Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1398 I have a magic weapon that can take advantage of me

Shu Yan felt relieved, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, so I won't ask anymore so as not to embarrass him. Okay, I feel more at ease when you say that. He gave me one last time." It's an excellent defensive treasure. It was given to him by Shen Qing, so you can see it." After feeling relieved, Shu Yan couldn't help but show off to Lu Gang.

Lu Gang took the "Qing Po" and took a look at it. After the last suspicion incident, although he no longer doubted what happened to Zhui'er and Shu Yan, Zhui'er kept giving Shu Yan treasures, and he But he had nothing to give, and he must have felt a little uncomfortable, so he said, "We are all thanks to him. When we were young, we never thought that he would be so promising."

Shu Yan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "He was very promising when he was a child. Didn't he always coax us all around?" She could see Lu Gang's thoughts. After speaking, she took out the dress and played with it happily. , "Tell me, where did you get it? How many spiritual stones did it cost?"

Lu Gang couldn't explain how he felt at this moment. He really earned this dress for Shu Yan, but it was obtained by kneeling down in humiliation. .??.

Shu Yan saw that Lu Gang's expression was a little unnatural, so she couldn't help but frown and asked, "What? Is there another story here?"

Lu Gangqiang smiled and waved his hands and said, "I didn't use many spirit stones. I got them from Tuo Shui'er. I don't know if he put the spirit stones in there or not. Don't ask him. Anyway, I owe him more than this." , I will try my best to return it to him in the future.”

"Don't mention those who haven't paid back, it's too estranged. From now on, we will never tell Zhui'er apart from each other, and we will always regard him as our biological brother." Shu Yan looked at Lu Gang with a trace of interest in her eyes. tenderness.

Lu Gang nodded and avoided Shu Yan's gaze with some embarrassment. He was not much better at this than Zhui'er when he faced Huaying. Girls mature earlier than boys of the same age in this regard.

"Where did Zhui'er go?"


The two of them fell silent next. Now the two of them cannot live without the presence of brother Zhui'er, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

When Zhui'er came to the bottom of the cave, he suddenly remembered something. He mobilized the little monkey and tried to order it to drill into the rock wall. Immortal Xiaoyao told him that this little monkey was good at earth escape. of.

The little monkey disappeared into the rock wall as soon as it appeared. Zhui'er was now panicked, fearing that it would never come back, so he hurriedly called it back. To his joy, the little monkey came back immediately, but after a while When he came back, he pushed him down and jumped on his stomach.

"Hahahaha..." Zhui'er laughed happily. He could feel the little monkey's close emotion towards him.

After the little monkey had danced enough, Zhui'er looked at the stone wall and blinked twice. Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​letting the little monkey escape with him and put the little monkey away. He was not yet proficient in this spell. It is easy to be disturbed by the little monkey and lose your life.

After entering the secret room, Zhui'er first loaded the magic weapon, then the spiritual stone, and finally various materials with high value. After filling his own Qiankun bag, he emptied the Qiankun bag here and refilled it. See With two full Qiankun bags, he felt that it was enough. After all, carrying too many things on his body was troublesome. After that, he left a jade slip for Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. In the message, he first mentioned that the monsters might kill him. The news from Nanjingzhou reminded the seniors to pay more attention, and also said that he had left Qianxu Palace to seek refuge. As for where he would go to seek refuge, he did not say. Firstly, he did not want to cause trouble to others, and secondly, he did not want to let this person He blamed his senior for disrupting his plan to protect his family and later travel with Shen Qingyuan.

He replied

When they left, both Shu Yan and Lu Gang were waiting anxiously. Zhui'er first took out the spiritual treasure that Wuhunliu had left, and said to them, "This is a spiritual treasure, but it needs to be at the level of Nascent Soul to be refined. That's it." Leave it to Shu Yan for safekeeping first, whoever can use it first will use it first."

Even Lu Gang can't stay calm this time. Are brothers Zhui'er going to defy the odds and even have spiritual treasures? The two of them took turns fighting for the spiritual treasure. Although they could not identify the spiritual treasure, they could feel the mysterious and dangerous spiritual objects inside by using their spiritual consciousness.

After looking at it for a long time, Shu Yan raised her head and said, "Your cultivation must be the first to use it. You should keep it yourself. I can't bear this responsibility. If I carry it with me, I will be left with nothing all day long." I’m on tenterhooks.”

"Because I already have one." Zhui'er was waiting to show off. When she finally asked, she took out Wu Ting and showed it to them.

The two people looked at Wu Ting again, and then Shu Yan raised her head first and said, "Then let Lu Gang keep it. With so many spirit stones, I am already like a thief."

Zhui'er said with a bad smile, "This is your life. You have to keep all the most valuable things. Lu Gang hasn't told you that the dress has a miraculous effect on isolating spiritual consciousness, right? He gave it to you out of calculation." Got this dress."

