Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1382 Who asked you to come?

Jade Scripture Pavilion! Zhui'er looked at the five pavilions shrouded in auspicious clouds, and her legs felt weak. She felt like she wanted to kneel down. Sacred places can also exude majesty. The Jade Scripture Pavilion, which contains countless precious and complete books, is the holy place of cultivation. , it is not something that a monk of his level can come into contact with at will.

Zhui'er held her breath and flew towards the small jade building in the middle with a pilgrimage mood. Although there were no plaques on the four small buildings, people could sense it just by their color and the invisible temperament they exuded. It contains secret books such as elixir refining and weapon refining, and top treasures such as Fenhentie must be hidden in the small building in the middle.

"Did the Master Guan's ancestors teach you the secrets?" The Four Immortals who chased in asked with a serious face.

"Yes." Zhui'er responded and continued flying towards the small jade building without looking back. As long as the Four Immortals didn't stop him, he didn't want to explain too much. Anyway, what Monk Huayu does is often surprising. It's incredible. Being able to enter the Jade Scripture Pavilion alone can explain a lot of problems. Let these people figure out the rest. If they have the courage to ask, it won't be too late to explain themselves.

The Fourth Immortal Lord really didn't ask any more questions, and just followed Zhui'er silently for a while, and then watched him enter the small jade building. Although his eyes were calm, he was secretly happy in his heart. He was secretly helping Lu. Although he didn't know that Hengguan Immortal Lord had already accepted Zhui'er as his disciple, he had already got some news that Hengguan Immortal Lord was going to accept Zhui'er. He gave Lu Gang an idea to run against Zhui'er. He was not sure, he just asked Lu Gang to give it a try, but he also made some corresponding arrangements. For example, he told Lu Gang that if he came to Daolangshan, he could make the matter as big as possible, so that he could come out to take care of it. That's why Lu Gang had Da Dan acted wildly towards Guangxuan, but then Lu Gang acted out the fake show into a real show with his dog temper. It wasn't until the Four Immortals showed up that he calmed down a little.

Judging from the current situation, things seem to be progressing better than the Fourth Immortal Lord expected. He originally expected that it would be good to involve Hengguan Immortal Lord through Zhuo'er, but he did not expect that this uncle would actually enter the Jade Scripture The secrets of the pavilion have all been passed down to Zhui'er, so he can't figure out what's going on here. Even so, he was still not optimistic about Zhui'er being able to take away the Fenhen Sticker. The only thing left to do now was whether Lu Gang was lucky enough.

From the outside, the small jade building looks only ten feet high. The bottom floor is square and square, with a length of three feet and a width of three feet. The first floor is only a nine-foot square space, but when Zhui'er walked in, what he saw was completely different. This space was a thousand feet in diameter, and it was pitch black inside. There were a few light spots shining in the distance. Before Zhui'er could see the environment clearly, he fell straight down. There was actually no ground here. of!

With one step in the air, Zhui'er hurriedly used his spiritual power to stabilize his body, and then quickly released his flying sword and stepped forward. With his cultivation of pill formation, he was already quite good at flying in the air, but after all, he was not as good as wielding a sword. Quickly, in dangerous and unknown situations, it is safer to step on the flying sword.

"Haha..." An old laughter suddenly sounded in the darkness in the distance.

Zhui'er was shocked and hurriedly held the magic talisman in one hand and the evil shield in the other, and made a posture to face the enemy with full vigilance.

"You should be the first to fly with a sword in the Jade Scripture Pavilion." The old voice sounded leisurely again. There was no malice in his tone. He seemed to just think it was funny.

"I am Langxing of the Immortal Forest Academy. May I ask who you are?" Zhui'er asked respectfully from the direction where the voice came from.

"Don't worry about who I am, just go find what you are looking for." The man had no intention of coming out to meet him, and fell silent after saying this.

"Oh... yes, I obey." Zhui'er felt that the identity of the person who could appear here must be of high status, so he responded casually, then quickly upgraded his respectful attitude, and finally made a gesture of bowing to accept the order, and waited. After seeing no response from the other party for a while, he slowly dispersed his consciousness and began to look around.

As expected, there was no floor in this wicked place, and there was a dark and bottomless abyss below. As the consciousness extended downwards, the dangerous aura became stronger and stronger. Zhui'er sent his consciousness down a hundred feet and did not dare to continue. , after withdrawing his consciousness, he looked around again.

Within the thousand-foot radius that he could detect, there was a shining point of light at each corner of the space. They were four small magic circles that sealed the secret book. Zhui'er flew towards the light point closest to him, and through the radiated light In the small magic circle with a light red light, you can see that what is sealed inside is a golden jade slip. The magic circle does not isolate spiritual consciousness. Zhui'er can directly check the contents of the jade slip. This is a record of the "Sky Climbing Technique". "The secret book, Zhui'er curiously read a summary and then gave up, because it stated that it required Nascent Soul cultivation to practice.

