Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1437 The Second Fairy Who Becomes a Feather

The dark clouds in the sky disappeared silently, like snow piles poured with boiling water. They did not disperse, but dissolved. Xinxie's figure in white clothes and snow-covered sky appeared again in the sky. From below, it looked like A small white dot that shines brightly.

The scorching sun in July should have been blazing, but after the clouds disappeared and the sky became clear again, the sunshine was really warm, like the warm sunshine in spring.

The soft wind blew across everyone's faces. The wind seemed to have substance, silky, soft, and made people's hearts tremble with pleasure. It was not wind, but at this moment, no one in Inner Sea would bother to explore what happened. Was it the wind? The mysterious realm that came quietly made them intoxicated in an instant.

More than a hundred people had their eyes closed with happy expressions on their faces. Qingqiu, who was above Guanhe Island, was pushed out by a gentle force. She followed the "wind" like a bunch of gentle catkins. And suddenly it floated, at first very fast, and then slowed down, until it slowly fell down a hundred miles away.

The water in the inland sea rose silently again, and the palace-protecting dragon emerged from the sea. Its golden scales now dimmed the light. The dragon slowly twisted its huge body in the air like a drunken man, and then disappeared silently. Sliding into the sea water soundlessly.

The glowing light first condensed in a pure courtyard in the middle of Guanhe Island, which was Zhixia's residence. Xunyi once destroyed a big tree in the courtyard to pieces. Half an hour later, the bright glow expanded to cover the entire Guanhe Island.

Night has fallen when the entire Zixiao Palace is shrouded in thousands of rays of rays of rays. The Zixiao Palace looks as beautiful as a fairyland, and its dreamlike and magical splendor makes people fall in love with it just by looking at it. My mind is in a state of flux.

Xinxie, who was floating in the sky, slowly opened his eyes. At this time, there was no trace of violence in his eyes, and they were as soft as two pools of clear and deep lake water. He glanced down with relief, and then relaxed and relaxed. Xu Fei left. The second senior sister had broken through the realm and became the great magical power of Hua Yu. His protection was no longer needed here. He had to hurry up and realize what he had gained in the mysterious realm.

The Great Immortal Lord Xinde was the second to open his eyes. At this time, three hours had passed since the departure of the Little Demon Lord. Xinde saw that everyone, including him, was no longer at their previous position, with Guanhe Island as the There is no one in the center with a radius of thousands of miles. The people pushed away by the invisible force are floating in the air or on the sea. Only a few are on the island. Everyone is immersed in meditation and no one is injured. , he quietly closed his eyes again. He can leave if he believes in evil. As the head of Zixiao Palace, he cannot go to enlightenment on his own. He has to stay here to take care of everyone's safety. This is what he should do. Some take responsibility.

Not long after Xin De woke up, a group of great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage woke up one after another, but they didn't move, and no one left like Xin Xie did, because they didn't have Xin Xie's level of cultivation. The best choice It means to comprehend in situ.

When Qingqiu looked at Xinde, Xinde told her to just calm down and comprehend with his eyes. Qingqiu did not accept the kindness of the senior brother, but vigilantly observed the situation of those disciples in the middle and early stages of Yuanying. If anyone appeared She will send them out of the inland sea immediately if there are signs of breaking through. In this regard, they have taken precautions. All the disciples who are close to breaking through will not be able to share this blessing. They are afraid of this situation.

When Nuan Dong woke up, she immediately fell into uncontrollable excitement. The second senior sister succeeded in breaking through. This made her so happy that Qingqiu had to send her to an island outside the sea.

"Is it successful? Has Second Senior Sister become a great supernatural power?" Nuan Dong asked with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Well, don't worry. Second Senior Sister has the magical power of Hua Yu. Just calm down and understand what you just learned." Qingqiu's face was also full of excitement.

"That's great..." Nuan Dong's tears flowed down.

When Ruicai Xiangguang once again shrank back to the Guanhe Island, only Qingqiu and Xinde were left in the inner sea. They were guarding Shuangping Island three thousand miles away from Guanhe Island, waiting for the final result with anxiety. , although there are various signs that Zhixia should have succeeded in breaking through the realm, but the exact situation can only be determined after she comes out of the mysterious realm.

The two of them had been waiting for more than a month. When they finally saw Zhixia's figure rising slowly from Guanhe Island, they were so excited that they flew over. There was no need to ask about the result anymore. Zhixia was showing such holy brilliance at this time. It is enough to show that this is a great magical power that transforms into feathers!

