Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1381 Jade Scripture Pavilion

Guangpu looked at Zhui'er in astonishment. He wondered if the child was possessed by an evil spirit.

Just when Guangpu wanted to take Lu Gang and Zhui'er away by force, a great monk with a strand of red hair in his bun flew over from the mountain peak. Drooping, but the corners of the two ringed eyes are raised.

"Four Immortals." After seeing this person, Guangpu and Guangxuan immediately saluted and called him Four Immortals.

This time Lu Gang moved faster than Zhui'er. While Zhui'er was still looking at the visitor in a daze, Lu Gang had already bowed and saluted.

"What's going on?" the Four Immortals asked impatiently.

Guangpu secretly complained in his heart. He brought the two little guys here just to create a pretext so that he could teach them a lesson. This time, the trouble became bigger and bigger, even the Four Immortals were alarmed.

"Four Immortals, this is all my fault, I will take them away right now." Guangpu took the initiative to bear the responsibility.

Guangxuan was familiar with the Four Immortals, so he excused Guangpu and said, "Uncle, Junior Brother Guangpu didn't do anything wrong. The main thing is that these two little guys are too ignorant. They were just messing around. Nothing happened." , Master, please come back, let Junior Brother Guangpu take them back and give them a good discipline."

The Four Immortals glared at Guangxuan's ring-shaped eyes with many black eyes and few white ones, and shouted, "I'm asking what happened!"

Guangxuan grinned awkwardly and hurriedly reported the details of what happened before and after.

After listening to this, the Four Immortals looked at Zhui'er and Lu Gang and said, "You really have the instructions from Master Guan?"

Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er eagerly. The cruel look on his face was no longer there, and his body was no longer shaking. He seemed to be honest all of a sudden.

"Yes..." Zhui'er could only hold on. In the past, he would have been too frightened to say anything, but now he is the Eighteenth Immortal Lord, a big man who can make Guang spectrum dazzle and lower his eyebrows. Counting them together, they are just his fourth senior brother.

After looking at Zhuo'er for a while, the Fourth Immortal Lord suddenly laughed. He looked obviously angry. He pointed upwards and wrote lightly, "Okay, then go get it."

"Huh?" Zhui'er didn't expect him to say that, and was a little at a loss.

Lu Gang secretly sent a spiritual message through the arms held by the two of them and asked, "Can you take it out?"

Zhui'er regained consciousness, let go of Lu Gang's arm, stared at the Four Immortals with vigilant eyes, slowly stood up and tentatively flew upwards, guarding against being stopped at any time.

Zhui'er's behavior made the Fourth Immortal Lord burst into laughter, "Go and get it, go and get it, I won't stop you." He waved his hand to Zhui'er to just go with confidence, then he put his hands behind his back and walked leisurely in the air. He followed Zhui'er closely, looking like he was waiting to see a joke.

Guangxuan also smiled, and sent his spiritual thoughts to Guangpu to watch Lu Gang and not move, and then he followed.

Lu Gang wanted to catch up, but Guangpu held his arm tightly and said, "Daolang Mountain is a forbidden area. I don't have the right to enter it at will. Just be honest!"

Lu Gang couldn't break free from Guangpu's shackles, so he had to shout to Zhui'er, "Langxing! Don't be afraid! If it doesn't work, forget it!"

His shouting startled Guangpu, and for fear of upsetting the Four Immortals again, he hurriedly banned Lu Gang.

Zhui'er flew upwards while looking around with his eyes wide open.

He wandered around to find out where the Jade Scripture Pavilion was. Daolang Mountain was a forbidden area, but he didn't have a map here. Hengguan Immortal Master only taught him the secrets for entering and exiting the Jade Scripture Pavilion, but he didn't tell him where the Jade Scripture Pavilion was.

The majestic and towering Daolang Mountain did not grow a single tree or tree, let alone a bird or animal. It was as quiet as a dead place. The more Zhui'er flew, the more anxious he became. He himself was not anxious, mainly because he was afraid that the two people following him would be impatient. So after flying upward for a while, he simply stopped searching for the Jade Scripture Pavilion, and instead accelerated upward and flew away.

Halfway up the mountain, the Fourth Immortal Lord teased, "Master Guan didn't tell you where the Jade Scripture Pavilion is?"

Zhui'er stopped and said seriously, "It's true that you didn't tell me, but I can go in when I get to the place."

The Fourth Immortal Lord looked forward and pointed diagonally, "Behind the mountain."

Guangxuan began to look at Zhui'er with slightly confused eyes. In his opinion, if this child was not a fool, he must have someone to rely on, otherwise he would not continue to make trouble like this.

