Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1334 Look at how cowardly you are!

Wen Danzi exhaled helplessly. He was soft-spoken and short-handed. He seemed to be so dependent on him. He really couldn't bear to refuse. After all, he had some feelings for this little thing, not counting Wutoushan. It's far away, so it wouldn't take much time to take him there.

"Okay, okay, it's just this once, don't bother me with this kind of thing next time." Wen Danzi packed up the things on his desk and stood up.

Zhui'er said happily, "Okay, okay, just this once! That senior brother... take Lu Gang with you. He has also entered the Xianlin Academy, and he is also your little junior brother."

Wen Danzi was unhappy now. He frowned and looked at him and said, "You are a bit overreaching. Xianlinyuan is my junior brother's family, if not hundreds but dozens. I have never taken care of anyone except you. I don't care about Lu Gang." How close I am to you, Lang Xing, please remember, he is not worth a penny to me, I will not treat him differently because of you, do you understand?"

"Oh..., senior brother, don't be angry, I understand." Zhui'er didn't dare to say more because he had to ask for pills from Shu Yan, which made him lose the confidence to bargain any more.

"Then let's go." Wen Danzi was quite satisfied with his attitude.

"I'm going to tell Lu Gang. He's waiting for my news. He'll be back soon."

"I'll take you there." Wen Danzi was about to take Zhuo'er away when Guangpu arrived.

As soon as Guangpu saw Zhui'er, he nodded happily and said, "Yes, your cultivation has improved quickly enough. I can rest assured if you do this."

Zhui'er giggled and asked, "Senior Brother Zhangyuan, are you here to see me or are you here to ask about Senior Brother Danzi?"

Guangpu looked at Wen Danzi and said, "Because of the death of Eleven Immortal Lord and Ling Pingzi in battle, all the disciples from all branches have organized to kill monsters in the surrounding areas. Although our Xianlin Academy does not join in the fun, Lang Xing and Lu Gang has just broken through. I think they must have itchy hands, so I want them to take the opportunity to relieve their itchy hands. It can be considered that our Xianlin Academy has taken some action. What do you think? I know that he has just returned from the experience? , I’m afraid you won’t let him go, so I came here to discuss it with you.”

Wen Danzi snorted and said, "You're late. He has already convinced me to agree to take him to Wutou Mountain."

Guangpu couldn't help but laugh, looked at Zhui'er and said, "You are so brave, you can even invite him, hahaha."

Zhui'er smiled happily and said, "Lü Gang can go too? That's great!"

Wen Danzi saw that there was a chance to shirk, so he said to Guangpu, "Then you can take them there, I am too lazy to move."

Zhui'er said with a smile, "Senior brother, you have promised me, just go with me. Didn't the senior brother in command say that this time, even if it is an action in response to each lineage, it can't be too perfunctory." He was holding back. It's better to take more people with you. It's best to clean up the monsters on the Wutou Mountain side of the bar before Shu Yan and the others go.

"It's a huge honor for him to agree to take you there. Since we are going to take you, don't bother him to follow us." Guangpu said, patting Zhui'er on the shoulder, and secretly sent a spiritual thought. , "Huaying asked me to intercede with you. The two of us will take you and Lu Gang out. Huaying doesn't want to see Danzi, so don't encourage him to follow."

Hearing that Huaying was helping him, Zhui'er couldn't explain how he felt, so he responded, "Okay, then I'll go with the commander. Senior brother won't cause you any trouble this time."

Wen Danzi took out two thumb-sized pills, one red, one blue, and one white, and handed them to Zhui'er, explaining, "The blue ones are for intoxication, and the red ones are for intoxication."

It's poison, keep it for self-defense. The white one is a healing elixir. Don't use it casually unless the injury is serious. It would be too wasteful. Don't give it to others. I will only give you this life-saving elixir. , will not give it again in the future. "After that, he used the kung fu telepathy handed to him to explain the specific usage.

Guangpu smiled and said to Zhui'er, "He is really nice to you. You are so lucky."

Wen Danzi rolled his eyes and looked at Guangpu and said, "Don't think about using this silly boy to try to influence me. I won't break my own rules for him."

"Okay, okay, okay, keep all your elixirs to give birth to babies. We have stopped worrying about them a long time ago." Guangpu teased Danzi and then took Zhui'er away in the air.

Wutou Mountain is about three million miles east of Qianxu Palace. Since Qianxu Palace is located in the northeast of Nanjingzhou, the road from Qianxu Palace to the east and north becomes more and more remote. There is Puyunzhou, and all the way to the east is the East China Sea. Of course, it is still far away to reach these two places, especially the East China Sea, which is separated by more than thousands of mountains and rivers.

