Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1433 The alliance of two feathered fairy concubines

Minglan knew she was speechless, so she smiled and said, "Regrets are out of the question. I already owe him."

Yu Chan understood the relationship between men and women very well, and she had already understood Minglan's thoughts clearly. She said with a bit of superiority, "I have no intention of finding him as my lover, and of course I won't be too concerned about his changes." So much disappointment, so nothing to regret.”

Minglan looked at her and said, "Our Lingxin tribe is gifted with supernatural powers. You can't fool me. I can feel that you also feel disappointed. After all, he is no longer the same Xunyi. We all hope that he can be the same as before, because That's what we like, but he obviously can't grow up. You're right, I'm more disappointed than you are. He did make me very excited, but now..." She shook her head. Go on.

Ming Lan's sincerity made Yu Chan feel a little bored. Besides, she couldn't hit Ming Lan too hard. After all, she still had to count on her to help Xun Yi. Yu Chan had never been a person who thought about others, but that was just Because she only cares about her own interests, not because she can't see through the truth. On the contrary, she sees the world more clearly than anyone else, and she clearly knows how embarrassed Minglan is in this matter.

At this time, she in turn advised Minglan, "Emotions can only arise when we are together. Because Xun Yi makes you fall in love, you have to go through your own hurdle before you can fall in love with someone else. The deeper your attachment to Xun Yi is." , the harder it is for other people to catch your eye, even for his reincarnation, I believe Xun Yi will only get better and better. If you give him more opportunities, the feeling may be different. "

Minglan shook her head sadly, "It will never be the same. Love and fondness are different. What you love is the water, but what I love is the water in the bowl."

Yu Chan curled her lips disapprovingly and said with a smile, "That's just what you are thinking at the moment. Just because he is the person who first made your heart beat. That is indeed the most unforgettable thing in a woman's life. Moreover, he is dead, which makes it even more disturbing." It’s unforgettable, but if you experience more emotions, they will inevitably become lighter. I know this better than you. What’s good for you is that you know he is looking for Yi, so it’s easier to accept it. Even though the bowl was broken, it’s not You can’t put the water back, but if you can forget about that bowl, this plate of water will become your favorite.”

Ming Lan shook her head again and said, "If I forget that bowl, the water on the plate will have nothing to do with me."

"It's useless to tell you anything now. You will understand it naturally in the future." Yu Chan understood Ming Lan's mentality at the moment very well, and knew that she could not understand this through words, so she persuaded her from another aspect. Regardless of the water in the bowl or the water on the plate, you should drink it, not just watch it. You take a sip of the water in the bowl and find it extremely sweet, but you haven’t drank the water on the plate yet. Wouldn’t it be silly to assume that it doesn’t taste the same as before?”

Ming Lan still shook her head and said, "That's different, you know." The look she looked at Yu Chan was miserable, but there was also a faint meaning of asking for help. In her heart, she never regarded Yu Chan as an enemy, but She has always been regarded as a friend, and Yu Chan is undoubtedly the best person for her to talk to about Xun Yi.

Yu Chan responded with encouraging eyes and said, "Try a few more bites. I guarantee the taste will not be bad."

Minglan felt a little shy and embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "I really can't help you this time. I hope you can adjust your mentality as soon as possible and really use this tranquility to understand the Tao."

There was ridicule in Yu Chan's eyes again, "You think too simply. You can wholeheartedly hope that I will be well, but your tribe may not be willing to give me this peace. I am still alive for them."

We are always a huge threat, how long can you protect me? Forget it, I'd better heal your wounds as soon as possible. I may not even be able to see him for the last time, so I can only rely on you to protect him. But regarding him, I advise you to say as little as possible to your clan members. "

Ming Lan was stunned by these words. The incident happened too suddenly, and she had no other choice in this matter, so she only thought about the safety of her clan members, and she really did not carefully consider whether she could ensure Yu Chan's safety.

"I will do my best to do what I promised you." This was the biggest guarantee she could give Yu Chan.

Yu Chan smiled lightly and asked, "If they want to harm me, can you still fall out with them?"

Ming Lan repeated again with a stern expression, "I will do my best to fulfill what I promised you. I have already sorry for you and him, and I will never allow anyone to harm you again."

