Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1390 What can you do to me?

"It's nothing?!" Zhe Feng frowned and blinked. He was stunned by Zhui'er's words. Only when he came to his senses did he fiercely say, "You and I have nothing to do, but I have an insoluble grudge with you!"

Zhui'er said helplessly, "I can't help it if you want to do this, but if I were you, I wouldn't bear this kind of grudge. I would only blame myself for not being capable and not doing well enough, instead of hating others."

What Zhui'er said was true, but it sounded particularly harsh to Zhe Feng. He waved his hand angrily and chopped the green bamboo Hui Ying was staring at into pieces, pointing at Hui Ying with red eyes. The son said, "Ask her! Ask her how much I have given her over the years! How many benefits I have given her!" After that, he stared at Huaying again and asked, "Are you worthy of your conscience by doing this!"

Huaying's pretty face turned red when asked, and she became angry and said, "That's what you are willing to give! He also gave me a lot of things, including a spiritual treasure!" She regretted the words as soon as she said them.

"Lingbao?" Zhe Feng looked at Huaying and then at Zhuo'er in disbelief, wanting to confirm whether this was true or not.

Zhui'er felt bored. Huaying's words were too utilitarian and ruthless. Not only did he regard himself as a commodity to be sold, but he and Zhe Feng also regarded him and Zhe Feng as the buyers who paid the highest price. This made him feel It's quite unpleasant.

"Did you really give her the spiritual treasure? Where did you get the spiritual treasure?" Zhe Feng asked, staring at Zhui'er.

"You have nothing to do with this." Huaying stepped forward and stood in front of Zhui'er. She had to try her best to make up for her mistake because she had already observed the change in Zhui'er's expression.

"Who are you trying to coax with your empty words? If he really gives you the Lingbao, show it to me!" Zhe Feng's aura seemed to have weakened a little. I don't know if he was suppressed by the Lingbao or because he really wanted to Taking a look at the spiritual treasure, it no longer looked like he might take action at any time.

"He also gave me an immortal treasure. Do you want to show it to you too?" Hua Ying asked with her eyebrows raised, trying to confuse the matter about the spiritual treasure.

Zhui'er stood behind Huaying and used her spiritual consciousness to look at Huaying's pretty face that was still uniquely beautiful even when they were talking to each other. The beauty's every frown and smile had a unique charm. This can be said to be one of their talents. He has magical powers, but now he doesn't feel the pounding in his heart when he looks at that pretty face.

"Hmph!" There was contempt in Zhe Feng's eyes. He knew Huaying very well. She would never have fallen into the arms of a young monk if she had not received a huge benefit. The Lingbao should be real. But this also made him wary of Zhui'er. For a pill-forming monk to give away a spiritual treasure, even if it was stolen, he still had to have access to the spiritual treasure.

At this time, Zhui'er turned around from behind Huaying again. This time, he didn't have the reasonable look on his face. Instead, he said to Zhe Feng with a bit of desolation, "If you care about her, then don't talk about it." How much benefit has been given? If you want to care about something, then just calculate the total amount given, and just say the amount converted into spiritual stones. "

Zhe Feng narrowed his eyes at Zhui'er and asked, "Are you going to pay it back for her?"

Huaying held Zhui'er's arm and said, "You don't have to worry about it. I will pay him back what I owe him!"

"Can you still afford it!"? Zhe Feng glared at Huaying with sharp eyes.

"I'll pay you back sooner or later!" Huaying said harshly, but she could only show her anger and anger.

Zhui'er said a little impatiently, "Tell me, if I can afford it, I will pay it back for her." He was indeed a little impatient and wanted to get out of this dispute as soon as possible. Although his feelings towards Huaying had changed, But he still wanted to help Huaying pay off the debt first.

His feelings for Huaying won't dissipate all at once

Yes, this can be seen from the spiritual treasure. In addition to the Wu Ting given by Immortal Lord Hengguan, he also has three spiritual treasures. Among them, the one left by the deceased Great Immortal Concubine was sealed by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. The next one was found for him by Immortal Xiaoyao, and the other was left by Wuhun for him. He had already asked Shen Qing, and the one that Immortal Xiaoyao found looked better, so he took this one. The best one was given to Huaying, and the worse one was planned to be given to Lu Gang or Shu Yan later. From this, it is not difficult to see the position of Huaying in his heart.

"You still?" Zhe Feng looked at Zhui'er, then snorted and said, "Do you think she is sincere to you? You are just a little brat. She only cares about your property. From then on Can’t you see through me?”

"Don't be so rude!" Hua Ying was really anxious this time. Being treated so badly by Zhe Feng, she couldn't bear it even if she was being unreasonable.