When they arrived near Wutou Mountain, Guangpu dropped the two of them and said, "I'll give you ten days. I'll come here to pick you up then."

Zhui'er grinned and said, "Senior brother, aren't you going to kill the monsters with us? Didn't you say that this is the Xianlin Academy's response to the various veins?"

Guangpu lost his former friendly appearance and said with a serious and business-like expression, "The response is just an excuse. This is an experience for you. Don't treat it as child's play. I have to remind you that the disciples of Xianlin Academy are here." The number of people who have lost their lives during the training will account for more than half of the total number of people. This is also a common situation in the cultivation world. You two should be more careful." After he said that, he turned around and left.

Zhui'er looked at Guangpu's retreating back with a grimace. Lu Gang put his arm around Zhui'er's shoulders nonchalantly and secretly said, "Whoever is scaring us, I guess he will protect us secretly. Don't be afraid. But you really had the guts to bring me out."

Zhui'er said in a depressed voice, "I plan to let them kill all the monsters here, so that Shu Yan won't be in any danger."

Lu Gang urged the flying sword and said with great enthusiasm, "Then let's go and kill all the monsters here!"

Zhui'er took a deep breath, cheered up and said, "Okay! You follow me!" After saying that, he looked around with complicated eyes, thinking about Hua Ying.

"It's better if you follow me!" Lu Gang glanced at Zhui'er contemptuously, and then flew forward with his sword, holding his breath and concentrating on the knowledge he had learned about killing monsters. He didn't fly even a foot away when he saw His Zhui'er brothers rushed past him like meteors, and they did not spread their spiritual consciousness cautiously at all, but spread their spiritual consciousness as far and wide as they could without any scruples.

"It's your grandma's fault! You're looking for death!" Lu Gang cursed angrily. He was like walking with a lantern in the middle of the night. He might even attract ghosts, let alone monsters. NetEase Cloud Reading first release)

"Look at how cowardly you are! There aren't too powerful monsters here. It's not too late to be more cautious when you get to a dangerous place." Zhui'er found reasons for himself, and his impatience did not diminish at all.

Lu Gang also wanted to understand his intentions at this moment. He was quite depressed after being ridiculed in vain, and even scolded him for being a coward. How could he be reasonable? So he chased after him desperately. The two young monks who had just broken through their orifices started running rampant in the territory of other monsters.

s Thanks? I will always like Erno. Senior brother gave two consecutive large rewards and was promoted to the helmsman of this book. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Wen Danzi exhaled helplessly. He was soft-spoken and short-handed. He seemed to be so dependent on him. He really couldn't bear to refuse. After all, he had some feelings for this little thing, not counting Wutoushan. It's far away, so it wouldn't take much time to take him there.

"Okay, okay, it's just this once, don't bother me with this kind of thing next time." Wen Danzi packed up the things on his desk and stood up.

Zhui'er said happily, "Okay, okay, just this once! That senior brother... take Lu Gang with you. He has also entered the Xianlin Academy, and he is also your little junior brother."

Wen Danzi was unhappy now. He frowned and looked at him and said, "You are a bit overreaching. Xianlinyuan is my junior brother's family, if not hundreds but dozens. I have never taken care of anyone except you. I don't care about Lu Gang." How close I am to you, Lang Xing, please remember, he is not worth a penny to me, I will not treat him differently because of you, do you understand?"

"Oh..., senior brother, don't be angry, I understand." Zhui'er didn't dare to say more because he had to ask for pills from Shu Yan, which made him lose the confidence to bargain any more.

"Then let's go." Wen Danzi was quite satisfied with his attitude.

"I'm going to tell Lu Gang. He's waiting for my news. He'll be back soon."

"I'll take you there." Wen Danzi was about to take Zhuo'er away when Guangpu arrived.

As soon as Guangpu saw Zhui'er, he nodded happily and said, "Yes, your cultivation has improved quickly enough. I can rest assured if you do this."

Zhui'er giggled and asked, "Senior Brother Zhangyuan, are you here to see me or are you here to ask about Senior Brother Danzi?"

Guangpu looked at Wen Danzi and said, "Because of the death of Eleven Immortal Lord and Ling Pingzi in battle, all the disciples from all branches have organized to kill monsters in the surrounding areas. Although our Xianlin Academy does not join in the fun, Lang Xing and Lu Gang has just broken through. I think they must have itchy hands, so I want them to take the opportunity to relieve their itchy hands. It can be considered that our Xianlin Academy has taken some action. What do you think? I know that he has just returned from the experience? , I’m afraid you won’t let him go, so I came here to discuss it with you.”

Wen Danzi snorted and said, "You're late. He has already convinced me to agree to take him to Wutou Mountain."

Guangpu couldn't help but laugh, looked at Zhui'er and said, "You are so brave, you can even invite him, hahaha."

