Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1348 Too long is also troublesome

"This is...a small futon?" Qing'er asked in surprise when she saw the puppy in Hongshi's arms.

Hongshi looked at Zhui'er nervously and said, "I saw it was motionless at the door for a long time, and then... I brought it in."

"Dad, it's okay." Zhui'er took the little futon and unlocked the restraints on it. He handed it to his mother and said, "It's the little futon. I just used some tricks to prevent it from barking."

"Even it is enjoying the blessing with you." Qing'er happily caressed the little futon. The puppy can certainly be considered blessed to have lived for so many years. The little futon seemed to know Qing'er and kept licking Qing'er's hand with his tongue.

"I am sending it back this time so that it can accompany you and your two elders." ??

"Well..." Qing'er responded softly, and her joyful eyes dimmed a little. She guessed that her son was not ready to come back.

Hongshi, who was standing at the door, had a flattering smile on his face and muttered, "Um... Zhui... Zhui'er, dad wants to say a few words to you, do you think that's okay? Let's go to the house next door. Go talk."

Qing'er immediately frowned and said with an unhappy face, "If you want to say it, just say it here, don't harm my son!" The couple talked about Zhuo'er a lot, and she knew very well what her husband was thinking.

Hongshi argued with a bitter face, "How could I harm my son? He is also my son..."

Qing'er said mercilessly, "I told you, Zhui'er is a filial child. He will do his best to help us, but he can't do whatever he wants. There are gods too. According to the rules, we can’t embarrass our children for our own sake!”

Hongshi looked ashamed and said, "I didn't want to embarrass him, I just wanted to inquire about something. If it violates the rules, it will be fine."

Qing'er said solemnly, "That's it, you don't need to ask anymore!"

Zhui'er smiled and tried to persuade her, "What are you two elders talking about? Mom, don't be angry. How can dad not love the child? If you have anything to do, just let dad tell you. Isn't it right for children to respect their parents? What is it? What's the matter?"

Qing'er said angrily, "What else can happen? Now that life is getting better, he doesn't want to die!"

Hongshi's old face looked a little confused and said, "I...I didn't say anything! It's because of my leg pain. I want my child to help me treat my leg disease!"

Zhui'er could tell that her father had been fooled by what her mother said, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. After all, there was still no way to avoid the matter of life extension. It was impossible for her mother to look down on life and death, but her father couldn't do it. Besides, her mother's downbeatness must also mean that she loved herself. The reason is that I don’t want to cause trouble to myself.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Zhui'er helped her father to the bed and asked him to sit down.

"It hurts when I walk." Hongshi said, touching his knee.

Zhui'er gathered her consciousness and looked at her father's knees, and could clearly see some raised bone spurs between the bones.

"Hey...hey, hey..." Divine consciousness entered the body, and Hong Shi could feel it slightly, and he groaned in a panic.

Zhui'er looked at the bone spurs worriedly. He had no medical skills. Although he could see the symptoms clearly, he didn't know how to treat them. Such symptoms would not occur in a monk's body, so he had no experience to follow.

"Can it be cured?" Qing'er asked in a low voice with concern.

"I...I'll go find someone to ask." Zhui'er said unsurely. He felt that Shen Qing might not understand this either.

Hongshi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "If you can't cure it, don't bother. It won't hurt too much." After saying that, he stood up and walked for two minutes.

step to show that nothing serious happened.

"No trouble, I'll come as soon as I go."

Qing'er pulled Zhui'er, shook her head and said, "No, no, no, this is not a big deal for us. At this age, everyone will be a little sick." As she said this, she glared at her husband with dissatisfaction.

Hongshi also took hold of Zhui'er's arm and said, "I'm just asking casually. It really doesn't hurt that much. It's easy for you to go home. Don't worry about it. If you cause any more trouble, your mother must come with me." You can’t fight hard.”

Zhui'er looked at his mother and said, "It doesn't matter. If you don't let the child do anything, how can the child feel at ease? You two elders cherish the child, but the child also has to repay the kindness of your two elders in raising him. Otherwise, let alone become an immortal." That doesn’t even count as a person.”

"Then...then don't force yourself..." Qing'er hesitantly let go of her hand.

Hongshi refused to let go and persuaded, "Forget it, forget it, we know your filial piety. The leg disease is not a big deal. Don't run away. Don't run away. Talk to us more. Dad hasn't been there since you left." See you again."

Zhui'er pushed away his father's hand with a smile and hurried out the door. When Hong Shi chased him out, he could still see no one. Looking at the empty yard, he was stunned for a while before turning back to the house.

