Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1426: Daydreaming about you

If Zhong Xiangzi dares to target someone with a similar level of cultivation as himself, then he naturally has something to rely on. This strange little beast that can only attract women's emotions is his most powerful method. He can often easily succeed when using it to deal with female cultivators. .

Just when Su Wan, who was confused and obsessed, was alert, the man quickly shot a small ball of red mist at her. As soon as the rice-sized mist touched Su Wan's body-protecting divine light, it immediately dispersed into a light red color. The mist attached to the body-protecting divine light.

"This woman is not an ordinary person and cannot be kept!" The charming look on the face of the charming woman instantly turned into a vicious look. Before she finished speaking, she waved her hand and shot a silver light at Su Wan.

The man raised his hand to stop the magic weapon, laughed and pinched her cheek and said, "Don't worry, even if she is too much, she will still love you." After saying that, he looked greedily towards the person wrapped in the light red mist. Su Wan looked up, licked her lips and said, "There is a dash of heroism hidden in the tenderness, it really makes people feel unbearable."

The woman who had not spoken yet said coldly, "You'd better destroy her cultivation first. Her heroic spirit can kill you at any time, and your methods may not make her surrender."

The coquettish woman immediately agreed, "Yes! Her cultivation must be abolished first, otherwise I will not obey!"

The man was a little reluctant to ruin the cultivation of such a beautiful woman easily. In that case, it would be even more difficult to please the beauty. He said perfunctorily, "It's not too late to abolish the cultivation later. Anyway, this drunken fragrance powder can at least make her bones." Her muscles have been numb for more than ten days. Maybe after she tastes the bliss, she will definitely stay and be your sister."

"Just your daydream!" the coquettish woman spat angrily.

"You were looking for death and survival at the beginning, but after just a few days..." The man smiled lustfully and pinched the voluptuous woman's face again.

"Go ahead and daydream."

When this cold voice with a hint of anger suddenly sounded, the three of them couldn't help but be startled, because they could tell that it was the voice of the trapped woman, but the person who had just been hit by Zuixiangsan would be unconscious for two days. He was three days old, and even when he could speak, his speech was soft and soft. How could he speak so clearly and hard? Su Wan was not the first female cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying to fall into their hands. Their cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying was not enough to resist Zuixiang Powder, which they were quite sure of. What they never expected was that this female cultivator was protected from poison by the Flower Fairy. It was Xun Yi's reward for destroying the Yaoxian Palace in exchange for the scent of nectar. For Su Wan's sake, Safety, Xunyi has done everything it can to the extreme.

Before the three of them could recover, a lilac light flew out from the light red mist. They were only a few feet away from each other. Not to mention that Su Wan was using the Lingbao Purple Gold Thin Bracelet, but she was using her flying wings. The sword is enough to kill with one strike.

The man couldn't even see what kind of spiritual thing was in the purple light. The purple light hit his body-protecting divine light. The two women were even more unbearable. They couldn't even see clearly when the purple light hit the man. , almost at the same time, he let out a scream and fell out of the air along with the man.

Su Wan dispersed the light red mist, holding the flying wing sword with a pretty face and falling beside the three people who were curled up on the ground and wailing. Now Su Wan is no longer blindly kind-hearted and soft-faced. She has been hurt over the years. She has more than a dozen thugs under her command, so she comes here to finish the job, but she rarely kills people. She will only kill people she encounters who she hates so much.

These three people are not yet on Su Wan's list of must-kills. Although they are vicious enough, in Su Wan's opinion, giving them a severe punishment is enough, such as abolishing their cultivation so that they can no longer harm others.

, after investigating, she felt that there was no need to take action anymore, because the distance when doing it was too close, and she could not accurately control the power of the Lingbao, and these three people were already useless.

"Fairy, have mercy on me..." The man struggled to get up and kowtowed to Su Wan.

"Sister, please forgive me..." Both women could not get up, and their painful screams were mixed with begging for mercy.

Su Wan lightly shook the flying wing sword, and the sharp sword light pierced the man's chest. The man was so frightened that he fell on his back, and pink blood flowed out from his chest. The man realized that Su Wan was not stabbing him, but hiding. Behind the little beast in his arms, the cry of mourning was like mourning for an heir. That little beast was his lifeblood.

Su Wan knelt down and pointed at the forehead of the woman who spoke less, and searched her soul. Compared with the coquettish woman, she disgusted Su Wan even more. If the soul search resulted in accidental harm, she deserved it. The woman was a bit ruthless. When she realized that Su Wan was about to search for her soul, she endured the huge pain in her Qi Palace and tried her best to cooperate. This wise move allowed her to save the spiritual platform.

