Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1423 Great Grandpa’s Past

"It's definitely not going to work anymore." Lu Yan said with a calm smile, "I have already accepted this ending. Junior brother, there is no need to feel sorry for me. I will do my best to handle the things you entrusted me to do for you. But my master's whereabouts are unknown now, so I can't say no." When will it be found, so I can’t tell you exactly when the elixir will be ready."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Zhui'er said casually, but he was entangled in his heart. He was really reluctant to take out the healing elixir that Wendanzi gave him. He didn't know when he would see senior brother Wendanzi again, Lu Gang. The three of them may have to point to this pill to save their lives one day.

Of course Lu Yan didn't know what Zhui'er was thinking. He continued what he was saying, "But you can rest assured that once the elixir is prepared, even if I can't wait for you, I will give it to Mu Hui for safekeeping. Just ask her for it."

Zhui'er was no longer in the mood to talk about the elixir. He frowned and asked, "Brother, how serious is your injury? Where is it?"

"The profound vein is damaged, don't worry about me." Lu Yan couldn't help but feel touched when he saw how concerned he was about his injury. He patted his shoulder in a friendly manner as he spoke.

It is difficult to repair a damaged Xuan Vein. This is something that all monks know. Although Zhui'er didn't know if the pill he asked Danzi had such a miraculous effect, he was not going to take it out. After all, it could cure Xuan Vein. The chance of getting a pulse is too small. He doesn't have such a deep friendship with the master's mentor. If he can meet senior brother Wendanzi within the next hundred years, he can put more thought into asking him to refine a healing mystic. Now he couldn't let the last guarantee of saving the lives of three people go to waste.

Zhuo'er thought deeply and said, "I have read some discussion about the treatment of Xuanmai. Let's share it for your senior brother's reference." After saying that, he passed the relevant things to Lu Yan with his spiritual thoughts.

Lu Yan became even more grateful and thanked him repeatedly, "I'll check it out carefully when I get back. Regardless of whether it's useful or not, I have to thank you first. Thank you for your trouble, junior brother."

"Then these three pills..." Zhui'er pointed to the first three materials laid out with a smile.

Lu Yan was quite confused: "Junior brother, let me tell you the truth, I am definitely willing to help refine these three elixirs. Even if you don't give me any reward, I still want to have this enjoyable opportunity to use such a good spirit." Grass is the dream of those who make alchemy. Even if I give you some benefits in return, the problem is that I really don’t dare to take on this job based on my skills. If this is all a waste, let alone I can’t explain it to you. , I have to regret it myself. Otherwise, you come back to the Xuanfang Sect with me, and I will find a master or uncle to help me refine it. Although I may not be able to refine three of them, it will definitely be better than mine. Make me bigger."

Zhui'er immediately refused and said, "It doesn't matter if it's all wasted. It's just a matter of losing some more years of practice. I'm confident that I can enter the middle stage without using elixirs, and it's better to take less elixirs. In fact, I can't even practice it." I just keep it as a spare, just in case I get tired of practicing one day and try it with this elixir. Brother, just do it boldly. I won’t care too much whether it succeeds or not." He originally planned to use these three elixirs. If they are all refined, give one to Lu Yan. Since Lu Yan has no need for it, he will be satisfied as long as he can refine one or two to prepare for Shu Yan. If he and Lu Gang don't have it, they will be gone. It was best to work together so as not to worry her again after leaving Shu Yan behind.

