Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1335 The power is really powerful

The first one to bump into was a two-part psychic vulture that had just gained some sway. This kind of monster was ferocious and aggressive in nature. After being awakened by the consciousness, it let out a terrifying scream and then rushed towards the two of them.

When Lu Gang's heroic spirit and excitement urged the hunting fork given by Zhui'er to go forward and prepare to kill the griffon cleanly, he was depressed again because his brother Zhui'er turned around and threw it away. A look of disdain and then he left in a flash. That style, that style, and vivid interpretation of the energy I had seen before, he was able to fight three pill-forming level monsters, although that time he was killed by Xiaoyao Immortal. Jun was tricked, and to be precise, he was beaten by a group of three demonic beasts. He was beaten without even fighting back, but he had also fought against three powerful demonic beasts, so this was only equivalent to the opening of the melting stage. People don't bother to pay attention to the little monsters.

Lu Gang, who was despised again, was no longer interested in killing the flying vulture. He put away his hunting fork and chased Zhui'er. As long as Zhui'er ran too fast, he would not be allowed to fight for that bird. The vulture wastes much time.

Just when Lu Gang was holding back his evil fire and thinking about how to regain his face, Zhui'er's words made him confused.

"Let's go separately, you to the left and I to the right." After saying this, Zhui'er turned and flew towards the right.

"Hey! You..." Lu Gang was really a bit vague this time. Brother Zhui'er was too brave, right? He looked at the misty black mountains in the distance and couldn't help but hesitate a little, but Lu Gang was Lu Gang, and his fierceness was beyond the comparison of ordinary people. Since Zhui'er dared to go out alone, he would never suffer such a loss. , so he quickly gritted his teeth and rushed forward to the left, the speed was not slower than before. This time he was fooled by Zhui'er. How dare Zhui'er be so bold? He knew that there was a Huaying in the middle stage of Nascent Soul guarding him. There were two great monks who happened to be guarding each other. They just looked after each other. Just provoke the monsters out.

After being separated from Lu Gang, Zhui'er flew for more than half an hour but failed to disturb a monster worthy of attack. It seems that arranging Shu Yan and other Kai Rong late-stage disciples to come here for training was indeed the result of careful consideration. After flying for so long After a while he got tired. When he saw a few flower-eye grass growing beside a mountain stream, he dropped down and picked those few flower-eye grass. Flower-eye grass is not considered a spiritual grass. A piece of spiritual stone can buy a large tree. bundle, but it is finally an auxiliary ingredient that can be used in elixirs. This is the first time he has picked usable medicinal herbs. Although it is very worthless, he is very happy. After taking a moment and confirming that there were no spiritual plants or monsters nearby, he found a piece of bluestone and sat down, took out the spiritual stones and began to replenish his spiritual power.

The danger came quietly at this moment. What came was a black flame crow charm with three thousand years of Taoism. According to the cultivation theory, it was enough to reach the golden elixir level, so it flashed its eyes like two pools of black stagnant water and came close to it. Shi Zhui'er was still not aware of it within a hundred feet of Er. This was already a distance that could easily kill Zhui'er, so the crow Mei, who was taller than an adult, quietly unfolded its black-golden hands. The wings are open and the sharp beak is like a huge steel hook, and black-red smoke is clearly visible in the throat. This puff of smoke is enough to kill the little monk in front of him.

What a coincidence. At this moment, a dead branch under Crow Mei suddenly broke with a "snap". Crow Mei, who has three thousand years of experience, is not a fool. He is suspended in the air, and a pair of sharp claws did not step on it at all. How could the dead branches on the ground suddenly break? It's not stupid but

This sudden change still shocked it and it subconsciously looked down.

Zhui'er was already on high alert, but when he heard the snapping of dead branches, he immediately opened his eyes. This time, he almost frightened him out of his wits, the golden elixir-level crow charm! And it’s all within a hundred feet! With his scalp numb, he activated the evil-eliminating shield in his hand and ran away.

On the way here, Guangpu told them that the demonic beasts in Wutou Mountain are mainly crows. The reason why he could recognize it was a golden elixir-level crow was because of the light emitted from its wings. This is the identification method taught to them by Guangpu. If you see the black gold light on the wing tip exceeds two feet, then try your best to escape. If it exceeds three feet, then wait for death. The light on the wing tip of this monster must be enough for two feet. .

In fact, he couldn't escape like this. Crow Mei is a bird. Not to mention that her cultivation level is higher than him. Even with the same cultivation level, she is much faster than him. However, a funny scene occurred. After falling, When the child ran away in panic, the crow demon also turned around and ran away after hesitating for a moment. It was made suspicious by the suddenly broken dead branch. Suspicion is the nature of most monsters, not to mention that this is true. It's so suspicious.