Su Wan followed the information she found and found the cave hidden nearby. It was really a gentle place. The buildings, pavilions, halls and halls were not only exquisitely built, but also full of charming atmosphere. There were also prisoners trapped here. After Su Wan released the three female cultivators, she opened the secret treasure room, distributed some spiritual stones and magic weapons to the three female cultivators, and kept the rest for herself.

Not all of the three female cultivators were grateful to Su Wan. Some of them were already willing to indulge. Su Wan couldn't care about this anymore. After passing on the secrets of entering and exiting the magic circle to them, they embarked on a journey to find Yi. .

Although this encounter almost led to a tragic situation, it only added a profound lesson to Su Wan. She has become somewhat numb to the danger. This is also a kind of growth for her. After her guidance, her arrogant and aloof nature revived. The unknown little female cultivator of the Xuanfang Sect has now grown into a lone fairy who dares to travel to the end of the world with a sword. She can destroy other people's cultivation for thousands of years without much fluctuation in her heart. Yes, the journey of finding Xun Yi is an experience for her. As for whether this experience will end until she finds Xun Yi, she is not sure now. It depends on whether her heart will be tired. In a moment of thought, if she really felt tired, it meant that her fate with Xun Yi was over, and their debts would be completely settled.

Time is as light as water. No matter how strong the emotion is, it will become tasteless after being integrated with a lot of years. No matter how unforgettable the hatred is, it will become less and less after a long time of washing. If there are emotions that are not affected by time, then It must be tightly sealed in the bottom of his heart. This is how Xiaoyao Xianjun hates the woman who hurt him, the same is Xunyi's infatuation for Su Wan, and more, just like Zhixia's feelings for her lover Sang Yan, they will eventually be fade away.

So what about Su Wan’s feelings for Xun Yi? It has never been strong, and it is still mixed. How long can it sustain Amelia Su's search?

Xunyi compared Su Wan to a bone in his body. He could not travel far without getting this bone back.

Su Wan only realized after Xun Yi died that Xun Yi occupies a large position in her heart. When Xun Yi disappeared, those places were empty. If those places are not filled, an empty heart cannot settle down, but Xun Yi's reincarnation is the best material to fill the vacancy, but it is not the only material. There are many materials that can fill the vacancy in the heart. It all depends on what choice Su Wan will make in the end as the years go by. Isn't this the old material? What God can decide, God is only responsible for setting up difficulties and giving opportunities.

s: Thank you, ag?, for the reward and the monthly ticket. Xiangzi dared to target someone with a similar level of cultivation as himself, so he naturally had something to rely on. This strange little beast that can only attract women's emotions is his most powerful one. Method, it is often easy to use it to deal with female cultivators.

Just when Su Wan, who was confused and obsessed, was alert, the man quickly shot a small ball of red mist at her. As soon as the rice-sized mist touched Su Wan's body-protecting divine light, it immediately dispersed into a light red color. The mist attached to the body-protecting divine light.

"This woman is not an ordinary person and cannot be kept!" The charming look on the face of the charming woman instantly turned into a vicious look. Before she finished speaking, she waved her hand and shot a silver light at Su Wan.

The man raised his hand to stop the magic weapon, laughed and pinched her cheek and said, "Don't worry, even if she is too much, she will still love you." After saying that, he looked greedily towards the person wrapped in the light red mist. Su Wan looked up, licked her lips and said, "There is a dash of heroism hidden in the tenderness, it really makes people feel unbearable."

The woman who had not spoken yet said coldly, "You'd better destroy her cultivation first. Her heroic spirit can kill you at any time, and your methods may not make her surrender."

The coquettish woman immediately agreed, "Yes! Her cultivation must be abolished first, otherwise I will not obey!"

The man was a little reluctant to ruin the cultivation of such a beautiful woman easily. In that case, it would be even more difficult to please the beauty. He said perfunctorily, "It's not too late to abolish the cultivation later. Anyway, this drunken fragrance powder can at least make her bones." Her muscles have been numb for more than ten days. Maybe after she tastes the bliss, she will definitely stay and be your sister."

"Just your daydream!" the coquettish woman spat angrily.

"You were looking for death and survival at the beginning, but after just a few days..." The man smiled lustfully and pinched the voluptuous woman's face again.

"Go ahead and daydream." .??.

When this cold voice with a hint of anger suddenly sounded, the three of them couldn't help but be startled, because they could tell that it was the voice of the trapped woman, but the person who had just been hit by Zuixiangsan would be unconscious for two days. He was three days old, and even when he could speak, his speech was soft and soft. How could he speak so clearly and hard? Su Wan was not the first female cultivator in the middle stage of Yuanying to fall into their hands. Their cultivation in the middle stage of Yuanying was not enough to resist Zuixiang Powder, which they were quite sure of. What they never expected was that this female cultivator was protected from poison by the Flower Fairy. It was Xun Yi's reward for destroying the Yaoxian Palace in exchange for the scent of nectar. For Su Wan's sake, Safety, Xunyi has done everything it can to the extreme.

