Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1353 The child is gone

The next day was another day of warm family affection.

Late at night, when everyone was sleeping peacefully, Zhui'er was sitting in his room with a peaceful face. The lights had been extinguished, and in the darkness, only his eyes, which blinked from time to time, were the only light.

Zhui'er's mood at the moment was a bit hard to describe. He felt lonely, bored, and slightly disgusted. No matter how strong the family ties are, there must be something to rely on, and that reliance is a series of daily affairs, big or small. Only by taking care of each other and supporting each other can family affection be reflected and continued. However, he has too little contact with this family. Just talking about interesting childhood stories is limited. Today, my father spent most of the time talking about business matters with Xian'er. , Mom was also talking to Xian'er about raising her eldest grandson, and Zhui'er felt like an outsider. This couldn't be blamed on them. Both parents and Xian'er tried their best to find topics to chat with him, but there were too few to talk about.

The last time Zhui'er came back, this feeling wasn't very strong. Xian'er was still young at that time. She could coax her younger brother to play, she could say some thoughtful words to her mother when she was with her, and she could also chat with her grandpa. Now, Grandpa is gone and Xian'er is older. With his father and Xian'er by his side, he and his mother can no longer talk about the secrets of the cultivation world. On the surface, the family gathering is much more lively than before. At first, Zhuo'er is really intoxicated. I was surrounded by deep family affection, but my feelings changed after just over a day.

On the one hand, Zhui'er is eager to integrate into this family and accompany his parents and younger brother for a long time. On the other hand, he is used to Qingxiu and cannot accept the lifestyle of ordinary people, no matter it is the business between his father and Xian'er. He felt bored listening to his mother's concerns about raising grandchildren.

Zhui'er realized that he was getting farther and farther away from his family, which made him feel uncomfortable. Although his parents and Xian'er missed him and cared about him very much, such a long separation made them adapt to life without him. , the world is like this, people have to be busy for life. The family affection has not faded, but because of the lack of support, he cannot enjoy it more.

"Isn't this great?" Zhui'er comforted herself in her heart. They have become accustomed to living without her. Isn't this what she has been looking forward to? Her parents hope that

Since they are promising, they will be satisfied as long as they get the news that their son is well. They feel at ease and they can worry less.

This is his life. If God does not allow him to enjoy the joy of family reunion, then as long as his family can live happily and healthily, he can accept it. So how should he live in the future?

Thinking of his future, Zhui'er was a little confused. He had no confidence in enlightenment and becoming an immortal. If his parents, sister, and Xian'er all left in the future, what should he live for? There are friends, Shu Yan, Lu Gang, Shen Qing, Wen Danzi, Huaying, Wuhun... These people are all his friends, but firstly, they lack a goal in life, and secondly, they are his current life. He was not very satisfied, so he felt a little tired of his life in Xianlinyuan.

Let's go, let's go, let's go... The unspeakable feeling surging in his heart made Zhui'er want to leave at this moment. He stood up with a calm face, quietly entered his parents' bedroom, and stood there. In front of the bed, I silently stared at the familiar and unfamiliar faces of my parents for a long time.

"Zhui'er?" Qing'er suddenly woke up from her sleep as if she had a feeling, opened her eyes and called out softly.

Zhui'er knelt down on one knee, leaned next to her mother and whispered in a difficult voice, "Mom..., the child is leaving..."

"Are you leaving now?" Qing'er grabbed her son's arm.

Zhui'er lied and said, "Well, something happened temporarily at Senior Sister's place, so we have to go back."

"Then...then..." Tears flashed in Qing'er's eyes. She wanted to ask her son when he could come back, but she was afraid of burdening her son, so she finally swallowed her words.

"Mom...the child will come to see you again." Zhui'er wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes for her mother.

"Well! My child, you have to be good

Take care of yourself..." Qing'er's throat was choked with sobs and she couldn't speak anymore, she just grabbed her son's arm hard.

"Mom, the baby is gone." Zhui'er couldn't bear her mother's crying, so she let go of her hand and quietly disappeared.

"Zhui'er..." Qing'er covered her mouth with her hands and let out a low cry, and then she shed tears silently. For more than ten years, it has been easy for a cultivator like Zhuo'er, but for a person who cares about her For the son's mother, it was too long. Now that the son is gone, there is no telling how many more years it will take before we see each other again.

When Zhui'er left the house and was about to fly into the air, the little futon that chased him bit the hem of his robe. This time-experienced little thing obviously sensed that something was wrong, and his eyes were full of pity.

"You stay with my parents and little brother for me. They will take good care of you. I don't have that much time to accompany you now." With tears in his eyes, Zhui'er sent spiritual thoughts to the partners who had grown up with him, and then He leaned over and touched it, then flew into the air with determination.

The little futon that was thrown away let out a sad whine, looking up at the sky and jumping up and down in vain.

Mother's tears and the little futon's wail made Zhui'er's already well-adjusted mood stir again. He flew forward slowly while calming down his inner sadness. He still looked sad when he saw Shen Qing.

"Did something happen again?" Shen Qing couldn't help but feel worried when she saw his appearance.

Zhui'er breathed out, "No, I don't want to stay any longer, let's go."

"Oh? This is really weird." Shen Qingming looked at him with flashing eyes, quite curious.

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "I can't stay for a long time. It will be boring to stay any longer. You have been away from home since you were a child, so you won't understand this feeling."

Shen Qing curled his lips disdainfully, "I really don't understand, so will you come back next time?"

Zhui'er was a little embarrassed and said, "Well... I still owe my brother a life-extending fruit, and... I

Duosuo gave one to his nephew. Getting one more won't cause you too much trouble, right? If my mother has this intention, I will try my best to make her agree. "

Shen Qing said with a smile in his eyes, "That's no trouble, but...if you don't want to come back, I can help you deliver it."

"Uh... I'd better come back again. When can you get the fruit?"

"It's just a matter of running away. You can get it at any time."

Zhui'er thought for a moment and said, "There's no rush. Just help me prepare it when it's convenient for you. I think... I'll come back to see them in a few years."

Shen Qing looked at him with a playful look and said, "If everyone is like you, the rules of cultivating the world to restrict going home can be cancelled."

Zhui'er was not in the mood to talk to her about this, and instead said, "My mother is very grateful to you. I have to thank you on behalf of my parents." He said and gave a solemn gift.

Shen Qing said calmly, "It doesn't matter. Just stop dragging me to see your sister."

Zhui'er shook her head moodily, "I do miss my sister, but... I don't want to see her anymore. Seeing my relatives aging will only increase my worries. As long as I know that she is still living a stable life, it is enough." ”

"You're not far away from letting go now." Shen Qing said with a smile on his lips.

Zhui'er looked at her with a sad face and said, "I know I can let go. I have already... while they are still alive, but I really don't want to let go, and I don't want to let time dilute my feelings for them. But after another Ten years, a hundred years, I wonder if I won’t even be able to remember my mother.”

Shen Qing comforted, "You will never forget what you don't want to forget. Don't be so sad."

Zhui'er took another breath, cheered up and said, "I have to understand the years you mentioned. If it is really a kind of magic, I will understand it and reverse it!" At this point, his eyes became blurred, " Go back to the time when you were three years old and stayed with your parents, and then let the years stop there..."

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