Realizing that Ya Mei was running away instead of pursuing him, Zhui'er suddenly understood and hurriedly turned around and chased him again, but he couldn't catch up. Although his flying sword was not low-level, it was fine for chasing monks of the same level. Zhui Xiu Because Ya Mei, who is taller than him, is powerless.

This moment is the moment when the true nature is revealed. Honesty is the most obvious nature of Zhui'er, but the most prominent of the natures that have not yet been revealed is that of being a prodigal. The prodigal energy of seeking easy jobs at the beginning was famous in the world of cultivation. By the time of Zhui'er, Could this be any worse? So at this critical moment, he activated the snake charm given by Huaying without thinking. As a white light shone, a white silver python with two rabbit ears struck like a sharp flash and reached a thousand feet. The crow charm outside.

This Snake-Suppressing Talisman was carefully refined for him by Huaying. Its power is more than enough to deal with an early Nascent Soul cultivator. Using it to fight a Golden Core-level monster can only be said to be a real waste of money. Zhuier, who was concentrating on dealing with the Yamei, did not notice that at the moment the Snake-Suppressing Talisman was activated, a sound of grinding teeth was heard not far from him. Huaying, who was hiding there, was so angry that she was itching. If Zhuier had used this talisman to attack the Yamei when he opened his eyes and saw her, she would not have felt too distressed. Moreover, she was on guard against this move. If Zhuier really wanted to use the Snake-Suppressing Talisman, she would have taken timely measures to stop it. But who would have thought that this wicked thing would use such a precious talisman when there was no danger at all? Huaying really didn't expect this wicked guy to be so wasteful. She saw with her own eyes that he treated those flower-eye grass, which were not worth half a spiritual stone, as treasures and put them away. Now he casually threw away the talisman worth tens of thousands of spiritual stones. She really didn't prepare for this move, and was waiting to see his annoyance with gloating. Alas... Huaying could only comfort herself secretly. If this wicked guy was not so wasteful, how could he easily give Wen Danzi's elixir to her, as well as those extremely valuable talisman-making materials? So far, she has seen through this kid's wasteful character. It is his nature. Otherwise, a person who treats flower-eye grass as a treasure would not do so many extravagant things at the same time.

Zhuier was very excited now. After watching the silver python beat the Ya Mei to pieces with his eyes wide open, he excitedly cheered, flew over and circled around the place where the Ya Mei disappeared, then looked at the talisman in his hand, which had faded a lot, and sighed with satisfaction, "It's really powerful, hehe..." The first one to hit was a two-handed eagle with some Taoist skills. This kind of monster was ferocious and aggressive by nature. After being alarmed by the divine consciousness, it let out a creepy cry and pounced on the two of them.

When Lu Gang was excited and brave, he urged the hunting fork given by Zhuier to rush forward and prepare to kill the eagle cleanly, but he was depressed again, because his brother Zhuier turned his head and threw a disdainful look and then rushed away. That style and manners fully demonstrated the energy he had seen and experienced. He had fought three Jindan-level monsters. Although he was tricked by Xiaoyao Xianjun and was beaten by three monsters, he was beaten and didn't fight back, but he had fought against three powerful monsters, so he didn't bother to care about this kind of small monster that was only equivalent to the Kairong period.

Lu Gang, who was despised again, didn't have the interest to kill the flying eagle again. He put away the hunting fork and chased Zhuier. As long as Zhuier ran too fast, he wouldn't let him waste more time on the eagle.

Just when Lu Gang was holding back his anger and thinking about how to save face, Zhuier's words made him suddenly confused.

"Go separately, you go left, I go right." Zhuier said and changed direction, flying to the right front.

"Hey! You..." Lu Gang was really a little vague this time. Brother Zhuier is too brave, right? He looked at the dark and misty mountains in the distance and couldn't help but hesitate. But Lu Gang is Lu Gang. His ruthlessness is not comparable to ordinary people. Since Zhuier dared to go alone, he would never lose face, so he quickly gritted his teeth and rushed to the left front, his speed was not slower than Zhuier before. This time he was fooled by Zhuier. Zhuier was not brave at all. He knew that there was a Huaying in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul guarding him. The two great monks just happened to take care of one each, and they just had to provoke the monsters.

After separating from Lü Gang, Zhuier flew for more than half an hour but failed to disturb a monster worth attacking. It seemed that arranging Shu Yan and other disciples of Kairong late stage to come here for training was indeed the result of careful consideration. He was tired after flying for so long. When he saw a few flower-eye grass growing by a mountain stream, he landed and picked those flower-eye grass. Flower-eye grass was not a spiritual herb. One spiritual stone could buy a large bundle, but it was finally an auxiliary material that could be used in the pill formula. This was the first time he had picked a usable herb. Although it was not worth much, he was very happy. He collected the flower-eye grass like a treasure. He spread his spiritual sense and looked for it again. After confirming that there were no spiritual herbs or monsters nearby, he found a piece of bluestone to sit down, took out the spiritual stone and began to replenish his spiritual power.

