Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1425 I’m not interested in dual cultivation

In order to repay the debt, she tried hard to have feelings for Xun Yi, but it was somewhat forced. Xun Yi's death made her miserable, and she regretted her hesitation and entanglement, but that said In the end, it was because I felt that I owed Xunyi too much, because I felt sorry for Xunyi. This feeling of unhappiness caused by guilt was completely different from the feeling of being hopeless after losing a lover.

But when she thought that she might have gotten over it with Xun Yi, the indescribable feeling of discomfort made her realize for the first time that Xun Yi meant more to her than she had previously thought. She couldn't bear to lose Xun Yi like this. Yi, or maybe she didn't want to have anything to do with Xun Yi anymore, at least she had to send him to the path of cultivation, and then consider leaving when he no longer needed her. In the past, she had to think about this matter without paying off her debt. But at that moment, she no longer cared about repaying the debt, but regarded Xun Yi as a close relative, and she wholeheartedly only wanted to try her best to help him.

The sadness of not being able to see each other again made Su Wan so sad that she secretly shed tears several times, but then she cheered up. After all, she is a person who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside.

"Xunyi, we haven't settled the accounts yet. You've been pestering me for so many years. Don't think it'll be over as soon as you close your eyes!" After saying this in her heart, Su Wan cheered up and asked her again. I firmly believe in an idea. As long as I don't agree that the debt has been paid off, Xun Yi will never be able to escape!

This idea sounds ridiculous, and it is wishful thinking and self-deception, but Su Wan is extremely smart and will not do anything to deceive herself or others. She is determined to entangle Xun Yi in turn. Suppose Xun Yi was still in the relationship before. Her debt is just some property. Now that she doesn't admit her debt, there is no way to bribe her with property. She has to settle the old and new accounts with Xun Yi. Only when both parties agree to settle the debt can the debt be settled. Even if Even if he cheated on her, she would have to cheat on him until he saw Xun Yi again.

By this time, her feelings for Xun Yi had fundamentally changed. Although it could not be said to be a pure love between a man and a woman, it also had a sense of entanglement that was difficult to leave. Since she accepted Xun Yi as her disciple, her destiny has changed again and again because of Xun Yi. Even when this brat was far away in Puyunzhou, this situation was still happening one after another. Looking back, in her life these years, There was always the shadow of Xun Yi in her heart. There was nothing she could do about it. This kid was so tormented. Every now and then, he would either cause big trouble or bring huge benefits to herself. She couldn't help but think about this all the time. Boy, there is also a heart-warming fantasy that opens from time to time.

Although the two of them were separated most of the time during Xun Yi's lifetime, Xun Yi actually occupied most of her life. How could she adapt to the sudden loss of such a person? Only in this situation can she taste her true feelings for Xun Yi. At this time, what she thinks about is no longer how many benefits Xun Yi has brought to her, nor how much Xun Yi has done in Xuan Yi. The childish appearance of Fang Pai was Xunyi's arrogance when he fought against Xiaoyao Xianjun in the Xuantu Rift Plain. It was Xunyi's deep affection when he was trying to save Yu Chan in the Western Heaven Miasma. It was Xunyi's deep affection at the Fruit Picking Conference The infatuation revealed by her, as well as the widely circulated glorious images of Xun Yi when he fought against the Yuan clan.

Xun Yi relied on his outstanding growth to gradually change his image in Su Wan's heart. This was also the basis for Su Wan to have the idea of ​​selling himself to pay off debts. In the end, he used his death to let Su Wan overcome the obstacles between the two. It was a pity that he himself could not let himself take that step. In the end, he surrendered to God's manipulation. To be sure,

To put it bluntly, he has never resisted God's manipulation.

Xun Yi could see clearly that he was willing to be manipulated, because only in that way could he get the chance to be with Su Wan.

"What are you looking for, fairy?" Following this question, a middle-aged man with a frivolous expression appeared in front of Su Wan with two pretty women. The man is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and the two women are in the early stage of Yuanying.

Su Wan has traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers over the years and has met all kinds of people. She is far different from the Yunyu Cliff Master who was too lazy to listen to the outside world. One look at the postures of these three people can tell what they are planning. .

"I'm sorry for you three fellow Taoists." She responded calmly, then calmly bypassed the three of them and continued to fly forward.

"Why do fairies have to be so cold and heartless? We are destined to meet each other. You might as well leave a few words. This is where my cave is. Let me fulfill my friendship as a landlord. I am in the small cell, Xiangzizi. How do you name the fairy?" The man followed with two women. As he spoke, his expression became more and more frivolous. His eyes were staring into Su Wan's flesh, and his salivation was palpable.

