Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1434 The Vision of Zixiao Palace

Puyunzhou, Zixiao Palace, Inland Sea.

Under a hazy sky, the usually peaceful and tranquil Inland Sea is now filled with a tense atmosphere of an impending catastrophe. The palace-protecting formation of Zixiao Palace has been activated, and the defensive formation of the Inland Sea has also been activated. Guanhe Island and the five surrounding areas have All the disciples on the islands within a hundred miles have been cleared. Xin De, Xin Yi, Xin Ping, Faith, Faith, Xin Xie, six tenth generation disciples from the outer sea, Qing Qiu and Nuan Dong two tenth generation disciples from the inner sea, a total of eight from Zixiao Palace. The tenth generation disciples all sat cross-legged on the eight cleared islands as if facing a formidable enemy. Among them, the island where Xinxie was located was the closest to Guanhe Island, only eighty miles away.

Pei Lin and Pei Dong of the Soul Refining Sect, Xian Yu and Xian Qi of the Qingyun Sect, and other great monks of the late Nascent Soul who are close to Zixiao Palace occupy other cleared islands.

Behind these late-stage Nascent Soul monks, on the islands five hundred miles away, a group of mid-stage Nascent Soul disciples were stationed, and further away there were some early-stage Nascent Soul disciples.

This powerful formation has been in place for more than two months, and no one knows how long they will continue to hold on. For more than two months, no one has spoken a word, not even a spiritual conversation, and no one has even moved. Not too much, they were sitting cross-legged on various islands like hundreds of wooden and clay sculptures, waiting nervously and quietly. The inner sea of ​​Zixiao Palace remained as silent as death for more than two months.

The haze in the sky is getting thicker and thicker, pressing down on the palace protection formation of Zixiao Palace like a whole cloud that stretches from sky to earth. It is becoming more and more difficult for the sun to penetrate this thick haze. The sun looks like a A faint white mark.

Xinxie slowly raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt signs of changes in the situation. The island under the Six Immortals was only as big as a house. Just half an hour ago, the inland sea, which had always been calm, The sea surface suddenly and quietly grew about a foot taller, and his small island was completely submerged under the sea water. Half of the famous Six Immortals in the universe were submerged, and he sat in the sea water in embarrassment, without using any protective gear. The body spirit light drove away the sea water, and he did not escape to other islands because he did not dare to use any spiritual power.

Not long after Xinxie looked at the sky, dark clouds like angry waves began to roll in the thick haze, as if countless wild beasts were stirring up the clouds and fighting.

Xinxie slowly raised his hand, making a gesture to the people nearby not to act rashly, and then his body silently floated up from the sea, like a light white cloud emerging from the sea, floating straight up. It entered the defensive formation in the inner sea, and then floated outside the palace protection formation.

Although Xinxie's movements after leaving the palace guarding formation sped up, he still seemed cautious. He flew to the high altitude where the clouds were rolling, waving his sleeves and gently sweeping towards the surging clouds.

At this time, another figure slowly floated out from the inner sea. It was the third fairy Qingqiu. She used the same technique as Xinxie to help drive away the clouds.

Nuan Dong, who was sitting on a large island at the edge of the five-hundred-mile range, saw the Sixth Senior Brother and the Third Senior Sister taking action one after another. She couldn't sit still, but she could only watch helplessly. First of all, it was because of her own cultivation level. The two of them were on the lower side, as they were afraid that taking unauthorized actions would lead to bad consequences. Secondly, she did not dare not to listen to the evil words now. Before, she was not afraid of believing in the evil at all, but since the witchcraft

After the battle in front of the Immortal Mountain, she was completely convinced by the Sixth Senior Brother and admired him greatly. Since the Sixth Senior Brother used hand signals to tell everyone not to move, she did not dare to disobey him.

At this time, we can see how right the Third Fairy Qingqiu's idea is. Compared with the Third Fairy, Nuan Dong is just a blind blather. The Third Fairy is the one who is not afraid of anyone and dares to take risks.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao were on a small island three hundred miles away behind Yan Bing and other Guanhe Island disciples. Their location was already a thousand miles away from the Guanhe Island in the center. With a calm atmosphere, especially in Xiyang, although he is considered very young to be among the Nascent Soul monks at more than 150 years old, there is no trace of vitality on his resolute face. Xun Yi's death made his already silent temperament become even more silent. He has not smiled once since Xun Yi's death. The cheerful and lively Jiangxiao has changed more obviously than Xiyang now. Although her eyes are still decisive and resolute, there is a bit of lingering sadness in them. The fairy who loves to talk and laugh has turned into a melancholic one. Fairy.

