Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1399 See if there is any inner elixir

Zhui'er understood the meaning in his eyes that he didn't want to say more, so he took the big stick, weighed it, and said, "It's heavy enough. It looks pretty good." He didn't say much more.

Shu Yan took the big stick from Zhuo'er, frowned and said, "This evil spirit is quite strong, it looks like blood." After saying that, she threw it back to Lu Gang with some disgust, and she didn't ask any questions about it. Origin, because she doesn't want to be despised by the two people anymore. Now in her opinion, the disciples of Xianlin Academy are even more mysterious. Zhui'er can give away spiritual treasures, but Lu Gang is worthless.

"Then do you need a defensive treasure?" Zhui'er took out the soulless Panlong jade button.

"You can keep it for yourself." This was both polite and a way for Lu Gang to save himself.

"I still have it, you can keep this for use." Seeing Lu Gang like this, Zhui'er stopped showing off and directly gave him the Panlong Jade Button.

"Please keep this bag." Zhui'er handed Shu Yan the Qiankun bag filled with spiritual stones and various valuable materials, and then waited with a smile to see Shu Yan's surprised look.

Shu Yan would never disappoint Zhui'er in this aspect, but after being surprised, she said with a sad face, "You guys are so bullying. Two grown men ask me and a woman to take on such a big responsibility. I don't care."

Zhui'er smiled with satisfaction and said, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's lost or snatched away. We still have it."

"More?" Shu Yan's eyes almost popped out of her head. She was so able to satisfy Zhui'er's desire to show off.

"Hehe..." Zhui'er happily took out the Armorless Sword and handed it to her, "I'll lend you this first. It's not that I'm reluctant to give it to you, but it's because this treasure was given by an important person and I can't give it away to others at will." Compared to the unarmored sword, he prefers the light long sword. Shen Qing said that after forming a pill, he can exert some of the power of the long sword. He has now formed a pill.

"Then there's no need..." Shu Yan put in her spiritual power and tried the sword. Her refusal was a bit forced. Of course she wouldn't let go of such a good treasure.

"It's important to keep our nest safe. I can't use all the treasures I have left." Zhui'er said to Shu Yan and started to take out spiritual stones and other items from his Qiankun bag to give to Lu Gang. The Qiankun bag is too full.

Shu Yan stopped talking and silently put away the full Qiankun bag and Wujia sword, then quietly walked behind a big tree and put on the light red dress, and put the Qiankun bag filled with belongings Hidden under the skirt.

While Shu Yan was changing her clothes, Lu Gang used his spiritual thoughts to say to Zhui'er, "It's okay for us to protect your family, but you have to promise me not to interfere in mortal affairs easily unless your family is harmed." Otherwise, let’s not care whether it’s a relative or a friend who is in trouble, but I’ve already been punished for it.”

Zhui'er was only thinking about protecting her family, and she really didn't connect Lu Gang's punishment with her own affairs. Hearing what he said, she couldn't help but feel more worried in her heart. She nodded and said, "I promise you, there will be no unnecessary things." I won’t care. If we take action if the monsters cause trouble, it shouldn’t be a violation of the commandments.”

Lu Gang nodded slightly and said with a solemn expression, "During the fight, we should be visible to other mortals as much as possible."

After Shu Yan came back, her eyes flashed brightly and she said, "I almost want to kill some monsters." This was purely because of the armor-less sword, and she couldn't wait to try it out.

r\u003e This suggestion immediately made Lu Gang lick his lips. His big blood-iron stick was given to him by the Fourth Immortal Lord not long ago, and he has never used it yet.

Zhui'er's hands were itchy just after he got back the long and light sword, but after all, he is a man who has seen the world. The experience of being surrounded by three monster beasts and fighting the Qiankun Beast made him deeply aware of the danger of monster beasts. Killing monsters is no longer as trivial as before, and he also shoulders the responsibility of being the instigator.

"Don't go looking for monsters. You might encounter them along the way. Don't worry about not having a chance to practice." Zhui'er's words are a bit deceptive. The most powerful monsters you can encounter on this road are It had to be the tiger spirit he killed when he was a child. They didn't even bother to look at a little monster of that level now. However, Zhui'er is also considering detouring to a more sinister-looking area and finding some less powerful little demons to practice with the three of them.

"Then let's go!" Shu Yan said excitedly.

"You point the direction, and I'll lead the way." Lu Gang stood up with his sword. He had the same idea as Zhui'er, he kept the general direction and ducked wherever there seemed to be a monster.

