face was exaggerated.

Lu Gang also patted Zhui'er's head complacently and said, "You are really ignorant. Your brother has already eaten one. Only outstanding disciples in the sect have the chance to get this thing."

Shu Yan's face looked ugly now. One of the two people had already eaten, and the other had two pills in his hand. According to Lu Gang, wasn't she the worst one?

"I... I can also get it. It's just that I have been cultivating very smoothly. Master doesn't think I need to use this kind of spiritual fruit."

Regarding Shu Yan's excuse, Lu Gang nodded seriously in agreement. Regardless of whether that was the case or not, in this case, the two of them had to stand on the same side to bully Zhui'er.

Zhui'er had long been used to this. He held the Golden Essence Fruit in front of the two of them and said, "Don't ask how you got it. One for each of you."

Lu Gang licked his lips, then narrowed his beautiful but sharp eyes, stared at Zhui'er and said, "I really have to ask clearly, the Golden Essence Fruit is not an ordinary thing, you How come there are two at once?”

Zhui'er raised his chin proudly and said, "Two? Silly brother, you said there were less. I have three, already."

I ate one. "

Lu Gang was really a little stupid. He blinked and said, "Three? Are you bragging..." But looking at the two golden spiritual fruits held in his hands, he said this in a very weak tone.

Zhui'er gave Shu Yan a fruit, then held the remaining one and asked Lu Gang, "Stop talking nonsense, do you want it?"

"I want it! I want it!" Lu Gang quickly took the fruit and put it away quickly.

"Zhui'er, where did you... come from?" Shu Yan was still a little worried and asked in a lowered voice.

Zhui'er giggled and said, "Don't ask, it's not stolen anyway. Just eat it without any worries. There won't be any trouble. I'll give you some more spirit stones." Then he took out ten more spirit stones, "One person. Five yuan." Naturally, Xu Zhong and Yun Juan gave him this spirit stone. They gave him a total of twenty yuan. This couple is really doting on Zhui'er. How can a child whose cultivation level is only at the Qi Gathering stage use so many spirits? Shi, according to Zhuo'er's temper, he should have given more to the two of them, but he always had the idea of ​​flying back to find his parents early. If he wanted to fly back, he would have to prepare more spiritual stones, so he was willing to Taking half of it and sharing it between the two of them is already very generous.

"This...this is all given to you by Uncle Xu and Aunt Juan, right?" Lu Gang finally thought of this.

Zhui'er waved his hands guiltily and said, "It was given by Senior Brother Bai from Xiulin Academy. Didn't Xingpeng bully me last time? Senior Brother Bai was also implicated. In order to stop me from causing trouble, he gave me some compensation. Let’s forget about Peng, don’t bother him anymore.”

Lu Gang looked at him dubiously and said, "Give you so much compensation? Humph, I can't spare that kid. If he dares to bully you, wouldn't that be a slap in both of our faces!"

Shu Yan also said indignantly, "We were both very angry at that time. It's his fault for not being able to deal with him properly. This matter is not over yet. You don't have to worry about it. We will definitely avenge you."

Zhui'er felt helpless and said, "Let's forget it. I feel bad for causing you two to be punished. Senior Brother Bai has given me so much compensation. If we continue to make trouble, I feel sorry for Senior Brother Bai."

Lu Gang stared blankly and said, "I told you that you don't have to worry about it. It's none of your business here. If we don't beat him up, what kind of dignity will we have?"

Shu Yan also said with a stern face, "If you don't let him know how powerful you are, he will bully you in the future. That bastard is no longer a thing."

The fierce light in Lu Gang's eyes grew brighter, and he told Shu Yan, "You have to step up your practice. That bastard is almost in the middle stage of Kai Rong. We can't drag down our fellow disciples anymore if we go to settle accounts with him. We have to deal with him."

Shu Yan nodded solemnly.

Zhui'er became a little anxious and blushed and said, "If you're not like this, then I don't need you to avenge me. This is the grudge between me and him. I should go and settle the accounts with him myself. What's the point of asking you to help me?" "

Lu Gang curled his lips disdainfully and said, "The enmity between you and him is between you two, and the enmity between us and him is between the two of us. If you have the ability, you can beat him after we teach him a lesson." , but when will your cultivation level catch up with others? He is a leader among fifteen generations of disciples, and his qualifications are no worse than yours."

Zhui'er had no choice but to act ruthless, glared and said, "Then return the Golden Essence Fruit to me, I won't give it to you."

Lu Gang took out the Golden Essence Fruit and handed it to him without hesitation, snorting coldly, "Do you think this can scare us?"

Although Shu Yan was a little reluctant to part with it, she still took out her golden essence fruit.

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