Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1439 I cried all the hairpins off the ground

At the last moment of separation, Zhuo'er knelt in front of her mother and couldn't get up. She lay on the ground and cried silently, with turbulent tears dripping on the soil.

Qing'er looked at her son kneeling in front of her with tears in her eyes, and said in a relieved tone, "If you cry again, I'll make you cry to death. My dear Zhui'er, although you have made your mother care about you a lot in this life, you have also brought a lot of trouble to your mother." Too much joy and joy. Don’t feel guilty for not being able to fulfill your filial piety by your mother’s side. You have repaid your mother enough. She feels that she is lucky enough to raise a son like you. The ancestors and ancestors of the Lang family can speak loudly when they meet them. Now that we are worthy of the Lang family, we can let go with a clear conscience and go and be your gods in peace."

After she finished speaking, she pulled out the silver hairpin on her head and said, "Take this away. You said that this treasure can only protect me and is useless if you carry it with others. So it's better not to leave this treasure of the fairy world to your descendants." , so as not to cause trouble to them.”

"Mom... I can't bear to leave you..." Zhui'er looked up at her mother, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you really going to cry your mother to death?" Qing'er leaned down and wiped his tears with both hands, but her own tears continued to fall on her son's face.

Zhui'er grabbed her mother's hand, looked at her deeply, gritted her teeth, turned around and ran away. As his figure disappeared, the silver hairpin fell to the ground. Zhui'er didn't care about the silver hairpin at all. He took it when his mother put it in his hand. But when he ran away, he used his spiritual power and immediately felt the magic power emanating from the silver hairpin, so he could only take it. The silver hairpin was thrown away.

Qing'er, whose eyes were blurry with tears, did not see the silver hairpin fall. The departure of her son made her collapse as if her muscles and bones had been taken away, and she just sat there and shed tears silently.

After a while, I remembered my little granddaughter Yue'er calling from outside the reeds, "Grandma! Grandma!"

Qing'er wanted to stand up with support, but she was exhausted and her voice was so hoarse that it was difficult to even say yes. At this time, Yue'er had already come over under the leadership of the little furball.

"Grandma, why are you crying?" Seeing the tears on her face, Xiaoyueer hurriedly ran over to help her.

"Grandma fell down and it hurt." Qing'er said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm lying, you must be missing your uncle again and secretly came here to cry." The little girl already understood some of grandma's thoughts. She frowned and tried to pull grandma up with a reproachful look on her face, but she was too strong. Smaller.

"Let grandma take a breath, grandma can get up by herself." Qing'er said lovingly to her granddaughter, wiping her tears, covering her face with her hands and secretly looking at the empty sky.

"Uncle, you're not coming back yet." Xiao Yue'er scolded him with dissatisfaction. With her sharp eyes, she saw the silver hairpin on the ground at a glance. She picked it up quickly and scolded her grandma with her little mouth pouting, "You're all crying." What happened? The hairpin fell to the ground in tears. If I hadn’t seen it, I would have lost it!”

"Ah?" Qing'er took the silver hairpin handed over by her granddaughter and frowned thoughtfully. After thinking about it, she patted Yue'er's little hand and said, "Grandma has worn this hairpin all her life. I’ll give it to you later.”

"Really? Okay!" Xiao Yue'er clapped her hands happily.

Qing'er struggled to stand up, pulling her little granddaughter along as she walked, "But I have to wait until grandma gives it to you a hundred years later. If I give it to you now, you will definitely lose it."

"Don't say unlucky words!" Yue'er scolded her grandma like a little adult, then ran to her and begged, "I won't lose it, give it to me now."

Qing'er touched her head and said seriously, "This hairpin is grandma's lifeblood."

It is not something you can hold and play with. Grandma wants to leave it to you as a thought. When you see it, you will think of grandma. Gold and jade hairpins are not as precious as it. If you don’t want to forget grandma, you will never forget it. Wear it for life. "

"Oh, okay then." Seeing her grandma's expression, Yue'er knew that it was useless to beg her again, so she had no choice but to agree with her small mouth.

Qing'er muttered happily, "It's a good thing that you didn't listen to your mother to name you Hairpin. If Zhui'er didn't keep the pendant, Hairpin will definitely not be able to keep the hairpin either."

Xiaoyue'er didn't understand what grandma said, so she raised her face and asked, "Grandma, what are you talking about? Why is there still a pendant?"

"I can't say it, I can't say it. There are some secrets. Grandma has to take them underground."

"Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it. I don't want to listen." Yue'er ran forward angrily, but after running a few steps, she turned around and saw her grandma staggering, so she hurriedly ran back and held her arm.

Zhui'er, who was invisible in the air, didn't leave in tears until he saw Xiao Yue'er helping his mother back to the big tree at the entrance of the village. From then on, he followed his mother's instructions and stopped checking the situation at home, only waiting for Shen Qing As soon as he came, he left the hometown where he suffered so much.