Su Wan stopped, looked at him coldly and said, "I'm not interested in dual cultivation. Please stop getting entangled, fellow Taoist. Meeting is indeed fate, but fate can be good or bad. It is wise to seek good luck and avoid bad luck." Act of."

"Hey! This sister is not easy to mess with. I won't let you do this." The coquettish-looking woman covered her mouth with a smile and said to the man with a bit of schadenfreude.

The man didn't care at all, and smiled lovingly at the woman, and then said to Su Wan with a smile that did not change, "Fairy is really a clear-sighted person, and her words are sharp. Put aside those who are not dual-cultivated. Since you are here, please stay with me. It is also good to talk about Taoism for a few days. There is a fragrant spring here. Bathing in it not only moisturizes the skin but also refreshes the spirit. Fairies often look tired, so you might as well try it to ensure that the fatigue is gone. "

The charming woman smiled and said, "That's true. The water from the fragrant spring does have miraculous effects. If he is asked to use the art of rubbing incense again, he will not do it even if he is a god. I will not lie to my sister." She said. After saying that, I felt as if I was melting down, and I cuddled up to Naka Xiangzi with a face full of love.

Su Wan frowned slightly and warned impatiently, "I don't have time to delay. I appreciate the kindness of the three of you. Let's just say goodbye."

"Hey, with such a hurried search, could it be that my little lover has been lost?" The flirtatious woman's joke had a disrespectful tone.

"Indeed." Su Wan gave her an indifferent and disdainful look in return, then turned around and left.

"Fairy, stay here." The man came closer with a smile, and there was a small beast in his hand. The little beast looked like a squirrel, with furry snow-white fur, pink eyes slightly closed, and a lazy expression. Curled up in the palm of his hand, the little beast let out a soft moan of enjoyment as Naka Shoko gently stroked it.

Most women like this kind of furry little things. Su Wan's eyes were immediately attracted to it. Looking at its lazy and cute appearance, she felt itchy and wanted to touch it, but the ecstatic moans made by the little beast were... Unknowingly, it made her ears redden and her heart beat up. In the past, she had just confusedly followed other people's ways. With the experience accumulated in these years of wandering, she was now able to do it before others. A little bit of a wake-up call, but that's all. This wake-up call was still a bit late. In order to repay the debt, she tried hard to have feelings for Xun Yi, but it was somewhat forced. Xun Yi's death made her miserable, and she regretted her hesitation and entanglement, but that said In the end, it was because I felt that I owed Xunyi too much, because I felt sorry for Xunyi. This feeling of unhappiness caused by guilt was completely different from the feeling of being hopeless after losing a lover.

But when she thought about the possibility that she had made peace with Xun Yi, the indescribable feeling of discomfort made her realize for the first time that Xun Yi meant more to her than she had previously thought. She couldn't bear to lose Xun Yi like this. Yi, or maybe she didn't want to have anything to do with Xun Yi anymore, at least she had to send him to the path of cultivation, and then consider leaving when he no longer needed her. In the past, she had to think about this matter without paying off her debt. But at that moment, she no longer cared about repaying the debt, but regarded Xun Yi as a close relative, and she wholeheartedly only wanted to try her best to help him.

The sadness of not being able to see each other again made Su Wan so sad that she secretly shed tears several times, but then she cheered up. After all, she is a person who is soft on the outside but strong on the inside.

"Xunyi, we haven't settled the accounts yet. You've been pestering me for so many years. Don't think it'll be over as soon as you close your eyes!" After saying this in her heart, Su Wan cheered up and asked her again. I firmly believe in an idea. As long as I don't agree that the debt has been paid off, Xun Yi will never be able to escape!

This idea sounds ridiculous, and it is wishful thinking and self-deception, but Su Wan is extremely smart and will not do anything to deceive herself or others. She is determined to entangle Xun Yi in turn. Suppose Xun Yi was still in the relationship before. Her debt is just some property. Now that she doesn't admit her debt, there is no way to bribe her with property. She has to settle the old and new accounts with Xun Yi. The debt must be settled by both parties. Only then can the debt be settled. Even if Even if he cheated on her, she would have to cheat on him until he saw Xun Yi again.

By this time, her feelings for Xun Yi had fundamentally changed. Although it could not be said to be a pure love between a man and a woman, it also had a sense of entanglement that was difficult to leave. Since she accepted Xun Yi as her disciple, her destiny has changed again and again because of Xun Yi. Even when this brat was far away in Puyunzhou, this situation was still happening one after another. Looking back, in her life these years, There was always the shadow of Xun Yi in her heart, but she couldn't help it, this kid was so tormented, and every now and then he would either cause big troubles or bring huge benefits to herself, so she couldn't help but think about this all the time. Boy, there is also a heart-warming fantasy that opens from time to time.

