Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1349 I eat, I eat

Shen Qing looked at Zhuo'er in silence.

"Hmm... Okay, hey, let's forget it if we can't help it." Zhui'er was afraid that she would take back the two fruits when she was angry, so after saying that, she turned around and ran away.

"I'll go over and take a look later." Shen Qing sent a spiritual message to Zhui'er who was fleeing.

"Ah?" Zhui'er turned around and said happily, "Oh! Okay, okay, thank you, thank you!"

After tracking Zhuo'er back home with his spiritual consciousness, Shen Qing caught a little squirrel and looked at it.

Hongshi and Qing'er were feeling uneasy at the moment. Hongshi was a little regretful. If it was just because of the leg pain, it wouldn't be worth making such a fuss about. Fortunately, Qing'er didn't blame him for this, otherwise it would be even more worthless.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!" Zhui'er excitedly pushed the door open and entered.

"So fast? Where have you been?" Hongshi asked in surprise.

"Don't ask nonsense!" Qing'er glared at her husband.

"Hehe." Zhui'er responded with a silly laugh, then took out the two fruits and gave them to the two of them, "This is something to strengthen the body. It's best to eat it raw."

"This is...a treasure, right?" Hong Shi stared at the fruit in his hand. He had accumulated some knowledge from running around over the years. Although the fruit was wrinkled, it was milky white in color and as moist as jade. , it is not an ordinary thing at first glance.

"It's not really a treasure, just eat it." After Zhui'er told his father, he looked at his mother who was about to put the fruit away, "Don't worry about keeping it for Xian'er, I'll prepare it for him later. "

"Well, okay..." Qing'er promised but hesitated to put it in her mouth.

"I have to watch you eat it with my own eyes." Zhui'er smiled and walked to her mother's side.

"It won't be too late for me to eat Xian'er's one after you bring it. Otherwise... give this to Xian'er. Mom doesn't need to eat it, and you don't have to go to the trouble again." Qing'er accompanied her with a smile. deal with.

Zhui'er said sadly, "It's not troublesome at all, mother, I will take good care of my little brother."

"Okay, I'll eat, I'll eat, you kid!" Seeing her son's sad expression, Qing'er had no choice but to put the fruit into her mouth.

Zhui'er turned to look at her father.


Hong Shiba clicked his lips and said, "I ate too quickly, and I didn't taste anything."

Zhui'er shook his head, "Dad, I can see that you have hidden the fruit in your arms. Eat it quickly. I will prepare more for Xian'er."

"You gods are really powerful." Old Hongshi blushed, laughed at himself, looked at Zhui'er awkwardly and said, "Dad is greedy for life, but for the sake of his children and grandchildren, he is willing to leave this blessing to them. Dad also feels sorry for you. I I don’t know if it’s easy or difficult to get this thing. Just like your mother said, we don’t want to cause you too much trouble.”

"Then... I'll prepare another one for my nephew. It won't be a trouble, but I can't take care of other people. Do you think this is okay?"

"Don't... dad didn't mean that..." Hongshi didn't know how to express his position. If this thing is easy to come by, then of course it would be better to give one to the grandson.

Zhui'er smiled and said, "It's wrapped on the baby. It doesn't count. You can eat it quickly."

"Hey! Hey..." Hong Shi took out the fruit from his arms with a red face and put it into his mouth with great care.

After eating the fruit carefully, Qing'er looked at Zhuo'er with a slightly serious look and said, "Remember what I told you before, don't embarrass us too much."

Zhui'er smiled and nodded, "I understand, I understand, mother, don't worry, I know what's going on."

Hongshi asked tentatively, "What kind of magical effect does this...have?"

Zhui'er said with a smile, "As long as you pay attention to your maintenance, you can expect to live a hundred years. Also, my son, I want to advise you, you are old now, so don't run out anymore, just stay at home with your mother and take care of yourself." Well, business matters only depend on my younger brother’s talent. As long as he doesn’t squander his fortune and doesn’t become overly greedy, this wealth will be enough for him to live comfortably for a lifetime. Too much wealth will inevitably lead to disaster, and that’s not a good thing.”

Qing'er reprimanded Hongshi in agreement, "Did you hear that? If you don't listen to what I say, you should listen to what Zhui'er says! He is a very knowledgeable person."