When Shen Qing, who was meditating, noticed Zhuo'er flying over, he opened his eyes in slight surprise and asked with his spiritual thoughts, "What? What trouble happened?"

Zhui'er fell next to her and said with some difficulty, "When we first met, I was buying life-extending fruits. You said there were better ones than those. Are you trying to trick me or are you really there?"

Shen Qing understood his purpose, shook his head with a faint smile and said, "I expected you to mention this matter, but I didn't expect it would be so long. I thought this matter would go away."

Zhui'er looked at her with sincere eyes and said, "I looked away, but as soon as I got home, I caught up with my mother crying because she missed me. My mother is already sixty years old, why should I worry about her so much?" , How can I not feel uncomfortable when I think about it? My father is also old and sick. Alas, he is greedy for the world of mortals and just wants to live a few more years. As a son, I have never been filial to them all my life. It’s okay to leave this matter alone. Damn, I have to help them too.”

Shen Qing took out a jade box, opened it and handed him two small wrinkled persimmon-like fruits inside, "I prepared it for you not long after I told you, just in case you ask me for it. But there are only two. You didn’t have a brother at that time. If you want to give your brother one, you can only wait until next time. I won’t go all the way to give you one.”

"That's great! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll talk about it next time, brother!" Zhui'er didn't expect it to be so easy, so she took the two fruits in surprise and thanked her repeatedly.

"Eat it raw, don't cook it. If your parents have bad teeth, you can cut it into pieces and take it. Don't ask about the name and place of origin. I won't tell you, lest you make reserves for future generations." Behind Shen Qing If so, it would be a joke.

"Hey, look what you said, I just don't ask, I can't care about that much, I just care about my parents and younger brother, how much can this extend my life?"

"It depends on their physical condition. Generally speaking, they should be able to live over a hundred years old."

"Okay, okay, it's too long and it's troublesome. A hundred years old won't be short. I'm leaving."

Shen Qing didn't expect that he would be so satisfied, but he didn't know that there was also a lesson in asking for the blood of Danzi's parents.

Zhui'er flew back not far away, and said with an embarrassed giggle, "One more thing, my dad has some bone spurs under his knees. Is there anything you can do about this?" "Is this...a little futon?" Qing'er looked at it. Seeing the puppy in Hongshi's arms, he couldn't help but ask in surprise.

Hongshi looked at Zhui'er nervously and said, "I saw it was motionless at the door for a long time, and then... I brought it in."

"Dad, it's okay." Zhui'er took the little futon and unlocked the restraints on it. He handed it to his mother and said, "It's the little futon. I just used some tricks to prevent it from barking."

"Even it is enjoying the blessing with you." Qing'er happily caressed the little futon. The puppy can certainly be considered blessed to have lived for so many years. The little futon seemed to know Qing'er and kept licking Qing'er's hand with his tongue.

"I am sending it back this time so that it can accompany you and me."

"Well..." Qing'er responded softly, and her joyful eyes dimmed a little. She guessed that her son was not ready to come back.

Hongshi, who was standing at the door, had a flattering smile on his face and muttered, "Um... Zhui... Zhui'er, dad wants to say a few words to you, do you think that's okay? Let's go to the house next door. Go talk."

Qing'er immediately frowned and said with an unhappy face, "If you want to say it, just say it here, don't harm my son!" The couple talked about Zhuo'er a lot, and she knew very well what her husband was thinking.

Hongshi argued with a bitter face, "How could I harm my son? He is also my son..."

Qing'er said mercilessly, "I told you, Zhui'er is a filial child. He will do his best to help us, but he can't do whatever he wants. There are gods too. According to the rules, we can’t embarrass our children for our own sake!”

Hongshi looked ashamed and said, "I didn't want to embarrass him, I just wanted to inquire about something. If it violates the rules, it will be fine."

Qing'er said solemnly, "That's it, you don't need to ask anymore!"

Zhui'er smiled and tried to persuade her, "What are you two elders talking about? Mom, don't be angry. How can dad not love the child? If you have anything to do, just let dad tell you. Isn't it right for children to respect their parents? What is it? What's the matter?"

Qing'er said angrily, "What else can happen? Now that life is getting better, he doesn't want to die!"

Hongshi's old face looked a little confused and said, "I...I didn't say anything! It's because of my leg pain. I want my child to help me treat my leg disease!"