Zhui'er waved her hand to Huaying who was shaking with anger, then looked at Zhe Feng and said, "Whether she is sincere to me or not is a matter between the two of us. You don't have to worry about it. Senior sister Huaying has no one to help her and can only rely on herself." She works hard and earns spiritual stones by selling magic charms to buy materials. I am willing to help her because it is difficult for her. I don’t care what she does to me. I can understand her some schemes. "

"Hahaha..." Zhe Feng laughed and said sarcastically, "That sounds nice, but in fact you are just confused by her beauty. Do you believe what you say?"

Zhui'er raised her hand again to stop Huiying who was about to fight back on her behalf, and said to Zhe Feng in an obviously impatient tone, "It's useless to say more, just say how much she owes you."

Zhe Feng became angry again and said sternly, "The debt she owes me cannot be repaid with spirit stones! Do you know how much time and effort I have put into her over the years? Ask her how many spirit stones she should repay." !”

Huaying also shouted back sternly, "Favours belong to favors, debts belong to debts, and I will repay you the favors I owe you!"

"How do you pay back! What do you want to pay back!" Zhe Feng asked angrily.

Zhui'er was so annoyed that she couldn't help but raise her voice and said, "What on earth do you want? If two people are in love, they will get together, and if they don't, they will separate. No matter how much you have done for senior sister before, isn't that what you want? Senior sister will accompany you." Don't you get pleasure from talking and laughing? Now consider these things as accounts, are you still a man?"

Zhe Feng Huo Dao "It's easy to say it. You can say this again when she gets rid of you!"

Zhui'er said solemnly, "You don't have to wait until then. Even if she turns against me now, I won't regret my previous efforts, let alone collect debts from her. You are also a great monk. Let's not quarrel with a shrew." , Just tell me how many spiritual stones you think Senior Sister Huaying will pay you back."

Zhe Feng scolded him shamelessly, "You really think of yourself as a person. Who do you think you are? You're just a little kid."

Zhui'er stared at him displeased and said, "You keep saying that I'm a brat. I've been too lazy to argue with you, but don't let it go. I don't want to fight you because of senior sister's matter, because this can't be solved by fighting." The problem is not that whoever wins the battle can get Senior Sister Huaying. This has to be decided by Senior Sister herself. Relying on force to solve everything is a sign of incompetence. What kind of ability do you show off to a person like me who has cultivated alchemy skills? ?”

Zhe Feng had nothing to say, because it was really not worth bragging about showing off his power in front of a pill-forming monk, but he couldn't just be left speechless by others, so he had to say harshly, "Aren't you just a little brat?" I said again. What can you do to me?"

s? Thank you for not reading Xiaobai’s article? Senior brother’s reward, but I think senior brother you are just joining in the fun, hahahaha “It’s nothing?!” Zhe Feng frowned and blinked. He was stunned by Zhui’er’s words. After reacting, he said fiercely, "You have nothing to do with me, but I have an insoluble grudge with you!"

Zhui'er said helplessly, "I can't help it if you want to do this, but if I were you, I wouldn't bear this kind of grudge. I would only blame myself for not being capable and not doing well enough, instead of hating others."

What Zhui'er said was true, but it sounded particularly harsh to Zhe Feng. He waved his hand angrily and chopped the green bamboo Hui Ying was staring at into pieces, pointing at Hui Ying with red eyes. The son said, "Ask her! Ask her how much I have given her over the years! How many benefits I have given her!" After that, he stared at Huaying again and asked, "Are you worthy of your conscience by doing this!"

Huaying's pretty face turned red when asked, and she became angry and said, "That's what you are willing to give! He also gave me a lot of things, including a spiritual treasure!" She regretted the words as soon as she said them.

"Ling Bao?" Zhe Feng looked at Huaying and then at Zhuo'er in disbelief, wanting to confirm whether this was true or not.

Zhui'er felt bored. Huaying's words were too utilitarian and ruthless. Not only did he regard himself as a commodity to be sold, but he and Zhe Feng also regarded him and Zhe Feng as the buyers who paid the highest price. This made him feel It's quite unpleasant.

"Did you really give her the spiritual treasure? Where did you get the spiritual treasure?" Zhe Feng asked, staring at Zhui'er.

"You have nothing to do with this." Huaying stepped forward and stood in front of Zhui'er. She had to try her best to make up for her mistake because she had already observed the change in Zhui'er's expression.

"Who are you trying to coax with your empty words? If he really gives you the Lingbao, show it to me!" Zhe Feng's aura seemed to have weakened a little. I don't know if he was suppressed by the Lingbao or because he really wanted to Taking a look at the spiritual treasure, it no longer looked like he might take action at any time.

"He also gave me an immortal treasure. Do you want to show it to you too?" Hua Ying asked with her eyebrows raised, trying to confuse the matter about the spiritual treasure.

Zhui'er stood behind Huaying and used her spiritual consciousness to look at Huaying's pretty face that was still uniquely beautiful even when they were talking to each other. The beauty's every frown and smile had a unique charm. This can be said to be one of their talents. He has magical powers, but now he doesn't feel the pounding in his heart when he looks at that pretty face.

