Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1428 Yuchan’s kindness

It is impossible for people from the Lingxin Clan to come out and have a good discussion with this great fairy concubine. There is only one reason - her cultivation level is too high.

The Spirit Heart Tribe has been able to develop to this day entirely because of its ability to hide its traces. If this cannot be ensured, then their talent will bring them the disaster of annihilation. They would never let go of those who broke into the territory. Those with low cultivation levels might be allowed to stay. However, they were unable to control the great fairy concubines in the middle stage of their transformation, so they could only fight with all their might.

Yu Chan followed the other party's traces without hesitation. After searching for decades, she had no reason to give up at this time.

After chasing for hundreds of thousands of miles, Yu Chan slowed down. She noticed that the sky seemed to become bluer than before. The change was extremely small, but it could not be hidden from her eyes. When she stared at the sky, the sky also became bluer. A pair of eyes appeared staring at her.

Those pale blue eyes are hidden in the distant blue sky, lighter than the crescent moon in the daytime.

"I am Yu Chan, a monk from Puyunzhou. I have come here thousands of miles away just to find a child who was taken from Nanjingzhou fifty years ago. I have a deep relationship with him, so I have to take the liberty to disturb your peaceful cultivation. I would like to apologize here. I would like to ask this Taoist friend to do something convenient and bring him out for a meeting. I have no intention of embarrassing you, nor do I have any intention of prying into the secrets of the nobles. This is my intention to show my kindness to the sun, and hope that all of you Taoist friends will be compassionate. I wish you could come out and have a discussion. As long as you let me see the boy, everything will be easy to discuss. If you have any requests or conditions, I can agree to them."

After saying these words loudly, Yu Chan saw another pair of eyes in the sky, both pairs of eyes staring at her unblinkingly and without any emotion.

Yu Chan frowned her eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice with a slightly displeased expression, "I sincerely make a request based on my mid-level cultivation of Yu Fei. Don't you even give me this little face?"

At this time, a third pair of blue eyes appeared in the sky behind Yu Chan. With her powerful consciousness, she could clearly tell that those eyes were composed of tens of thousands of small eyes, which were intended to surround her. The momentum has reached.

At this time, the other party still did not make any response, which meant that there was no intention to discuss it. Yu Chan could not sit still and wait for death. When he was angry, he was no longer polite. He activated the pink body-protecting divine light and said with a frosty face, "If you guys If you think you can keep me, you might as well give it a try!”

After saying that, she didn't see any movement, she just stood tall and proud in the vast sky and earth with her breasts raised, and a red cloud that was thousands of miles wide suddenly extended from the sky, directly hitting the pair of girls who first appeared. blue eyes.

A feather-level battle began. When the red clouds appeared, the clear sky suddenly darkened, as if it suddenly became cloudy. The three pairs of blue eyes that originally hung in the sky like faint marks It became clear in an instant. The six eyes were like six curved blue moons hanging under the gloomy sky. They were no longer emotionless, but some gave off a hazy light that made people sleep, and some Some flashed with a sharp cold light that was heartbreaking, while others showed a sarcastic look that made people's hearts tremble.

Hongxia flew towards the one on the right of the pair of eyes with a mocking look. That eye blinked and avoided Hongxia's attack, and then appeared strangely on the left, with an eye Without moving one eye, the other eye moved closer. Although the two eyes appeared in the air and there was no face for reference, this change in position still made people feel weird and awkward.

"Huh!" Yu

Chan snorted contemptuously, and her delicate body quickly rose into the sky. Taking advantage of the three pairs of eyes moving with her figure, she waved her hand towards the pair of eyes in the sky behind her, the bright and dazzling pink glow. This pink The red glow is much faster than the previous red glow. The red glow is just a test method, but this pink glow is the real move. Yu Chan has already judged that although the eyes behind him are the largest and seem to be the most dangerous, In fact, it was the weakest. It was made up of countless people with lower cultivation levels, so she chose to attack these people first.

The eyesight of the Great Immortal Concubine in the middle stage of feathering was not bad. As the pink glow entered, the eye immediately disappeared, and the eye next to it also disappeared. Tens of thousands of Lingxin tribe members were affected by this blow. They fainted, and some of the more advanced ones held their heads and howled miserably.

Although Yu Chan was not able to see the miserable state of these spiritual heart tribes, she expected that they would never feel better. After succeeding in the attack, she spoke again with a stern face, "I have no intention of becoming your enemy. My subordinates have already shown mercy. If you If you force me again, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

The other two pairs of eyes disappeared one after another when Yu Chan spoke, and the sky became clear again, as if nothing had happened.

