Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1400 Let’s go

Lu Gang picked up the blood-iron stick and beat the python's head to pieces, and then snorted heavily from his nostrils in frustration. He had no choice but to explore the area with his spiritual consciousness, so he couldn't get angry.

Shu Yan was a little disgusted and a little afraid of Da Mang's corpse, which was thicker than a bucket, but she still slashed open Mang's abdomen with her sword and took out a pea-sized white inner elixir. Seeing that the quality of the inner elixir was so low, she dissatisfied and took out the inner elixir. The inner elixir was thrown at Zhui'er and scolded, "You have already formed an elixir. Is it interesting to kill such a low-level monster? You don't even want to leave this to us. You are so unkind now, Zhui'er!"

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled self-consciously, swung his knife and cut the inner elixir in half, and then promised, "If I find it again, I'll let you kill it. Aren't my hands itchy too?" Dare to wait for Shu Yan to scold him again before hurriedly flying forward.

Lu Gang said to Shu Yan, "If he does this again, we won't go with him, otherwise we won't be able to share how many monsters there are."

Zhui'er heard this and quickly turned around and said, "I told you to kill me if I find him. The three of us can't be separated in case there is a powerful monster here." He knew that Lu Gang could do such a thing if he could say it. .

Seeing that Zhui'er was scared, Shu Yan felt relieved and said, "Let you bully us! If you dare to bully us again, we will really go find it ourselves!"

Seeing that they were still going strong, Zhui'er couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "Can you escape my grasp? If you don't follow me, I won't follow you? I will kill all the monsters on the road. Let's see who regrets it." Don’t drink wine as a penalty!”

"Hit him!" Shu Yan felt that she couldn't win, so she greeted Lu Gang, biting her lips and holding back the smile in her eyes, she raised her armor-free sword and took the lead in killing Zhui'er.

Lu Gang followed up slowly, carrying the blood-iron stick at an angle. He had no interest in taking action at all. His cultivation level was a whole level lower. He would be humiliating himself by going up there. He could only give others another chance to show off. .

Zhui'er wanted to bully Lu Gang, but since Lu Gang refused to be beaten, he couldn't fight with Shu Yan, so he laughed and ran away.

While flying through a canyon shrouded in thick fog, Zhui'er suddenly stopped, gestured to Shu Yan who was catching up, and then slowly fell into the canyon with a long knife in hand. At this time, Lu Gang also followed. When he came up, he saw that Zhui'er had discovered something. He was just about to go over and help in the search, when suddenly he saw a black light rushing out of the canyon filled with white mist and flying towards the front.

"Wu Bo! Be careful!" Zhui'er saw clearly that the monster was Wu Bo with only a thousand years of Taoism, so he shouted while waving his hand to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, indicating that he would hand it over to them, while his own hands itched. The long knife in his hand made a splash and was carried behind his back.

Wubo is a relatively common monster, and there is this thing in the storm of Qianxu Palace. Before Zhui'er finished speaking, Lu Gang and Shu Yan rushed after the fleeing Wubo.

The fleeing crow kept changing directions. Every time it changed direction, it would spray a cloud of gray mist towards the two people chasing behind. The mist had some magical powers and specially chose places with spiritual power to attach to it. Although this crow Zhu's Taoist skills are still shallow, and the mist he sprays can only block Lu Gang and Shu Yan's sight but has little effect on blocking their spiritual consciousness, but it is enough to keep the two busy. Lu Gang is okay, blocked by the mist After calling it twice, he stopped paying attention to it and depended on God.

She kept an eye on Wu Zhi and just chased her, letting the mist dissipate on its own, but Shu Yan couldn't do it. Every time she was covered by mist, she would panic for a while.

Zhui'er looked worried and had no choice but to pull Shu Yan forward and chase her forward. Shu Yan kept insisting that he didn't need his help.

Just as the three of them were chasing Wu Hao, four people suddenly appeared in front of them. Wu Hao was unable to dodge and was cut in half by one of them with a sword.

The sudden turn of events shocked Zhui'er and the three of them. When they recognized that the other party was wearing the Qianjie Sect's clothes, the three of them had the same look in their eyes as when they encountered a mortal enemy.

Yes, in the eyes of the young disciples of Qianxu Palace, Qianjie Sect is their mortal enemy. Only when they have experienced enough things will they understand that this kind of hatred between sects can be strategic and even ignored. , but that also requires enough wisdom. Although Zhui'er is very wise, he is too young now and still cannot see through many things. For example, he regards Qianjie Sect as his mortal enemy. It's the same as everyone else, because Aunt Xu Shujuan and the senior brothers who taught him lacked wisdom in this area. What they had always instilled in Zhui'er were stories of vendetta between two factions. Almost all the disciples of Qianxu Palace were in He grew up under this kind of education, and it was similar in Qianjie Sect.