The weather did not go as planned, and what Zhui'er was most worried about happened. Shen Qing did not arrive as promised.

At the agreed deadline, Shen Qing did not show up. Zhui'er's heart was hanging at that moment. The following days were like years for Zhui'er, and he no longer dared to hide underground. He waited anxiously in the cave all day long. , sometimes I couldn’t help but run outside and stand on the top of the mountain to watch.

Since he had not mentioned his appointment with Shen Qing to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, Zhui'er's unusual behavior attracted their attention.

On this day, the two of them came to Zhui'er who was sitting in the cave together. Lu Gang first asked, "What's wrong with you recently?"

Zhui'er said with a sad face, "I actually made an appointment with Shen Qing to meet here, but when the day came and she didn't come, I was worried that she would be in danger." At this time, he could no longer hide it, and told Shen Qing that he was going to guard the sect for ten years. Things are said.

"You made an appointment with her for a trip, what will we do?" Lu Gang asked, glaring at Zhui'er angrily.

"My plan is to ask Shen Qing to help you find a safe place. She should be able to do this. You two should continue to practice steadily. I will find you as soon as I come back." Zhui'er looked at the two of them. His eyes showed a guilty conscience.

"Fart!" Lu Gang cursed angrily.

Shu Yan also stared at Zhui'er with great dissatisfaction and said, "You should have told us about this kind of thing earlier, you are too self-assertive!"

Zhui'er said with a bitter face, "How dare I tell you earlier? You won't approve of my traveling with Shen Qing. Arguing over this matter will definitely delay your cultivation. It's better to wait until now."

Lu Gang pointed at Zhui'er's nose and said, "Don't think I can't figure out your thoughts. You plan to wait for Shen Qing to come and use her to suppress us, so that we won't dare to say anything, right?!"

Zhui'er sighed sadly and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. More than half a month has passed. Shen Qing may be in trouble. We have to make a plan. I have seen many people heading north these days. Assembling outside, many of them were in groups with banners, including those from various sects and those from the Heavenly Law Alliance. The ones flying to the south were all small groups, either alone or in groups. They should be seeking refuge. From the looks of it, The war has probably reached Nanjingzhou."

"What do you want to do?" Lu Gang asked angrily.

Zhui'er looked at the two of them in embarrassment, then lowered his head and remained silent, looking troubled. At the last moment of separation, Zhui'er knelt down in front of her mother and could not get up. She lay on the ground and cried silently, with turbulent tears dripping on the soil.

Qing'er looked at her son kneeling in front of her with tears in her eyes, and said in a relieved tone, "If you cry again, I'll make you cry to death. My dear Zhui'er, although you have made your mother care about you a lot in this life, you have also brought a lot of trouble to your mother." Too much joy and joy. Don’t feel guilty for not being able to fulfill your filial piety by your mother’s side. You have repaid your mother enough. She feels that she is lucky enough to raise a son like you. The ancestors and ancestors of the Lang family can speak loudly when they meet them. Now that we are worthy of the Lang family, we can let go with a clear conscience and go and be your gods in peace."

After she finished speaking, she pulled out the silver hairpin on her head and said, "Take this away. You said that this treasure can only protect me and is useless if you carry it with others. So it's better not to leave this treasure of the fairy world to your descendants." , so as not to cause trouble to them.”

"Mom... I can't bear to leave you..." Zhui'er looked up at her mother, tears streaming down her face.

"Are you really going to cry your mother to death?" Qing'er leaned down and wiped his tears with both hands, but her own tears continued to fall on her son's face.

Zhui'er grabbed her mother's hand, looked at her deeply, gritted her teeth, turned around and ran away. As his figure disappeared, the silver hairpin fell to the ground. Zhui'er didn't care about the silver hairpin at all. He took it when his mother put it in his hand. But when he ran away, he used his spiritual power and immediately felt the magic power emanating from the silver hairpin, so he could only take it. The silver hairpin was thrown away.

Qing'er, whose eyes were blurry with tears, did not see the silver hairpin fall. The departure of her son made her collapse as if her muscles and bones had been taken away, and she just sat there and shed tears silently.

After a while, I remembered my little granddaughter Yue'er calling from outside the reeds, "Grandma! Grandma!"

Qing'er wanted to stand up with support, but she was exhausted and her voice was so hoarse that it was difficult to even say yes. At this time, Yue'er had already come over under the leadership of the little fur ball.

"Grandma, why are you crying?" Seeing the tears on her face, Xiaoyueer hurriedly ran over to help her. ??

"Grandma fell down and it hurt." Qing'er said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm lying, you must be missing your uncle again and secretly came here to cry." The little girl already understood some of grandma's thoughts. She frowned and tried to pull grandma up with a reproachful look on her face, but she was too strong. Smaller.