Zhui'er could tell that her father had been fooled by what her mother said, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. After all, there was still no way to avoid the matter of life extension. It was impossible for her mother to look down on life and death, but her father couldn't do it. Besides, her mother's downbeatness must also mean that she loved herself. The reason is that I don’t want to cause trouble to myself.

"What's wrong with your leg?" Zhui'er helped her father to the bed and asked him to sit down.

"It hurts when I walk." Hongshi said, touching his knee.

Zhui'er gathered her consciousness and looked at her father's knees, and could clearly see some raised bone spurs between the bones.

"Hey...hey, hey..." Divine consciousness entered the body, and Hong Shi could feel it slightly, and he groaned in a panic.

Zhui'er looked at the bone spurs worriedly. He had no medical skills. Although he could see the symptoms clearly, he didn't know how to treat them. Such symptoms would not occur in a monk's body, so he had no experience to follow.

"Can it be cured?" Qing'er asked in a low voice with concern.

"I...I'll go find someone to ask." Zhui'er said unsurely. He felt that Shen Qing might not understand this either.

Hongshi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "If you can't cure it, don't bother. It won't hurt too much." After saying that, he stood up and walked for two minutes.

step to show that nothing serious happened.

"No trouble, I'll come as soon as I go."

Qing'er pulled Zhui'er, shook her head and said, "No, no, no, this is not a big deal for us. At this age, everyone will be a little sick." As she said this, she glared at her husband with dissatisfaction.

Hongshi also took hold of Zhui'er's arm and said, "I'm just asking casually. It really doesn't hurt that much. It's easy for you to go home. Don't worry about it. If you cause any more trouble, your mother must come with me." You can’t fight hard.”

Zhui'er looked at his mother and said, "It doesn't matter. If you don't let the child do anything, how can the child feel at ease? You two elders cherish the child, but the child also has to repay the kindness of your two elders in raising him. Otherwise, let alone become an immortal." That doesn’t even count as a person.”

"Then...then don't force yourself..." Qing'er hesitantly let go of her hand.

Hongshi refused to let go and persuaded, "Forget it, forget it, we know your filial piety. The leg disease is not a big deal. Don't run away. Don't run away. Talk to us more. Dad hasn't been there since you left." See you again."

Zhui'er pushed away his father's hand with a smile and hurried out the door. When Hong Shi chased him out, he could still see no one. Looking at the empty yard, he was stunned for a while before turning back to the house.

When Shen Qing, who was meditating, noticed Zhuo'er flying over, he opened his eyes in slight surprise and asked with his spiritual thoughts, "What? What trouble happened?"

Zhui'er fell next to her and said with some difficulty, "When we first met, I was buying life-extending fruits. You said there were better ones than those. Are you trying to trick me or are you really there?"

Shen Qing understood his purpose, shook his head with a faint smile and said, "I expected you to mention this matter, but I didn't expect it would be so long. I thought this matter would go away."

Zhui'er looked at her with sincere eyes and said, "I looked away, but as soon as I got home, I caught up with my mother crying because she missed me. My mother is already sixty years old, why should I worry about her so much?" , How can I not feel uncomfortable when I think about it? My father is also old and sick. Alas, he is greedy for the world of mortals and just wants to live a few more years. As a son, I have never been filial to them all my life. I don’t care about this. Damn, I have to help them too.”

Shen Qing took out a jade box, opened it and handed him two small wrinkled persimmon-like fruits inside, "I prepared it for you not long after I told you, just in case you ask me for it. But there are only two. You didn’t have a brother at that time. If you want to give your brother one, you can only wait until next time. I won’t go all the way to give you one.”

"That's great! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll talk about it next time, brother!" Zhui'er didn't expect it to be so easy, so she took the two fruits in surprise and thanked her repeatedly.

"Eat it raw, don't cook it. If your parents have bad teeth, you can cut it into pieces and take it. Don't ask about the name and place of origin. I won't tell you, lest you make reserves for future generations." Behind Shen Qing If so, it would be a joke.

"Hehe, look what you said, I just don't ask, I can't care about that much, I just care about my parents and younger brother, how much can this extend my life?"

"It depends on their physical condition. Generally speaking, they should be able to live over a hundred years old."

"Okay, okay, it's too long and it's troublesome. A hundred years old won't be short. I'm leaving."

Shen Qing didn't expect that he would be so satisfied, but he didn't know that there was also a lesson in asking for the blood of Danzi's parents.

Zhui'er flew not far and turned back. He smiled sheepishly and said, "One more thing, my dad has some bone spurs under his knees. Can you do anything about this?"

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