Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 132: Troublemaking

Xun Yi's head was a bit big, so he hurriedly advised, "Okay, okay, if you have something to say, say it properly and don't be vindictive."

"I bought your wine for you." The girl calmly took out three gourds filled with wine and handed them to Xun Yi, while keeping her eyes on Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao was so angry that he fired a burst of spiritual power and smashed the three gourds into pieces.

Neither of them expected this move. The wine splashed everywhere and both of them were covered in wine.

"You!" the girl glared.

On the contrary, Jiang Xiao's face became calm, and he glanced at her with a vindictive smile on his lips.

The girl was not a good troublemaker. Seeing her like this, she stopped scowl and said in a sinister tone, "Aren't you going to throw my baby? Let's throw it."

Jiangxiao was once again at a disadvantage and looked at Xunyi angrily, hating him for causing this trouble because of his drunkenness.

Seeing Jiang Xiao being forced into this situation, Xunyi no longer cared about the wine. He stepped forward to take the shells, looked at the girl and said, "Don't blame her, we were scolded for this just now. Alas, let’s forget about it and forget about it.” He said and threw the shell to the ground.

Looking at the castration of the shell, it was obvious that spiritual power had been used. Jiangxiao felt as happy as drinking ice water in the dog days of summer. In fact, Xunyi only needed to give her a step to step down. He deliberately broke the shell because he undoubtedly wanted to give her a chance. Earn more face by yourself, and you will be closer to each other in this fall.

When the shell fell to the ground, Jiangxiao and Xunyi were both stunned. The shell, which did not look very strong, did not break under the impact of this concentrated spiritual power. It bounced on the ground and lay there intact.

The girl smiled, her jade hands needed to be grasped, and she picked up the shell with her spiritual power. She rolled her eyes at Xunyi and said, "I'm not lying to you. It's hard for you to break it even if you want to." Xunyi's throw made her understand. There would be no good results if the woman continued to make trouble, so she changed her attitude in time, hoping to use this smile to ease the atmosphere, but she couldn't help but feel aggrieved in her heart, and the look she looked over showed some dissatisfaction.

Although Xunyi didn't know anything about the goods, he knew that the shells that could survive his fall were absolutely undamaged.

It seems that someone was wrong about the unusual thing. He hurriedly stepped forward to apologize, "It was all caused by those two people just now. They said this was an ordinary Bishan shell. When they heard that I asked for three thousand spirit stones, they almost sent us away." During the trial, I did believe what they said. It was my fault. For the sake of our ignorance, don’t argue with us.”

Xunyi's attitude made the girl feel very comfortable, and he said magnanimously, "I didn't expect you to meet someone who knows Bishanbei. This is Bishanbei, but it is refined with a secret method. Since It was a misunderstanding..." She looked at Jiangxiao, "Sister, please forgive me for being reckless. As soon as I came in, I saw that you were about to throw my baby. I was unhappy and said offensive words. Sister, please don't follow me. General knowledge." She originally wanted to drive Jiang Xiao away, but when things didn't work out, she changed her appearance.

"I don't dare to take this seriously. I won't talk about the misunderstanding. I just ask the fairy to stop buying him wine. Practitioners can't get involved in this." Jiangxiao said lightly. She didn't have a good impression of the girl when she was buying the skirt. Now the other party tried to hook up with Xun Yi again, which violated Jiang Xiao's taboo. If the other party was not a disciple of Qu Huan Sect, Jiang Xiao would have kicked her out long ago.

"Sister, I don't know why. This wine was bought for his senior brother." The girl said with a grimace, but her heart was about to burst into happiness.

"Senior brother?" Jiang Xiao looked at Xun Yi with a look that could not hold back a smile, and his intention to undermine him was clear.

"Ah...yes, Senior Brother Shuangting, I finally asked this fairy to help me buy some wine to honor my senior brother, but you ruined it all." Xunyi frowned and looked at Jiangxiao, not daring to make too obvious a look. .

"Oh~~~" Jiangxiao was so amazing, she made an extremely exaggerated look of sudden realization, and said with a faint smile, "If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that you have such a senior brother."

