Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1354 The Promise in the Past Life

Shen Qing showed a happy smile. It didn't matter why Zhui'er worked hard, as long as he was willing to work hard. She didn't dare to have too high demands on this kid.

"Then do you want to go back to meditate now, or..."

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I don't want to go back right away. I want to find a pure place to meditate, but here..."

Shen Qing looked at him and said, "A month is fine, and longer is fine. How long are you going to stay outside?"

"It would be nice to have a year, but this is too embarrassing for you, so let's just give it a year and a half."

Shen Qing frowned slightly and asked, "Is the Xianlin Courtyard in your Qianxu Palace so bad? That it makes you not want to go back."

"It's not bad, it's just..." Zhui'er hesitated for a moment before continuing, "It's just that Senior Wuhun taught me two spells. It's not convenient for me to study them in Xianlin Academy. There is a senior brother who supervises me out of good intentions. Yan, I can’t hide anything from him.”

Shen Qing couldn't help but laugh. It was troublesome to be too popular, but he didn't know what kind of fate the senior brother he mentioned had with him in which life. Shen Qing did not dare to despise the magic taught by Wuhun. Those two If the magic is not extraordinary, Wuhun will definitely not use it to show his shame. He should know that the disciples of Qianxu Palace Xianlin Academy have no shortage of magic to learn.

"I thought you wanted to understand the mystery of time immediately, but it turned out that you were just studying magic."

Zhui'er said helplessly, "Of course you have to understand the passage of time, but I don't have a clue right now. I can't scratch my scalp all day long, right? I can only do both at the same time."

"Okay, then let's find a clean place to meditate on our own. I'll find someone to send a message to you over at Qianxu Palace, asking you to stay outside for a few more years. The most rare thing about meditating and cultivating is willingness. When you feel This energy is no longer so strong, I will send you back again."

Zhui'er said happily, "That's great! Hehe, I'm sorry to bother you."

Shen Qing joked, "I'm mainly doing this to get your advice, so there's no need to thank me."

Zhui'er giggled and said, "Hey, then I'll reluctantly give you some pointers."

"Look at your stupid virtue!" Shen Qing couldn't help laughing and flew him into the air.

When passing by an altar of Tianlu Alliance, Shen Qing went to send a jade slip to Qianxu Palace, and then took Zhui'er to find a pure place.

When passing through a desert, Zhui'er asked happily, "What is this place? I think this place is very good." It is undoubtedly best to start with loose sand to practice earth escape.

"This is the Jinyuan Desert. If you like it, we can stay here temporarily."

"Okay!" Zhui'er released Shen Qing's body-protecting divine light and walked with his sword while admiring the desert scenery while looking for the most satisfying place.

When he saw a small oasis, he stopped and looked at the oasis from a distance and frowned slightly.

Shen Qing asked, "Have you chosen this place?"

Zhui'er shook his head slightly and said thoughtfully, "Why do I feel... this place is a bit familiar, as if I have been here before. It's really strange."

Shen Qing's heart was shaken, and he calmly spread his consciousness to search the oasis and nearby areas.

Zhui'er looked at the oasis for a while, then flew over to check it out, while Shen Qing surrounded the oasis and launched a wider search.

At a place thousands of miles away from the oasis, Shen Qing stopped, dug into the yellow sand with his hand, and took out a jade slip buried in the sand. Although this jade slip was only buried five or six feet deep, it was buried deep in the sand. It would be difficult to be discovered in this vast sea of ​​sand without a special search. There are no restrictions on the jade slips. This is also smart. If there are restrictions, it will be easier to find.

There is a spiritual message and a map left in the jade slip. The spiritual message is very simple. It says: "Everything is fine with me. My cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Your sister is also very good. I don't know why you went to the appointment in the future and waited for five days." I still don’t see you, and I feel very anxious, but I don’t know where to look for you. My time here is limited and I can’t wait any longer, so I have to leave something for you and bury it a hundred feet deep in the place where we first broke up. Place. If you are okay, be sure to go to the place marked on the map and leave a message for me. Don't miss me or look for me. It's better for us to separate for now. It's always right to be more cautious. When you reach Nascent Soul, It will be more appropriate to get together later. You should take good care of yourselves, especially you. Don’t let us worry about you all the time, alas..."

The spiritual thought ended with a sigh full of worry. Although the whole spiritual thought was sincere, it did not mention any names or other information that could be used as clues for inquiry. The buried things were even more difficult for outsiders to find. This shows that this is a very cautious person. Man, that map leads to a place more than 50 million miles away from here, and the end is a wilderness of tangled grass. This is not the place where he wants everyone to leave a message. The label calls this, the man who holds the fire. The jade slips were buried under the tallest tree nearby with the name and surname as the direction and the mileage as the mileage of a thousand times the number of residents on Shenpeng Island.

