Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1389: Jealousy Sea Turbulence

Zhui'er was so dizzy that he could only swallow hard. He actually didn't like Huaying like this. It wasn't that he didn't like Huaying, but he didn't like getting into this kind of relationship. Maybe it was because he wasn't ready yet. The cultivation world is not like the mortal world where you can see loving couples everywhere. Zhui'er's age is equivalent to a young boy in the mortal world. In addition, he has not received much experience in this field, so he doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. It's like a beginner who loves to play in water, but is afraid of it. If he is thrown into deep water, he will definitely panic.

Two soft and moist cherry lips were printed on Zhui'er's forehead. The indescribable feeling of ecstasy made Zhui'er's heartbeat pause. After a moment of sluggishness, hot blood surged up like erupting magma, in his mind The impact made a buzzing sound, and his instinct drove him to stretch out his trembling hands and hug Huaying's delicate body.

"Don't..." Huaying moaned shyly. Zhui'er's heavy breath hit her pretty face, which made her a little confused and fascinated. The violent reaction of this brat was a bit beyond her expectation. It seems that he ignored that the other party only had the cultivation level of pill formation, and he played a little too hard.

After Hui'er hugged Hui'er, she panted heavily and lowered her head to look for those pair of cherry lips that made him crazy. Hui'er shyly dodged. Since it had come to this point, she planned to let Zhui'er kiss her. Dodging was just an excuse. Due to her daughter's restraint, although she also felt that it was not good for the relationship to develop so quickly, it was already like this, and it would definitely be worse if she forced Zhui'er out.

Just when Zhui'er's body was on fire and Huaying was about to give him his wish, an angry roar sounded like muffled thunder over the bamboo sea. Although Zhui'er was shocked, his complexion suddenly changed, and Huaying also turned pale. The eyes that were covered with spring water immediately showed a look of panic, shame and anger.

"You can really do this with such a little brat! I'm even ashamed of you!" With these words full of anger and disdain, the handsome man-like figure appeared on the second floor. In front of others, his handsome face was already slightly distorted by anger.

Feeling guilty, Huaying pursed her lips tightly and protected Zhui'er behind her. She was too shy to argue on this matter, so she could only use her spiritual thoughts to explain to Zhe Feng, but even that kind of scene was bumped into by others. She The explanation is naturally weak.

Zhe Feng scolded him mercilessly, "You still have the nerve to say it! If you want to say it, just say it out loud and let your little brat lover listen!"

Huaying's face became even more confused. Her pretty face turned cold and she turned her gaze to one side, and simply said nothing.

"Come out!" Zhe Feng directed his anger towards Zhui'er.

Zhui'er's eyes were still a little distracted. Zhe Feng's angry roar just now was due to his cultivation. He was so angry that he was able to restrain himself without causing Zhui'er to be seriously injured.

"Don't touch him!" When Huaying saw Zhe Feng trying to punish Zhui'er, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows and warning her. She was doing this for Zhe Feng's own good, but she didn't dare to reveal Zhui'er's identity as the Immortal Lord at this time.

"Okay! You still protect him! Okay! Okay! Okay!" Zhe Feng was so angry that his eyes turned red.

At this time, Zhui'er bravely walked out from behind Huaying, and Huaying hurriedly grabbed his arm to prevent him from walking out of his body-protecting divine light.

"If anything happens, come to me." Zhui'er frowned and looked at Zhe Feng and said. What he suffered most now was shame. His excessive behavior towards Huaying just now made him want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it immediately, but he He couldn't just throw away his hands and walk away like he did last time at Sesame Lake. At that time, his identity was a disgraceful person who secretly poached corners. From the bottom of his heart, he was ashamed of Zhe Feng. The affectionate eyes can already show her

Since Huaying has love for him, he has to take his own responsibility in this matter and cannot let Huaying do it for him.

"Let him go!" Zhe Feng shouted at Huaying.

Huaying silently grasped Zhui'er's arm more and more tightly, and the frost on her pretty face became heavier and heavier. Zhe Feng shouted at her in front of Zhui'er, which made her lose face.

Zhui'er looked at Zhe Feng and spoke the truth in a calm tone, "You don't have to shout to her. She just lets go of me. Do you still dare to attack me in Xianlin Courtyard? Let's talk clearly first. If you want Go ahead, I'll accompany you outside Qianxu Palace. I'm not afraid of you. You may not be able to hurt me." He remembered Xiaohou this time. With Xiaohou's support, he was not afraid of fighting Zhe Feng. It's a bit embarrassing for the little monkey to help him fight this kind of fight, so it's best not to fight this fight.

Hearing that Zhui'er dared to say such arrogant words, Zhe Feng was so angry that his forehead was about to burst into flames. He pointed at Zhui'er and said, "Okay! I have nothing more to say to you. Let's leave now. You can't." Don’t be a coward!”

