Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1424 Su Wan is at the end of the world

After listening to Lu Yan's story about the relationship between Xun Yi and Taiye, Zhui'er left. At this point, he was sure that the woman must have been entrusted by Xun Yi to take care of their family. This was a problem of his lack of experience. We cannot look at the relationship between Xun Yi and Lang Ming with a pure monk mentality. If Xun Yi does not die, he will definitely take care of the descendants of the Lang family, but he will not entrust others to do this kind of thing. In fact, Zhui'er should understand. Because he doesn't have much affection for his nephew Jinbao. This is because he doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu and just lives in this mountain.

After thinking that he had figured out the unsolved case, Zhui'er put it down for the time being. As for going to Puyunzhou, he even ignored it. Not to mention that his life was okay now, even if his life was unsatisfactory, he would not take it easy. If you consider taking this path, it will take a long time. His relationship with others is too far away, and it would be too weak to defect to him.

When Zhui'er came back two months later, Lu Yan had already finished refining one of the spiritual grasses, and his heart was bleeding with distress. Zhui'er encouraged and comforted him, and when he came back a month later, he had refined the second spiritual grass. Lu Yan was so ashamed that he refused to show off his shame anymore. Zhui'er was also quite disappointed in his heart, but since this was the case, let Lu Yan destroy all three spiritual grasses. He saw that Lu Yan was a little reluctant when he came out. He must have wanted to take another gamble. If it succeeds, he will have an explanation to some extent.

So Zhui'er took out his alchemy furnace and prepared to refine the last spiritual grass by himself. This move must be effective. Lu Yan already knew from the previous conversation that he was just a beginner in alchemy. He was a novice and had only refined some simple elixirs such as Xuanjin Dan. Of course, he couldn't watch him waste such precious spiritual herbs.

Another month later, when Zhui'er came back for the third time, he finally saw a smiling Lu Yan. He had successfully refined the last elixir ten days ago. Lu Yan had been extremely excited during the past ten days. He was originally You can go find Zhui'er, because Zhui'er is nearby, but after thinking about it, you would rather wait for Zhui'er to come over, so that you can guard the pill and enjoy the joy for a few more days.

After handing the elixir into Zhui'er's hand, Lu Yan seemed to have lifted a thousand kilograms of burden, but the joy was still there, and it was the joy after relaxation. The three ingredients only made one elixir, although the result could not be said to be good. , but after all, he used a newly understood elixir recipe, and the precious spiritual grass put him under excessive pressure. In terms of his alchemy skills, this result can satisfy him, from the bottom of his heart. It's fair to say that he is worthy of Zhui'er.

This pill was an unexpected surprise for Zhui'er. He had no hope at all and was worried about how to comfort Lu Yan. This result made both of them feel relaxed, and naturally there was a lot of joy and celebration.

After just a few months of getting along, Lu Yan became very fond of Zhui'er and was a little reluctant to say goodbye. However, he still had to find his master and could not delay any longer, so he asked Zhui'er to He must go to Xuanfang Sect to pick up the elixir as scheduled, and then reluctantly leave.

After sending Lu Yan away, Zhui'er looked up at the sky and prayed secretly, "Great grandpa, my child can only repay you so much for the time being. My great-grandson also has to take care of his own life and that of his two companions. That healing pill is not my child's fault." Even if you are willing to take it out, it may not be effective if you use it. Your spirit in heaven must understand the child's difficulties. "

After praying, he sighed helplessly. In this matter, he was following his heart, but when it was possible to help Lu Yan,

He still felt deeply guilty for not trying his best.


In the west of Nanjingzhou, on an unusual mountain peak, an extraordinary fairy stood there for a long time. There was a hint of melancholy in her eyes, as if she was looking at a small mountain city below, but she His eyes were filled with nothingness, and he was obviously thinking about something on his mind.

Although this fairy's appearance cannot be called heavenly beauty, her gentle manner is uniquely charming, and the lingering melancholy at the corners of her eyes and brows makes her look even more pitiful. She is a disciple of the Xuan Fang Sect. Su Wan is searching hard, and she has been searching for Xun Yi's reincarnation for more than fifty years.

"Where are you? How long do you want me to look for you? Why are you so cruel? I owe you a debt that is worse than a debt to the King of Hell."