Zhui'er showed the route map to the two of them, and then the three of them set out on the road happily like three little birds just out of the cage.

Zhui'er has the most experience among the three people, followed by Shu Yan. Her experience is all obtained from the nonsense chats of her senior sisters. Some of them are useful, and some of them are exaggerated and untrue. Quite a bit, it's hard to say whether these watered-down "experiences" are more beneficial or more harmful to her. Lu Gang has basically been busy practicing these years and doesn't care much about other things.

Although they are disciples of Qianxu Palace, they have not yet reached the level of cultivation to go out and venture out, so they have not yet received guidance in this area. Although the Four Immortals patiently warned them for a while, only a hasty lecture can have no effect. It works, and their minds have already been raised. They can’t put it into their hearts when they hear it, and they forget all about running around and making trouble.

The three young monks who left Qianxu Palace were like three children who left the village. They were just playing and having fun and had long forgotten that there was danger. Zhui'er originally had a little sense of precaution, but Being together with two friends made him relaxed and happy, and he was afraid of contaminating each other. The two of them were always chatting and laughing with him, so naturally he couldn't be timid all the time.

This is of course no problem near the Qianxu Palace, but it is easy to cause problems when you are far away from the Qianxu Palace.

On the eighth day after walking out, Lu Gang pointed diagonally at the mist-shrouded mountains and rivers in front of him and said, "Go over there and have a look. There should be monsters there."

Although the three of them hadn't found a single monster in the past eight days, their spirits had not diminished at all. With Lu Gang's pointing, Zhui'er and Shu Yan followed him and flew in that direction without saying a word.

Flying into the mountains, the three of them were on heightened alert, but they still wanted to compete for the lead. No one wanted to fall behind, for fear that when they encountered the monster, the other two would take the lead and lose the opportunity to take action. nothing.

At this time, Zhui'er's cultivation, which was one level higher than theirs, showed an advantage. After flying over several mountains, he used his spiritual consciousness to discover a black python that had some skills hidden in a cave, so he didn't even say hello. He accelerated and rushed over. When Shu Yan and Lu Gang chased after him, he had already come out of the cave with a long knife on his face and a satisfied look on his face. Behind him were two sections of python bound by spiritual power.

"Come, let's see if there is any inner elixir." He proudly threw the two python bodies towards Shu Yan and Lu Gang. Zhui'er understood the meaning in his eyes that he didn't want to say more, so he took the big stick, weighed it, and said, "It's heavy enough. It looks pretty good." He didn't say much more.

Shu Yan took the big stick from Zhuo'er, frowned and said, "This evil spirit is quite strong, it looks like blood." After saying that, she threw it back to Lu Gang with some disgust, and she didn't ask any questions about it. Origin, because she doesn't want to be despised by the two people anymore. Now in her opinion, the disciples of Xianlin Academy are even more mysterious. Zhui'er can give away spiritual treasures, but Lu Gang is worthless.

"Then do you need a defensive treasure?" Zhui'er took out the soulless Panlong jade button.

"You can keep it for yourself." This was both polite and a way for Lu Gang to save himself.

"I still have it, you can keep this for use." Seeing Lu Gang like this, Zhui'er stopped showing off and directly gave him the Panlong Jade Button.

"Please keep this bag." Zhui'er handed Shu Yan the Qiankun bag filled with spiritual stones and various valuable materials, and then waited with a smile to see Shu Yan's surprised look.

Shu Yan would never disappoint Zhui'er in this aspect, but after being surprised, she said with a sad face, "You guys are so bullying. Two grown men ask me and a woman to take on such a big responsibility. I don't care."

Zhui'er smiled with satisfaction and said, "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if it's lost or snatched away. We still have it."

"What else?" Shu Yan's eyes almost popped out of her head. She was so able to satisfy Zhui'er's desire to show off.

"Hehe..." Zhui'er happily took out the Armorless Sword and handed it to her, "I'll lend you this first. It's not that I'm reluctant to give it to you, but it's because this treasure was given by an important person and I can't give it away to others at will." Compared to the unarmored sword, he prefers the light long sword. Shen Qing said that after forming a pill, he can exert some of the power of the long sword. He has now formed a pill.

"Then there's no need..." Shu Yan put in her spiritual power and tried the sword. Her refusal was a bit forced. Of course she wouldn't let go of such a good treasure.

"It's important to keep our nest safe. I can't use all the treasures I have left." Zhui'er said to Shu Yan and started to take out spiritual stones and other items from his Qiankun bag to give to Lu Gang. The Qiankun bag is too full.