Zhui'er just wanted to be reasonable, so he still maintained his serious expression and said, "You have nothing to say, but I have to finish what I said. I admit that I'm sorry to Senior Sister Huaying. I was rude to Senior Sister Huaying." , I am willing to accept whatever punishment my senior sister wants." He didn't dare to look at Huaying when he was talking, and his face turned red with shame in the middle of the sentence. After he finished speaking, he still didn't dare to look at Huaying, but he was obviously waiting. Show your stance with pictures and shadows.

"I have nothing to punish you." Huaying first conveyed these words to Zhui'er with her spiritual thoughts. After a moment of hesitation, she stared at the green bamboo in the courtyard and spoke out. That somewhat resolute expression indicated that she had made a choice. She had been looking at Zhuo'er since he stood up and spoke. Although Zhuo'er could not hide his shameful look, when facing such a powerful enemy The magnanimity displayed by him was completely unmatched by monks of the same level. She understood that this was the change that the identity of the Immortal Lord had brought to Zhui'er. Now anyone who insists on saying that Zhui'er is a little brat is being blind. .

Huaying's answer made Zhe Feng's eyes flash with a cold light. He stared at Huaying. He was wearing a Taoist robe without any wind. The pressure of a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying when he was furious was like a violent wave towards Huaying and him. Zhui'er rushed over.

Huaying remained motionless, her eyes still staring at the green bamboos in the courtyard, neither looking at Zhuo'er nor Zhifeng.

Zhui'er gained confidence from Huaying's reply. The shame on his face slightly faded, and he continued to reason with the furious Zhifeng, "I want to ask you, Senior Sister Huaying has made a lifelong commitment to you. ?"

"No." Huaying spat out these two words lightly and answered for Zhe Feng.

"No?! You actually..." Zhe Feng was so angry that he was speechless.

"Did I ever promise you a lifetime?" Huaying couldn't be shy and looked at Zhe Feng to confront him.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you said that, I have nothing to say." Zhe Feng looked at Huaying with both disappointment and disdain in his eyes.

"Since Senior Sister has not yet committed to a life-long commitment, this matter has nothing to do with Senior Sister. Who she wants to be close to is her own business. You can't lose your temper with her." Zhui'er still had the same reasonable expression, just talking. His tone was softer and slower than before, because these words were somewhat...inhumane.

Zhe Feng moved his dagger-like gaze from Huaying to Zhui'er's face, and said angrily, "You mean, it's just the two of us here? That's great."

Zhui'er met his gaze and said, "I have nothing to do with you." Zhui'er was so dizzy that he could only swallow hard. He actually didn't like Huaying. It wasn't that he didn't like Huaying, right? He likes to have this kind of relationship, maybe because he is not ready yet. The cultivation world is not like the mortal world where you can see loving couples everywhere. Zhui'er's age is equivalent to a young boy in the mortal world, and he has not received much education. He has been influenced in this area, so he doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. He is like a beginner who likes to play in water, but is afraid of it. If he is thrown into deep water, he will definitely panic.

Two soft and moist cherry lips were printed on Zhui'er's forehead. The indescribable feeling of ecstasy made Zhui'er's heartbeat pause. After a moment of sluggishness, hot blood surged up like erupting magma, in his mind The impact made a buzzing sound, and his instinct drove him to stretch out his trembling hands and hug Huaying's delicate body.

"Don't..." Huaying moaned shyly. Zhui'er's heavy breath hit her pretty face, which made her a little confused and fascinated. The violent reaction of this brat was a bit beyond her expectation. It seems that he ignored that the other party only had the cultivation level of pill formation, and he played a little too hard.

After Hui'er hugged Hui'er, she panted heavily and lowered her head to look for those pair of cherry lips that made him crazy. Hui'er shyly dodged. Since it had come to this point, she planned to let Zhui'er kiss her. Dodging was just an excuse. Due to her daughter's restraint, although she also felt that it was not good for the relationship to develop so quickly, it was already like this, and it would definitely be worse if she forced Zhui'er out.

Just when Zhui'er's body was on fire and Huaying was about to give him his wish, an angry roar sounded like muffled thunder over the bamboo sea. Although Zhui'er was shocked, his complexion suddenly changed, and Huaying also turned pale. The eyes that were covered with spring water immediately showed a look of panic, shame and anger.

"You can really do this with such a little brat! I'm even ashamed of you!" With these words full of anger and disdain, the handsome man-like figure appeared on the second floor. In front of others, his handsome face was already slightly distorted by anger.

Feeling guilty, Huaying pursed her lips tightly and protected Zhui'er behind her. She was too shy to argue on this matter, so she could only use her spiritual thoughts to explain to Zhe Feng, but even that kind of scene was bumped into by others. She The explanation is naturally weak.

Zhe Feng scolded him mercilessly, "You still have the nerve to say it! If you want to say it, just say it out loud and let your little brat lover listen!"