Whenever she feels tired, Su Wan will make similar complaints in her heart. The past fifty years have been too difficult, and as time goes by, her inner anxiety continues to increase. Most of Nan Jingzhou has The place where mortals live has been searched, and most of the cultivating sects have also searched, but so far they have found nothing. Once they have searched the rest, they will have to start all over again.

No matter how much hard work she puts in, she will never complain. What makes her complain is her inner uneasiness. She is afraid that Xun Yi will be reincarnated somewhere other than Nan Jingzhou, and then there will be nothing she can do. This kind of worry It cast a heavy haze on her journey of search, which was the source of her exhaustion and depression.

"Xunyi, if you have a conscience, stop torturing me like this."

After taking one last look at the small mountain city, Su Wan gathered her energy and continued flying towards the west. In order not to miss every remote village, or even a hunter living alone in the mountains, she could only arrange a path to search according to the stars. This was not only a hard task, but also a test of perseverance. Fairy Princess Huarui was also doing the same thing. , but Fairy Huarui already has the magical power of transforming into a feather. Not only does her spiritual consciousness search over a wide range, but she also has those eyes as clues. However, Su Wan has no clues to refer to, and she doesn’t know what to rely on to make the determination. Which one is Xun Yi's reincarnation? The only thing he can count on is his feelings.

At first, Su Wan felt that as long as she saw that brat, she would be able to recognize him at a glance even if he turned into a dog in this life. But as time passed, her confidence became weaker and weaker. , she initially believed that the two had such a deep love that they would meet each other without any effort, but the facts showed that she was wrong.

Once something you firmly believe in is shattered, people will inevitably think to the other extreme. Su Wan began to wonder if her fate with Xun Yi was over? This thought made her sad for a while. It was an uncomfortable feeling that she could not describe. She had always had the mentality of repaying Xunyi's debt. If God did not give her this opportunity to repay her debt, it would mean that it was not her. She owed Xunyi a debt, but Xunyi was repaying the debt he owed her before. After Xunyi paid off the debt, the two of them would never meet again.

Previously, this result was what Su Wan expected. For a long time, Xun Yi had been a burden in her heart. She wanted to get rid of it, but as she got more benefits from Xun Yi, this burden became smaller. The heavier it became, the harder it was to get rid of it. Even in the later stages, she was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts. After listening to Lu Yan's story about the relationship between Xun Yi and Taiye, Zhui'er left. At this point, he was sure that the woman must have been entrusted by Xun Yi to take care of their family. This was a problem of his lack of experience. We cannot look at the relationship between Xun Yi and Lang Ming with a pure monk mentality. If Xun Yi does not die, he will definitely take care of the descendants of the Lang family, but he will not entrust others to do this kind of thing. In fact, Zhui'er should understand. Because he doesn't have much affection for his nephew Jinbao. This is because he doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu and just lives in this mountain.

After thinking that he had figured out the unsolved case, Zhui'er put it down for the time being. As for going to Puyunzhou, he even ignored it. Not to mention that his life was okay now, even if his life was unsatisfactory, he would not take it easy. If you consider taking this path, it will take a long time. His relationship with others is too far away, and it would be too weak to defect to him.

When Zhui'er came back two months later, Lu Yan had already finished refining one of the spiritual grasses, and his heart was bleeding with distress. Zhui'er encouraged and comforted him, and when he came back a month later, he had refined the second spiritual grass. Lu Yan was so ashamed that he refused to show off his shame anymore. Zhui'er was also quite disappointed in his heart, but since this was the case, let Lu Yan destroy all three spiritual grasses. He saw that Lu Yan was a little reluctant when he came out. He must have wanted to take another gamble. If it succeeds, he will have an explanation to some extent.

So Zhui'er took out his alchemy furnace and prepared to refine the last spiritual grass by himself. This move must be effective. Lu Yan already knew from the previous conversation that he was just a beginner in alchemy. He was a novice and had only refined some simple elixirs such as Xuanjin Dan. Of course, he couldn't watch him waste such precious spiritual herbs.

Another month later, when Zhui'er came back for the third time, he finally saw a smiling Lu Yan. He had successfully refined the last elixir ten days ago. Lu Yan had been extremely excited during the past ten days. He was originally You can go find Zhui'er, because Zhui'er is nearby, but after thinking about it, you would rather wait for Zhui'er to come over, so that you can guard the pill and enjoy the joy for a few more days.