"Hmph!" There was contempt in Zhe Feng's eyes. He knew Huaying very well. She would never have fallen into the arms of a young monk if she had not received a huge benefit. The Lingbao should be real. But this also made him wary of Zhui'er. For a pill-forming monk to give away a spiritual treasure, even if it was stolen, he still had to have access to the spiritual treasure.

At this time, Zhui'er turned around from behind Huaying again. This time, he didn't have the reasonable look on his face. Instead, he said to Zhe Feng with a bit of desolation, "If you care about her, then don't talk about it." How much benefit has been given? If you want to care about something, then just calculate how much you have given in total. Just tell me the amount converted into spiritual stones. "

Zhe Feng narrowed his eyes at Zhui'er and asked, "Are you going to pay it back for her?"

Huaying held Zhui'er's arm and said, "You don't have to worry about it. I will pay him back whatever I owe him!"

"Can you still afford it!"? Zhe Feng glared at Huaying with sharp eyes.

"I'll pay you back sooner or later!" Huaying retorted forcefully, but she could only be sullen and angry.

Zhui'er said a little impatiently, "Tell me, if I can afford it, I will pay it back for her." He was indeed a little impatient and wanted to get out of this dispute as soon as possible. Although his feelings towards Huaying had changed, But he still wanted to help Huaying pay off the debt first.

His feelings for Huaying won't dissipate all at once

Yes, this can be seen from the spiritual treasure. In addition to the Wu Ting given by Immortal Lord Hengguan, he also has three spiritual treasures. Among them, the one left by the deceased Great Immortal Concubine was sealed by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. The next one was found for him by Immortal Xiaoyao, and the other was left by Wuhun for him. He had already asked Shen Qing, and the one that Immortal Xiaoyao found looked better, so he took this one. The best one was given to Huaying, and the worse one was planned to be given to Lu Gang or Shu Yan later. From this, it is not difficult to see the position of Huaying in his heart.

"You still?" Zhe Feng looked at Zhui'er, then snorted and said, "Do you think she is sincere to you? You are just a little brat. She only cares about your property. From then on Can’t you see through me?”

"Don't be so rude!" Hua Ying was really anxious this time. Being spoken to so badly by Zhe Feng, she couldn't bear it even if she was being unreasonable.

Zhui'er waved her hand to Huaying who was shaking with anger, then looked at Zhe Feng and said, "Whether she is sincere to me or not is a matter between the two of us. You don't have to worry about it. Senior sister Huaying has no one to help her and can only rely on herself." She works hard and earns spiritual stones by selling magic charms to buy materials. I am willing to help her because it is difficult for her. I don’t care what she does to me. I can understand her some schemes. "

"Hahaha..." Zhe Feng laughed and said sarcastically, "That sounds nice, but in fact you are just confused by her beauty. Do you believe what you say?"

Zhui'er raised her hand again to stop Huiying who was about to fight back on her behalf, and said to Zhe Feng in an obviously impatient tone, "It's useless to say more, just say how much she owes you."

Zhe Feng became angry again and said sternly, "The debt she owes me cannot be repaid with spirit stones! Do you know how much time and effort I have put into her over the years? Ask her how many spirit stones she should repay." !”

Huaying also shouted back sternly, "Favours belong to favors, debts belong to debts, and I will repay you the favors I owe you!"

"How do you pay back! What do you want to pay back!" Zhe Feng asked angrily.

Zhui'er was so annoyed that she couldn't help but raise her voice and said, "What on earth do you want? If two people are in love, they will get together, and if they don't, they will separate. No matter how much you have done for senior sister before, isn't that what you want? Senior sister will accompany you." Don't you get pleasure from talking and laughing? Now consider these things as accounts, are you still a man?"

Zhe Feng Huo Dao "It's easy to say it. You can say this again when she gets rid of you!"

Zhui'er said solemnly, "You don't have to wait until then. Even if she turns against me now, I won't regret my previous efforts, let alone collect debts from her. You are also a great monk. Let's not quarrel with a shrew." , Just tell me how many spiritual stones you think Senior Sister Huaying will pay you back."

Zhe Feng scolded him shamelessly, "You really think of yourself as a person. Who do you think you are? You're just a little kid."

Zhui'er stared at him displeased and said, "You keep saying that I'm a brat. I've been too lazy to argue with you, but don't let it go. I don't want to fight you because of senior sister's matter, because this can't be solved by fighting." The problem is not that whoever wins the battle can get Senior Sister Huaying. This has to be decided by Senior Sister herself. Relying on force to solve everything is a sign of incompetence. What kind of ability do you show off to a person like me who has cultivated alchemy skills? ?”

Zhe Feng had nothing to say, because it was really not worth bragging about showing off his power in front of a pill-forming monk, but he couldn't just be left speechless by others, so he had to say harshly, "Aren't you just a little brat?" I said again. What can you do to me?"

s? Thank you for not reading Xiaobai’s article? Senior brother’s reward, but I think senior brother you are just joining in the fun, hahahaha

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