Huaying's face became even more confused. Her pretty face turned cold and she turned her gaze to one side, and simply said nothing.

"Come out!" Zhe Feng turned his anger on Zhui'er.

Zhui'er's eyes were still a little distracted. Zhe Feng's angry roar just now was due to his cultivation. He was so angry that he was able to restrain himself without causing Zhui'er to be seriously injured.

"Don't touch him!" When Huaying saw Zhe Feng trying to punish Zhui'er, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows and warning her. She was doing this for Zhe Feng's own good, but she didn't dare to reveal Zhui'er's identity as the Immortal Lord at this time.

"Okay! You still protect him! Okay! Okay! Okay!" Zhe Feng was so angry that his eyes turned red.

At this time, Zhui'er bravely walked out from behind Huaying, and Huaying hurriedly grabbed his arm to prevent him from walking out of his body-protecting divine light.

"If anything happens, come to me." Zhui'er frowned and looked at Zhe Feng and said. What he suffered most now was shame. His excessive behavior towards Huaying just now made him want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it immediately, but he He couldn't just throw away his hands and walk away like he did last time at Sesame Lake. At that time, his identity was a disgraceful person who secretly poached corners. From the bottom of his heart, he was ashamed of Zhe Feng. The affectionate eyes can already show her

Since Huaying has love for him, he has to take his own responsibility in this matter and cannot let Huaying do it for him.

"Let him go!" Zhe Feng shouted at Huaying.

Huaying silently grasped Zhui'er's arm more and more tightly, and the frost on her pretty face became heavier and heavier. Zhe Feng shouted at her like this in front of Zhui'er, which made her lose face.

Zhui'er looked at Zhe Feng and spoke the truth in a calm tone, "You don't have to shout to her. She just lets go of me. Do you still dare to attack me in Xianlin Courtyard? Let's talk clearly first. If you want Go ahead, I'll accompany you outside Qianxu Palace. I'm not afraid of you. You may not be able to hurt me." He remembered Xiaohou this time. With Xiaohou's support, he was not afraid of fighting Zhe Feng. It's a bit embarrassing for the little monkey to help him fight this kind of fight, so it's best not to fight this fight.

Hearing that Zhui'er dared to say such arrogant words, Zhe Feng was so angry that his forehead was about to burst into flames. He pointed at Zhui'er and said, "Okay! I have nothing more to say to you. Let's leave now. You can't." Don’t be a coward!”

Zhui'er just wanted to be reasonable, so he still maintained his serious expression and said, "You have nothing to say, but I have to finish what I said. I admit that I'm sorry to Senior Sister Huaying. I was rude to Senior Sister Huaying." , I am willing to accept whatever punishment my senior sister wants." He didn't dare to look at Huaying when he was talking, and his face turned red with shame in the middle of the sentence. After he finished speaking, he still didn't dare to look at Huaying, but he was obviously waiting. Show your stance with pictures and shadows.

"I have nothing to punish you." Huaying first conveyed these words to Zhui'er with her spiritual thoughts. After a moment of hesitation, she stared at the green bamboo in the courtyard and spoke out. That somewhat resolute expression indicated that she had made a choice. She had been looking at Zhuo'er since he stood up and spoke. Although Zhuo'er could not hide his shameful look, when facing such a powerful enemy The magnanimity displayed by him was completely unmatched by monks of the same level. She understood that this was the change brought about by the identity of the Immortal Lord. Whoever insists that Zhui'er is a little brat now is blind. .

Huaying's answer made Zhe Feng's eyes flash with a cold light. He stared at Huaying. He was wearing a Taoist robe without any wind. The pressure of a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying when he was furious was like a violent wave towards Huaying and him. Zhui'er rushed over.

Huaying remained motionless, her eyes still staring at the green bamboos in the courtyard, neither looking at Zhuo'er nor Zhifeng.

Zhui'er gained confidence from Huaying's reply. The shame on his face slightly faded, and he continued to reason with the furious Zhifeng, "I want to ask you, Senior Sister Huaying has made a lifelong commitment to you. ?"

"No." Huaying spat out these two words lightly and answered for Zhe Feng.

"No?! You actually..." Zhe Feng was so angry that he was speechless.

"Did I ever promise you a lifetime?" Huaying couldn't be shy and looked at Zhe Feng to confront him.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you said that, I have nothing to say." Zhe Feng looked at Huaying with both disappointment and disdain in his eyes.

"Since Senior Sister has not yet committed to a life-long commitment, this matter has nothing to do with Senior Sister. Who she wants to be close to is her own business. You can't lose your temper with her." Zhui'er still had the same reasonable expression, just talking. His tone was softer and slower than before, because these words were somewhat...inhumane.

Zhe Feng moved his dagger-like gaze from Huaying to Zhui'er's face, and said angrily, "You mean, it's just the two of us here? That's great."

Zhui'er met his gaze and said, "I have nothing to do with you."

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