"How amazing is the miraculous effect?" Shu Yan took out the dress again and carefully examined it with her spiritual consciousness. The Taoist robes they wore had a certain effect of isolating their spiritual consciousness. Lu Gang's expression just now was unnatural. , so she put away her dress without looking carefully. Now when she looked carefully, she knew that Zhui'er was right.

"It's true! My consciousness can't see through it at all. Can you see through it?"

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "If it doesn't have much effect on people of our level, is it still called a miraculous effect?"

Shu Yan fell in love with that dress even more. She glanced at Zhui'er with a smile and said, "Don't sow discord. Lu Gang told me, you bought this for him. If you're plotting against me, you're plotting against me!"

After hearing this, Zhui'er understood how Lu Gang had deceived her, so she laughed and said, "That's why Lu Gang told me to buy one with stronger isolation ability. I chose it according to his request."

Shu Yan hurriedly put away the dress in embarrassment, her pretty face flushed and she didn't dare to mention it again. The speaker was unintentional, and Zhui'er didn't think much about it, but Shu Yan believed what he said, because it was reasonable and reasonable. It's normal for Lu Gang to buy clothes for her that can cover her body, but it's too embarrassing for her to ask someone to buy clothes and deliberately ask for them. Even though Brother Zhuo'er is one of her own, that's not the case. Can not be done.

Zhui'er stupidly thought that Shu Yan's blush was because she was blocked by him and had nothing to say, so he snatched the spiritual treasure from Lu Gang and gave it to Shu Yan, "There is plenty of time to look back later, so take it first stand up."

Then he took out the high-grade long knife and showed off to Lu Gang, "This treasure requires the cultivation of pill formation to exert some power. I will give it to you after you have formed the pill. I will use it first."

This time Lu Gang was calm again, smiled lightly and said, "I have a magic weapon that can take advantage of me."

Zhui'er looked at him sideways and said, "Okay, you can hide it with me." Zhui'er said this because he knew that there was a big monk helping Lu Gang.

Lu Gang was a little embarrassed and took out a dark big stick. It looked like it was made of dark iron. There were dark red patches on the head of the stick, like solidified black blood. As soon as this thing was taken out, the pendant and Shu Yan felt a strong ominous atmosphere.

"I just got it. I didn't hide it from you, but I didn't have time to tell you." Lu Gang explained and handed the big stick, which was more than ten feet long, to Zhui'er. Shu Yan felt relieved, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, so I won't ask anymore so as not to embarrass him. Okay, I feel more at ease when you say that. He gave me one last time." It's an excellent defensive treasure. It was given to him by Shen Qing, so you can see it." After feeling relieved, Shu Yan couldn't help but show off to Lu Gang.

Lu Gang took the "Qing Po" and took a look at it. After the last suspicion incident, although he no longer doubted what happened to Zhui'er and Shu Yan, Zhui'er kept giving Shu Yan treasures, and he But he had nothing to give, and he must have felt a little uncomfortable, so he said, "We are all thanks to him. When we were young, we never thought that he would be so promising."

Shu Yan pursed her lips and smiled and said, "He was very promising when he was a child. Didn't he always coax us all around?" She could see Lu Gang's thoughts. After speaking, she took out the dress and played with it happily. , "Tell me, where did you get it? How many spiritual stones did it cost?"

Lu Gang couldn't explain how he felt at this moment. He really earned this dress for Shu Yan, but it was obtained by kneeling down in humiliation.

Shu Yan saw that Lu Gang's expression was a little unnatural, so she couldn't help but frown and asked, "What? Is there another story here?"

Lu Gangqiang smiled and waved his hands and said, "I didn't use many spirit stones. I got them from Tuo Shui'er. I don't know if he put the spirit stones in there or not. Don't ask him. Anyway, I owe him more than this." , I will try my best to return it to him in the future.”

"Don't mention those who haven't paid back, it's too estranged. From now on, we will never tell Zhui'er apart from each other, and we will always regard him as our biological brother." Shu Yan looked at Lu Gang with a trace of interest in her eyes. tenderness.

Lu Gang nodded and avoided Shu Yan's gaze with some embarrassment. He was not much better at this than Zhui'er when he faced Huaying. Girls mature earlier than boys of the same age in this regard.

"Where did Zhui'er go?"


The two of them fell silent next. Now the two of them cannot live without the presence of brother Zhui'er, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

When Zhui'er came to the bottom of the cave, he suddenly remembered something. He mobilized the little monkey and tried to order it to drill into the rock wall. Immortal Xiaoyao told him that this little monkey was good at earth escape. of.

The little monkey disappeared into the rock wall as soon as it appeared. Zhui'er was now panicked, fearing that it would never come back, so he hurriedly called it back. To his joy, the little monkey came back immediately, but after a while When he came back, he pushed him down and jumped on his stomach.

