Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1438 I will strangle you to death when you are born!

When Yuchan was imprisoned and Zhixia broke through the realm and became the great magical power of Huayu, Zhui'er spent his tenth year returning home to protect him.

Ten years is a short time for Zhui'er and the three of them. Shu Yan's cultivation level has only improved a small amount and is still far from forming a pill. Lu Gang is still comprehending the second level of Fenhen Tie, and the progress can be said to be It was negligible, and Zhui'er gained even less in the past ten years. He tried to understand the "years", but ten years later, he still felt as clueless as he did ten years ago. As time went by, he expected Ji's dream of turning back the years and returning to his childhood was shattering little by little. He had time to waste it, but his mother didn't have that much time. Without her childhood, he wouldn't want to go back even if he could. The obstacle to comprehending the injury made Lu Gang feel restless and irritable, while Zhui'er's heart felt like it was fried. In comparison, only Shu Yan was in good condition.

These ten years are a long time for a mortal. Jinbao grew up from a naked child playing by the river to a shrewd young man. He married a wife and had children, and gradually took over the family business, spending time naked by the river. It was his half-brother Yubao who played with his buttocks. Qing'er, who is now eighty years old, still often sits by the river and looks at this second grandson. There is also a seven-year-old grandson by her side. granddaughter Yue'er.

Zhui'er has been meditating on "years" for the first nine and a half years. In the later stage, he was already forcing himself to meditate. Although he knew that this was a taboo for meditating, time waits for no one. Ah, until there was only half a year left, he finally gave up in despair. With so little time left, he had to spend more time with his mother. Although he wanted to accompany his mother, most of the time he just hid underground and watched silently. With his mother, he only used his spiritual thoughts to chat with her twice in half a year. It wasn't that he didn't want to chat with her, but he really didn't have anything to talk about.

At the end of the tenth year, Zhui'er led his mother to the reeds and showed up to meet her again. If he couldn't understand the "years" in the next ten years, then this would be the final farewell. In fact, Zhui'er has completely lost hope in reversing the years. At least in the remaining ten years of her mother's life, there is no hope.

"That's great, you haven't changed at all." Qing'er stroked her son's face, which was still as young as before.

Tears of joy flashed in her eyes.

"Mom..." Zhui'er's throat was choked with sobs, and she said with great sadness, "My child is really incompetent and has no ability to reverse the passing years. My child really hopes to return to his childhood and be by your side every day."

"Mom wants to do that too." Qing'er showed a kind smile, and after sighing softly, she continued happily, "But compared with now, mother would rather not go back, because then there would be no Xian'er, and you You can’t become a fairy anymore. For my mother, it’s the best now. Besides, my mother still remembers those wonderful days when you were a child and will look back on them from time to time.”

"But my child... I just want to go back. I would rather not become an immortal." Because he knew in his heart that this was the final farewell, Zhui'er's heart lost the indifference it had before, and she shed tears before she could finish her sentence. The tears were counting. It was already brewing when my enlightenment failed last year, and today it finally came out.

"Good boy, don't cry, Zhui'er, don't cry..." Qing'er was a little confused and wiped her son's tears. Her son's deep affection made her cry too.

"Mom, I'm done crying, please stop crying too." Zhui'er saw that she had made Niang cry too, so she hurriedly stopped her tears and wiped her mother's tears in turn.

After Qing'er shed a burst of tears, she stroked Zhui'er's face and said lovingly, "Your father and I don't have much time left. You have to promise your mother something."

Zhui'er nodded vigorously, "Just tell me, no matter what it is, I will definitely help you do it."

Qing'er said with a smile, "Don't come to see us die, and don't use your magical powers to check on the situation at home in the future. You will definitely feel uncomfortable when you see your father and I lying in bed. It will make me and your father sick." Your father is worried about you and will never die in peace."

Zhui'er closed his eyes in pain and nodded slowly. Even if he didn't have an appointment with Shen Qing, he

He had already planned not to come back to visit his parents when they were dying. It would be okay if he was just an ordinary person, but as a monk with supernatural powers who could do nothing to watch his parents dying, it was really better not to watch.