This is a jade slip that makes it difficult for anyone to figure it out. Shen Qingyin guessed in advance that this matter may be related to Xun Yi, so if he speculates in this direction, he can get some clues. It is expected that this person is so cautious and does not want to Bringing everyone together should be related to the Gu Shu they learned. Although Xun Yi only vaguely told her a little bit about Gu Shu, with her intelligence, she could learn from Xiaoyao Xianjun's incident. I guessed that what Immortal Xiaoyao wants is a magic weapon to store the solitary technique. This solitary technique is probably more than just wind and earth. On the other hand, this person's concern for the recipient of the letter is consistent with Xun Yi's desperate situation. Another thing that can be seen is that this person is probably not in Nanjingzhou. Even if he is in Nanjingzhou, he must live in a very remote place, and his identity is too suspicious to reveal his whereabouts. Otherwise, with a little inquiry, you should be able to get the news of Xunyi's death. .

After putting away the jade slips, Shen Qing carefully explored the area. Unfortunately, due to her cultivation, she was unable to discover the secrets hidden here. She pretended that nothing happened and returned to the oasis. She didn't want to tell Zhen about this now. Er, as for whether to talk about it in the future, it depends on the situation. She still has the same principle, try not to let Zhui'er know the information about his past life, and keep him away from the "bone" that will kill him once.

Gongsun Chong had deliberately traveled across mountains and rivers to risk the jade slips he had left behind, but they were confiscated by Shen Qing. Speaking of which, it was not easy for Gongsun Chong to go through all the trouble to attend this appointment. It was entirely because of his deep relationship with Xun Yi. There is probably no other person in the world who can give him such devotion. Sadly, the good brother he has never forgotten has passed away, and that brother was also looking for him hard during his lifetime. , finally found out that he might be on the other side of the Jade Sea, but due to the situation, he was unable to go there to look for it. The two brothers in life and death were separated for the rest of their lives, and the jade slip he left behind was not only for Yi. No one can completely crack it, at least the burial location of the piece of red heart jade is unknown even to Xiyang and Jiangxiao.

s? Thank you? Don’t read the Xiaobai article? Senior brother’s reward and monthly ticket. I saw the senior brother’s message in the comment area. I am touched and thank you. I will definitely update it when time allows. Shen Qing showed a happy smile. It didn't matter why Zhui'er worked hard, as long as he was willing to work hard. She didn't dare to have too high demands on this kid.

"Then do you want to go back to meditate now, or..."

Zhui'er hesitated and said, "I don't want to go back right away. I want to find a pure place to meditate, but here you are..."

Shen Qing looked at him and said, "A month is fine, and longer is fine. How long are you going to stay outside?"

"It would be nice to have a year, but this is too embarrassing for you, so let's just give it a year and a half."

Shen Qing frowned slightly and asked, "Is the Xianlin Courtyard in your Qianxu Palace so bad? That it makes you not want to go back."

"It's not bad, it's just..." Zhui'er hesitated for a moment before continuing, "It's just that Senior Wuhun taught me two spells. It's not convenient for me to study them in Xianlin Academy. There is a senior brother who supervises me out of good intentions. Yan, I can’t hide anything from him.”

Shen Qing couldn't help but laugh. It was troublesome to be too popular, but he didn't know what kind of fate the senior brother he mentioned had with him in which life. Shen Qing did not dare to despise the magic taught by Wuhun. Those two If the magic is not extraordinary, Wuhun will definitely not use it to show his shame. He should know that the disciples of Qianxu Palace and Xianlin Academy have no shortage of magic to learn.

"I thought you wanted to understand the mystery of time immediately, but it turned out that you were just studying magic."

Zhui'er said helplessly, "Of course you need to understand the passage of time, but I don't have a clue now. I can't scratch my scalp all day long, right? I can only do both at the same time." .??.

"Okay, then let's find a clean place to meditate on our own. I'll find someone to send a message to you over at Qianxu Palace, asking you to stay outside for a few more years. The most rare thing about meditating and cultivating is willingness. When you feel This energy is no longer so strong, I will send you back again."

Zhui'er said happily, "That's great! Hehe, I'm sorry to bother you."

Shen Qing joked, "I'm doing this mainly to get your advice, so there's no need to thank me."

Zhui'er giggled and said, "Hey, then I'll reluctantly give you some pointers."

"Look at your stupid virtue!" Shen Qing couldn't help laughing and flew him into the air.

When passing by an altar of Tianlu Alliance, Shen Qing went to send a jade slip to Qianxu Palace, and then took Zhui'er to find a pure place.

