Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1436: Grief Is Hard to End

Among the early Yuanying monks who were selected to enjoy this blessing, Shao Ling was assigned the best position because she was Yu Chan's registered disciple. Now Shao Ling can accept various preferential treatment with peace of mind. , she is no longer the humble young cultivator who was timid and cautious when she first entered Zixiao Palace. With the help of Xu Shui, her cultivation has reached the perfect state of the early Yuanying stage.

Shao Ling was very nervous at the moment. She had deep feelings for the Second Fairy, so she had been silently praying for the Second Fairy for more than two months, hoping that the Second Fairy could successfully enter the ranks of the great magical power of Yu.

Originally, Yuehong was arranged to be next to Shao Ling. The sworn sister of the Seven Immortals also enjoyed great honors in Zixiao Palace. However, Ke Xunyi's death made Yuehong still disheartened and had no intention of anything, including cultivation. Things were not interesting, so she gave up this excellent position to a disciple of Xuanyu. Because she had practiced weapon refining in the past, she had a good relationship with the disciples of Baihua Island.

She sat at a place on the outermost edge, and next to her sat Ping'er, the only alchemy monk in the inner sea at this time.

Yan Bing personally arranged for Ping'er to share this blessing, and Ping'er is now her disciple. Because her cultivation was not going well, Yan Bing never had any disciples, and Ping'er became her first and only disciple.

The people selected to enter the inner sea to share the blessings this time were carefully selected. Qingqiu, Nuandong, and Yanbing were responsible for checking. Not even the Great Immortal Xinde could get involved in this matter. After all, sharing the blessings was secondary. Yes, the most important thing is to ensure that Zhixia successfully breaks through.

When encountering this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, everyone wants to send their beloved disciples in. It is not an exaggeration to describe the most qualified disciples in each lineage of Zixiao Palace as carriages. However, only Ping'er is allowed to enter the pill formation stage. For a person, because the concentration of a disciple in the alchemy stage is too low, he will be ruined if he causes trouble.

Yan Bing insisted on arranging for his Danjie disciples to come in, which was bound to arouse a lot of criticism. Lian Qingqiu

He and Nuan Dong disagreed. They could understand Yan Bing's mood, but after all, this was a major matter related to Zhi Xia's safety and there was no room for carelessness.

Yan Bing's answer was, "If Master were to arrange it, I believe Master would definitely give her this opportunity. My main thing is not to let her enjoy the blessings, but to let her witness with her own eyes the moment when Master becomes a feather. Sister Yuehong didn't want to come at first, but I told her that she must come, as if she was here to see the Seven Immortals. The young master has been hoping that the master can break through the realm and become a feather. If he is still alive, I don't know at this moment. How happy I am, but it’s a pity that we can’t tell him the good news.”

Hearing her mention Xun Yi, both Qing Qiu and Nuan Dong were silent. As great monks with late Nascent Soul cultivation, they both had the wisdom to "let go". In addition, they had not spent much time with Xun Yi from the beginning to the end. , so for more than fifty years, both of them have tried not to think about this little junior brother, but now that Yan Bing mentioned it, the cute and vivid appearance of the little junior brother appeared in their hearts irrepressibly, even though they were getting along with each other. Days are numbered, but the unique Xun Yi can easily leave a deep impression on people.

Recalling the scenes of getting along with her junior brother, Nuan Dong couldn't bear it anymore and warned Yan Bing, "Don't mention him in front of your master in the future, and don't mention him in front of me." After saying that, she turned and left. .

Qingqiu sighed, lowered her eyes and said, "Ping'er's matter is up to you, but you need to find a reliable person to guard her to avoid any trouble." After saying that, she raised her eyes and looked at Yan Bing, and said seriously "Listen to your Fourth Master Uncle's advice. Don't always be immersed in mourning for your Junior Master Uncle. If you don't come out of your grief, your Master will inevitably be affected. Her feelings for your Junior Senior Uncle are Someone who is more knowledgeable than you, your fourth master uncle’s warning is right. You should be able to see that your fourth master uncle is right.