Danger came quietly at this moment. It was a black flame crow with three thousand years of Taoism. According to the cultivation level, it was at the Jindan level. So when it approached Zhuier within a hundred feet with its eyes flashing like two pools of black dead water, Zhuier still didn't notice it. This was already a distance that could easily kill Zhuier, so this crow, which was taller than an adult, quietly spread its wings with a black gold color and opened its sharp beak like a huge steel hook. It was clear that the black and red smoke was surging in its throat. This mouthful of smoke was enough to kill the little monk in front of him.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a dead branch under the crow suddenly broke with a "snap". The crow with three thousand years of Taoism was not a fool. It was suspended in the air, and its sharp claws didn't step on the ground at all. How could the dead branch on the ground suddenly break? Although it was not stupid,

This sudden change still startled it and subconsciously looked down.

Zhuier was already on high alert, and he opened his eyes immediately when he heard the sound of the dead branches breaking. This almost scared him to death, a Jindan-level crow demon! And it was within a hundred feet! His scalp tingled, and he urged the evil shield in his hand to flee quickly.

On the way here, Guangpu told them that the demonic beasts in Wutou Mountain are mainly crows. The reason why he could recognize it was a golden elixir-level crow was because of the light emitted from its wings. This is the identification method taught to them by Guangpu. If you see the black gold light on the wing tip exceeds two feet, then try your best to escape. If it exceeds three feet, then wait for death. The light on the wing tip of this monster must be enough for two feet. .

In fact, he couldn't escape like this. Crow Mei is a bird. Not to mention that her cultivation level is higher than him. Even with the same cultivation level, she is much faster than him. However, a funny scene occurred. After falling, When the child ran away in panic, the crow demon also turned around and ran away after hesitating for a moment. It was made suspicious by the suddenly broken dead branch. Suspicion is the nature of most monsters, not to mention that this is true. It's so suspicious.

Realizing that Ya Mei was running away instead of pursuing him, Zhui'er suddenly understood and hurriedly turned around and chased him again, but he couldn't catch up. Although his flying sword was not low-level, it was fine for chasing monks of the same level. Zhui Xiu Because Ya Mei, who is taller than him, is powerless.

This moment is the moment when the true nature is revealed. Honesty is the most obvious nature of Zhui'er, but the most prominent of the natures that have not yet been revealed is that of being a prodigal. The prodigal energy of seeking easy jobs at the beginning was famous in the world of cultivation. By the time of Zhui'er, Could this be any worse? So at this critical moment, he activated the snake charm given by Huaying without thinking. As a white light shone, a white silver python with two rabbit ears struck like a sharp flash and reached a thousand feet. The crow charm outside.

This Snake Talisman was carefully refined by Huaying for him. Its power can even deal with the early Yuanying monks. Using it to fight against the Golden Core-level monsters can only be said to be a real waste of money. He concentrated on dealing with Crow Mei's pendant. He didn't notice that at the moment the Snake Talisman was activated, there was a sound of grinding teeth not far away from him. The shadow hidden there was really itching with hatred. If he opened his eyes to see When the crow charm arrived, she wasn't too distressed when Zhui'er used this talisman to attack, and she was prepared for this move. If Zhui'er really wanted to use the snake talisman, she would take measures to stop it in time, but how could she expect to get such a move? How can such a wicked thing use such a precious talisman when there is no danger? Huaying really didn't expect this wicked thing to be such a waste, but she saw with her own eyes that this wicked thing put away those few flower-eye grasses that were not worth even half a spirit stone as if they were treasures. In the blink of an eye, she casually knocked out the talisman worth tens of thousands of spirit stones. She really didn't guard against this move, and she was gloating and waiting to see his annoyed look. Alas... Huaying could only comfort herself secretly. If the immoral things were not so prodigal, how could they easily give her the elixir of asking for pills, as well as those extremely valuable materials for making talismans. At this point, she finally understood that this boy's prodigal behavior was due to his nature, otherwise he would treat the flower-eye grass as a treasure. It is impossible for people to do so many lavish things at the same time.

Zhui'er was very excited now. After staring wide-eyed and seeing the silver python beating Crow Mei to pieces, he excitedly let out a cheer, flew over and circled around the place where Crow Mei disappeared. Then he looked at the much lighter talisman in his hand and sighed with relief, "It's really powerful, hehe..."

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