Zhui'er smiled happily and said, "Lü Gang can go too? That's great!"

Wen Danzi saw that there was a chance to shirk, so he said to Guangpu, "Then you can take them there, I am too lazy to move."

Zhui'er said with a smile, "Senior brother, you have promised me, just go with me. Didn't the senior brother in command say that this time, even if it is an action in response to each lineage, it can't be too perfunctory." He was holding back. It's better to take more people with you. It's best to clean up the monsters on the Wutou Mountain side of the bar before Shu Yan and the others go.

"It's a huge honor for him to agree to take you there. Since we are going to take you, don't bother him to follow us." Guangpu said, patting Zhui'er on the shoulder, and secretly sent a spiritual thought. , "Huaying asked me to intercede with you. The two of us will take you and Lu Gang out. Huaying doesn't want to see Danzi, so don't encourage him to follow."

Hearing that Huaying was helping him, Zhui'er couldn't explain how he felt, so he responded, "Okay, then I'll go with the commander. Senior brother won't cause you any trouble this time."

Wen Danzi took out two thumb-sized pills, one red, one blue, and one white, and handed them to Zhui'er, explaining, "The blue ones are for intoxication, and the red ones are for intoxication."

It's poison, keep it for self-defense. The white one is a healing elixir. Don't use it casually unless the injury is serious. It would be too wasteful. Don't give it to others. I will only give you this life-saving elixir. , will not give it again in the future. "After that, he used the kung fu telepathy handed to him to explain the specific usage.

Guangpu smiled and said to Zhui'er, "He is really nice to you. You are so lucky."

Wen Danzi rolled his eyes and looked at Guangpu and said, "Don't think about using this silly boy to try to influence me. I won't break my own rules for him."

"Okay, okay, okay, keep all your elixirs to give birth to babies. We have stopped worrying about them a long time ago." Guangpu teased Danzi and then took Zhui'er away in the air.

Wutou Mountain is about three million miles east of Qianxu Palace. Since Qianxu Palace is located in the northeast of Nanjingzhou, the road from Qianxu Palace to the east and north becomes more and more remote. There is Puyunzhou, and all the way to the east is the East China Sea. Of course, it is still far away to reach these two places, especially the East China Sea, which is separated by more than thousands of mountains and rivers.

When they arrived near Wutou Mountain, Guangpu dropped the two of them and said, "I'll give you ten days. I'll come here to pick you up then."

Zhui'er grinned and said, "Senior brother, aren't you going to kill the monsters with us? Didn't you say that this is the Xianlin Academy's response to the various lines?"

Guangpu lost his former friendly appearance and said with a serious and business-like expression, "The response is just an excuse. This is an experience for you. Don't treat it as child's play. I have to remind you that the disciples of Xianlin Academy are here." The number of people who have lost their lives during the training will account for more than half of the total number of people. This is also a common situation in the cultivation world. You two should be more careful." After he said that, he turned around and left.

Zhui'er looked at Guangpu's retreating back with a grimace. Lu Gang put his arm around Zhui'er's shoulders nonchalantly and secretly said, "Whoever is scaring us, I guess he will protect us secretly. Don't be afraid. But you really had the guts to bring me out."

Zhui'er said in a depressed voice, "I plan to let them kill all the monsters here, so that Shu Yan won't be in any danger."

Lu Gang urged the flying sword and said with great enthusiasm, "Then let's go and kill all the monsters here!"

Zhui'er took a deep breath, cheered up and said, "Okay! You follow me!" After saying that, he looked around with complicated eyes, thinking about Hua Ying.

"It's better if you follow me!" Lu Gang glanced at Zhui'er contemptuously, and then flew forward with his sword, holding his breath and concentrating on the knowledge he had learned about killing monsters. He didn't fly even a foot away when he saw His Zhui'er brothers rushed past him like meteors, and they did not spread their spiritual consciousness cautiously at all, but spread their spiritual consciousness as far and wide as they could without any scruples.

"It's your grandma's fault! You're looking for death!" Lu Gang cursed angrily. He was like walking with a lantern in the middle of the night. He might even attract ghosts, let alone monsters. NetEase Cloud Reading first release)

"Look at how cowardly you are! There aren't too powerful monsters here. It's not too late to be more cautious when you get to a dangerous place." Zhui'er found reasons for himself, and his impatience did not diminish at all.

Lu Gang also wanted to understand his intentions at this moment. He was quite depressed after being ridiculed in vain, and even scolded him for being a coward. How could he be reasonable? So he chased after him desperately. The two young monks who had just broken through their orifices started running rampant in the territory of other monsters.

s Thanks? I will always like Erno. Senior brother gave two consecutive large rewards and was promoted to the helmsman of this book. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

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