"Let grandma take a breath, grandma can get up by herself." Qing'er said lovingly to her granddaughter, wiping her tears, covering her face with her hands and secretly looking at the empty sky.

"Uncle, you're not coming back yet." Xiao Yue'er scolded him with dissatisfaction. With her sharp eyes, she saw the silver hairpin on the ground at a glance. She picked it up quickly and scolded her grandma with her little mouth pouting, "You're all crying." What happened? The hairpin fell to the ground in tears. If I hadn’t seen it, I would have lost it!”

"Ah?" Qing'er took the silver hairpin handed over by her granddaughter and frowned thoughtfully. After thinking about it, she patted Yue'er's little hand and said, "Grandma has worn this hairpin all her life. I’ll give it to you later.”

"Really? Okay!" Xiao Yue'er clapped her hands happily.

Qing'er struggled to stand up, pulling her little granddaughter along as she walked, "But I have to wait until grandma gives it to you a hundred years later. If I give it to you now, you will definitely lose it."

"Don't say unlucky words!" Yue'er scolded her grandma like a little adult, then ran to her and begged, "I won't lose it, give it to me now."

Qing'er touched her head and said seriously, "This hairpin is grandma's lifeblood."

It is not something you can hold and play with. Grandma wants to leave it to you as a thought. When you see it, you will think of grandma. Gold and jade hairpins are not as precious as it. If you don’t want to forget grandma, you will never forget it. Wear it for life. "

"Oh, okay then." Seeing her grandma's expression, Yue'er knew that it was useless to beg her again, so she had no choice but to agree with her small mouth.

Qing'er muttered happily, "It's a good thing that you didn't listen to your mother to name you Hairpin. If Zhui'er didn't keep the pendant, Hairpin will definitely not be able to keep the hairpin either."

Xiaoyue'er didn't understand what grandma said, so she raised her face and asked, "Grandma, what are you talking about? Why is there still a pendant?"

"I can't say it, I can't say it. There are some secrets. Grandma has to take them underground."

"Hmph, if you don't say it, don't say it. I don't want to listen." Yue'er ran forward angrily, but after running a few steps, she turned around and saw her grandma staggering, so she hurriedly ran back and held her arm.

Zhui'er, who was invisible in the air, didn't leave in tears until he saw Xiao Yue'er helping his mother back to the big tree at the entrance of the village. From then on, he followed his mother's instructions and stopped checking the situation at home, only waiting for Shen Qing As soon as he came, he left the hometown where he suffered so much.

The weather did not go as planned, and what Zhui'er was most worried about happened. Shen Qing did not arrive as promised.

At the agreed deadline, Shen Qing did not show up. Zhui'er's heart was hanging at that moment. The following days were like years for Zhui'er, and he no longer dared to hide underground. He waited anxiously in the cave all day long. , sometimes I couldn’t help but run outside and stand on the top of the mountain to watch.

Since he had not mentioned his appointment with Shen Qing to Lu Gang and Shu Yan, Zhui'er's unusual behavior attracted their attention.

On this day, the two of them came to Zhui'er who was sitting in the cave together. Lu Gang first asked, "What's wrong with you recently?"

Zhui'er said with a sad face, "I actually made an appointment with Shen Qing to meet here, but when the day came and she didn't come, I was worried that she would be in danger." At this time, he could no longer hide it, and told Shen Qing that he was going to guard the sect for ten years. Things are said.

"You made an appointment with her for a trip, what will we do?" Lu Gang asked, glaring at Zhui'er angrily.

"My plan is to ask Shen Qing to help you find a safe place. She should be able to do this. You two should continue to practice steadily. I will find you as soon as I come back." Zhui'er looked at the two of them. His eyes showed a guilty conscience.

"Fart!" Lu Gang cursed angrily.

Shu Yan also stared at Zhui'er with great dissatisfaction and said, "You should have told us about this kind of thing earlier, you are too self-assertive!"

Zhui'er said with a bitter face, "How dare I tell you earlier? You won't approve of my traveling with Shen Qing. Arguing over this matter will definitely delay your cultivation. It's better to wait until now."

Lu Gang pointed at Zhui'er's nose and said, "Don't think I can't figure out your thoughts. You plan to wait for Shen Qing to come and use her to suppress us, so that we won't dare to say anything, right?!"

Zhui'er sighed sadly and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. More than half a month has passed. Shen Qing may be in trouble. We have to make a plan. I have seen many people heading north these days. Assembling outside, many of them were in groups with banners, including those from various sects and those from the Heavenly Law Alliance. The ones flying to the south were all small groups, either alone or in groups. They should be seeking refuge. From the looks of it, The war has probably reached Nanjingzhou."

"What do you want to do?" Lu Gang asked angrily.

Zhui'er looked at the two of them in embarrassment, then lowered his head and remained silent, looking troubled.

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