After handing the elixir into Zhui'er's hand, Lu Yan seemed to have lifted a thousand kilograms of burden, but the joy was still there, and it was the joy after relaxation. The three ingredients only made one elixir, although the result could not be said to be good. , but after all, he used a newly understood elixir recipe, and the precious spiritual grass put him under excessive pressure. In terms of his alchemy skills, this result can satisfy him, from the bottom of his heart. It's fair to say that he is worthy of Zhui'er.

This pill was an unexpected surprise for Zhui'er. He had no hope at all and was worried about how to comfort Lu Yan. This result made both of them feel relaxed, and naturally there was a lot of joy and celebration.

After just a few months of getting along, Lu Yan became very fond of Zhui'er and was a little reluctant to say goodbye. However, he still had to find his master and could not delay any longer, so he asked Zhui'er to He must go to Xuanfang Sect to pick up the elixir as scheduled, and then reluctantly leave.

After seeing Lu Yan off, Zhui'er looked up at the sky and prayed secretly, "Great grandpa, my child can only repay you so much for the time being. My great-grandson also has to take care of his own life and that of his two companions. That healing elixir is not my child's fault." Even if you are willing to take it out, it may not be effective if you use it. Your spirit in heaven must understand the child's difficulties. "

After praying, he sighed helplessly. In this matter, he was following his heart, but when it was possible to help Lu Yan,

He still felt deeply guilty for not trying his best.


In the west of Nanjingzhou, on an unusual mountain peak, an extraordinary fairy stood there for a long time. There was a hint of melancholy in her eyes, as if she was looking at a small mountain city below, but she His eyes were filled with nothingness, and he was obviously thinking about something.

Although this fairy's appearance cannot be called heavenly beauty, her gentle manner is uniquely charming, and the lingering melancholy at the corners of her eyes and brows makes her look even more pitiful. She is a disciple of the Xuan Fang Sect. Su Wan is searching hard, and she has been searching for Xun Yi's reincarnation for more than fifty years.

"Where are you? How long do you want me to look for you? Why are you so cruel? I owe you a debt that is worse than a debt to the King of Hell."

Whenever she feels tired, Su Wan will make similar complaints in her heart. The past fifty years have been too difficult, and as time goes by, her inner anxiety continues to increase. Most of Nan Jingzhou has The place where mortals live has been searched, and most of the cultivating sects have also searched, but so far they have found nothing. Once they have searched the rest, they will have to start all over again.

No matter how much hard work she puts in, she will never complain. What makes her complain is her inner uneasiness. She is afraid that Xun Yi will be reincarnated somewhere other than Nan Jingzhou, and then there will be nothing she can do. This kind of worry It cast a heavy haze on her journey of search, which was the source of her exhaustion and depression.

"Xunyi, if you have a conscience, stop torturing me like this."

After taking one last look at the small mountain city, Su Wan gathered her energy and continued flying towards the west. In order not to miss every remote village, or even a hunter living alone in the mountains, she could only arrange a path to search according to the stars. This was not only a hard task, but also a test of perseverance. Fairy Princess Huarui was also doing the same thing. , but Fairy Huarui already has the magical power of transforming into a feather. Not only does her spiritual consciousness search over a wide range, but she also has those eyes as clues. However, Su Wan has no clues to refer to, and she doesn’t know what to rely on to make the determination. Which one is Xun Yi's reincarnation? The only thing he can count on is his feelings.

At first, Su Wan felt that as long as she saw that brat, she would be able to recognize him at a glance even if he turned into a dog in this life. But as time passed, her confidence became weaker and weaker. , she initially believed that the two had such a deep love that they would meet each other without any effort, but the facts showed that she was wrong.

Once something you firmly believe in is shattered, people will inevitably think to the other extreme. Su Wan began to wonder if her fate with Xun Yi was over? This thought made her sad for a while. It was an uncomfortable feeling that she could not describe. She had always had the mentality of repaying Xunyi's debt. If God did not give her this opportunity to repay her debt, it would mean that it was not her. She owed Xunyi a debt, but Xunyi was repaying the debt he owed her before. After Xunyi paid off the debt, the two of them would never meet again.

Previously, this result was what Su Wan expected. For a long time, Xun Yi had been a burden in her heart. She wanted to get rid of it, but as she got more benefits from Xun Yi, this burden became smaller. The heavier it became, the harder it was to get rid of it. Even in the later stages, she was forced to sell herself to pay off her debts.

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