When passing through a desert, Zhui'er asked happily, "What is this place? I think this place is very good." It is undoubtedly best to start with loose sand to practice earth escape.

"This is the Jinyuan Desert. If you like it, we can stay here temporarily."

"Okay!" Zhui'er revealed Shen Qing's body-protecting divine light and walked with his sword while admiring the scenery of the desert while looking for the most satisfying place.

When he saw a small oasis, he stopped and looked at the oasis from a distance and frowned slightly.

Shen Qing asked, "Have you chosen this place?"

Zhui'er shook his head slightly and said thoughtfully, "Why do I feel... this place is a bit familiar, as if I have been here before. It's really strange."

Shen Qing's heart was shaken, and he calmly spread his consciousness to search the oasis and nearby areas.

Zhui'er looked at the oasis for a while, then flew over to check it out, while Shen Qing surrounded the oasis and launched a wider search.

At a place thousands of miles away from the oasis, Shen Qing stopped, dug into the yellow sand with his hand, and took out a jade slip buried in the sand. Although this jade slip was only buried five or six feet deep, it was buried deep in the sand. It would be difficult to be discovered in this vast sea of ​​sand without a special search. There are no restrictions on the jade slips. This is also smart. If there are restrictions, it will be easier to find.

There is a spiritual message and a map left in the jade slip. The spiritual message is very simple. It says: "Everything is fine with me. My cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Your sister is also very good. I don't know why you went to the appointment in the future and waited for five days." I still don’t see you, and I feel very anxious, but I don’t know where to look for you. My time here is limited and I can’t wait any longer, so I have to leave something for you and bury it a hundred feet deep in the place where we first broke up. Place. If you are okay, be sure to go to the place marked on the map and leave a message for me. Don't miss me or look for me. It's better for us to separate for now. It's always right to be more cautious. When you reach Nascent Soul, It will be more appropriate to get together later. You should take care of yourself, especially you, and don’t let us always worry about you, alas..."

The spiritual thought ended with a sigh filled with worry. Although the entire spiritual thought was sincere, it did not mention any names or other information that could be used as clues for inquiry. The buried objects could not be found by outsiders. This shows that this is a very cautious person. Man, that map leads to a place more than 50 million miles away from here, and the end is a wilderness of tangled grass. This is not the place where he wants everyone to leave a message. The label calls this, the man who holds the fire. The jade slip was buried under the tallest tree nearby with the name as the direction and the mileage as the mileage of a thousand times the number of residents on Shenpeng Island.

This is a jade slip that makes it difficult for anyone to figure it out. Shen Qingyin guessed in advance that this matter may be related to Xun Yi, so if he speculates in this direction, he can get some clues. It is expected that this person is so cautious and does not want to Bringing everyone together should be related to the Gu Shu they learned. Although Xun Yi only vaguely told her a little bit about Gu Shu, with her intelligence, she could learn from Xiaoyao Xianjun's incident. I guessed that what Immortal Xiaoyao wants is a magic weapon to store the solitary technique. This solitary technique is likely to be more than just wind and earth. On the other hand, this person's concern for the recipient of the letter is consistent with Xun Yi's desperate situation. Another thing that can be seen is that this person is probably not in Nanjingzhou. Even if he is in Nanjingzhou, he must live in a very remote place, and his identity is too suspicious to reveal his whereabouts. Otherwise, with a little inquiry, you should be able to get the news of Xunyi's death. .

After putting away the jade slips, Shen Qing carefully explored the area. Unfortunately, due to her cultivation, she was unable to discover the secrets hidden here. She pretended that nothing happened and returned to the oasis. She didn't want to tell Zhen about this now. Er, as for whether to talk about it in the future, it depends on the situation. She still has the same principle, try not to let Zhui'er know the information about his past life, and keep him away from the "bone" that will kill him once.

The jade slips that Gongsun Chong had deliberately left behind after he had deliberately traveled across mountains and rivers to venture here were confiscated by Shen Qing. Speaking of it, it was not easy for Gongsun Chong to go through all the troubles to attend this appointment. It was entirely because of his deep relationship with Xunyi. There is probably no other person in the world who can give him such devotion. Sadly, the good brother he has never forgotten has passed away, and that brother was also looking for him hard during his lifetime. , finally found out that he might be on the other side of the Jade Sea, but due to the situation, he was unable to go there to look for it. The two brothers in life and death were separated from each other for a lifetime, and the jade slip he left behind was not only for Yi, but also for Yi. No one can completely crack it, at least the burial location of the piece of red heart jade is unknown even to Xiyang and Jiangxiao.

s? Thank you? Don’t read the Xiaobai article? Senior brother’s reward and monthly ticket. I saw the senior brother’s message in the comment area. I am touched and thank you. I will definitely update it when time allows.

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