Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1350 Can you see this?

When Qing'er came back, she brought her infant grandson. The little baby was just nine months old, pink and tender, and very cute.

Zhui'er came out of the house where his father was, and returned to the previous house with his mother.

"This is your eldest nephew, look at it." Qing'er's eyes clearly contained a hope that was difficult to express. Xian'er couldn't cultivate to immortality, so she began to hope that this grandson would be the material.

Zhui'er teased the little baby with great affection. Of course he could guess the meaning in his mother's eyes, so he gently shook his head and said, "He is still too young, so he can't see anything now. We have to wait until he is ten years old." ” .??.

"Oh, let's talk about it later..." Qing'er smiled guiltily at Zhuo'er. If it weren't for her grandson, she would never cause trouble to her son.

In order to reassure her mother, Zhui'er solemnly promised, "Mom, I will try my best to take care of my little brother's family."

"Don't... be too troublesome. It's enough for you to think about them. Mom knows who you are and won't mention such things to you again."

Zhui'er smiled and said, "The child understands how you feel. It's a pet of your heart, and you want to take good care of it. But mother, let's stop at this child. If you live to be a hundred years old, you will definitely have a family full of descendants." If you take care of them all, it will definitely lead to unnecessary disasters, but it will backfire. "

Qing'er is a sensible person and immediately said, "Mother knows, as long as this child is here, you don't have to worry about any other nephews. Even if it's this child, mother doesn't ask you to worry too much. It's enough to do your best." "

"Okay, Mom, I'm sensible, you don't have to worry about me, Xian'er is back." Zhui'er said and pointed toward the courtyard door.

"Finally I'm back! I'll go take a look." Qing'er had seen Zhui'er's ability to see through walls, so she was no longer surprised. She hugged her eldest grandson and walked out. She turned around and told Zhui'er, "I'll take care of you later." If he comes to see you, don't go anywhere, you can't be seen by others."

Zhui'er said with a smile, "I understand, so I didn't even leave the front door when I went home." After saying that, he waved to the little futon lying on the ground, and watched the little futon run out after his mother, and then he He said to his mother, "I also have to tell you, in order to avoid trouble, don't say this is the former little futon, just say it is the descendant of the little futon."

Qing'er turned around and nodded, then walked out of the yard.

Xian'er is now an adult in his early twenties. Although he has grown taller, he is still fair and chubby. He is dressed in silk clothes and looks like a rich man. After he entered the house, he happily went to his parents' side. He came to the yard, but his eyes kept staring in the direction of the small yard where he and his wife lived. Although he had only been out for two months, he already missed his beloved wife and young son who had just given birth.

Qing'er intercepted Xian'er, handed the child to him, and whispered a few words in his ear, telling him that his eldest brother Zhui'er was back and asking him to send the child back to meet his wife before coming back.

Xian'er had hugged her son Ben and had not had enough affection. When she heard that her eldest brother was back, she was so happy that she immediately handed the child back to her mother. Without saying anything else, she ran over here and almost tripped when she passed the far gate.

"Slow down and don't fall." Zhui'er watched all this and couldn't help but send a spiritual thought.

"Ah! Brother!" This divine thought first surprised Xian'er, and then he shouted and ran faster.

When the brothers hugged each other, Xian'er couldn't help but look at the eldest brother with a look of excitement on his face, while Zhui'er's eyes were a little red. The brotherly love was so deep that the younger brother's blood for him was stronger than He was deeply moved by Shui's affection.

"Brother, you are finally back. I have been missing you all these years..." Xian'er saw

When his brother's eyes turned red, tears welled up in his eyes.

"I miss you too. You grew up from a little kid to an adult in the blink of an eye." Zhui'er looked at this younger brother who was almost as tall as herself, feeling quite emotional in her heart.

"Brother, how have you been these past few years?"

"I'm fine. You didn't make your parents angry, right?" Zhui'er asked with a smile after calming down her turbulent mood.

Xian'er's eyes widened and she said, "Go ask your parents. You asked me to take good care of them when you left last time. I haven't been more obedient since then and I haven't made them angry at all."

"Good brother, I, as your elder brother, have to say thank you." Zhui'er said and bowed to salute.

Xian'er hurriedly supported him and said, "Brother, why are you doing this? It's my duty to be filial to my parents, why do you need to thank me? Besides, my parents are so strong and strong, so they don't need my service in pain and suffering. You Don’t you want to hurt me?”

Zhui'er did not force himself to give this gift, he smiled and pointed towards his small courtyard and said, "Go and see your wife and children. Let's talk about it later, brothers. But I saw you keep glancing over there as soon as you entered the gate." ”

"Can you see this?" Xian'er asked in a low voice with a grin.

Zhui'er smiled and waved to him, "Be careful and don't let my sister-in-law see anything. It's hard for me to meet her with my appearance, so I have to hide it from her."

Xian'er said with regret, "I told Xiaomei about you, and I wanted to show it off to her when you came back, but I was shocked when you looked like this. I really can't let her see it. Brother, you didn't Have you ever learned the art of change? Can’t you make yourself older?”

Zhui'er shook his head helplessly, "I really haven't learned this before. I'll look for any spells in this area when I get back. Although we can't meet each other, I can see her. She looks like a kind person. Can you? Be nice

People, don't be like the playboys who mess around with women. "

"Don't lecture people randomly, am I that kind of person?" Xian'er retorted with a smile.

"Go ahead, go ahead, don't worry, I'm too talkative." Zhui'er smiled and pushed him out.

"Brother, I'll be back as soon as I go." Zhui'er walked out while turning his head and looking at his elder brother reluctantly after more than ten years of absence.

"I still have a lot to teach you, so I can't run away."

"Where's dad? I'll go and greet dad first." Only then did Xian'er think of dad.

Zhui'er glanced around and saw that her father was still lying motionless, so she suppressed her laughter and made a silent gesture, "Dad is resting now. Please say hello later."

Not long after Xian'er left, she came back with her mother. The two of them were whispering together in a sneaky way, but Zhui'er heard it clearly. Her mother was telling Xian'er not to inquire too much about her situation. The last time they met Xian'er He was only nine years old. As he grew up, he naturally had to ask questions about his brother. Qing'er gradually revealed some secrets to him. The two were brothers, so he had to give an explanation to his younger brother, otherwise Xian'er would be Won't give up.

After the three mothers sat together, Qing'er and Xian'er were left looking at Zhui'er up and down. If they couldn't ask about his affairs, they would have nothing to say. Zhui'er could only ask about the situation at home in recent years. As soon as this topic was brought up, the atmosphere immediately became warm. The two women recounted what happened at home over the years, while complaining about how the father, Hong Shi, did not let them worry.

Zhui'er, who had been practicing Qing Dynasty for many years, felt warm in this strong family affection, and listened with interest to the trivial things that mother and Xian'er said.

s:? Thank you, Brother ag, for the reward. He was the first batch of comments to encourage me. I have always been grateful. Thank you very much. I will try to write more Braille and update it tomorrow. I still owe you. An update reminder.

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