Before the three of them could recover, a lilac light flew out from the light red mist. They were only a few feet away from each other. Not to mention that Su Wan was using the Lingbao Purple Gold Thin Bracelet, but she was using her flying wings. The sword is enough to kill with one strike.

The man couldn't even see what kind of spiritual thing was in the purple light. The purple light hit his body-protecting divine light. The two women were even more unbearable. They couldn't even see clearly when the purple light hit the man. , almost at the same time, he let out a scream and fell out of the air along with the man.

Su Wan dispersed the light red mist, holding the flying wing sword with a pretty face and falling beside the three people who were curled up on the ground and wailing. Now Su Wan is no longer blindly kind-hearted and soft-faced. She has been hurt over the years. She has more than a dozen thugs under her command, so she comes here to finish the job, but she rarely kills people. She will only kill people she encounters who she hates so much.

These three people are not yet on Su Wan's list of must-kills. Although they are vicious enough, in Su Wan's opinion, giving them a severe punishment is enough, such as abolishing their cultivation so that they can no longer harm others.

, after investigating, she felt that there was no need to take action anymore, because the distance when doing it was too close, and she could not accurately control the power of the Lingbao, and these three people were already useless.

"Fairy, have mercy on me..." The man struggled to get up and kowtowed to Su Wan.

"Sister, please forgive me..." Both women could not get up, and their painful screams were mixed with begging for mercy.

Su Wan lightly shook the flying wing sword, and the sharp sword light pierced the man's chest. The man was so frightened that he fell on his back, and pink blood flowed out from his chest. The man realized that Su Wan was not stabbing him, but hiding. Behind the little beast in his arms, the cry of mourning was like mourning for an heir. That little beast was his lifeblood.

Su Wan knelt down and pointed at the forehead of the woman who spoke less, and searched her soul. Compared with the coquettish woman, she disgusted Su Wan even more. If the soul search resulted in accidental harm, she deserved it. The woman was a bit ruthless. When she realized that Su Wan was about to search for her soul, she endured the huge pain in her Qi Palace and tried her best to cooperate. This wise move allowed her to save the spiritual platform.

Su Wan followed the information she found and found the cave hidden nearby. It was really a gentle place. The buildings, pavilions, halls and halls were not only exquisitely built, but also full of charming atmosphere. There were also prisoners trapped here. After Su Wan released the three female cultivators, she opened the secret treasure room, distributed some spiritual stones and magic weapons to the three female cultivators, and kept the rest for herself.

Not all of the three female cultivators were grateful to Su Wan. Some of them were already willing to indulge. Su Wan couldn't care about this anymore. After passing on the secrets of entering and exiting the magic circle to them, they embarked on a journey to find Yi. .

Although this encounter almost led to a tragic situation, it only added a profound lesson to Su Wan. She has become somewhat numb to the danger. This is also a kind of growth for her. After her guidance, her arrogant and aloof nature revived. The unknown little female cultivator of the Xuanfang Sect has now grown into a lone fairy who dares to travel to the end of the world with a sword. She can destroy other people's cultivation for thousands of years without much fluctuation in her heart. Yes, the journey of finding Xun Yi is an experience for her. As for whether this experience will end until she finds Xun Yi, she is not sure now. It depends on whether her heart will be tired. In a moment of thought, if she really felt tired, it meant that her fate with Xun Yi was over, and their debts would be completely settled.

Time is as light as water. No matter how strong the emotion is, it will become tasteless after being integrated with a lot of years. No matter how unforgettable the hatred is, it will become less and less after a long time of washing. If there are emotions that are not affected by time, then It must be tightly sealed in the bottom of his heart. This is how Xiaoyao Xianjun hates the woman who hurt him, the same is Xunyi's infatuation for Su Wan, and more, just like Zhixia's feelings for her lover Sang Yan, they will eventually be fade away.

So what about Su Wan’s feelings for Xun Yi? It has never been strong, and it is still mixed. How long can it sustain Amelia Su's search?

Xunyi compared Su Wan to a bone in his body. He could not travel far without getting this bone back.

Su Wan only realized after Xun Yi died that Xun Yi occupies a large position in her heart. When Xun Yi disappeared, those places were empty. If those places are not filled, an empty heart cannot settle down, but Xun Yi's reincarnation is the best material to fill the vacancy, but it is not the only material. There are many materials that can fill the vacancy in the heart. It all depends on what choice Su Wan will make in the end as the years go by. Isn't this the old material? What God can decide, God is only responsible for setting up difficulties and giving opportunities.

s: Thank you ag? for your reward and monthly pass.

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