"Hahahaha..." Zhui'er laughed happily. He could feel the little monkey's close emotion towards him.

After the little monkey had danced enough, Zhui'er looked at the stone wall and blinked twice. Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​letting the little monkey escape with him and put the little monkey away. He was not yet proficient in this spell. It is easy to be disturbed by the monkey and lose your life.

After entering the secret room, Zhui'er first loaded the magic weapon, then the spiritual stone, and finally various materials with high value. After filling his own Qiankun bag, he emptied the Qiankun bag here and refilled it. See With two full Qiankun bags, he felt that it was enough. After all, carrying too many things on his body was troublesome. After that, he left a jade slip for Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. In the message, he first mentioned that the monsters might kill him. The news from Nanjingzhou reminded the seniors to pay more attention, and also said that he had left Qianxu Palace to seek refuge. As for where he would go to seek refuge, he did not say. Firstly, he did not want to cause trouble to others, and secondly, he did not want to let this person He blamed his senior for disrupting his plan to protect his family and later travel with Shen Qingyuan.

He replied

When they left, both Shu Yan and Lu Gang were waiting anxiously. Zhui'er first took out the spiritual treasure that Wuhunliu had left, and said to them, "This is a spiritual treasure, but it needs to be at the level of Nascent Soul to be refined. That's it." Leave it to Shu Yan for safekeeping first, whoever can use it first will use it first."

Even Lu Gang can't stay calm this time. Are brothers Zhui'er going to defy the odds and even have spiritual treasures? The two of them took turns fighting for the spiritual treasure. Although they could not identify the spiritual treasure, they could feel the mysterious and dangerous spiritual objects inside by using their spiritual consciousness.

After looking at it for a long time, Shu Yan raised her head and said, "Your cultivation must be the first to use it. You should keep it yourself. I can't bear this responsibility. If I carry it with me, I will be left with nothing all day long." I’m on tenterhooks.”

"Because I already have one." Zhui'er was waiting to show off. When she finally asked, she took out Wu Ting to show them.

The two people looked at Wu Ting again, and then Shu Yan raised her head first and said, "Then let Lu Gang keep it. With so many spirit stones, I am already like a thief."

Zhui'er said with a bad smile, "This is your life. You have to keep all the most valuable things. Lu Gang hasn't told you that the dress has a miraculous effect on isolating spiritual consciousness, right? He gave it to you out of calculation." Got this dress."

"How amazing is the miraculous effect?" Shu Yan took out the dress again and carefully examined it with her spiritual consciousness. The Taoist robes they wore had a certain effect of isolating their spiritual consciousness. Just now, Lu Gang looked unnatural. , so she put away her dress without looking carefully. Now when she looked carefully, she knew that Zhui'er was right.

"It's true! My consciousness can't see through it at all. Can you see through it?"

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "If it doesn't have much effect on people of our level, is it still called a miraculous effect?"

Shu Yan fell in love with that dress even more. She glanced at Zhui'er with a smile and said, "Don't sow discord. Lu Gang told me, you bought this for him. If you are plotting against me, you are plotting against me!"

After hearing this, Zhui'er understood how Lu Gang had deceived her, so she laughed and said, "That's why Lu Gang told me to buy one with stronger isolation ability. I chose it according to his request."

Shu Yan hurriedly put away the dress in embarrassment, her pretty face flushed and she didn't dare to mention it again. The speaker was unintentional, and Zhui'er didn't think much about it, but Shu Yan believed what he said, because it was reasonable and reasonable. It's normal for Lu Gang to buy clothes for her that can cover her body, but it's too embarrassing for her to ask someone to buy clothes and deliberately ask for them. Even though Brother Zhuo'er is one of her own, that's not the case. Can not be done.

Zhui'er stupidly thought that Shu Yan's blush was because she was blocked by him and had nothing to say, so he snatched the spiritual treasure from Lu Gang and gave it to Shu Yan, "There is plenty of time to look back later, so take it first stand up."

Then he took out the high-grade long knife and showed off to Lu Gang, "This treasure requires the cultivation of pill formation to exert some power. I will give it to you after you have formed the pill. I will use it first."

This time Lu Gang was calm again, smiled lightly and said, "I have a magic weapon that can take advantage of me."

Zhui'er looked at him sideways and said, "Okay, you can hide it with me." Zhui'er said this because he knew that there was a big monk helping Lu Gang.

Lu Gang was a little embarrassed and took out a dark big stick. It looked like it was made of dark iron. There were dark red patches on the head of the stick, like solidified black blood. As soon as this thing was taken out, the pendant and Shu Yan felt a strong ominous atmosphere.

"I just got it. I didn't hide it from you, but I didn't have time to tell you." Lu Gang explained and handed the big stick, which was more than ten feet long, to Zhui'er.

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