Zhixia's eyes were clear and stern. Even when she was looking at Qingqiu, the emotion in her eyes was not as strong as before. This made Qingqiu involuntarily stop a hundred feet away from her, Xin De It even stopped five hundred feet away.

"I'm going to find Master. You guys should protect Zixiao Palace." After Zhixia said that, he disappeared.

"Second Senior Sister!" Qingqiu called out urgently. Second Senior Sister had just broken through, so she was worried about going out like this.

"You stay in the palace, I have something to tell you when I come back." Zhixia passed on this spiritual thought to Qingqiu and then drifted away. She was anxious to find her master, and she was even more anxious to find Yi's reincarnation. Her ability to break through this time was directly related to Master revealing the secret of reincarnation to her, so it was more of an excuse to go to Master. What she was most eager to find was the little junior brother who had been reincarnated. .

It was her junior brother who helped her untie her knot with Sang Yan. It was her junior brother who gave her the spiritual fluid of Wu Hui. It was her junior brother who took her into the secret realm of Xu Shui. It was her junior brother who allowed her to glimpse the secret of reincarnation. For her to be able to become a feather, her junior brother helped her a lot. Not to mention the two of them having the same brother-sister relationship, just out of gratitude, she also wanted to find the reincarnation of her junior brother as soon as possible. She would do her best to Now that she has the ability to care for her junior brother's growth, it's time for her to repay her junior brother's favor, so she doesn't want to delay for a moment. She has to wait until she finds the reincarnation of her junior brother.

She can't reveal the secret of reincarnation to Qingqiu yet. She hasn't thought about how much she should reveal to the two junior sisters and senior sister in the future, so her hasty departure makes Qingqiu feel a little chilled. She just thinks that the second senior sister has arrived. After transforming into the Yu realm, his feelings for them faded away.

In fact, this is indeed the case. People who enter the realm of Huayu will inevitably undergo great changes in all aspects. Being bearish and seeing through is always accompanied by the entire process of improving cultivation. Only by being bearish and seeing through can one understand the new realm, and comprehend the new state. In turn, the realm will help to further look down and see through. In Zhixia's heart, many emotions have weakened, but the feelings towards the younger junior brother are still the same as before. In this way, the emotions that have not diminished are It seems to be getting more intense. The dark clouds in the sky disappeared silently, like snow piles poured with boiling water. They did not disperse, but dissolved. Xinxie's figure in white clothes and snow-covered sky appeared again in the sky. From below, it looked like A small white dot that shines brightly.

The scorching sun in July should have been blazing, but after the clouds disappeared and the sky became clear again, the sunshine was really warm, like the warm sunshine in spring.

The soft wind blew across everyone's faces. The wind seemed to have substance, silky, soft, and made people's hearts tremble with pleasure. It was not wind, but at this moment, no one in Inner Sea would bother to explore what happened. Was it the wind? The mysterious realm that came quietly made them intoxicated in an instant.

More than a hundred people had their eyes closed with happy expressions on their faces. Qingqiu, who was above Guanhe Island, was pushed out by a gentle force. She followed the "wind" like a bunch of gentle catkins. And suddenly it floated, at first very fast, and then slowed down, until it slowly fell down a hundred miles away.

The water in the inland sea rose silently again, and the palace-protecting dragon emerged from the sea. Its golden scales now dimmed the light. The dragon slowly twisted its huge body in the air like a drunken man, and then disappeared silently. Sliding into the sea water soundlessly.

The glowing light first condensed in a pure courtyard in the middle of Guanhe Island, which was Zhixia's residence. Xunyi once destroyed a big tree in the courtyard to pieces. Half an hour later, the bright glow expanded to cover the entire Guanhe Island.

Night has fallen when the entire Zixiao Palace is shrouded in thousands of rays of rays of rays. The Zixiao Palace looks as beautiful as a fairyland, and its dreamlike and magical splendor makes people fall in love with it just by looking at it. My mind is in a state of flux.

Xinxie, who was floating in the sky, slowly opened his eyes. At this time, there was no trace of violence in his eyes, and they were as soft as two pools of clear and deep lake water. He glanced down with relief, and then relaxed and relaxed. Xu Fei left. The second senior sister had broken through the realm and became the great magical power of Hua Yu. His protection was no longer needed here. He had to hurry up and realize what he had gained in the mysterious realm.

