Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1383 I feel something is wrong

Immortal Lord Hengsi seemed to understand the look in Zhui'er's eyes. He smiled and explained to the old man, "Senior Brother Hengguan has accepted this little guy as his disciple. He doesn't want to learn the art of burning hatred for himself, but for his little one." Partners need to learn.”

The old man said calmly, "I can guess that if Heng Guan hadn't accepted him as a disciple, how would he have taught him the secret to entering here? This little guy looks pretty good, so I said I wouldn't let Heng Guan punish him, but He is too ignorant and fearless. Now that you are here, take him and tell him some things he can know about our palace. Stop making such jokes."

"Okay, senior brother." Immortal Lord Hengsi promised with a smile, then looked at Zhui'er and said, "This is your uncle Hengcha, go and see him quickly. Your uncle Hengcha is responsible for guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion and coaxing this master." Bo Ke will be of great benefit to you."

Zhui'er heard the underlying meaning of the words of the Immortal Lord Hengsi, and with understanding, he respectfully saluted Uncle Hengcha and said, "Disciple Lingxing pays homage to Uncle Master."

"That's all." Hengcha waved his hand and looked at Hengsi Xianzun, apparently waiting for him to take Zhui'er away.

However, Hengsi Xianzun had no intention of leaving immediately and said, "Third senior brother has already left the palace and is not expected to come back in a short time." The third senior brother in his mouth refers to Hengguan Xianzun. Previously, he and Hengguan Xianzun Hengguan Xianzun had already told Senior Brother Hengcha about the possible attack of monsters. Hengguan Xianzun said at that time that he would not fight to protect Qianxu Palace. He mentioned this now to remind this senior brother that Qianxu Palace Gong may not be able to keep it, he is helping Zhuo'er. ??

Hengcha understood what his junior brother meant. He was silent for a while and then said, "This is what I will do in my whole life. I can't compare to you who have entered the realm of feathers. If you want to go, you can go. I'm an old bone and I'll be a guard." It is a well-deserved death for me to die in front of my master. If I had not been ordered by my master to guard the Jade Scripture Pavilion, I would have given up long ago."

Hengsi Immortal Lord said emotionally, "Senior brother, please don't say that. I should do my best to protect Qianxu Palace and never leave until the last moment. Senior brother must not have the heart to abandon the world. The preservation of this Jade Scripture Pavilion depends entirely on senior brother." , Since senior brother still remembers the master's order, then make some preparations as soon as possible. If the Jade Scripture Pavilion is destroyed, senior brother, you will not be able to see the master again. "

Hengcha slowly shook his head and said, "I have guarded the Jade Scripture Pavilion for long enough. Even if I have a chance to see the Master again, the Master will not criticize me harshly. I will leave the responsibility of guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion to you." He said Then he took out a yellow jade plaque with soft luster and handed it to Hengsi Immortal Lord.

Hengsi Immortal Lord smiled and took a step back and said, "I won't accept this. I also have my own responsibilities to bear. I won't do this. Let's take care of ourselves. If senior brother wants to relieve himself of this burden, he should accept a disciple." Come on." In terms of age, Hengcha is only more than two hundred years older than him, and the two are closely ranked senior brothers, so he talks to this senior brother very casually.

Hengcha knew that his junior brother didn't want him to die like this, so he sighed bitterly, "You only want me to live, but you don't know how boring it is to live like this. You are not helping me."

Immortal Lord Hengsi urged, "Senior Brother, if you don't cheer up, you will never be able to break through. You are only one step away. It would be a pity to give up like this."

"I had enough four thousand years ago!" Hengcha paused the Panlong crutch in his hand in boredom, "I have heard you say this tens of thousands of times, but is this something you can do if you just cheer up! Haven’t I worked hard enough? You are already a great magician, do you believe this nonsense?”

Immortal Lord Hengsi raised his eyebrows without fear and said with a smile, "I believe it. If you don't believe it, why would we still advise you like this? We all have the realm of transformation into feathers. Although I am your junior brother, my realm is already higher than yours. We

Haven't you seen it accurately yet? It's you who are stubborn and refuse to listen to our advice seriously. "

Hengcha raised his dragon head and crutch, pointed at Hengsi Immortal Lord and cursed, "I have listened to you for more than four thousand years! Isn't that enough! Just rely on your little cultivation to talk nonsense to me!" He said to this Junior brother has no choice.

Immortal Lord Hengsi continued to maintain that vindictive smile and said, "If you are not convinced and you have managed to sneak up on my level of cultivation, then it's not too late to call me." After saying that, he pointed at Zhui'er who was giggling beside him, "You should be less angry in front of this junior. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it after sending him away."

Hengcha groaned angrily and said, "One has taught him the secrets, and the other is here to help him. If you are willing to give Fen Hen to him, then do whatever you want. I just want him to move all the books in the Jade Scripture Pavilion away from me." Don’t care anymore.”