Standing on the spot, he scanned the contents of the other three small magic circles with his spiritual consciousness and found that there was no Fenhen sticker. Zhui'er raised his head and looked at the circular area above that exuded milky white. He pointed at that area. The direction where the voice came from before asked respectfully, "Excuse me, is this the passage to the upper level?"

"Who asked you to come?" Following this question, an extremely old man appeared in front of Zhui'er.

Zhui'er has never seen such an old person, at least judging from his appearance, he has never seen such an old person. This person's back is stooped, and only a thin layer of sparse and dull white hair on his head is left, which cannot be covered up. Live on the scalp, and the scalp is also full of wrinkles like the old walnut face, and the scalp is getting wrinkles all the time. How long have you lived? His eyes were also dim and cloudy, without the sparkle of a cultivator at all. His eyebrows had long since fallen off, and the hand holding the Panlong crutch was as thin as a chicken's claw without any flesh...

Zhui'er was startled by his old demeanor and stepped back involuntarily. After calming down, she realized that he was actually wearing a blue-black robe of a twelfth generation disciple. He quickly bowed and saluted, "Junior Lang Xing pays homage to senior."

"Let me ask you, who asked you to come?" The old man looked at Zhui'er with his cloudy eyes. His eyes and the wrinkles on his face became a natural cover, making it almost impossible to detect any changes in his expression. .

"'s...the disciple came here on his own." Zhui'er was a little timid and didn't dare to throw out the master as a shield easily.

"Is this your disciple?"

The old man's question made Zhui'er startled. Before he could understand it, the voice of Immortal Lord Hengsi came from behind him, "No, it should be Senior Brother Hengguan who taught him the secret."

Zhui'er turned around and hurriedly bowed and saluted when he saw the Hengsi Immortal Lord who had appeared behind him at some point.

"Oh, what kind of trick is he playing?" After the old man finished speaking, without waiting for Hengsi Immortal Lord to answer, he looked at Zhui'er and asked, "What are you here for?"

"Hmm... Fenhentie." Zhui'er said bravely.

"That's not what you should learn. This is definitely not Heng Guan's intention. You go ahead. I won't let him punish you for this matter, but you can't be so bold in the future." After saying this, the old man waved his hand to Zhui'er. .

Zhui'er grinned. He could tell that the old man seemed to be easy to talk to, so he looked at Hengsi Immortal Lord for help. He didn't want to ask Hengsi Immortal Lord to help him speak, but to ask Hengsi Immortal Lord not to cause trouble. , he felt that he could talk to the old man again, but he was afraid that Hengsi Immortal Lord would not allow it. Jade Scripture Pavilion! Zhui'er looked at the five pavilions shrouded in auspicious clouds, and her legs felt weak. She felt like she wanted to kneel down. Sacred places can also exude majesty. The Jade Scripture Pavilion, which contains countless precious and complete books, is the holy place of cultivation. , it is not something that a monk of his level can come into contact with at will.

Zhui'er held her breath and flew towards the small jade building in the middle with a pilgrimage mood. Although there were no plaques on the four small buildings, people could sense it just by their color and the invisible temperament they exuded. It contains secret books such as elixir refining and weapon refining, and top treasures such as Fenhentie must be hidden in the small building in the middle.

"Did the Master Guan's ancestors teach you the secrets?" The Four Immortals who chased in asked with a serious face.

"Yes." Zhui'er responded and continued flying towards the small jade building without looking back. As long as the Four Immortals didn't stop him, he didn't want to explain too much. Anyway, what Monk Huayu does is often surprising. It's unbelievable. Being able to enter the Jade Scripture Pavilion alone can explain a lot of problems. Let these people figure out the rest. If they have the courage to ask, it won't be too late to explain themselves. ??

The Fourth Immortal Lord really didn't ask any more questions, and just followed Zhui'er silently for a while, and then watched him enter the small jade building. Although his eyes were calm, he was secretly happy in his heart. He was secretly helping Lu. Although he didn't know that Hengguan Immortal Lord had already accepted Zhui'er as his disciple, he had already gotten some news that Hengguan Immortal Lord was going to accept Zhui'er. He was not sure, he just asked Lu Gang to give it a try, but he also made some corresponding arrangements. For example, he told Lu Gang that if he came to Daolangshan, he could make the matter as big as possible, so that he could come out to take care of it. That's why Lu Gang had Da Dan acted wildly towards Guangxuan, but then Lu Gang acted out the fake show into a real show with his dog temper. It wasn't until the Four Immortals showed up that he calmed down a little.

Judging from the current situation, things seem to be progressing better than the Fourth Immortal Lord expected. He originally expected that it would be good to involve Hengguan Immortal Lord through Zhuo'er, but he did not expect that this uncle would actually enter the Jade Scripture The secrets of the pavilion have all been passed down to Zhui'er, so he can't figure out what's going on here. Even so, he was still not optimistic about Zhui'er being able to take away the Fenhen Sticker. The only thing left to do now was whether Lu Gang was lucky enough.

