Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 122: Just what you want

The beauty of the South China Sea lies in its grandeur and grandeur. Whether it is the vast expanse of white waves surging with the wind and the clouds, or the thousands of miles of scaly waves covered by the gentle breeze and rising sun, the monotonous magnificence shocked the hearts of these monks in Nanjingzhou.

At such a high position, Jiangxiao was no longer dizzy from the waves, and there were Lingshi and Yuntuo. In response to the saying "If you have food at home, don't panic", they could calmly enjoy the magnificent scenery of the South China Sea. . This calmness is only compared to the last death journey. Although the situation is better now, the future is still worrying, and everyone's heart seems to be wrapped in a thick haze.

Fortunately, there is Xunyi, so I can laugh and relieve my boredom. Jiangxiao felt lucky for this.

Fortunately, there are Xun Yi and Jiang Xiao. Xiyang and Gongsun Chong were so emotional, so they would join in the fun whenever they had the chance to interrupt.

Lingxiang is able to adapt to a long and lonely journey. This is her first time experiencing such a lively journey. At first, she just picked up the fun, but after more than ten days, she also participated.

The wonders of the South China Sea are not only waves and clouds, but occasionally, creatures will also create wonders, which are also grand and magnificent.

After flying for more than 20 days, they saw the red-billed heron fishing. When they saw a dark cloud in the distance, Ling Xiang took them to fly over. Only when they got closer did they see clearly that the dark cloud was composed of tens of thousands of red-billed herons with a wingspan of several feet. The sea below was glowing with countless colors like a boiling pot. In the splashing water, red-billed herons plunged down like raindrops. When they came up, most of them held a small green fish about a foot long in their long bright red beaks.

From time to time, a fish head of more than ten feet would appear on the surface of the splashing water. Jiang Xiao pointed at the huge fish head and looked at Ling Xiang in shock.

Lingxiang explained to them that this was the dragon whale surrounding the fishing shoal, and there was no need to be afraid. Demonic cultivators with good skills would not join in the fun.

They later saw many sights like this, and were attacked by monster beasts several times, but they were all safe. The cultivation level of those monster beasts was not high. Although the sky in the South China Sea is vast, there are paths in the eyes of the Nanhai monks.

, it is very dangerous to wander around. Lingxiang said that the path chosen is the safest, and it is not false.

Safe paths are often busy, because they cannot let cloud camels fly too fast, just like old ox carts driving on official roads, so they encounter more people. The "more" is relative. , flying in the South China Sea and meeting people once every two months is considered to be a lot. This is incomparable to Nanjingzhou.

The situation changed in the fifth month of their flight. They met two groups of people just after noon that day. The first group was two people who were both cultivating pills and above. The second group was three people. The other has a cultivation level of Dan Jie or above, and one is in the middle stage of Kairong cultivation. Like Jiang Xiao, he hides in the body-protecting divine light of a person with a higher cultivation level. These two groups of people flew past them at a distance, and both of them only sent out kind words. This is a unique custom of South China Sea monks. Because it is rare to meet people on the road, when they meet, they will send each other a kind word. Say hello.

In the afternoon, when the third group of people passed by, several people began to feel uneasy.

Ling Xiang also felt that something was wrong. She calculated it secretly and said with a sigh, "I forgot. This year is the opening period of Taigong Island. No wonder there are so many people."

After hearing what she said, everyone felt relieved.

Gongsun Chong asked, "How many years does a market open on Taigong Island?"

Lingxiang looked a little excited and said, "For fifty years, one month at a time. This Taigong Island is a famous trading place in the South China Sea. People can come here to trade all year round. There are many shops on the island, and they are all very reputable. If you want to sell things and want to sell them at a good price, you can put them in these shops and let them sell them on their behalf. The Fifty Years Market is very lively, and the last time I saw the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill was there. "

Mentioning the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill

, Gongsun Chong sighed in his heart, and then found it difficult to calm down, so he sent the sigh out with his spiritual thoughts.

Jiangxiao understood the meaning of this sigh and said with a smile, "Xiyang said that he would help you get a ten thousand year elixir later, so don't be so worried."

"It's better to use his words to trick ghosts." Gongsun Chong said angrily.

Ling Xiang didn't dare to laugh. Xun Yi had specifically told her about this matter.

Xunyi patted his chest and said, "Can we keep it on both of us? We will definitely get this Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill for you."

Gongsun Chong waved his hands and said, "Okay, okay, don't make me angry, and don't mention the Ten Thousand Years Inner Pill to anyone."

Xiyang asked, "How far is it from Taigong Island?" ??

"It's three days' journey, and we happened to pass by there."

When Gongsun Chong saw Xi Yang's eyes gleaming, he hurriedly warned, "You'd better be more at ease. We can't go to such a lively place."

"Who knows us? We have a general understanding of the customs and customs here, and we can also speak Nanhai dialect." He pointed to the clothes on his body, "We only have one Nanhai costume each, and we have to prepare two more for each of us. Let's get one." They were all wearing Gu Tingzi's clothes. He was taller than Gu Tingzi and his clothes were not suitable.

"When buying clothes, just find an island where mortals live. There's no need to go to a place like this." Gongsun Chong winked at Xunyi, gesturing for his help.

"I guess forget it, it's not a fun time." Xunyi looked at Xiyang and said.

Xiyang rolled his eyes and said nothing.

Su Wan's initial worries were not unnecessary. She had the foresight to not let Xun Yi and Xi Yang get together. , there is always something to blame, this

It's already troublesome enough, but if you get entangled with Xiyang who likes to cause trouble, the consequences can be imagined.

If Xunyi doesn't cause trouble because he is lazy and doesn't want to cause any trouble to himself, then Xiyang causes trouble because he is too diligent. He is not afraid of trouble. As long as the things he encounters are novel enough, he wants to try them. Xunyi is well aware of his temperament and has already adapted to it. Otherwise, he would not have accompanied him on adventures in the mountains again and again. It is not that he cannot defeat Xiyang, but that he does not want to lose this friend. . In fact, there is a deeper reason here. People who are as courageous as Xun Yi are adventurous at heart. However, he has a calm temperament and is only willing to move under the leadership of Xi Yang. On the way to adventure, Sometimes Xiyang hesitates and wants to stop there, but often he refuses to give up. As Su Wan said, these two people should not be together.

Xiyang was silent for a while, then sent a spiritual message to Xunyi alone, "Why don't we go and have a look to broaden our horizons? This trip to the South China Sea will not be in vain."

Ling Xiang could overhear this divine thought and couldn't help but send a divine thought to the two of them, "Go and take me with you. If anything happens, I can cover it for you. The great monks only work in the last few days." Although it was lively for the first twenty days or so, the cultivation level of the people who came here was not very high.”

Xunyi could hear that she wanted to join in the fun, so he sent a message to her mind and said, "Tell us the situation in Taigong Island in detail. If he insists on going, I can't stop him even if he wants to, so it's just the three of us." Let's go shopping." He has been going crazy over the past few years, and Xiyang's suggestion can be said to be exactly what he wanted. Although he is eloquent when everyone gets together, he actually likes to be quiet inside, but he can't be quiet for too long. He needs to be lively from time to time. In the past few years, he has been full of worries, and he only faces these few people all day long. What I want most is a big bustle to drive away the boredom in my heart.

A smile appeared on Xiyang's lips. Brother Xunyi would never let him down.

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