Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1440 Get away from me!

"You should speak!" Shu Yan urged anxiously.

Lu Gang snorted, squinted at Zhui'er and said with a strange look, "He thinks we two are burdensome. He wants to go to the Qingyuan Sect to find Shen Qing, right, brother Zhui'er?"

Zhui'er tightened her body and remained silent like a doormat, which was undoubtedly her acquiescence.

Lu Gang angrily reprimanded, "How capable do you think you are? If the Qingyuan Sect is really being besieged by monsters, do you think you can rescue Shen Qing with your early stage of pill formation? Do you also know how much you can eat?" A bowl of rice?"

Shu Yan also resolutely said, "If you want to go to the Qingyuan Sect to find Shen Qing, we will never agree. Just give up!"

Zhui'er almost shrank into a small round ball, and said in a low voice, "I just want to pick her up on the road. I don't want to go to the Qingyuan Sect. It's too uncomfortable to wait like this."

Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er with disdain and said to Shu Yan, "Did you hear that? He will go to the reception by himself, without us."

"No! Running around now is seeking death. You can't go anywhere!" Shu Yan stared at Zhui'er with a stern expression. ??

"Alas..." Zhui'er sighed sadly. He knew it was not a good idea to go out to find Shen Qing, but he had no better idea, and he wanted to stay away from home.

"No! There's no point in sighing. If you dare to run away secretly, I won't forgive you!" Shu Yan had a look of determination on her face.

"If you want to go, you have to go together. Just leave a jade slip here for Shen Qing." Lu Gang's attitude was somewhat relaxed, because the slow enlightenment over the years made him a little unable to sit still and wanted to go out for some activities.

"What do you mean?" Shu Yan turned her resentment to Lu Gang.

Lu Gang no longer looked at Zhui'er coldly, but showed sympathy. He pointed at Zhui'er and said to Shu Yan, "Do you think he can still practice like this? If Shen Qing doesn't come, sooner or later he will have to abandon us. I looked for it secretly, instead of that

In this case, it is better for us to follow him and have someone to take care of him. "

"I don't need your care. You two can't help me much." Zhui'er had to refute Lu Gang's theory of care. Although Lu Gang showed a favorable attitude towards him, it was the last thing he wanted to do. Just taking them both out on adventures.

"Facing the fierce monster, the three of us tied together can't block their attack!" Shu Yan agreed with Zhui'er's statement, so she said this to Lu Gang with eyes wide open.

Lu Gang said to Shu Yan depressedly, "Why are you so ignorant? I guarantee you with this head that if this continues, he will definitely run away secretly. Are you willing to let him take risks alone, or are you willing to go with him?" ? It’s your choice! Don’t be so foolish as to take his side again!”

Shu Yan looked at Lu Gang and then at Zhui'er, stamping her feet angrily but not knowing what to say. In the past, she could always choose sides when the three of them had disputes, but this time she couldn't. The idea was not what she wanted.

"Forget it, let's wait and see." Seeing that Shu Yan was angry, Zhui'er had no choice but to give in.

Shu Yan was not satisfied and complained aggrievedly, "I thought I could live a peaceful life by following you two this time, but it's only been a few years? Zhui'er, aren't you cheating on both of us!"

Zhui'er also felt aggrieved and said, "Then what else can I do? The world is in disaster, and I can't protect you with my little cultivation. The secret of your spiritual eyes cannot be discovered by others. I can ask Shen Qing For such a capable person to find a safe place for you, I feel that I am very capable, but you are still not satisfied with the result."

Lu Gang said condescendingly like he was interrogating a prisoner, "What we are talking about now is

You have to go out to take care of Shen Qing's affairs, so don't talk nonsense to us. "

Shu Yan pulled Lu Gang aside, bent down and stared at Zhui'er face to face and said, "Throw us aside, you and Shen Qing will go on an adventure to the end of the world. Do you think this arrangement is good?"

Zhui'er replied breathlessly, "Shen Qing doesn't even want to take me with him, so he can't let you two follow him. There's no point begging her."

Shu Yan said loudly, "Since she doesn't want to take you, then don't go!"

Zhui'er frowned and said, "Shen Qing takes care of me so much. I can't be conscienceless and let her take risks on her own."

Lu Gang teased lukewarmly, "Then you will repay her for taking care of you by burdening her?"

Shu Yan glanced at Lu Gang, nodded to him approvingly, then turned to Zhui'er and said, "That's right, you can't let Shen Qing go on adventures alone, and we can't let you go on adventures with her alone. What's going on here? The principle is the same.”

Lu Gang said excitedly, "Yes! So the two of us must follow. Traveling to the end of the world is a dream I have had for a long time."

Shu Yan was furious and scolded Lu Gang, "I meant to persuade him not to go with Shen Qing! Why are you causing trouble!"

Lu Gang rolled his eyes and said, "Can you squeeze him? His relationship with Shen Qing is no better than with the two of us. If you squeeze him like this, you can only make him feel embarrassed, but you can't change his mind." At this point, he saw Xiang Zhui'er asked with a smile, "Am I right? Brother Zhui'er."

Zhui'er looked at Lu Gang speechlessly. After a while, he nodded, and then said frankly to Shu Yan, "I really won't change my mind. I have to accompany Shen Qing. This is not all because of my feelings towards Shen Qing." I am grateful, but also because I want to go. To tell you the truth, Shen Qing and I have our own opinions on cultivating the path, because we are still not sure about our opinions.

The answer is right or wrong, so I can’t tell you about it for now, lest it affect your cultivation. Don’t stop me from traveling. As Lu Gang said, it will only make me feel embarrassed. "

Shu Yan couldn't handle Zhui'er's serious attitude and looked at Lu Gang for help.

Lu Gang smiled at Zhui'er in a rogue manner and said, "It doesn't matter, just go with Shen Qing. I won't stop you anyway. I'm just following you. If you can't keep up, don't worry about me. I'll figure it out myself." Just catch up." After that, he turned to Shu Yan and asked, "Are you coming with me?"

Shu Yan made a helpless expression knowingly, and said rather pitifully, "Where can I go now that you two are gone? I can't follow if I don't want to."

"You're the worst fucking thing! You're trying to squeeze me!" Zhui'er was so angry that he yelled at Lu Gang.

Lu Gang said with a sinister smile, "You really don't have to worry about us, and don't get angry so early. Whether Shen Qing can come or not is another matter."

"Get away from me!" Zhui'er glared at Lu Gang with disgust, then quickly sank to the ground, avoiding the two of them. The incident between his mother and Shen Qing already made him in a bad mood. Lu Gang He Shuyan added another layer of worry to him, and he didn't want to talk to these two people anymore.

Shu Yan worriedly said to the underground, "If you dare to sneak away, we will chase you. You have to show your face to me tomorrow at the latest!"

Lu Gang smiled confidently and said, "He doesn't dare to run away secretly. He knows who I am."

"Do you still think your virtue is worth boasting about?" Shu Yan choked Lu Gang angrily, then rolled up her sleeves and walked towards the depths of the cave where she lived, although she didn't like Lu Gang's indifferent temperament. , but what Lu Gang said is right. With Lu Gang's temperament, Zhui'er would not dare to sneak away, otherwise Lu Gang would really dare to chase him all the way to the Qingyuan Sect.

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