The people on the other side were two men and two women. They were a Taoist couple in the early stage of Nascent Soul who brought their disciples out to practice. Those two disciples were both alchemy practitioners. It was the male disciple who killed Wu Hao. In Zhuo'er and the others When the three of them looked at each other with hostility, the other four looked at them with greed. They were just ordinary disciples of the Qianjie Sect. Even the two masters didn't have the same treasures that they could get their hands on, while the three of them held by Zhui'er. All the treasures are of the highest quality.

"Let's go." Zhui'er whispered to Lu Gang and Shu Yan. The other party was so strong that he couldn't even tell what the two elders were. Although they were mortal enemies, they couldn't go in vain. Go and die. Although the two factions hate each other, they will not fight each other when they meet. In most cases, you have to find a justifiable reason to take action. After all, Nanjingzhou has the Tianlu Alliance, and the two factions only care about each other. It is not under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Law Alliance, but it cannot ignore the existence of the Heavenly Law Alliance. If the Heavenly Law Alliance is really provoked, the matter must be explained.

Lu Gang stared at the four people with a sinister light in his eyes. Although he could not tell the cultivation level of the other four people, he was not afraid at all. For people like Lu Gang, there is no need for a reason to take action. , there are a group of such people in Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect, so when they meet on a narrow road, they will often act directly. This is one of the main reasons why the vendetta between the two factions continues.

Shu Yan's eyes also looked fierce. Unlike Lu Gang, she was frightened. She heard the senior sisters talk about the vendetta between the two factions. In her understanding, she met people from Qianjie Sect. It was almost a life-or-death ending, so now she felt that she was in a desperate situation, and she showed a desperate attitude.

Lu Gang was not afraid, but he was not stupid enough to take the initiative to provoke four people who could not see their cultivation. So as soon as Zhui'er said to leave, he followed Zhui'er back. Shu Yan was already a little confused, and her whole body was filled with excitement. They were trembling slightly. She only thought about fighting to the death, but she never thought that she could still walk. She was pulled back by Zhuo'er, while Lu Gang stood behind the two of them with a big blood-iron stick. The person kept an attitude of taking action at any time and flew backwards slowly. Lu Gang picked up the blood-iron stick and beat the python's head to pieces, and then snorted heavily from his nostrils in frustration. He had no choice but to explore the area with his spiritual consciousness, so he couldn't get angry.

Shu Yan was a little disgusted and a little afraid of Da Mang's corpse, which was thicker than a bucket, but she still slashed open Mang's abdomen with her sword and took out a pea-sized white inner elixir. Seeing that the quality of the inner elixir was so low, she dissatisfied and took out the inner elixir. The inner elixir was thrown at Zhui'er and scolded, "You have already formed an elixir. Is it interesting to kill such a low-level monster? You don't even want to leave this to us. You are so unkind now, Zhui'er!"

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled self-consciously, swung his knife and cut the inner elixir in half, and then promised, "If I find it again, I'll let you kill it. Aren't my hands itchy too?" Dare to wait for Shu Yan to scold him again before hurriedly flying forward.

Lu Gang said to Shu Yan, "If he does this again, we won't go with him, otherwise we won't be able to share how many monsters there are."

Zhui'er heard this and quickly turned around and said, "I told you to kill me if I find him. The three of us can't be separated in case there is a powerful monster here." He knew that Lu Gang could do such a thing if he could say it. .

Seeing that Zhui'er was scared, Shu Yan felt relieved and said, "Let you bully us! If you dare to bully us again, we will really go find it ourselves!"

Seeing that they were still going strong, Zhui'er couldn't help but curled his lips and said, "Can you escape my grasp? If you don't follow me, I won't follow you? I will kill all the monsters on the road. Let's see who regrets it." Don’t drink wine as a penalty!”

"Hit him!" Shu Yan felt that she couldn't win, so she greeted Lu Gang, biting her lips and holding back the smile in her eyes, she raised her armor-free sword and took the lead in killing Zhui'er.

Lu Gang followed up slowly, carrying the blood-iron stick at an angle. He had no interest in taking action at all. His cultivation level was a whole level lower. He would be humiliating himself by going up there. He could only give others another chance to show off. .

Zhui'er wanted to bully Lu Gang, but since Lu Gang refused to be beaten, he couldn't fight with Shu Yan, so he laughed and ran away.