What Yu Chan wanted was her words. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, he said with a depressed look, "Fortunately, Xun Yi is dead. If he were alive and knew that I was in trouble, he would definitely come to you to fight for your life. Your situation It will be even more difficult, so why bother? You know that I have no intention of harming you, so aren’t you asking for trouble in this situation?”

"You should have warned me earlier." Minglan said with worry.

Yu Chan slightly raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is it useful? Is there any difference between telling me earlier and telling me now? If I told you earlier, would you let me go? Can you betray your tribe for me?"

Ming Lan was silent. After thinking for a while, she looked at Yu Chan and said, "That's true, but I have done what I should do for my people. If they trample on my promise to you, they will trap me in injustice." , even if I can’t save you, I will die with you.”

"That's not necessary." Yu Chan looked outside the magic circle. Several great magical powers from the Lingxin Clan were guarding very far away, obviously waiting for Ming Lan to go out.

"I swear with my Taoist heart..." Seeing Yuchan's attitude, Ming Lan couldn't help but feel ashamed. To express her feelings, she took out a drop of blood and vowed to swear in person.

Yu Chan held her arm, looked at her with a joking look and said, "You promised me before that if I die here, you will repay this apology to my reincarnation, but you have to die with me." If not, wouldn’t I be even more at a loss?”

Ming Lan bit her cherry lips sadly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Yu Chan showed a meaningful smile, looked at her and said, "As long as you keep this intention, if the injury is healed, you may be able to protect me with that fairy treasure, but first you have to Let them know your determination, they are waiting for you outside, be careful."

Minglan understood what she meant, nodded slightly, and then floated out of the magic circle. When she was still a thousand miles away from the tribesmen, she stopped and talked with them for a while using her spiritual thoughts. , she returned.

"I have told them everything that needs to be said. Some of them do have the idea of ​​getting rid of you once and for all, but most of my people are kind and trustworthy. They don't know our previous agreement. Now I have put everything right. They made it clear."

Yu Chan said calmly, "But some of them still insist on getting rid of me, right?"

Naturally, Minglan didn't want to talk too much about the ugly thoughts among her tribe. She avoided the topic and said, "Let's also set up a defensive array in their array. There is plenty of food and drinking water here. From now on, I will stay with you from today on, and we will discuss it after the injury is healed." Minglan knew she was speechless, and smiled and said, "I can't talk about regrets, I already owe him."

Yu Chan understood the relationship between men and women very well, and she had already understood Minglan's thoughts clearly. She said with a bit of superiority, "I have no intention of finding him as my lover, and of course I won't be too concerned about his changes." So much disappointment, so nothing to regret.”

Minglan looked at her and said, "Our Lingxin tribe is gifted with supernatural powers. You can't fool me. I can feel that you also feel disappointed. After all, he is no longer the same Xunyi. We all hope that he can be the same as before, because That's what we like, but he obviously can't grow up. You're right, I'm more disappointed than you are. He did make me very excited, but now..." She shook her head. Go on.

Ming Lan's sincerity made Yu Chan feel a little bored. Besides, she couldn't hit Ming Lan too hard. After all, she still had to count on her to help Xun Yi. Yu Chan had never been a person who thought about others, but that was just Because she only cares about her own interests, not because she can't see through the truth. On the contrary, she sees the world more clearly than anyone else, and she clearly knows how embarrassed Minglan is in this matter.

At this time, she in turn advised Minglan, "Emotions can only arise when we are together. Because Xun Yi makes you fall in love, you have to go through your own hurdle before you can fall in love with someone else. The deeper your attachment to Xun Yi is." , the harder it is for other people to catch your eye, even for his reincarnation, I believe Xun Yi will only get better and better. If you give him more opportunities, the feeling may be different. "

Minglan shook her head sadly, "It will never be the same. Love and fondness are different. What you love is the water, but what I love is the water in the bowl."

Yu Chan curled her lips disapprovingly and said with a smile, "That's just what you are thinking at the moment. Just because he is the person who first made your heart beat. That is indeed the most unforgettable thing in a woman's life. Moreover, he is dead, which makes it even more disturbing." It’s unforgettable, but if you experience more emotions, they will inevitably become lighter. I know this better than you. What’s good for you is that you know he is looking for Yi, so it’s easier to accept it. Even though the bowl was broken, it’s not You can’t put the water back, but if you can forget about that bowl, this plate of water will become your favorite.”