Although the two of them were separated most of the time during Xun Yi's lifetime, Xun Yi actually occupied most of her life. How could she adapt to the sudden loss of such a person? Only in this situation can she taste her true feelings for Xun Yi. At this time, what she thinks about is no longer how many benefits Xun Yi has brought to her, nor how much Xun Yi has done in Xuan Yi. The childish appearance of Fang Pai was Xunyi's arrogance and domineering when he fought against Xiaoyao Xianjun in the Xuantu Rift Plain. It was Xunyi's deep affection when he was trying to save Yu Chan in the Western Heaven Miasma. It was Xunyi's deep affection at the Fruit Picking Conference The infatuation revealed by her, as well as the widely circulated glorious images of Xun Yi when he fought against the Yuan clan.

Xun Yi relied on his outstanding growth to gradually change his image in Su Wan's heart. This was also the basis for Su Wan to have the idea of ​​selling himself to pay off debts. In the end, he used his death to let Su Wan overcome the obstacles that stood between the two. It was a pity that he himself could not let himself take that step. In the end, he surrendered to God's manipulation. To be sure,

To put it bluntly, he has never resisted God's manipulation.

Xun Yi could see clearly that he was willing to be manipulated, because only in that way could he get the chance to be with Su Wan.

"What are you looking for, fairy?" Following this question, a middle-aged man with a frivolous expression appeared in front of Su Wan with two pretty women. The man is in the middle stage of Yuanying, and the two women are in the early stage of Yuanying.

Su Wan has traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers over the years and has met all kinds of people. She is far different from the Yunyu Cliff Master who was too lazy to listen to the outside world. One look at the postures of these three people can tell what they are planning. .

"I'm sorry for you three fellow Taoists." She responded calmly, then calmly bypassed the three of them and continued to fly forward.

"Why do fairies have to be so cold and heartless? We are destined to meet each other. You might as well leave a few words. This is where my cave is. Let me fulfill my friendship as a landlord. I am in the small cell, Xiangzizi. How do you name the fairy?" The man followed with two women. As he spoke, his expression became more and more frivolous. His eyes were staring into Su Wan's flesh, and his salivation was palpable.

Su Wan stopped, looked at him coldly and said, "I'm not interested in dual cultivation. Please stop getting entangled, fellow Taoist. Meeting is indeed fate, but fate can be good or bad. It is wise to seek good luck and avoid bad luck." Act of."

"Hey! This sister is not easy to mess with. I won't let you do this." The coquettish-looking woman covered her mouth with a smile and said to the man with a bit of schadenfreude.

The man didn't care at all, and smiled lovingly at the woman, and then said to Su Wan with a smile that did not change, "Fairy is really a clear-sighted person, and her words are sharp. Put aside those who are not dual-cultivated. Since you are here, please stay with me. It is also good to talk about Taoism for a few days. There is a fragrant spring here. Bathing in it not only moisturizes the skin but also refreshes the spirit. Fairies often look tired, so you might as well try it to ensure that the fatigue is gone. "

The charming woman smiled and said, "That's true. The water from the fragrant spring does have miraculous effects. If he is asked to use the art of rubbing incense again, he will not do it even if he is a god. I will not lie to my sister." She said. After saying that, I felt as if I was melting down, and I cuddled up to Naka Xiangzi with a face full of love.

Su Wan frowned slightly and warned impatiently, "I don't have time to delay. I appreciate the kindness of the three of you. Let's just say goodbye."

"Hey, with such a hurried search, could it be that my little lover has been lost?" The flirtatious woman's joke had a disrespectful tone.

"Indeed." Su Wan gave her an indifferent and disdainful look in return, then turned around and left.

"Fairy, stay here." The man came closer with a smile, and there was a small beast in his hand. The little beast looked like a squirrel, with furry snow-white fur, pink eyes slightly closed, and a lazy expression. Curled up in the palm of his hand, the little beast let out a soft moan of enjoyment as Naka Shoko gently stroked it.

Most women like this kind of furry little things. Su Wan's eyes were immediately attracted to it. Looking at its lazy and cute appearance, she felt itchy and wanted to touch it, but the ecstatic moans made by the little beast were... Unknowingly, it made her ears redden and her heart beat up. In the past, she had just confusedly followed other people's ways. With the experience accumulated in these years of wandering, she was now able to do it before others. A little bit of a wake-up call, but that's all. This wake-up call was still a bit late.

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