Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 129: Making people laugh

Customers came to the shop as soon as it opened. Because Xunyi set the price of the inner elixir slightly lower than the normal price, the seven inner elixirs were quickly sold, earning a total of 750 spiritual stones.

Someone also asked about the three magic weapons. With more than 700 spiritual stones at the bottom, Xunyi no longer lowered the price of the magic weapons. If he could get more spiritual stones in exchange, he would like to buy some rare gadgets from the South China Sea for his master and senior brothers and sisters. Son.

Waves of customers came and went. After waiting for more than half an hour, Xunyi realized that if he didn't lower the price, he probably wouldn't be able to sell it. At this moment, a girl walked in.

Xunyi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Guest and host have changed positions. It's my turn to trick you this time."

It was the girl in green from the Quhuan Sect who came. Xunyi's words immediately made her feel relaxed. She put aside all her previous calculations, pursed her lips and smiled and said, "I'm not as stupid as you. Since you know I'm cheating on you, Why still buy it?”

Xun Yi said, "My companion likes it so much, and there is no way to sell it elsewhere. I have to buy it even though I know I will be cheated. Fortunately, there are not many cheats, and the spiritual stones in exchange are for your own use, so I have nothing to worry about." ”

The girl didn't want to continue this topic, so she picked up the magic weapons on the stone table one by one and asked the price.

Xunyi did not quote the price immediately, but asked with a smile, "Do disciples of the Quhuan Sect also need to buy their own magic weapons?"

"I'm doing business, I collect and sell, you can't cheat me." The girl showed a cute smile.

"Oh, in that case, three pieces will cost 2,500 spiritual stones." Xunyi lowered the price. Previously, these three pieces cost 2,800 spiritual stones.

The girl fiddled with the peak-cutting blade and said, "The restrictions on it haven't even been removed. Isn't it stolen?"

"No, they were robbed." Xunyi replied seriously.

The girl asked with a smile on her face, "Where did you get it from?"

"A friend owed me hundreds of spiritual stones and wanted to default on the debt, so I robbed him of this magic weapon." Xunyi said calmly. Although Taigong Island has regulations that do not allow the sale of things of unknown origin, there is no such rule. The Quhuan Sect did not do anything to implement the law. It set up a special inspection system. The party who lost the treasure can come here to register. Once the treasure appears here,

Here, the Quhuan Sect will be responsible for a thorough investigation, so there will be no big problems if you dare to get the treasures traded here. Especially during the Fifty Years Market, there are many people and no one will choose this time to sell stolen goods. .

"How many spiritual stones would it cost if I bought this one alone?" The girl didn't ask any more questions.

"Five hundred, that's all he owes me."

"I want four hundred." The girl looked at him with big watery eyes.

Xunyi pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll just go and grab the hundred spirit stones from that scoundrel later."

The girl smiled slightly, looked at the other two treasures, and said, "I'm a little worried about buying your things. One of them is forbidden, and these two are obviously not usable by your cultivation level."

"My senior brother asked me to sell these two items on my behalf."

The girl picked up the two items and looked at them again, and said, "The quality is too ordinary. I think it is difficult to sell them at this price."

"How many spiritual stones can you produce?"

The girl shook her head, as if she was not too interested. She looked at the treasure and took out the spirit stone to pay the bill for the Peak Slasher.

As soon as he got the spirit stones, Xunyi felt something was wrong. After taking a look, he said, "We were talking about four hundred spirit stones, but you gave us five hundred."

"Oh! Thank you very much. I just took a look at these two things." The girl smiled and took the hundred spiritual stones returned by Xunyi.

Xunyi smiled and said nothing.

The girl looked at him and said, "You are very honest and have very good qualifications. I will accept you as a registered disciple."

Xunyi blinked and looked at her and said, "I don't think an honest person can be your disciple."


"Because you will drive me away in less than two days. Only the monkey spirit will get along with you."

girl flutter

He chuckled and said, "You are quite a monkey if you can see this."

Xun Yi said respectfully, "Thank you for your love. I have a master. I dare not abandon my master and join him."

"Forget it, I'm so unlucky." The girl curled her lips, her face showed unconcealable embarrassment, and she felt like she was Meng Lang. Xun Yi's first words after coming in made her feel close to this person, and she began to speak casually without realizing it. The other person's change of respect made her very embarrassed.

Xunyi said more respectfully, "Yes, I know that it is a great blessing to be a disciple of Quhuan Sect. I will bear this love in mind." At this point, he tilted his head and looked at the girl, with an innocent look on his face. He asked, "Are you skilled enough to be my master?"

The girl didn't want to stay any longer, but after hearing his question, she immediately became energetic, threw the peak-cutting blade to him, raised her chin and said, "It's more than enough!"

Xunyi checked and found that the restriction on the peak-cutting blade had been erased. From this, it seemed that the other party's cultivation level was at least in the middle stage of pill formation.

"You can barely do it, right?"

"I'm just taller than you anyway." The girl said proudly.

"How many years have you been practicing?" Xunyi asked curiously. It was quite taboo to ask someone about their cultivation years after they had only known each other for a long time, but he asked naturally.

"No older than you." The girl did not give an accurate answer.

Xunyi showed some admiration and said, "It's really amazing. He is doing business and practicing, and his cultivation can be improved so fast."

The girl's eyes were sharp and she said, "There is no shortage of spiritual stones when doing business. With spiritual stones, it will be easier to improve your cultivation."

"That's that." Although Xun Yi said this, he didn't believe such nonsense in his heart. The Xuanfang sect was relatively wealthy among the many sects in Nanjingzhou, and none of his disciples relied on spending spiritual stones to practice. Yes, no matter how rich the Quhuan Sect is, it is impossible to provide so many spiritual stones to its disciples. If she really relied on the spiritual stones to reach this level of cultivation, it can only mean that her status in the Quhuan Sect is extraordinary.

"Why don't I give you these two things? I teased you last time." The girl said with a smile.

"If you think it's unprofitable, forget it. I'd be very grateful if you could buy the Peak Slashing Blade."

The girl went out and handed the spirit stone to him, saying, "At most, I will make less money. Just follow the price you said. This is two thousand spirit stones."

Xunyi knew the price of the inner elixir very well, but she was not sure about the price of these magic weapons. Since she had not been able to sell them before, it meant that the price was set a bit high. Even though the price had been reduced this time, she was still afraid that she would suffer a loss. , then he divided out five hundred spirit stones and handed them back to her and said, "Senior brother said that it can be sold for one thousand and five hundred spirit stones. Any more will be mine. I don't know much about the price of magic weapons. You can take these back."

"You are so generous." The girl looked at him but did not pick up the spirit stone.

Xunyi smiled and said, "You are kind enough to help me, so naturally I can't be ignorant."

"Take it, the price you set is not too high, I can still make some money."

"In that case..." Xunyi took back the two hundred spirit stones, "Let's divide them."

"You're such an interesting person. You didn't look rich when you bought the dress earlier. Now you don't want it even if you have hundreds of spirit stones. You don't feel any distress at all." The girl narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

"You are also very interesting. When you wanted to trick me, you wanted to squeeze all the bones out of me, but now you are helping me like a relative."

The girl made him feel a little embarrassed and said sternly, "Who is your relative? It's you who are stupid. The price you set is not high. We Quhuan Sect disciples will not do such a shameful thing."

Xunyi smiled and said, "Just be stupid. If you think you can't take advantage of this, just use these spiritual stones to buy something for me."

"what do you want to buy?"


"Wine?" The girl's eyes widened.

"If you can buy it yourself, I won't bother you. I know they are not sold here, but there must be some in the mortal world. Can you go there?"

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