Ming Lan shook her head again and said, "If I forget that bowl, the water on the plate will have nothing to do with me."

"It's useless to tell you anything now. You will understand it naturally in the future." Yu Chan understood Ming Lan's mentality at the moment very well, and knew that she could not understand this through words, so she persuaded her from another aspect. Regardless of the water in the bowl or the water on the plate, you should drink it, not just watch it. You take a sip of the water in the bowl and find it extremely sweet, but you haven’t drank the water on the plate yet. Wouldn’t it be silly to assume that it doesn’t taste the same as before?”

Ming Lan still shook her head and said, "That's different, you know." The look she looked at Yu Chan was miserable, but there was also a faint meaning of asking for help. In her heart, she never regarded Yu Chan as an enemy, but She has always been regarded as a friend, and Yu Chan is undoubtedly the best person for her to talk to about Xun Yi.

Yu Chan responded with encouraging eyes and said, "Try a few more bites. I guarantee the taste will not be bad."

Minglan felt a little shy and embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "I really can't help you this time. I hope you can adjust your mentality as soon as possible and really use this tranquility to understand the Tao."

There was ridicule in Yu Chan's eyes again, "You think too simply. You can wholeheartedly hope that I will be well, but your tribe may not be willing to give me this peace. I am still alive for them."

We are always a huge threat, how long can you protect me? Forget it, I'd better heal your wounds as soon as possible. I may not even be able to see him for the last time, so I can only rely on you to protect him. But regarding him, I advise you to say as little as possible to your clan members. "

Ming Lan was stunned by these words. The incident happened too suddenly, and she had no other choice in this matter, so she only thought about the safety of her clan members, and she really did not carefully consider whether she could ensure Yu Chan's safety.

"I will do my best to do what I promised you." This was the biggest guarantee she could give Yu Chan.

Yu Chan smiled lightly and asked, "If they want to harm me, can you still fall out with them?"

Ming Lan repeated again with a stern expression, "I will do my best to fulfill what I promised you. I have already sorry for you and him, and I will never allow anyone to harm you again."

What Yu Chan wanted was her words. Seeing that he had achieved his goal, he said with a depressed look, "Fortunately, Xun Yi is dead. If he were alive and knew that I was in trouble, he would definitely come to you to fight for your life. Your situation It will be even more difficult, so why bother? You know that I have no intention of harming you, so aren’t you asking for trouble in this situation?”

"You should have warned me earlier." Minglan said with worry.

Yu Chan slightly raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is it useful? Is there any difference between telling me earlier and telling me now? If I told you earlier, would you let me go? Can you betray your tribe for me?"

Ming Lan was silent. After thinking for a while, she looked at Yu Chan and said, "That's true, but I have done what I should do for my people. If they trample on my promise to you, they will trap me in injustice." , even if I can’t save you, I will die with you.”

"That's not necessary." Yu Chan looked outside the magic circle. Several great magical powers from the Lingxin Clan were guarding very far away, obviously waiting for Ming Lan to go out.

"I swear with my Taoist heart..." Seeing Yuchan's attitude, Ming Lan couldn't help but feel ashamed. To express her feelings, she took out a drop of blood and vowed to swear in person.

Yu Chan held her arm, looked at her with a joking look and said, "You promised me before that if I die here, you will repay this apology to my reincarnation, but you have to die with me." If not, wouldn’t I be at a greater loss?”

Ming Lan bit her cherry lips sadly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Yu Chan showed a meaningful smile, looked at her and said, "As long as you keep this intention, if the injury is healed, you may be able to protect me with that fairy treasure, but first you have to Let them know your determination, they are waiting for you outside, be careful."

Minglan understood what she meant, nodded slightly, and then floated out of the magic circle. She stopped when she was still thousands of miles away from the tribesmen, and talked with them for a while using her spiritual thoughts. , she returned.

"I have told them everything that needs to be said. Some of them do have the idea of ​​getting rid of you once and for all, but most of my people are kind and trustworthy. They don't know our previous agreement. Now I have put everything right." They made it clear."

Yu Chan said calmly, "But some of them still insist on getting rid of me, right?"

Naturally, Minglan didn't want to talk too much about the ugly thoughts among her tribe. She avoided the topic and said, "Let's also set up a defensive array in their array. There is plenty of food and drinking water here. From now on, I will stay with you from today on, and we will discuss it again after the injury is healed."

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