"You are really rich." Lu Yan was a little eager to give it a try. Since he didn't take it seriously, it would be a pity to let this opportunity go. After hesitating for a while, he finally couldn't bear it and gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Then! I thank my junior brother for giving me the opportunity, but I can’t make it in three days or two. I have to make good preparations, and then study the elixir carefully. I also have to make a few furnaces of elixirs and quietly warm up my hands. The fastest. You have to start refining it after a month

These three pills are gone, you have to give them to me now. "

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you wait a few more months. I'll go find a place nearby to practice without disturbing my senior brother. I'll come back in two months." Zhui'er agreed readily and settled the matter of refining the alchemy. The matter of repaying the kindness for the master also counts. It was almost done. Zhui'er pretended to be relaxed and chatting and turned the conversation to the issue of recent concern. He wanted to find out what the relationship between the powerful woman who set up a magic circle for the old house and paid attention to her mother's silver hairpin and the grandfather were. According to his current thinking, it is estimated that this matter is probably related to Xun Yi, because the woman's spiritual thoughts guided him to Puyunzhou. Presumably, she should be a great monk in Puyunzhou, and Xunyi has a deep foundation in Puyunzhou. .

The map leading to the Iron Sword Gate left by Lang Ming showed the images of Xun Yi and Lu Yan, but he was still too young at that time. Hong Shi and Qing'er were afraid that he would tell others nonsense, so they kept paying attention to it. Don't let him see that picture. If he could see Lu Yan's image at that time, I wonder if he would have some special feelings for Lu Yan now.

Fate is determined. At first, Xunyi didn't have much contact with this senior brother in Red Stone Valley, and it was impossible to say that he had a deep relationship. Not only was he incomparable to Huang Ying and Mu Hui, he was even incomparable to the fifth senior sister and the fifth senior sister. Ninth Senior Sister and others were not as good as him, which was probably an important reason why he was reluctant to take out the healing stone.

"The famous Xun Yi came from Yunyu Ya. Senior brother must be familiar with him, right?" It is perfectly normal to talk about Xun Yi with people from the Xuan Fang Sect, and it will not arouse any suspicion.

"Familiar! Very familiar!" Like Mu Hui, Lu Yan immediately felt proud when he mentioned Xun Yi.

When talking about Xun Yi, people from the Xuanfang sect always have endless things to say, even those disciples from other sects who have never dealt with Xun Yi, not to mention Lu Yan, who came from the Red Stone Valley with him. After chatting for a while, Before Zhui'er could direct the conversation to the master, Lu Yan started talking himself, because he

There isn't much to talk about between him and Xun Yi, but his disciple is quite close to Xun Yi.

"This disciple of mine." Lu Yan pointed to the direction of the small fishing village and said, "My name is Lang Ming. He is about the same age as Xun Yi. Regardless of their qualifications, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground. However, there are only two or three young disciples in Red Stone Valley. Therefore, the two of them are very close. When my disciple returned home, it was Xun Yi who personally sent him back. Although it was difficult for me to become a disciple, he was still a very kind and righteous person. Xun Yi disappeared for a while. We were always worried and had been waiting for more than ten years. Later, we all felt that our junior brother was in danger, but he refused to give up. At that time, he had only gathered the third and fourth levels of cultivation, so naturally he could not go down the mountain, so he was separated from the mountain. My junior brothers went to beg for help, and then went to find Yi. When everyone got tired of begging, he didn't dare to speak anymore, and just wandered around in front of everyone's door pitifully. To be honest, we were quite touched. But we have tried our best to find our junior brother, but we really can’t find him.”

Zhui'er could not help but feel sad as she imagined what her grandfather looked like back then.

"Later, my junior brother finally came back, and he was very happy. Needless to say, he was so happy. After the two of us got together for a few days, he asked me to go home and continue the fireworks. He had already planned this. It was only because he was waiting for news about Xun Yi that he kept delaying like this. Xun Yi is a person who values ​​affection and righteousness. Lang Ming misses him so much. Do you think he can be kind to Lang Ming? It's a pity that Xun Yi left Pu Yunzhou not long after that. And my disciple's life span is too short, I'm afraid we haven't seen each other since that day." After saying this, Lu Yan sighed regretfully for the two of them. What he didn't know was that after his disciple came back. Because of his enmity with the river monster, he went crazy and improved his cultivation by a large amount, so that his life span was extended, and he was able to meet Xunyi twice.

s?Thanks to brother jiy? for his monthly vote. I will add another chapter. Brothers and sisters who have monthly votes please vote for me.

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