Fifty years have passed, and Xiyang and Jiangxiao no longer mention Xunyi, but this kind of deliberate avoidance is destined to have little effect. They both know that they will not be able to heal this pain in this life. , but not mentioning that at least they can avoid pulling this wound deeper. They can only silently lick their own wounds and bear their own pain alone. In this matter, neither of them has the ability to help. For each other, all they can do for each other is to try hard not to let themselves collapse under the weight of the heavy grief one day.

When Xinxie and Qingqiu floated up one after another, Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't even move their eyelids, maintaining the state of meditation with their eyes closed for more than two months.

In fact, among the hundreds of people, there was only one person who reacted obviously to Xinxie and Qingqiu's actions, and that was Pei Yuan, who was on a small island not far from Xiyang and the others. This kid also seemed more mature now. After all, he was also a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. His reaction was just to secretly open his eyes a crack. After seeing that everyone remained silent, he hurriedly closed the opened crack. .

Before entering the inland sea, Pei Yuan had a secret conversation with Xiyang and Jiangxiao, because although the monsters in Shuiqingzhou were mainly attacking Nanjingzhou, as more and more monsters gathered in Puyunzhou, The dangers he faces are also increasing, so the Soul Refining Sect has decided to escort him to the north for refuge as soon as possible. Once there, he can meet up with Guyun Zhan. Pei Yuan wants to ask Xiyang and Jiangxiao if they are willing to go together. , go kill Mo Hui to avenge Xun Yi!

Pei Yuan's nostalgia for Xun Yi is no less than that of Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao, because he is still a young man, so if he doesn't do something for Xun Yi, he always feels that he can't live with it. He knows that Xun Yi has always been Thinking about killing Mo Hui, he had to find a way to help his brother fulfill this wish, so that he could comfort his brother's soul and let his brother's soul rest in peace.

"If you want to come with me, I will find a way to contact Xin Xie and He Hua. We will avenge this revenge on the Great Elder in the name of Qian Shao League." After Pei Yuan finished speaking, he stared at the two of them with eager eyes. Wait for their answer.

"Let's go." Jiangxiao looked at Xiyang after giving this firm answer. Puyunzhou, Zixiao Palace, Inland Sea.

Under a hazy sky, the usually peaceful and tranquil Inland Sea is now filled with a tense atmosphere of an impending catastrophe. The palace-protecting formation of Zixiao Palace has been activated, and the defensive formation of the Inland Sea has also been activated. Guanhe Island and the five surrounding areas have All the disciples on the islands within a hundred miles have been cleared. Xin De, Xin Yi, Xin Ping, Faith, Faith, Xin Xie, six tenth generation disciples from the outer sea, Qing Qiu and Nuan Dong two tenth generation disciples from the inner sea, a total of eight from Zixiao Palace. The tenth generation disciples all sat cross-legged on the eight cleared islands as if facing a formidable enemy. Among them, the island where Xinxie was located was the closest to Guanhe Island, only eighty miles away.

Pei Lin and Pei Dong of the Soul Refining Sect, Xian Yu and Xian Qi of the Qingyun Sect, and other great monks of the late Nascent Soul who are close to Zixiao Palace occupy other cleared islands.

Behind these late-stage Nascent Soul monks, on the islands five hundred miles away, a group of mid-stage Nascent Soul disciples were stationed, and further away there were some early-stage Nascent Soul disciples.

This powerful formation has been in place for more than two months, and no one knows how long they will continue to hold on. For more than two months, no one has spoken a word, not even a spiritual conversation, and no one has even moved. Not too much, they were sitting cross-legged on various islands like hundreds of wooden and clay sculptures, waiting nervously and quietly. The inner sea of ​​Zixiao Palace remained as silent as death for more than two months.

The haze in the sky is getting thicker and thicker, pressing down on the palace protection formation of Zixiao Palace like a whole cloud that stretches from sky to earth. It is becoming more and more difficult for the sun to penetrate this thick haze. The sun looks like a A faint white mark.

Xinxie slowly raised his head and looked at the sky. He felt signs of changes in the situation. The island under the Six Immortals was only as big as a house. Just half an hour ago, the inland sea, which had always been calm, The sea surface suddenly and quietly grew about a foot taller, and his small island was completely submerged under the sea water. Half of the famous Six Immortals in the universe were submerged, and he sat in the sea water in embarrassment, without using any protective gear. The physical light drove away the sea water, but he did not escape to other islands because he did not dare to use any spiritual power.