Hengsi Xianzun put away his smile and said seriously, "I don't mean that. It's you, senior brother, who is in charge of the Jade Scripture Pavilion. Third senior brother and I don't dare to say anything. Don't put this responsibility on us. I'll leave now." It's all up to the senior brother to decide." After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhui'er grinned bitterly as he looked at Uncle Hengcha, who was still angry, and waited anxiously for his decision.

Hengcha stared in the direction of the door and was silent for a long time, then looked at Zhui'er and said, "They have been telling me this kind of nonsense for more than four thousand years. Can you bear it if it's your place?"

"Hmm...hehe." Zhui'er giggled. He realized that this was an opportunity. If he didn't say something, he would definitely be dismissed immediately, so he racked his brains and muttered, "This... is right. To others... it's certainly... nonsense, but... well... to you, Master... I think it might be good advice."

"Humph!" Hengcha snorted, but did not rush Zhui'er away immediately, as if he wanted to hear what he would say next.

Zhui'er didn't dare to be slow, and kept blinking his eyes as he continued, "My nephew has little knowledge, but he still has some understanding of the matter of breaking through the realm. That can't be achieved by force. The so-called perseverance is the key to success." It is correct during the Qi gathering stage and the opening stage, but it is no longer applicable at my nephew's stage..."

Hengcha interrupted him and corrected him, "It also applies to you at this stage. The main thing you need to rely on before you reach the perfect state in the later stage of pill formation is perseverance and diligence."

Zhui'er grinned and whispered, "I don't think it's right."

"What's wrong?" Hengcha seemed to be a little interested.

"Well... When I first entered the academy, my senior brother from Xiulin Academy told me that the most important thing in cultivation is the state of mind, and what matters is letting nature take its course. My nephew has been quite impressed by this after practicing all the way, so he thinks that he should practice whenever he wants to. "Don't practice if you don't want to practice. A perseverance mentality is completely contrary to letting nature take its course. It is even more undesirable to grit one's teeth and practice diligently without a good state of mind."

Hengcha nodded slightly and said, "Everyone can understand this truth, but only those with high enough qualifications can truly understand it, because once they find the feeling of cultivation, their cultivation will be greatly improved, and there is no need to run out of Yangshou." Danger can be dealt with calmly, but for people with less qualifications, the situation is different. They don't have so much time to waste, and they must rush to the next stage before their life span is exhausted. Although diligent cultivation is not the best, An efficient method, but it is better to be sure. Although your opinion is biased, it just shows that you are on the path you should take. It is rare to be like this when you have just formed the elixir. "

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and whispered again, "I don't think it's right."

"Huh? What's wrong? Is what I said wrong?"

(Additional update) Hengsi Xianzun seemed to understand Zhui'er's eyes. He smiled and explained to the old man, "Senior Brother Hengguan has accepted this little guy as his disciple. He doesn't want to learn the art of burning hatred, but His friends need to learn.”

The old man said calmly, "I can guess that if Heng Guan hadn't accepted him as a disciple, how would he have taught him the secret to entering here? This little guy looks pretty good, so I said I wouldn't let Heng Guan punish him, but He is too ignorant and fearless. Now that you are here, take him and tell him some things he can know about our palace. Stop making such jokes."

"Okay, senior brother." Immortal Lord Hengsi promised with a smile, then looked at Zhui'er and said, "This is your uncle Hengcha, go and see him quickly. Your uncle Hengcha is responsible for guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion and coaxing this master." Bo Ke will be of great benefit to you."

Zhui'er heard the underlying meaning of the words of the Immortal Lord Hengsi, and with understanding, he respectfully saluted Uncle Hengcha and said, "Disciple Lingxing pays homage to Uncle Master."

"That's all." Hengcha waved his hand and looked at Hengsi Xianzun, apparently waiting for him to take Zhui'er away.

However, Hengsi Xianzun had no intention of leaving immediately and said, "Third senior brother has already left the palace and is not expected to come back in a short time." The third senior brother in his mouth refers to Hengguan Xianzun. Previously, he and Hengguan Xianzun Hengguan Xianzun had already told Senior Brother Hengcha about the possible attack of monsters. Hengguan Xianzun said at that time that he would not fight to protect Qianxu Palace. He mentioned this now to remind this senior brother that Qianxu Palace Gong You might not be able to keep it, and he was helping Zhuo'er.

Hengcha understood what his junior brother meant. He was silent for a while and then said, "This is what I will do in my whole life. I can't compare to you who have entered the realm of feathers. If you want to go, you can go. I'm an old bone and I'll be a guard." It is a well-deserved death for me to die in front of my master. If I had not been ordered by my master to guard the Jade Scripture Pavilion, I would have given up long ago."

Hengsi Immortal Lord said emotionally, "Senior brother, please don't say that. I should do my best to protect Qianxu Palace and never leave until the last moment. Senior brother must not have the heart to abandon the world. The preservation of this Jade Scripture Pavilion depends entirely on senior brother." , Since senior brother still remembers the master's order, then make some preparations as soon as possible. If the Jade Scripture Pavilion is destroyed, senior brother, you will not be able to see the master again. "

Hengcha slowly shook his head and said, "I have guarded the Jade Scripture Pavilion for long enough. Even if I have a chance to see the Master again, the Master will not criticize me harshly. I will leave the responsibility of guarding the Jade Scripture Pavilion to you." He said Then he took out a yellow jade plaque with soft luster and handed it to Hengsi Immortal Lord.