"Okay, okay, let me hear it, hey, kid, can this really help us live a hundred years?" Hongshi asked, touching his belly.

Zhui'er nodded solemnly and said, "You'd better lie down quietly for a while so that the power of the medicine can be best absorbed."

"Oh! Okay, okay, I'm going to lie down right now!" Hongshi hurriedly walked out. When he got to the door, he turned back and pointed at the bed and told Qing'er, "Lie down too."

After Hongshi went out, Qing'er asked, "Do you really need to lie down?"

Zhui'er smiled evilly and said, "It's not that important. I just want to get Dad away so I can tell you something. You have to hide the hairpin on your head first. It's best to hide it in a room far away from here." "Someone will come to check on Dad's leg soon. I'm afraid she will notice something is wrong with this hairpin."

"Who is coming?" Qing'er asked nervously in a low voice.

"That senior sister I mentioned to you before, it doesn't matter. She is very good to me. It's hard to explain the hairpin thing to her, so I'd better hide it from her."

"Well, then I'll go hide now." Qing'er said and walked out cautiously.

After Qing'er left, Zhui'er strolled into the room where Hongshi was. He almost laughed out loud when he saw his father lying on the bed obediently.

"Dad, just lie down comfortably."

"Hey! Hey!" Hong Shi hurriedly agreed, but he didn't even dare to open his eyes for fear of affecting the ability to absorb the medicine.

"It's okay, just relax a little, and I'll help you with your energy to speed up the absorption." Zhui'er held back a smile and gently massaged his father. He was just looking for a chance to stay with his father for a while.

"Okay, okay..." Hongshi looked a little flattered.

Zhui'er advised softly, "Dad, Mom is very considerate of your preference for doing business, but after all these years, Mom has been lonely at home alone, and she has to worry about you. You should also think about Mom. She is getting older and cannot let her worry about you and Xian'er at the same time. How can mother bear it? You should go out less and spend more time with mother. Mother has only worried about us in her life. The child is unfilial and cannot serve her. Mom and dad, you two elders

We need to take care of each other more. "

Hong Shi was deeply touched by these words. He opened his eyes and looked at Zhui'er with a little shame and said, "If you don't tell me, I really..., well, I have been focusing on business these years. I feel that this It’s a serious matter, and I don’t care much about your mother’s feelings. She said that I thought she was nagging me, but after you said that, it’s not easy for your mother these years. I know it, don’t worry.”

Zhui'er nodded happily, "When you and your mother are free, do some good deeds and help the poor. Only by accumulating blessings can you have long-lasting blessings. This is both my grandfather's teaching and what I have learned over the years. Who should be helped and who should not be helped? To the extent that you can help, just do it according to your heart. Don’t give up money. Luck is worth whatever you spend on it. We don’t care about others’ rewards, God will figure it out.”

"Well, my parents are not unkind people because of their wealth. They have helped some relatives and friends over the years. I listen to you and help those who cannot survive in the future."

"That's good. People must be able to enjoy happiness to be truly blessed. According to a child, the greatest blessing is that a family can be together happily. Otherwise, even if you have a fortune, you will not be able to enjoy the happiness in the world, even if you are just like a child. In this case, I feel deeply regretful that I cannot enjoy this joy.”

Hongshi looked at him with emotion and asked, "Can't you stay a little longer? How long can you stay this time?"

Zhui'er smiled and shook his head and said, "Strictly speaking, it is against the law for the children to come home and visit them. If they stay for a long time, they may cause trouble. This time, they will have to stay for a day at most. Don't worry about the children. I Although we can't enjoy the joy of family reunion, we still have our own fun. As long as you and mother are well, the child will have nothing to worry about. "

"Zhui'er..." Hong Shi's eyes turned red. When the father and son talked about this, he dared to reveal his deep love for licking the calf. Over the years, whenever he thought of this child, he couldn't help but secretly fall in love with him. Tears.

"Dad, don't delay absorbing the power of the medicine." Seeing that his father was emotional, Zhui'er's eye circles turned red and he hurriedly threatened him, not wanting to make his father feel sad.

"Oh! Oh, okay." Hongshi closed his eyes in a hurry, but immediately two turbid tears still flowed down the corners of his wrinkled eyes.

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