What I am asking of you is not that she is heartless, nor that she does not miss her junior brother. On the contrary, your junior uncle is so lovable that even I dare not think too much about his brilliant smile, let alone you. Where are Master and Fourth Uncle? Sometimes deliberately forgetting is a helpless choice, otherwise what else can we do? "

Yan Bing's eyes were red and he said, "But I can't do it, Third Master Uncle... When Master breaks through, I will go to your place to practice. I can't stop myself from thinking about my little Master Uncle here."

Qingqiu nodded pitifully and said, "You are really not suitable to live in Zixiao Palace like this, but we should wait until the chaos of monsters and beasts subsides. After all, it is safer here. Your fourth uncle and I can't say whether you want to live in Zixiao Palace or not." I’m moving back here with my disciples temporarily.”

Although Ping'er didn't know the story behind her quota, she knew it without guessing. It was all obvious. The only quota among the alchemy monks did not bring Ping'er the slightest joy. Instead, she fell into deep sadness. She would rather give up everything she currently has in exchange for the resurrection of the Seven Immortals, or even risk her own life. She has prayed like this many times, but God obviously I don't want to make this deal with her.

With the help of the Second Fairy and Master Yan Bing, Ping'er, whose qualifications are not very good, has reached the middle stage of forming pills. This is a level that her mother dare not imagine. Ping'er's mother has already shown her old age. She is too weak, her qualifications are too poor, and no matter how good the pill is, it will be difficult for her to take a step forward in her cultivation.

When Ping'er grew up, she became a handsome fairy, even more beautiful than her mother. In recent years, Ping'er has been asking her mother who the bastard was who abandoned her, even though he gave her life. , but Ping'er will not recognize this bastard as her father. Now that she has grown up, she has Zixiao Palace as her backer, so she must avenge her mother.

Ping'er's mother still refused to tell the person's name, but instead warned Ping'er repeatedly

, it is not easy for their mother and daughter to have what they have today. They must cherish it and avoid causing trouble. When Ping'er pressed for more questions, she cried several times and begged Ping'er not to dwell on the past hatred. This made Ping'er feel helpless. She could understand her mother's painstaking efforts, but where should she place her pain? Her mother worked hard to bring her up, and now she has the ability to avenge her mother's shame, but her mother does not give her this opportunity. Her mother's love makes her feel very depressed.

She didn't want to ask Master and Master for help on this matter. In fact, she had never asked Master and Master for anything. Although Master and Master cared for her far more than others, they still cared about her. Caring is actually expressing grief for the Seven Immortals. Ping'er understands this truth, so she can't make any demands. This is her respect for the Seven Immortals. She can't bring any bad light to the Seven Immortals.

Yan Bing and others could still do something to express their grief for Xun Yi, but Ping'er could only cry secretly in her heart when she missed the Seven Immortals. She couldn't do anything, and in order to make her mother, master, and master feel at ease. , she couldn't even express her grief. Ping'er, who grew up in a difficult environment, was unusually sensible, so sensible that it was heartbreaking. In this aspect, she was somewhat similar to Xun Yi.

Ping'er never felt that she was pitiful before, but after the death of the Seven Immortals, she knew what it felt like to be pitiful. Her love was opened by the Seven Immortals. Although she knew she was not worthy of the Seven Immortals, she did not dare to have such thoughts. But she still secretly promised her heart to the Seven Immortals. She had no extravagant demands. As long as the Seven Immortals could visit her once in a while, she would be satisfied. Her biggest hope was to improve her cultivation in the future. I had the opportunity to enter Zixiao Palace and serve beside the Seven Immortals.

The death of the Seven Immortals took away her heart and all her vision for a better life. Ping'er's world collapsed the moment the news of the death of the Seven Immortals came. It can be said that these years have been a blur. , so she is closest to Yuehong now, and only Yuehong can let her cry happily.

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