Without saying a word, Zhui'er immediately walked around the mountain and flew towards the back of the mountain. The mountain was hundreds of miles in radius. When he got around to the back, Zhui'er couldn't help but be surprised. The mountain with no grass growing on the sunny side turned out to be full of life like spears, swords and halberds on the shady side. These strange trees are not only sharp and murderous in shape, but also as hard as solid stone and iron, with not much life in them.

He didn't care to look at those strange trees, and stared at the place where the three words "Jade Scripture Pavilion" were written. Unfortunately, there was not a building here, and there was nothing between the gray-black stone walls and steep cliffs. A special place.

"We're here." The Fourth Immortal Lord suddenly reminded him. His expression was a little lazy, as if his interest in watching the joke had been almost exhausted by now.

Zhui'er followed his hand and found that there was just an ordinary stone wall there. Not to mention the Jade Scripture Pavilion, there was not even a broken wooden house. He flew over hesitantly and looked up, down, left and right at the stone wall that could be seen everywhere. .

Guangxuan said half urging, half pushing, "Go and get it quickly. Go back as soon as you have finished. Don't let us waste time working with you here..."

Before the last word "husband" came out of his mouth, his eyes widened and his mouth opened, and he froze there as if someone had cast a spell on him, because Zhui'er disappeared after he cast a spell.

"Hurry and ask the master to come over!" After the Fourth Immortal Lord gave these instructions to Guangxuan, he also disappeared.

"Yes!" Guangxuan calmed down, responded, and flew to the top of the mountain in a hurry. He was completely confused now. A young monk who couldn't even cross a thousand-mile barrier actually knew the secret to entering the Jade Scripture Pavilion. , this is so unreasonable, he can’t figure out what is going on even if he racks his brain, but he has to start to believe that this kid probably really followed the instructions of Master Guan, and this secret should be the inheritance of Master Guan Give it to him, otherwise he wouldn't dare to go this far even if he had 10,000 courages.

After Zhui'er cast the spell, what he saw in front of him was no longer a rocky wall, but a sea of ​​clouds filled with fairy energy. In the sea of ​​clouds, there were five pavilions of different colors, including green, white, black and red. The pavilions are located in four directions: southeast, northwest, and in the middle is a small jade building. It is shorter than the other four, but it has a unique noble temperament.

Each of the four pavilions is surrounded by auspicious clouds of the same color as the building. Those auspicious clouds flow elegantly, as if they are spiritual. And the small building in the middle is surrounded by a wisp of colorful auspicious clouds, on which are three simple large characters condensed with aura. "Jade Scripture Pavilion". Guangpu looked at Zhui'er in astonishment. He wondered if the child was possessed by an evil spirit.

Just when Guangpu wanted to take Lu Gang and Zhui'er away by force, a great monk with a strand of red hair in his bun flew over from the mountain peak. The eyes are drooping, but the corners of the two ringed eyes are raised.

"Four Immortals." After seeing this person, Guangpu and Guangxuan immediately saluted and called him Four Immortals.

This time Lu Gang moved faster than Zhui'er. While Zhui'er was still looking at the visitor in a daze, Lu Gang had already bowed and saluted.

"What's going on?" the Four Immortals asked impatiently.

Guangpu secretly complained in his heart. He brought the two little guys here just to create a pretext so that he could teach them a lesson. This time, the trouble became bigger and bigger, even the Four Immortals were alarmed.

"Four Immortals, this is all my fault, I will take them away right now." Guangpu took the initiative to bear the responsibility.

Guangxuan was familiar with the Four Immortals, so he excused Guangpu and said, "Uncle, Junior Brother Guangpu didn't do anything wrong. The main thing is that these two little guys are too ignorant. They were just messing around. Nothing happened." , Master, please come back, let Junior Brother Guangpu take them back and give them a good discipline."

The Fourth Immortal Lord glared at Guangxuan's ring-shaped eyes with many black eyes and few white ones, and shouted, "I'm asking what happened!"

Guangxuan grinned awkwardly and hurriedly reported the details of what happened before and after.

After listening to this, the Four Immortals looked at Zhui'er and Lu Gang and said, "You really have the instructions from Master Guan?"

Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er eagerly. His face no longer looked ruthless, and his body stopped shaking. He seemed to be honest all of a sudden.

"Yes..." Zhui'er could only hold on. In the past, he would have been too frightened to say anything, but now he is the Eighteenth Immortal Lord, a big man who can make Guang spectrum dazzle and lower his eyebrows. Counting them together, they are just his fourth senior brother.

After looking at Zhuo'er for a while, the Fourth Immortal Lord suddenly laughed. He looked obviously angry. He pointed upwards and wrote lightly, "Okay, then go get it."

"Huh?" Zhui'er didn't expect him to say that, and was a little at a loss.

Lu Gang secretly sent a spiritual message through the arms held by the two of them and asked, "Can you take it out?"

