Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 125 Yimeixuan

The shops that are spaced apart from each other are not scattered. They are neatly arranged on both sides of a ten-foot-wide bluestone street. There is a majestic archway at the entrance of the street, with "Zhengxin Street" written in three large gold characters on it. The plaque is surrounded by A few auspicious clouds are floating around, which is quite a bit like the Nine Heavens Fairyland.

Xunyi blinked for a while and looked at the few wisps of auspicious clouds. He remembered the little white cloud that had helped him when he was collecting herbs in the "Medicine Garden".

After passing the archway, the first store on the left is Quhuanzong's shop. It is a three-story pavilion built with white jade, with red doors and green windows. Although the construction materials are luxurious, the style is plain and simple. The plaque hanging on the door is engraved "Quhuanzong" is written in three large dark green characters, and the strokes are slender yet elegant.

Xiyang glanced at Xunyi and took the lead in climbing up the steps, followed by Xunyi and others.

After entering the door, several people were stunned. There were only a few customers in the huge shop. They had clearly seen two people coming in before them.

Lingxiang whispered, "It's a blinding spell, don't worry."

Standing in the middle of the lobby, a middle-aged man wearing a blue Taoist robe came up to him with a smile and said, "What do you fellow Taoists want to see?"

Lingxiang said, "I'm just here to broaden my horizons. There's nothing I want to buy."

"It doesn't matter." The middle-aged man's smile was as gentle as before. "You can see whatever you want, such as elixirs and magic weapons. Let me help you choose some suitable magic weapons first. It doesn't matter if you don't buy them. Just take a look." He said. Several people led him to the west.

The three walls of the lobby are covered with racks that reach the top. Boxes of different sizes are placed on the racks. In front of the rack is a table over two feet long, and in front of the table is a row of futons.

The middle-aged man casually took a few boxes from the shelf and placed them on the desks. He opened them one by one. There were swords, bells, mirrors, iron rulers, and flying needles.

Before introducing the magic weapon, he first said to Xiyang, "Fellow Taoist, you can go to the treasure trial room over there and put the package in your hand into the Qiankun bag." Then he said to Xunyi and the others, "If there is anything you like, just get it. Go to the treasure trial room

try. "

Lingxiang saw some hesitation in Xiyang, so she took the package and walked into a light shield with light yellow light in the middle of the lobby. As soon as her figure disappeared into it, she came out in a blink of an eye, and the package in her hand was gone.

After the middle-aged people waited for Lingxiang to come back, they patiently told them about the power of various magic weapons. The prices of these magic weapons ranged from hundreds to thousands of spirit stones.

After listening to his explanation, Gongsun Chong took the bell and iron ruler and walked into the treasure testing room. Xiyang and Xunyi were not embarrassed to try. Jiangxiao took the mirror, looked at it and put it down.

At this time, Ling Xiang whispered a few words in her ear.

Jiang Xiao's eyes lit up, he stood up and thanked the middle-aged shopkeeper, and then said to Xun Yi, "Let's go upstairs with us."

"Let's go together when he comes out." Xun Yi pointed at the treasure room.

"Just let Xiyang wait here, get up quickly."

"There's no need to be in such a hurry." Xunyi stood up slowly.

The middle-aged man smiled knowingly at Jiang Xiao and said, "If the fairy wants to go to the Yimeixuan on the third floor to see the treasures, the sooner you go, the better. They are all hot-selling products there."

He didn't know whether it was true or whether he wanted to send them away as soon as possible. Jiangxiao became even more anxious when he heard this. He pulled Xunyi's sleeves and walked towards the stairs.

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and said, "My friend, please come to my address if you need it in the future. If you have any treasures that you need to sell, you can also consign them to me. I'm always waiting for you."

Xun Yi turned around and returned the gift. The store owner of Quhuan Sect was so businesslike that a young monk like him felt a little flattered.

Xiyang sat there without saying anything. Through the attitude of the shopkeeper, it was enough to tell that Qu Huanzong

The attitude towards foreign monks is that as long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, they will not only not cause trouble for you but also try their best to protect you. This is the real way of doing business. There is nothing to worry about here.

Arriving at the stairs, Lingxiang did not go up the stairs, but walked to a white area on the right side of the stairs. Xunyi walked over and was about to ask a question when a spiritual thought came into his mind, indicating that the area on the left side of the stairs was the second floor. , the area on the right is the upper three floors. Qu Huan Zong indeed considers his guests at every turn, even saving them the effort of climbing the stairs.

After the three of them entered the white area, Jiang Xiao lightly tapped his foot as instructed, and the scene in front of him changed instantly.

This is a store that is nearly half smaller than the one on the first floor. It is a small Mingxuan store. The few furnishings are exquisite and warm. There is only one shelf against the west wall, and the color of the shelf is not as stable as the one on the first floor. Instead of purple-red, it is bright goose yellow. On the east wall is a picture of a cliff looking at the sea that occupies the entire wall. The painting shows a fairy in white standing on the cliff looking at the sea. The fairy has her back to the viewer. Yes, but its graceful figure reminds people of the beauty of her face. The sun is blazing in the sky, the sea is covered with clear waves, and a few white seabirds are soaring leisurely in the distance.

When they saw this painting, Xunyi and Jiangxiao were stunned. They felt in a daze that they were standing on the cliff like the fairy. They didn't even think that it was a painting. It's no wonder, because the painting can move, the waves are moving, seabirds are flying, and the fairy's clothes and hair are also fluttering. They even feel the breeze blowing by their faces and smell the sea. breath.

"That's a painting." Lingxiang reminded them in a low voice.

When the two of them heard what she said, their eyes opened even wider, and Jiang Xiao walked towards the painting in disbelief.

Xunyi looked down at the jade floor under his feet and pulled her.

At this time, a sweet voice said, "It's a small trick that made several fellow Taoists laugh."

Looking for changes

He Jiangxiao turned around and saw a woman in yellow with a face as sweet as her voice looking at them with a smile. Another woman in green was sitting behind a few tables in front of the south window, lowering her head and playing with something in her hands. Unclear face.

Jiangxiao asked in a daze, "Is that really a painting?"

The woman in yellow said with a smile, "Yes."

"Did you draw it?"

The woman in yellow showed a somewhat endearing look of pride, pursed her lips, smiled, and nodded.

"Sister, you have such magical powers!" Jiang Xiao looked at her with reverence.

"It's nothing. If you think it's fun, you can take a look at the clothes I made."

She led Jiang Xiao to the west desk, took out an embroidered skirt, shook it out and showed it to Jiang Xiao.

The skirt is white, with a cluster of ink orchids painted on it, which is extremely elegant. There is a brightly colored butterfly falling on the half-open petals. The two complement each other and are unique. The woman shook slightly, and the colorful butterfly flew gently. It rose up and danced on the petals. After the skirt stopped, it slowly fell on the petals.

Jiangxiao was so surprised that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear. She leaned forward and almost put her eyes on the colorful butterfly.

After looking at it for a while, she asked guiltily, "Is this dress expensive?"

Just as the woman in yellow was about to speak, the woman in green who had remained silent rushed to say, "One thousand spiritual stones."

Jiangxiao turned around and saw the woman raised her head, revealing her pretty face. She seemed to be around eighteen or nineteen years old. Her whole body exuded an endearing aura, with pink and white skin. Maybe she could really squeeze out water. Her big watery eyes sparkled with a smart and playful look, and her two beautiful eyebrows added a bit of sassiness to her. This is a pretty face that makes people feel refreshed and happy just looking at it.

Jiangxiao smiled at the woman in yellow, with a shy look on her face. She couldn't afford the price.

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