From the outside, the small jade building looks only ten feet high. The bottom floor is square and square, with a length of three feet and a width of three feet. The first floor is only a nine-foot square space, but when Zhui'er walked in, what he saw was completely different. This space was a thousand feet in diameter, and it was pitch black inside. There were a few light spots shining in the distance. Before Zhui'er could see the environment clearly, he fell straight down. There was actually no ground here. of!

With one step in the air, Zhui'er hurriedly used his spiritual power to stabilize his body, and then quickly released his flying sword and stepped forward. With his cultivation of pill formation, he was already quite good at flying in the air, but after all, he was not as good as wielding a sword. Quickly, in dangerous and unknown situations, it is safer to step on the flying sword.

"Haha..." An old laughter suddenly sounded in the darkness in the distance.

Zhui'er was shocked and hurriedly held the magic talisman in one hand and the evil shield in the other, and made a posture to face the enemy with full vigilance.

"You should be the first to fly with a sword in the Jade Scripture Pavilion." The old voice sounded leisurely again. There was no malice in his tone. He seemed to just think it was funny.

"I am Langxing of the Immortal Forest Academy. May I ask who you are?" Zhui'er asked respectfully from the direction where the voice came from.

"Don't worry about who I am, just go find what you are looking for." The man had no intention of coming out to meet him, and fell silent after saying this.

"Oh... yes, I obey." Zhui'er felt that the identity of the person who could appear here must be of high status, so he responded casually, then quickly upgraded his respectful attitude, and finally made a gesture of bowing to accept the order, and waited. After seeing no response from the other party for a while, he slowly dispersed his consciousness and began to look around.

As expected, there was no floor in this wicked place, and there was a dark and bottomless abyss below. As the consciousness extended downwards, the dangerous aura became stronger and stronger. Zhui'er sent his consciousness down a hundred feet and did not dare to continue. , after withdrawing his consciousness, he looked around again.

Within the thousand-foot radius that he could detect, there was a shining point of light at each corner of the space. They were four small magic circles that sealed the secret book. Zhui'er flew towards the light point closest to him, and through the radiated light In the small magic circle with a light red light, you can see that what is sealed inside is a golden jade slip. The magic circle does not isolate spiritual consciousness. Zhui'er can directly check the contents of the jade slip. This is a record of the "Sky Climbing Technique". "The secret book, Zhui'er curiously read a summary and then gave up, because it stated that it required Nascent Soul cultivation level to practice.

Standing on the spot, he scanned the contents of the other three small magic circles with his spiritual consciousness and found that there was no Fenhen sticker. Zhui'er raised his head and looked at the circular area above that exuded milky white. He pointed at that area. The direction where the voice came from before asked respectfully, "Excuse me, is this the passage to the upper level?"

"Who asked you to come?" Following this question, an extremely old man appeared in front of Zhui'er.

Zhui'er has never seen such an old person, at least judging from his appearance, he has never seen such an old person. This person's back is stooped, and only a thin layer of sparse and dull white hair on his head is left, which cannot be covered up. The scalp is covered with wrinkles like the face that looks like an old walnut. The scalp is getting wrinkles all the time. How old have you lived? His eyes were also dim and cloudy, without the sparkle of a cultivator at all. His eyebrows had long since fallen off, and the hand holding the Panlong crutch was as thin as a chicken's claw without any flesh...

Zhui'er was startled by his old demeanor and stepped back involuntarily. After calming down, she realized that he was actually wearing a blue-black robe of a twelfth generation disciple. He quickly bowed and saluted, "Junior Lang Xing pays homage to senior."

"Let me ask you, who asked you to come?" The old man looked at Zhui'er with his cloudy eyes. His eyes and the wrinkles on his face became a natural cover, making it almost impossible to detect any changes in his expression. .

"'s...the disciple came here on his own." Zhui'er was a little timid and didn't dare to throw out the master as a shield easily.

"Is this your disciple?"

The old man's question made Zhui'er startled. Before he could understand it, the voice of Immortal Lord Hengsi came from behind him, "No, it should be Senior Brother Hengguan who taught him the secret."

Zhui'er turned around and hurriedly bowed and saluted when he saw the Hengsi Immortal Lord who had appeared behind him at some point.

"Oh, what kind of trick is he playing?" After the old man finished speaking, without waiting for Hengsi Immortal Lord to answer, he looked at Zhui'er and asked, "What are you here for?"

"Hmm... Fenhentie." Zhui'er said bravely.

"That's not what you should learn. This is definitely not Heng Guan's intention. You go ahead. I won't let him punish you for this matter, but you can't be so bold in the future." After saying this, the old man waved his hand to Zhui'er. .

Zhui'er grinned. He could tell that the old man seemed to be easy to talk to, so he looked at Hengsi Immortal Lord for help. He didn't want to ask Hengsi Immortal Lord to help him speak, but to ask Hengsi Immortal Lord not to cause trouble. , he felt that he could talk to the old man again, but he was afraid that Hengsi Immortal Lord would not allow it.

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