Zhui'er regained consciousness, let go of Lu Gang's arm, stared at the Four Immortals with vigilant eyes, slowly stood up and tentatively flew upwards, guarding against being stopped at any time.

Zhui'er's behavior made the Fourth Immortal Lord burst into laughter, "Go and get it, go and get it, I won't stop you." He waved his hand to Zhui'er to just go with confidence, then he put his hands behind his back and walked leisurely in the air. He followed Zhui'er closely, looking like he was waiting to see a joke.

Guangxuan also smiled, and sent his spiritual thoughts to Guangpu to watch Lu Gang and not move, and then he followed.

Lu Gang wanted to catch up, but Guangpu held his arm tightly and said, "Daolang Mountain is a forbidden area. I don't have the right to enter it at will. Just be honest!"

Lu Gang couldn't break free from Guangpu's shackles, so he had to shout to Zhui'er, "Langxing! Don't be afraid! If it doesn't work, forget it!"

His shouting startled Guangpu, and for fear of upsetting the Four Immortals again, he hurriedly banned Lu Gang.

Zhui'er flew upwards while looking around with his eyes wide open.

He wandered around to find out where the Jade Scripture Pavilion was. Daolang Mountain was a forbidden area, but he didn't have a map here. Hengguan Immortal Master only taught him the secrets for entering and exiting the Jade Scripture Pavilion, but he didn't tell him where the Jade Scripture Pavilion was.

The majestic and towering Daolang Mountain did not grow a single tree or tree, let alone a bird or animal. It was as quiet as a dead place. The more Zhui'er flew, the more anxious he became. He himself was not anxious, mainly because he was afraid that the two people following him would be impatient. So after flying upward for a while, he simply stopped searching for the Jade Scripture Pavilion, and instead accelerated and flew upward.

Halfway up the mountain, the Fourth Immortal Lord teased, "Master Guan didn't tell you where the Jade Scripture Pavilion is?"

Zhui'er stopped and said seriously, "It's true that you didn't tell me, but I can go in when I get to the place."

The Fourth Immortal Lord looked forward and pointed diagonally, "Behind the mountain."

Guangxuan began to look at Zhui'er with slightly confused eyes. In his opinion, if this child was not a fool, he must have someone to rely on, otherwise he would not continue to make trouble like this.

Without saying a word, Zhui'er immediately walked around the mountain and flew towards the back of the mountain. The mountain was hundreds of miles in radius. When he got around to the back, Zhui'er couldn't help but be surprised. The mountain with no grass growing on the sunny side turned out to be full of life like spears, swords and halberds on the shady side. These strange trees are not only sharp and murderous in shape, but also as hard as solid stone and iron, with not much life in them.

He didn't care to look at those strange trees, and stared at the place where the three words "Jade Scripture Pavilion" were written. Unfortunately, there was not a building here, and there was nothing between the gray-black stone walls and steep cliffs. A special place.

"We're here." The Fourth Immortal Lord suddenly reminded him. His expression was a little lazy, as if his interest in watching the joke had been almost exhausted by now.

Zhui'er followed his hand and found that there was just an ordinary stone wall there. Not to mention the Jade Scripture Pavilion, there was not even a broken wooden house. He flew over hesitantly and looked up, down, left and right at the stone wall that could be seen everywhere. .

Guangxuan said, half urging and half squeezing, "Go and get it quickly. Go back as soon as you have finished. Don't let us waste time working with you here..."

Before the last word "husband" came out of his mouth, his eyes widened and his mouth opened, and he froze there as if someone had cast a spell on him, because Zhui'er disappeared after he cast a spell.

"Hurry and ask the master to come over!" After the Fourth Immortal Lord gave these instructions to Guangxuan, he also disappeared.

"Yes!" Guangxuan calmed down, responded, and flew to the top of the mountain in a hurry. He was completely confused now. A young monk who couldn't even cross a thousand-mile barrier actually knew the secret to entering the Jade Scripture Pavilion. , this is so unreasonable, he can’t figure out what is going on even if he racks his brain, but he has to start to believe that this kid probably really followed the instructions of the ancestors of the master, and this secret should be the ancestors of the master. Give it to him, otherwise he wouldn't dare to go this far even if he had 10,000 courages.

After Zhui'er cast the spell, what he saw in front of him was no longer a rocky wall, but a sea of ​​clouds filled with fairy energy. In the sea of ​​clouds, there were five pavilions of different colors, including green, white, black and red. The pavilions are located in four directions: southeast, northwest, and in the middle is a small jade building. It is shorter than the other four, but it has a unique noble temperament.

Each of the four pavilions is surrounded by auspicious clouds of the same color as the building. Those auspicious clouds flow elegantly, as if they are spiritual. And the small building in the middle is surrounded by a wisp of colorful auspicious clouds, on which are three simple large characters condensed with aura. "Jade Scripture Pavilion".

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