At the moment when the two pairs of eyes disappeared, Yu Chan discovered the figures of the two old men casting spells. They were thousands of miles away. Yu Chan did not chase them, but slowly fell to the ground, with a bright pink brilliance following them. It rose within a hundred miles, she closed her eyes, held the orchid seal with her left hand and placed it at her side, raised her right hand and placed it diagonally in front of her head to seal the heart seal, her graceful posture was like dancing.

She did not win the battle without any injuries. When she used the glow to attack the eyes behind her, the two eyes in front also lost no time in attacking her. If it were two ordinary feathers, The monk's attack may not really be able to hurt Yuchan, but the Lingxin tribe's attack method focuses on the heart and soul, which makes her very uncomfortable. Although she has not been too obviously hurt, her state of mind has also been a little chaotic, and there is a feeling in her heart. She felt indescribably uncomfortable. If she fought hard, she would at least be sure to kill one of the two, but in that case she would be in danger. If this was a trick by the other party to lure the enemy, then she would definitely be She would suffer a big loss. Yu Chan was not stupid enough to underestimate the wisdom of the Spirit Heart Clan. Moreover, she did not want to make things impossible at the moment, so she let go of this opportunity to kill a powerful enemy and cautiously Adjust your mood first.

Before she could fully recover, the pink brilliance that filled a hundred-mile radius began to fluctuate. The weakness of the Spirit Heart Clan that was not good at spiritual attacks was exposed at this time. They could not break through the brilliance, and frequent attacks could only Cause some harassment to Yuchan.

The people of the Lingxin Tribe knew this, so the following attacks were just to take away a little of Yuchan's energy, making it impossible for her to calmly recover.

Yu Chan didn't move, her hands were still holding the seal, and her eyes didn't open, but her white and tender eyebrows moved involuntarily. Suddenly, dozens of pink rays of light followed the opponent's attack and counterattacked, like a hundred miles. Guanghua is like a living creature, and will fight back wherever it is attacked.

The Lingxin clan members who launched the attack fled in panic one by one under the counterattack of Pink Guanghua. Yu Chan still did not kill them, otherwise these people would probably have been killed on the spot.

s Thanks to Senior Brother Er Nai for his thousand-point reward and monthly ticket. You must have guessed that Yu Chan went to the Lingxin Clan. This plot will be triggered in advance. Hehe, you didn’t guess. It is impossible for people from the Lingxin Clan to come out. There is only one reason why we have a serious discussion with this great fairy concubine - her cultivation level is too high.

The Spirit Heart Tribe has been able to develop to this day entirely because of its ability to hide its traces. If this cannot be ensured, then their talent will bring them the disaster of annihilation. They would never let go of those who broke into the territory. Those with low cultivation levels might be allowed to stay. However, they were unable to control the great fairy concubines in the middle stage of their transformation, so they could only fight with all their might.

Yu Chan followed the other party's traces without hesitation. After searching for decades, she had no reason to give up at this time.

After chasing for hundreds of thousands of miles, Yu Chan slowed down. She noticed that the sky seemed to become bluer than before. The change was extremely small, but it could not be hidden from her eyes. When she stared at the sky, the sky also became bluer. A pair of eyes appeared staring at her.

Those pale blue eyes are hidden in the distant blue sky, lighter than the crescent moon in the daytime.

"I am Yu Chan, a monk from Puyunzhou. I have come here thousands of miles away just to find a child who was taken from Nanjingzhou fifty years ago. I have a deep relationship with him, so I have to take the liberty to disturb your peaceful cultivation. I would like to apologize here. I would like to ask this Taoist friend to do something convenient and bring him out for a meeting. I have no intention of embarrassing you, nor do I have any intention of prying into the secrets of the nobles. This is my intention to show my kindness to the sun, and hope that all of you Taoist friends will be compassionate. I wish you could come out and have a discussion. As long as you let me see the boy, everything will be easy to discuss. If you have any requests or conditions, I can agree to them."

After speaking these words loudly, Yu Chan saw another pair of eyes in the sky, both pairs of eyes staring at her unblinkingly and without any emotion.

Yu Chan frowned her eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice with a slightly displeased expression, "I sincerely make a request based on my mid-level cultivation of Yu Fei. Don't you even give me this little face?"

At this time, a third pair of blue eyes appeared in the sky behind Yu Chan. With her powerful consciousness, she could clearly tell that those eyes were composed of tens of thousands of small eyes, which were intended to surround her. The momentum has reached.

At this time, the other party still did not make any response, which meant that there was no intention to discuss it. Yu Chan could not sit still and wait for death. When he was angry, he was no longer polite. He activated the pink body-protecting divine light and said with a frosty face, "If you guys If you think you can keep me, you might as well give it a try!”