While flying through a canyon shrouded in thick fog, Zhui'er suddenly stopped, gestured to Shu Yan who was catching up, and then slowly fell into the canyon with a long knife in hand. At this time, Lu Gang also followed. When he came up, he saw that Zhui'er had discovered something. He was just about to go over and help in the search, when suddenly he saw a black light rushing out of the canyon filled with white mist and flying towards the front.

"Wu Bo! Be careful!" Zhui'er saw clearly that the monster was Wu Bo with only a thousand years of Taoism, so he shouted while waving his hand to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, indicating that he would hand it over to them, while his own hands itched. The long knife in his hand made a splash and was carried behind his back.

Wubo is a relatively common monster, and there is this thing in the storm of Qianxu Palace. Before Zhui'er finished speaking, Lu Gang and Shu Yan rushed after the fleeing Wubo.

The fleeing crow kept changing directions. Every time it changed direction, it would spray a cloud of gray mist towards the two people chasing behind. The mist had some magical powers and specially chose places with spiritual power to attach to it. Although this crow Zhu's Taoist skills are still shallow, and the mist he sprays can only block Lu Gang and Shu Yan's sight but has little effect on blocking their spiritual consciousness, but it is enough to keep the two busy. Lu Gang is okay, blocked by the mist After calling it twice, he stopped paying attention to it and depended on God.

Consciousness keeps an eye on Wu Bo and just chases him, letting the mist dissipate on its own. But Shu Yan can't do it anymore. Every time she is covered by mist, she will panic for a while.

Zhui'er looked worried and had no choice but to pull Shu Yan forward and chase her forward. Shu Yan kept insisting that he didn't need his help.

Just as the three of them were chasing Wu Hao, four people suddenly appeared in front of them. Wu Hao couldn't dodge and was cut in half by one of them with a sword.

The sudden turn of events shocked Zhui'er and the three of them. When they recognized that the other party was wearing the Qianjie Sect's clothes, the three of them had the same look in their eyes as when they encountered a mortal enemy.

Yes, in the eyes of the young disciples of Qianxu Palace, Qianjie Sect is their mortal enemy. Only when they have experienced enough things will they understand that this kind of hatred between sects can be strategic and even ignored. , but that also requires enough wisdom. Although Zhui'er is very wise, he is too young now and still cannot see through many things. For example, he regards Qianjie Sect as his mortal enemy. It's the same as everyone else, because Aunt Xu Shujuan and the senior brothers who taught him lacked wisdom in this area. What they had always instilled in Zhui'er were stories of vendetta between two factions. Almost all the disciples of Qianxu Palace were in He grew up under this kind of education, and it was similar in Qianjie Sect.

The people on the other side were two men and two women. They were a Taoist couple in the early stage of Nascent Soul who brought their disciples out to practice. Those two disciples were both alchemy practitioners. It was the male disciple who killed Wu Hao. In Zhuo'er and the others When the three of them looked at each other with hostility, the other four looked at them with greed. They were just ordinary disciples of the Qianjie Sect. Even the two masters didn't have the same treasures that they could get their hands on, while the three of them held by Zhui'er. All the treasures are of the highest quality.

"Let's go." Zhui'er whispered to Lu Gang and Shu Yan. The other party was so strong that he couldn't even tell what the two elders were. Although they were mortal enemies, they couldn't let it go in vain. Go and die. Although the two factions hate each other, they will not fight each other when they meet. In most cases, you have to find a justifiable reason to take action. After all, Nanjingzhou has the Tianlu Alliance, and the two factions only care about each other. It is not under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Law Alliance, but it cannot ignore the existence of the Heavenly Law Alliance. If the Heavenly Law Alliance is really provoked, the matter must be explained.

Lu Gang stared at the four people with a sinister light in his eyes. Although he could not tell the cultivation level of the other four people, he was not afraid at all. For people like Lu Gang, there is no need for a reason to take action. , there are a group of such people in Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect, so when they meet on a narrow road, they will often act directly. This is one of the main reasons why the vendetta between the two factions continues.

Shu Yan's eyes also looked fierce. Unlike Lu Gang, she was frightened. She heard the senior sisters talk about the vendetta between the two factions. In her understanding, she met people from Qianjie Sect. It was almost a life-and-death ending, so now she felt that she was in a desperate situation, and she showed a desperate attitude.

Lu Gang was not afraid, but he was not stupid enough to take the initiative to provoke four people who could not see their cultivation. So as soon as Zhui'er said to leave, he followed Zhui'er back. Shu Yan was already a little confused, and her whole body was filled with excitement. They were trembling slightly. She only thought about fighting to the death, but she never thought that she could still walk. She was pulled back by Zhuo'er, while Lu Gang stood behind the two of them with a big blood-iron stick. The person kept an attitude of taking action at any time and flew backwards slowly.

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