Xunyi almost got angry at her and looked at her dissatisfied.

Of course a girl can see that

Jiangxiao did this deliberately for her own sake. She only smiled slightly and did not ask Xunyi any further questions. She pretended not to understand and changed the topic, "Where are the two treasures I just bought from you? No. Is it sold?”

Xunyi smiled noncommittally and said to Jiangxiao, "Go ahead and continue shopping."

Jiangxiao heard that something was wrong. Xunyi clearly said that he had bought the peak-cutting blade on behalf of the person who sold the shells, but the girl said it was two treasures. At this time, Xunyi drove him away again. There must be something going on here, so he stood There was no movement there.

"It was really sold? Was it sold at the price I said?" The girl said happily. She was reciprocating tooth with tooth. Jiang Xiao's refusal to leave was in line with her wishes.

"Yes." Xunyi responded vaguely, took out fifteen hundred spirit stones and handed them to her, "Adding those I gave you earlier, the account for the two treasures has been cleared."

"You also sold five hundred more spiritual stones!" The girl's expression was also very exaggerated, with her small mouth open and her big round eyes full of surprise, "Hehe, you sold me two thousand spiritual stones, I You made 1,500 spirit stones without even changing hands. This windfall came so cheaply. Are you depressed?" She explained the cause and effect clearly, as if she was afraid that Jiangxiao wouldn't understand.

Xun Yi was speechless and lowered his head pitifully. Faced with two masters of troublemaking, he stopped trying to conceal anything.

Jiangxiao understood and felt so distressed that she was bleeding. There were fifteen hundred spiritual stones. After practicing in Nanjingzhou for so many years, she only had more than twenty spiritual stones when she was the richest. She was used to it. She was living a hard life, and until Xunyi took out more than three thousand spirit stones, she had been secretly regretting buying that skirt. Now you can imagine how she felt when she learned that she had made a thousand and five spirit stones for nothing.

I feel sorry for myself, Jiangxiao is not a petty person, and she will not show weakness at this time. She said with a relaxed expression, "I have sold everything that should be sold, and I have bought everything that should be bought. Let's leave in a while. This trip can be... Not in vain."

The girl pursed her lips and looked at Xun Yi with a slight frown.

r\u003e Xunyi looked at this and that, hoping that one of them would leave first, but neither of them had any intention of leaving.

At this time, a spiritual thought came into his mind: "Did you buy the wine and drink it yourself?"

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I saw that you were kind-hearted. I was afraid that you wouldn't buy it for me if I told the truth. I hope you can forgive me."

"Why are you drinking?"

Xun Yi lowered his eyes, "I can't bear the pain of cultivation. Thinking that it will be difficult to achieve success in this life, I can't help but feel depressed. I use this to relieve my sorrow."

"You have such good qualifications and have already reached the elixir formation stage. Why are you still complaining at this time?"

"It's hard to explain in one sentence, so it's okay not to say it." Xun Yi could only be so perfunctory.

"This really makes me a little curious." The girl pouted slightly and squinted at him.

Jiangxiao couldn't stay any longer. From the change in the girl's expression, she guessed that the two of them must be talking to each other with spiritual thoughts. The other person's cultivation level was higher than hers, so she would only be bullied if she stayed here.

"I'll go find them. You should settle the matter with this fairy quickly, so we can leave early." She said and walked out.

Xun Yi hurriedly chased her out and said, "Goodbye, I have already promised to be her waiter for two days. I can't break my promise."

"Just for those bottles of wine?" Jiang Xiao looked at him angrily.

Xunyi lowered his head and said, "I won't drink anymore."

Jiangxiao saw Xunyi's unconcealable depression for the first time. At this moment, she understood why Xiyang said that Xunyi had not been easy these years. She felt sour in her heart. Xunyi was so good to her, but she was so kind to him. He knew so little, and now he was seeing him suffering. Not only was he unable to help at all, but he was also self-righteous and ruined the wine he finally got.

The more Jiangxiao thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, so she whispered, "Wait for me here, don't follow me." After saying that, he walked back to the small magic circle.

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