After saying that, she didn't see any movement, she just stood tall and proud in the vast sky and earth with her breasts raised, and a red cloud that was thousands of miles wide suddenly extended from the sky, directly hitting the pair of girls who first appeared. blue eyes.

A feather-level battle began. When the red clouds appeared, the clear sky suddenly darkened, as if it suddenly became cloudy. The three pairs of blue eyes that originally hung in the sky like faint marks It became clear in an instant. The six eyes were like six curved blue moons hanging under the gloomy sky. They were no longer emotionless, but some gave off a hazy light that made people sleep, and some Some flashed with a sharp cold light that was heartbreaking, while others showed a sarcastic look that made people's hearts tremble.

Hongxia flew towards the right one of the mocking eyes. That eye blinked and dodged Hongxia's attack, and then appeared strangely on the left side. Without moving one eye, the other eye moved closer. Although the two eyes appeared in the air and there was no face for reference, this change in position still made people feel weird and awkward.

"Huh!" Yu

Chan snorted contemptuously, and her delicate body quickly rose into the sky. Taking advantage of the three pairs of eyes moving with her figure, she waved her hand towards the pair of eyes in the sky behind her, the bright and dazzling pink glow. This pink The red glow is much faster than the previous red glow. The red glow is just a test method, but this pink glow is the real move. Yu Chan has already judged that although the eyes behind him are the largest and seem to be the most dangerous, In fact, it was the weakest. It was made up of countless people with lower cultivation levels, so she chose to attack these people first.

The eyesight of the Great Immortal Concubine in the middle stage of feathering was not bad. As the pink glow entered, the eye immediately disappeared, and the eye next to it also disappeared. Tens of thousands of Lingxin tribe members were affected by this blow. They fainted, and some of the more advanced ones held their heads and howled miserably.

Although Yu Chan was not able to see the miserable state of these spiritual heart tribes, she expected that they would never feel better. After succeeding in the attack, she spoke again with a stern face, "I have no intention of becoming your enemy. My subordinates have already shown mercy. If you If you force me again, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

The other two pairs of eyes disappeared one after another when Yu Chan spoke, and the sky became clear again, as if nothing had happened.

At the moment when the two pairs of eyes disappeared, Yu Chan discovered the figures of the two old men who were casting spells. They were thousands of miles away. Yu Chan did not chase them, but slowly fell to the ground, with a bright pink brilliance following them. It rose within a hundred miles, she closed her eyes, held the orchid seal with her left hand and placed it at her side, raised her right hand and placed it diagonally in front of her head to seal the heart seal, her graceful posture was like dancing.

She did not win the battle without any injuries. When she used the glow to attack the eyes behind her, the two eyes in front also lost no time in attacking her. If it were two ordinary feathers, The monk's attack may not really be able to hurt Yuchan, but the Lingxin tribe's attack method focuses on the heart and soul, which makes her very uncomfortable. Although she has not been too obviously hurt, her state of mind has also been a little chaotic, and there is a feeling in her heart. She felt indescribably uncomfortable. If she fought hard, she would at least be sure to kill one of the two, but in that case she would be in danger. If this was a trick by the other party to lure the enemy, then she would definitely be She would suffer a big loss. Yu Chan was not stupid enough to underestimate the wisdom of the Spirit Heart Clan. Moreover, she did not want to make things impossible at the moment, so she let go of this opportunity to kill a powerful enemy and cautiously Adjust your mood first.

Before she could fully recover, the pink brilliance that filled a hundred-mile radius began to fluctuate. The weakness of the Spirit Heart Clan that was not good at spiritual attacks was exposed at this time. They could not break through the brilliance, and frequent attacks could only Cause some harassment to Yu Chan.

The people of the Lingxin Tribe knew this, so the following attacks were just to take away a little of Yuchan's energy, making it impossible for her to calmly recover.

Yu Chan didn't move, her hands were still holding the seal, and her eyes didn't open, but her white and tender eyebrows moved involuntarily. Suddenly, dozens of pink rays of light followed the opponent's attack and counterattacked, like a hundred miles. Guanghua is like a living creature, and will fight back wherever it is attacked.

The Lingxin clan members who launched the attack fled in panic one by one under the counterattack of Pink Guanghua. Yu Chan still did not kill them, otherwise these people would probably have been killed on the spot.

s Thanks to Senior Brother Er Nai for his thousand-point reward and monthly ticket. You must have guessed that Yu Chan went to the Lingxin Clan. This plot will be triggered in advance. Hehe, you didn’t guess,

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