Not long after Xinxie looked at the sky, dark clouds like angry waves began to roll in the thick haze, as if countless wild beasts were stirring up the clouds and fighting.

Xinxie slowly raised his hand, making a gesture to the people nearby not to act rashly, and then his body silently floated up from the sea, like a light white cloud emerging from the sea, floating straight up. It entered the defensive formation in the inner sea, and then floated outside the palace protection formation.

Although Xinxie's movements after leaving the palace guarding formation sped up, he still seemed cautious. He flew to the high altitude where the clouds were rolling, waving his sleeves and gently sweeping towards the surging clouds.

At this time, another figure slowly floated out from the inner sea. It was the third fairy Qingqiu. She used the same technique as Xinxie to help drive away the clouds.

Nuan Dong, who was sitting on a large island at the edge of the five-hundred-mile range, saw the Sixth Senior Brother and the Third Senior Sister taking action one after another. She couldn't sit still, but she could only watch helplessly. First of all, it was because of her own cultivation level. The two of them were on the lower side, as they were afraid that taking unauthorized actions would lead to bad consequences. Secondly, she did not dare not to listen to the evil words now. Before, she was not afraid of believing in the evil at all, but since the witchcraft

After the battle in front of the Immortal Mountain, she was completely convinced by the Sixth Senior Brother and admired him greatly. Since the Sixth Senior Brother used hand signals to tell everyone not to move, she did not dare to disobey him.

At this time, we can see how right the Third Fairy Qingqiu's idea is. Compared with the Third Fairy, Nuan Dong is just a blind blather. The Third Fairy is the one who is not afraid of anyone and dares to take risks.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao were on a small island three hundred miles away behind Yan Bing and other Guanhe Island disciples. Their location was already a thousand miles away from the Guanhe Island in the center. With a calm atmosphere, especially in Xiyang, although he is considered very young to be among the Nascent Soul monks at more than 150 years old, there is no trace of vitality on his resolute face. Xun Yi's death made his already silent temperament become even more silent. He has not laughed once since Xun Yi's death. The cheerful and lively Jiangxiao has changed more obviously than Xiyang now. Although her eyes are still decisive and resolute, there is a bit of lingering sadness in them. The fairy who loves to talk and laugh has turned into a melancholic one. Fairy.

Fifty years have passed, and Xiyang and Jiangxiao no longer mention Xunyi, but this kind of deliberate avoidance is destined to have little effect. They both know that they will not be able to heal this pain in this life. , but not mentioning that at least they can avoid pulling this wound deeper. They can only silently lick their own wounds and bear their own pain alone. In this matter, neither of them has the ability to help. For each other, all they can do for each other is to try hard not to let themselves collapse under the weight of the heavy grief one day.

When Xinxie and Qingqiu floated up one after another, Xiyang and Jiangxiao didn't even move their eyelids, maintaining the state of meditation with their eyes closed for more than two months.

In fact, among the hundreds of people, there was only one person who reacted obviously to Xinxie and Qingqiu's actions, and that was Pei Yuan, who was on a small island not far from Xiyang and the others. This kid also seemed more mature now. After all, he was also a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul. His reaction was just to secretly open his eyes a crack. After seeing that everyone remained silent, he hurriedly closed the opened crack. .

Before entering the inland sea, Pei Yuan had a secret conversation with Xiyang and Jiangxiao, because although the monsters in Shuiqingzhou were mainly attacking Nanjingzhou, as more and more monsters gathered in Puyunzhou, The dangers he faces are also increasing, so the Soul Refining Sect has decided to escort him to the north for refuge as soon as possible. Once there, he can meet up with Guyun Zhan. Pei Yuan wants to ask Xiyang and Jiangxiao if they are willing to go together. , go kill Mo Hui to avenge Xun Yi!

Pei Yuan's nostalgia for Xun Yi is no less than that of Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao, because he is still a young man, so if he doesn't do something for Xun Yi, he always feels that he can't live with it. He knows that Xun Yi has always been Thinking about killing Mo Hui, he had to find a way to help his brother fulfill this wish, so that he could comfort his brother's soul and let his brother's soul rest in peace.

"If you want to come with me, I will find a way to contact Xin Xie and He Hua. We will avenge this revenge on the Great Elder in the name of Qian Shao League." After Pei Yuan finished speaking, he stared at the two of them with eager eyes. Wait for their answer.

"Let's go." Jiangxiao looked at Xiyang after giving this firm answer.

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