Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1427 Peerless Immortal Concubine

Beyond the map of the world that Shen Qing showed Zhui'er, there was a peaceful and picturesque landscape.

A great fairy concubine with unparalleled splendor and treasures, just like a fairy descending to earth, her robes fluttering slowly fell beside a clear stream. The wild flowers were blooming and the grass was green. Although the scenery here is beautiful, it is not difficult to find. , but the arrival of this great fairy concubine immediately gave the ordinary scenery a fairyland flavor.

The fairy concubine stretched out her jade hand lightly, and an indigo wild flower immediately fell between her jade fingers. She brought the little flower to her nose, lowered her eyes slightly and sniffed the fragrance of the flower gracefully, then lowered her hand with the little flower between her hands, and raised her eyes. Looking into the distance, every move she made was so graceful that it had the charm of turning all living beings upside down, as if she was a celestial flower falling from the sky.

In the distance there is still a beautiful spring scenery full of fragrant grass, tempting those who see it to walk happily.

"Huh." With this soft hum, the elegant beauty on the Fairy Fei's indescribably pretty face was covered with frost, and the wild flowers caught between her fingertips fell, withering as they fell, piece by piece. The wilted petals fall off one after another.

The wrath of the gods can cause the earth to split and the mountains to collapse, and the wrath of the Great Immortal Concubine, who is at the top of the cultivation world, can also change the color of the wind and clouds. After a slight hum, the wind and clouds suddenly rise in the spring wilderness, and the clear sky suddenly becomes cloudy. Gusts of wind roared past.

The Great Immortal Concubine's beautiful bright eyes that can make everyone enchanted are flashing with the cold and wise light that can understand the mysteries of the world. She looks at the rolling hills in the distance and says in a clear but cold voice, "I am with People have a promise not to harm the Flower Clan, but if you think this is an opportunity, you are making a mistake." After she said that, she waved her jade hand in front of her with a powerful force. Suddenly, with the force of thunder, the earth rolled up like a rough sea, and then the surging soil quickly fell. In just an instant, all the slopes and hills in the area of ​​​​thousands of miles were flattened, and even the flowers and grass were flattened. There were no trees left standing, and the entire land became a smooth mirror with flowers and plants printed on it. This strange landscape looked really shocking.

Yu Chan has been trapped in this vast grassland for seven days. She came to the land of the Lingxin Clan to seek for Xun Yi's reincarnation. Since then, she learned from Jingshui Fairy Princess that Xun Yi's reincarnation may be possible. After being taken away by the people from the Spirit Heart Clan, she began her journey of searching.

Speaking of which, her experiences over the years were much more dangerous and difficult than Su Wan's, because Fairy Huarui told her that the child was taken away by a great fairy concubine, so she was not sure whether the great fairy concubine belonged to the Spirit Heart Clan. Under the circumstances, she could only search for the mysterious spiritual heart clan and visit the great fairy concubines everywhere. As the pinnacle of the cultivation world, not all of them interact with each other with sympathy and sympathy. People who can reach this height Without exception, they all rely on some romance. Everyone wants to find out what the other's romance is, so if you don't deal with it well, it may lead to plotting.

Although Yu Chan did not experience as many wars as Su Wan, every battle was enough to lose her life. After all the hardships, she felt that she had finally found the traces of the Lingxin Clan, but since she arrived on this boundless grassland, she She felt that there was a magical force guiding her away from the goal she was pursuing. After seven consecutive days of secret fighting, she couldn't bear it and broke out.

During these years of visits to the great fairy concubines of various parties, she has also met people she sincerely wanted to be with. Now that she has obtained some information about the Spiritual Heart Clan from them, she can now realize that the other party seems to be able to spy on her. She has certain thoughts, and using flowers, plants and trees to set up a maze to deal with her is undoubtedly a strong evidence.

After a blow, under the rolling clouds in the sky, Yuchan stood up from her demeanor.

Thousands of immortals transformed into female killers, and they rushed forward to the left with their beautiful eyebrows raised. They waved their hands and released another majestic spiritual power that could destroy mountains and crack the ground, once again turning the land thousands of miles into a flat mirror.

"I worked so hard to find this place just to find one person. After all the good things to say, all you have to do is come out and give me an answer. Why bother forcing me to take action?"

Yu Chan said angrily while chasing the opponent's escape traces and shot one after another. The spiritual power was on the ground and in the air forming extermination areas that could reach thousands of miles. She did not attack with all her strength, just to force the opponent out, but The person she was chasing was no ordinary person. Not only was she not forced out under such a fierce pursuit, but Yu Chan was repeatedly missed. Her weird escape ability gave Yu Chan a headache. Until now Because she didn't even know what the other person looked like.

Yu Chan had indeed found the right place. After decades of searching, she finally broke into the territory of the Lingxin Clan. The Lingxin Clan was unprepared for the sudden intrusion of this great fairy concubine. The Lingxin Clan was divided into groups. The Ju people are different from other human races. They all have innate magical powers. It can be said that all of them are monks. The difference lies in the level of qualifications. Their lifestyle is between mortals and monks. Most of them live a similar life. Mortals live a similar life, because they all have supernatural powers and powerful people are not bound by the laws of heaven and can help them without scruples, so their lives are far more nourishing and luxurious than ordinary people. Those with high qualifications concentrate on practicing like monks, but they don't. Away from their own ethnic group, they shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ethnic group.