Shu Yan stopped talking and silently put away the full Qiankun bag and Wujia sword, then quietly walked behind a big tree and put on the light red dress, and put the Qiankun bag filled with belongings Hidden under the skirt.

While Shu Yan was changing her clothes, Lu Gang used his spiritual thoughts to say to Zhui'er, "It's okay for us to protect your family, but you have to promise me not to interfere in mortal affairs easily unless your family is harmed." Otherwise, let’s not worry about whether it’s a relative or a friend who’s in trouble, but I’ve already been punished for it.”

Zhui'er was only thinking about protecting her family, and she really didn't connect Lu Gang's punishment with her own affairs. Hearing what he said, she couldn't help but feel more worried in her heart. She nodded and said, "I promise you, there will be no unnecessary things." I won’t care. If we take action if the monsters cause trouble, it shouldn’t be a violation of the commandments.”

Lu Gang nodded slightly and said with a solemn expression, "During the fight, we should be visible to other mortals as much as possible."

After Shu Yan came back, her eyes flashed brightly and she said, "I almost want to kill some monsters." This was purely because of the armor-less sword, and she couldn't wait to try it out.

r\u003e This suggestion immediately made Lu Gang lick his lips. His big blood-iron stick was given to him by the Fourth Immortal Lord not long ago, and he has never used it yet.

Zhui'er's hands were itchy just after he got back the long and light sword, but after all, he is a man who has seen the world. The experience of being surrounded by three monster beasts and fighting the Qiankun Beast made him deeply aware of the danger of monster beasts. Killing monsters is no longer as trivial as before, and he also shoulders the responsibility of being the instigator.

"Don't go looking for monsters. You might encounter them along the way. Don't worry about not having a chance to practice." Zhui'er's words are a bit deceptive. The most powerful monsters you can encounter on this road are It had to be the tiger spirit he killed when he was a child. They didn't even bother to look at a little monster of that level now. However, Zhui'er is also considering detouring to a more sinister-looking area and finding some less powerful little demons to practice with the three of them.

"Then let's go!" Shu Yan said excitedly.

"You point the direction, and I'll lead the way." Lu Gang stood up with his sword. He had the same idea as Zhui'er, he kept the general direction and ducked wherever there seemed to be a monster.

Zhui'er showed the route map to the two of them, and then the three of them set out on the road happily like three little birds just out of the cage.

Zhui'er has the most experience among the three people, followed by Shu Yan. Her experience is all obtained from the nonsense chats of her senior sisters. Some of them are useful, and some of them are exaggerated and untrue. Quite a bit, it's hard to say whether these watered-down "experiences" are more beneficial or more harmful to her. Lu Gang has basically been busy practicing these years and doesn't care much about other things.

Although they are disciples of Qianxu Palace, they have not yet reached the level of cultivation to go out and venture out, so they have not yet received guidance in this area. Although the Four Immortals patiently warned them for a while, only a hasty lecture can have no effect. It works, and their minds have already been raised, and they can't put it into their hearts when they hear it. They forget all about running around and making troubles.

The three young monks who left Qianxu Palace were like three children who left the village. They were just playing and having fun and had long forgotten that there was danger. Zhui'er originally had a little sense of precaution, but Being together with two friends made him relaxed and happy, and he was afraid of contaminating each other. The two of them were always chatting and laughing with him, so naturally he couldn't be timid all the time.

This is of course no problem near the Qianxu Palace, but it is easy to cause problems when you are far away from the Qianxu Palace.

On the eighth day after walking out, Lu Gang pointed diagonally at the mist-shrouded mountains and rivers in front of him and said, "Go over there and have a look. There should be monsters there."

Although the three of them hadn't found a single monster in the past eight days, their spirits had not diminished at all. With Lu Gang's pointing, Zhui'er and Shu Yan followed him and flew in that direction without saying a word.

Flying into the mountains, the three of them were on heightened alert, but they still wanted to compete for the lead. No one wanted to fall behind, for fear that when they encountered the monster, the other two would take the lead and lose the opportunity to take action. nothing.

At this time, Zhui'er's cultivation, which was one level higher than theirs, showed an advantage. After flying over several mountains, he used his spiritual consciousness to discover a black python that had some skills hidden in a cave, so he didn't even say hello. He accelerated and rushed over. When Shu Yan and Lu Gang chased after him, he had already come out of the cave with a long knife on his face and a satisfied look on his face. Behind him were two sections of python bound by spiritual power.

"Come, let's see if there is any inner elixir." He proudly threw the two python bodies towards Shu Yan and Lu Gang.

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