Hengsi Immortal Lord smiled and took a step back and said, "I won't accept this. I also have my own responsibilities to bear. I won't do this. Let's take care of ourselves. If senior brother wants to relieve himself of this burden, he should accept a disciple." Come on." In terms of age, Hengcha is only more than two hundred years older than him, and the two are closely ranked senior brothers, so he talks to this senior brother very casually.

Hengcha knew that his junior brother didn't want him to die like this, so he sighed bitterly, "You only want me to live, but you don't know how boring it is to live like this. You are not helping me."

Immortal Lord Hengsi urged, "Senior Brother, if you don't cheer up, you will never be able to break through. You are only one step away. It would be a pity to give up like this."

"I had enough four thousand years ago!" Hengcha paused the Panlong crutch in his hand in boredom, "I have heard you say this tens of thousands of times, but is this something you can do if you just cheer up! Haven’t I worked hard enough? You are already a great magician, do you believe this nonsense?”

Immortal Lord Hengsi raised his eyebrows without fear and said with a smile, "I believe it. If you don't believe it, why would we still advise you like this? We all have the realm of transformation into feathers. Although I am your junior brother, my realm is already higher than yours. We

Haven't you seen it accurately yet? It is you who are stubborn and refuse to listen to our advice seriously. "

Hengcha raised his dragon head and crutch, pointed at Hengsi Immortal Lord and cursed, "I have listened to you for more than four thousand years! Isn't that enough! Just rely on your little cultivation to talk nonsense to me!" He said to this Junior brother has no choice.

Immortal Lord Hengsi continued to maintain that vindictive smile and said, "If you are not convinced and you have managed to sneak up on my level of cultivation, then it's not too late to call me." After saying that, he pointed at Zhui'er who was giggling beside him, "You should be less angry in front of this junior. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it after sending him away."

Hengcha groaned angrily and said, "One has taught him the secrets, and the other is here to help him. If you are willing to give Fen Hen to him, then do whatever you want. I just want him to move all the books in the Jade Scripture Pavilion away from me." Don’t care anymore.”

Hengsi Xianzun put away his smile and said seriously, "I don't mean that. It's you, senior brother, who is in charge of the Jade Scripture Pavilion. Third senior brother and I don't dare to say anything. Don't put this responsibility on us. I'll leave now." It's all up to the senior brother to decide." After saying that, he turned and left.

Zhui'er grinned bitterly as he looked at Uncle Hengcha, who was still angry, and waited anxiously for his decision.

Hengcha stared in the direction of the door and was silent for a long time, then looked at Zhui'er and said, "They have been telling me this kind of nonsense for more than four thousand years. Can you bear it if it's your place?"

"Hmm...hehe." Zhui'er giggled. He realized that this was an opportunity. If he didn't say something, he would definitely be dismissed immediately, so he racked his brains and muttered, "This... is right. To others... it's certainly... nonsense, but... well... to you, Master... I think it might be good advice."

"Hmph!" Hengcha snorted, but did not rush Zhui'er away immediately, as if he wanted to hear what he would say next.

Zhui'er didn't dare to be slow, and kept blinking his eyes as he continued, "My nephew has little knowledge, but he still has some understanding of the matter of breaking through the realm. That can't be achieved by force. The so-called perseverance is the key to success." It is correct during the Qi gathering stage and the opening stage, but it is no longer applicable at my nephew's stage..."

Hengcha interrupted him and corrected him, "It also applies to you at this stage. The main thing you need to rely on before you reach the perfect state in the later stage of pill formation is perseverance and diligence."

Zhui'er grinned and whispered, "I don't think it's right."

"What's wrong?" Hengcha seemed to be a little interested.

"Well... When I first entered the academy, my senior brother from Xiulin Academy told me that the most important thing in cultivation is the state of mind, and what matters is letting nature take its course. My nephew has been quite impressed by this after practicing all the way, so he thinks that he should practice whenever he wants to. "Don't practice if you don't want to practice. A perseverance mentality is completely contrary to letting nature take its course. It is even more undesirable to grit one's teeth and practice diligently without a good state of mind."

Hengcha nodded slightly and said, "Everyone can understand this truth, but only those with high enough qualifications can truly understand it, because once they find the feeling of cultivation, their cultivation will be greatly improved, and there is no need to run out of Yangshou." Danger can be dealt with calmly, but for people with less qualifications, the situation is different. They don't have so much time to waste, and they must rush to the next stage before their life span is exhausted. Although diligent cultivation is not the best, An efficient method, but it is better to be sure. Although your opinion is biased, it just shows that you are on the path you should take. It is rare to be like this when you have just formed the elixir. "

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and whispered again, "I don't think it's right."

"Huh? What's wrong? Is what I said wrong?"

(Additional updates)

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