What Yu Chan encountered was a larger ethnic group with more than 50,000 people. Its leader had already reached the level of Feather Transformation. However, facing a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of Feather Transformation, more than 50,000 of them could only die if they joined together. , so the leader took several elders who were equivalent to the late Nascent Soul to use a maze to lure Yuchan away. At the same time, everyone quietly retreated to the center of the territory, and alerted the various ministries to summon manpower to deal with the great fairy concubine.

Yu Chan was indeed very polite at first. After realizing that she might have found the Lingxin Clan, she expressed her intentions frankly, because she knew that the person who took away Xun Yi's reincarnated body was probably Xun Yi's friend, so She didn't want to rob someone right away. Of course, if she couldn't get the other person to hand over the person with good talk, then she would take action. No matter what, she had to take away Xun Yi's reincarnation, because Xun Yi is the only person she cares about in this world. For thousands of years, only Xun Yi can make her give her sincerity and treat each other sincerely. Yu Chan, who has spent her life in conspiracy and calculation, cherishes her time with Xun Yi very much. She believed that Xun Yi's reincarnation would not disappoint her. She longed to have another little naughty boy by her side who was as interesting as Xun Yi and could continuously bring benefits to her.

In the matter of finding Yi's reincarnation, Yu Chan must have utilitarian motives. After all, he is a person who has confirmed his reincarnation. Some clues about the way of heaven must be found from him. But speaking from his heart, Yu Chan's calculation is not serious, and she even doesn't want to think too much about this issue, because she feels that it would be a bit sorry for her and Xun Yi's feelings.

The relationship between the two has long gone beyond utility. Xunyi would rather die in Yaoxian Palace and be buried with Yuchan than bear the pain of losing Yuchan. In order to save Xunyi, Yuchan even declared war on the entire Yuanyi Prefecture Xiujie. , they are both willing to fight to the death for each other, a hundred-year-old monk and a thousand-year-old immortal concubine. This is a relationship that is incomprehensible and unbelievable, but their feelings are so sincere. Until his death, he never forgot about Yuchan's safety. After Xunyi's death, Yuchan was heartbroken. Once he learned the news about Xunyi's reincarnation, he embarked on a journey of search without hesitation. He has not avoided danger for decades until today. , this move at this moment is equivalent to her challenging the entire Spirit Heart Clan on her own. Beyond the map of the world that Shen Qing showed Zhui'er, there was a peaceful and picturesque landscape.

A great fairy concubine with unparalleled splendor and treasures, just like a descended angel, her robes fluttering slowly fell beside a clear stream. The wild flowers are blooming and the grass is green. Although the scenery here is beautiful, it is not difficult to find. , but the arrival of this great fairy concubine immediately gave the ordinary scenery a fairyland flavor.

The fairy concubine stretched out her jade hand lightly, and an indigo wild flower immediately fell between her jade fingers. She brought the little flower to her nose, lowered her eyes slightly and sniffed the fragrance of the flower gracefully, then lowered her hand with the little flower between her hands, and raised her eyes. Looking into the distance, every move she made was so graceful that it had the charm of turning all living beings upside down, as if she was a celestial flower falling from the sky.

In the distance there is still a beautiful spring scenery full of fragrant grass, tempting those who see it to walk happily.

"Huh." With this soft hum, the elegant beauty on the Fairy Fei's indescribably pretty face was covered with frost, and the wild flowers caught between her fingertips fell, withering as they fell, piece by piece. The wilted petals fall off one after another. ??

The wrath of the gods can cause the earth to split and the mountains to collapse, and the wrath of the Great Immortal Concubine, who is at the top of the cultivation world, can also change the color of the wind and clouds. After a slight hum, the wind and clouds suddenly rise in the spring wilderness, and the clear sky suddenly becomes cloudy. Gusts of wind roared past.

The Great Immortal Concubine's beautiful bright eyes that can make everyone enchanted are flashing with the cold and wise light that can understand the mysteries of the world. She looks at the rolling hills in the distance and says in a clear but cold voice, "I am with People have a promise not to harm the Flower Clan, but if you think this is an opportunity, you are making a mistake." After she said that, she waved her jade hand in front of her with a powerful force. With the power of thunder, the earth rolled up like a rough sea, and then the surging soil quickly fell. In just an instant, all the slopes and hills in the area of ​​​​thousands of miles were flattened, and even the flowers and grass were flattened. There were no trees left standing, and the entire land became a smooth mirror with flowers and plants printed on it. This strange landscape looked really shocking.

Yu Chan has been trapped in this vast grassland for seven days. She came to the land of the Lingxin Clan to seek for Xun Yi's reincarnation. Since then, she learned from Jingshui Fairy Princess that Xun Yi's reincarnation may be possible. After being taken away by the people from the Spirit Heart Clan, she began her journey of searching.