Qing'er didn't expect her son to agree so happily. She couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "I'm relieved now. Don't feel sorry for us. Your father and I can understand what your grandfather said back then." Now, when you are old, you will understand everything you should understand. Your father is not as afraid of death as before, and mother is not afraid anymore. Her grandchildren are married and have children. Mother can feel at ease. All your aunts and aunts have left. Now, there is no one left to talk to about the past. Mom sometimes feels lonely, and she can’t help but think that living too long might not be a good thing. If we don’t go, they will all be reincarnated, leaving me and your father alone. The rest is that when we are reincarnated, we won’t have any acquaintances around us.”

"Mom, don't think blindly. Didn't you often tell me when I was a kid that those who are destined to meet will meet each other no matter how they reincarnate. You and dad will not be left behind."

Qing'er sighed and said, "No one can say for sure about this kind of thing, even you who have become a god can't say for sure. Anyway, your father and I are keeping our distance. We can die at any time, but it's best to die together." , that old guy of yours still wants to pester me in his next life. Although I have had enough dealings with him, given his unsettling virtues, if I don’t help him, he will definitely be bullied for the rest of his life, so I can’t help him. I can only bear with him for the rest of my life.”

Mentioning reincarnation, Zhuo'er's sad mood eased a little. Yes, with reincarnation, there is hope of getting together with the person who is reluctant to leave, and death is not the end, and then death is not so terrible. . Of course Zhui'er can think so, but Shen Qing and Minglan, who were harmed by him, would not think so. For them, Xun Yi, who shook their hearts, is dead. Zhui'er cannot replace Xun Yi. Of course, Only those who have understood the secrets of heaven will experience such pain. The people who live in the most pain are those who know part of the secrets of heaven but cannot escape the control of God. So can anyone escape the control of God?

"Mother, if

In the next life, the child will still be your child. "

"Nonsense!" Zhui'er's heartfelt words earned her mother's scolding. After scolding her son, Qing'er partly reassured herself and partly warned her son. She held Zhui'er's hand tightly and said, "You You must work hard to be a god who lives as long as heaven and earth. Although mother can’t let you go, she would rather you never fall into reincarnation. It’s not easy for you to have this opportunity, but you must cherish it. Don’t say such unlucky words, let alone With this kind of thinking, how can there be a world of immortality in this world? Who would be greedy for this world? "Don't be stupid."

Zhui'er murmured unconvincedly, "Didn't you tell me many stories about gods coveting the world of mortals?"

"That...that's all made up!" Qing'er became a little anxious, but felt it was inappropriate after she finished speaking, so she changed her words and said, "There are also stupid people among the gods. Don't imitate those stupid people, otherwise my mother will die in peace. Even if you want to be reincarnated as my son, I don’t want you! I will strangle you to death when you are born!”

Zhui'er heard that her mother had said such harsh words and quickly advised her, "Mom, don't be anxious. My child just said it casually. It feels really good to be a god. My child won't be stupid."

"You really don't let me worry." Qing'er looked at her son worriedly.

Zhui'er apologized and said with a smile, "Mom, you are wrong. Those gods who are greedy for the mortal world are not stupid, but they are not mature enough. They are just small gods. My child is much better than them now. When you and dad pass away, there will be no one in this mortal world." What is worthy of the child's attachment? The child will surely become a great immortal who will live as long as the heaven and the earth."

"Well, anyway, please remember that I will recognize you at any time. If you dare to reincarnate, I will strangle you to death." After finishing speaking, Qing'er pursed her lips tightly. Although her face was full of wrinkles, but that The determined look on his face did not diminish in the slightest the spirit of being willing to die for his son.

sThanks to Senior Brother Ernai for the large reward and monthly pass. I saw Senior Brother Xiaobai’s message. I didn’t want to write too many sad scenes, but when the story has developed to this point, I can only go by my emotions. I almost wrote myself into a bitter cauliflower.

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