The Great Immortal Lord Xinde was the second to open his eyes. At this time, three hours had passed since the departure of the Little Demon Lord. Xinde saw that everyone including him was no longer at the previous position, with Guanhe Island as the There is no one in the center with a radius of thousands of miles. The people pushed away by the invisible force are floating in the air or on the sea. Only a few are on the island. Everyone is immersed in meditation and no one is injured. , he quietly closed his eyes again. He can leave if he believes in evil. As the head of Zixiao Palace, he cannot go to enlightenment on his own. He has to stay here to take care of everyone's safety. This is what he should do. Some take responsibility.

Not long after Xin De woke up, a group of great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage woke up one after another, but they didn't move, and no one left like Xin Xie did, because they didn't have Xin Xie's level of cultivation. The best choice It means to comprehend in situ.

When Qingqiu looked at Xinde, Xinde told her to just calm down and comprehend with his eyes. Qingqiu did not accept the kindness of the senior brother, but vigilantly observed the situation of those disciples in the middle and early stages of Yuanying. If anyone appeared She will send them out of the inland sea immediately if there are signs of breaking through. In this regard, they have taken precautions. All the disciples who are close to breaking through will not be able to share this blessing. They are afraid of this situation.

When Nuan Dong woke up, she immediately fell into uncontrollable excitement. The second senior sister succeeded in breaking through. This made her so happy that Qingqiu had to send her to an island outside the sea.

"Is it successful? Has Second Senior Sister become a great supernatural power?" Nuan Dong asked with tears of joy in his eyes.

"Well, don't worry. Second Senior Sister has the magical power of Hua Yu. Just calm down and understand what you just learned." Qingqiu's face was also full of excitement.

"That's great..." Nuan Dong's tears flowed down.

When Ruicai Xiangguang once again shrank back to the Guanhe Island, only Qingqiu and Xinde were left in the inner sea. They were guarding Shuangping Island three thousand miles away from Guanhe Island, waiting for the final result with anxiety. , although there are various signs that Zhixia should have succeeded in breaking through the realm, but the exact situation can only be determined after she comes out of the mysterious realm.

The two of them had been waiting for more than a month. When they finally saw Zhixia's figure rising slowly from Guanhe Island, they were so excited that they flew over. There was no need to ask about the result anymore. Zhixia was showing such holy brilliance at this time. It is enough to show that this is a great magical power that transforms into feathers!

Zhixia's eyes were clear and stern. Even when she was looking at Qingqiu, the emotion in her eyes was not as strong as before. This made Qingqiu involuntarily stop a hundred feet away from her, Xin De It even stopped five hundred feet away.

"I'm going to find Master. You guys should protect Zixiao Palace." After Zhixia said that, he disappeared.

"Second Senior Sister!" Qingqiu called out urgently. Second Senior Sister had just broken through, so she was worried about going out like this.

"You stay in the palace, I have something to tell you when I come back." Zhixia passed on this spiritual thought to Qingqiu and then drifted away. She was anxious to find her master, and she was even more anxious to find Yi's reincarnation. Her ability to break through this time was directly related to Master revealing the secret of reincarnation to her, so it was more of an excuse to go to Master. What she was most eager to find was the little junior brother who had been reincarnated. .

It was her junior brother who helped her untie her knot with Sang Yan. It was her junior brother who gave her the spiritual fluid of Wu Hui. It was her junior brother who took her into the secret realm of Xu Shui. It was her junior brother who allowed her to glimpse the secret of reincarnation. For her to be able to become a feather, her junior brother helped her a lot. Not to mention the two of them having the same brother-sister relationship, just out of gratitude, she also wanted to find the reincarnation of her junior brother as soon as possible. She would do her best to Now that she has the ability to care for her junior brother's growth, it's time for her to repay her junior brother's favor, so she doesn't want to delay for a moment. She has to wait until she finds the reincarnation of her junior brother.

She can't reveal the secret of reincarnation to Qingqiu yet. She hasn't thought about how much she should reveal to the two junior sisters and senior sister in the future, so her hasty departure makes Qingqiu feel a little chilled. She just thinks that the second senior sister has arrived. After transforming into the Yu realm, his feelings for them faded away.

In fact, this is indeed the case. People who enter the realm of Huayu will inevitably undergo great changes in all aspects. Being bearish and seeing through is always accompanied by the entire process of cultivation improvement. Only by being bearish and seeing through can one understand the new realm, and comprehend the new state. In turn, the realm will help to further look down and see through. In Zhixia's heart, many emotions have weakened, but the emotion towards the younger junior brother remains the same as before. In this way, the emotions that have not diminished are It seems to be getting more intense.

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