Speaking of which, her experiences over the years were much more dangerous and difficult than Su Wan's, because Fairy Huarui told her that the child was taken away by a great fairy concubine, so she was not sure whether the great fairy concubine belonged to the Spirit Heart Clan. Under the circumstances, she could only search for the mysterious spiritual heart clan and visit the great fairy concubines everywhere. As the pinnacle of the cultivation world, not all of them interact with each other with sympathy and sympathy. People who can reach this height Without exception, they all rely on some romance. Everyone wants to find out what the other's romance is, so if you don't deal with it well, it may lead to plotting.

Although Yu Chan did not experience as many wars as Su Wan, every battle was enough to lose her life. After all the hardships, she felt that she had finally found the traces of the Lingxin Clan, but since she arrived on this boundless grassland, she She felt that there was a magical force guiding her away from the goal she was pursuing. After seven consecutive days of secret fighting, she couldn't bear it and broke out.

During these years of visits to the great fairy concubines of various parties, she has also met people she sincerely wanted to be with. Now that she has obtained some information about the Spiritual Heart Clan from them, she can now realize that the other party seems to be able to spy on her. She has certain thoughts, and using flowers, plants and trees to set up a maze to deal with her is undoubtedly a strong evidence.

After a blow, under the rolling clouds in the sky, Yuchan stood up from her demeanor.

Thousands of immortals transformed into female killers, and they rushed forward to the left with their beautiful eyebrows raised. They waved their hands and released another majestic spiritual power that could destroy mountains and crack the earth, once again turning the land thousands of miles into a flat mirror.

"I worked so hard to find this place just to find one person. After all the good things to say, all you have to do is come out and give me an answer. Why bother forcing me to take action?"

Yu Chan said angrily while chasing the opponent's escape traces and shot one after another. The spiritual power was on the ground and in the air forming extermination areas that could reach thousands of miles. She did not attack with all her strength, just to force the opponent out, but The person she was chasing was no ordinary person. Not only was she not forced out under such a fierce pursuit, but Yu Chan was repeatedly missed. Her weird escape ability gave Yu Chan a headache. Until now Because she didn't even know what the other person looked like.

Yu Chan had indeed found the right place. After decades of searching, she finally broke into the territory of the Lingxin Clan. The Lingxin Clan was unprepared for the sudden intrusion of this great fairy concubine. The Lingxin Clan was divided into groups. The Ju people are different from other human races. They all have innate magical powers. It can be said that all of them are monks. The difference lies in the level of qualifications. Their lifestyle is between mortals and monks. Most of them live a similar life. Mortals live a similar life, because they all have supernatural powers and powerful people are not bound by the laws of heaven and can help them without scruples, so their lives are far more nourishing and more generous than ordinary people. Those with high qualifications devote themselves to cultivation like monks, but they don't. Away from their own ethnic group, they shoulder the responsibility of protecting the ethnic group.

What Yu Chan encountered was a larger ethnic group with more than 50,000 people. Its leader had already reached the level of Feather Transformation. However, facing a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of Feather Transformation, more than 50,000 of them could only die if they joined together. , so the leader took several elders who were equivalent to the late Nascent Soul to use a maze to lure Yuchan away. At the same time, everyone quietly retreated to the center of the territory, and alerted the various ministries to summon manpower to deal with the great fairy concubine.

Yu Chan was indeed very polite at first. After realizing that she might have found the Lingxin Clan, she expressed her intentions frankly, because she knew that the person who took away Xun Yi's reincarnated body was probably Xun Yi's friend, so She didn't want to rob someone right away. Of course, if she couldn't get the other person to hand over the person with good talk, then she would take action. No matter what, she had to take away Xun Yi's reincarnation, because Xun Yi is the only person she cares about in this world. For thousands of years, only Xun Yi can make her give her sincerity and treat each other sincerely. Yu Chan, who has spent her life in conspiracy and calculation, cherishes her time with Xun Yi very much. She believed that Xun Yi's reincarnation would not disappoint her. She longed to have another little naughty boy by her side who was as interesting as Xun Yi and could continuously bring benefits to her.

In the matter of finding Yi's reincarnation, Yu Chan must have utilitarian motives. After all, he is a person who has confirmed his reincarnation. Some clues about the way of heaven must be found from him. But speaking from his heart, Yu Chan's calculation is not serious, and she even doesn't want to think too much about this issue, because she feels that it would be a bit sorry for her and Xun Yi's feelings.

The relationship between the two has long gone beyond utility. Xunyi would rather die in Yaoxian Palace and be buried with Yuchan than bear the pain of losing Yuchan. In order to save Xunyi, Yuchan even declared war on the entire Yuanyi Prefecture Xiujie. , they are both willing to fight to the death for each other, a hundred-year-old monk and a thousand-year-old immortal concubine. This is a relationship that is incomprehensible and unbelievable, but their feelings are so sincere. Until his death, he never forgot about Yuchan's safety. After Xunyi's death, Yuchan was heartbroken. Once he learned the news about Xunyi's reincarnation, he embarked on a journey of search without hesitation. He has not avoided danger for decades until today. , this move at this moment is equivalent to her challenging the entire Spirit Heart Clan on her own.

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