Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1441 Time is lost

Zhui'er vented his inner annoyance by sinking dangerously and rapidly.

Why are there so many unhappy things? There was nothing he could do about his parents, there was nothing he could do about Shen Qing, and there was nothing he could do about Lu Gang and Shu Yan.

Zhui'er could understand that Lu Gang and Shu Yan were sincerely good for him, but this sincere friendship had obviously become a fetter that trapped him, so had he also become a fetter for Shen Qing?

Distraught, Zhui'er thought of Huaying again. In fact, he had been thinking about Huaying all these years. He was worried that he had hurt Huaying too deeply. After these years of separation, he no longer cared about the truth about the matter. He no longer cares about what kind of person Huaying is, he just hopes that Huaying will be well. At the same time, he also hopes to see Huaying as soon as possible and sincerely apologize to her.

His chaotic mind caused him to sink into the earth more than 8,000 feet unknowingly. It was extremely dangerous to dive into such a deep underground in his current state. When he realized this, Zhui'er was frightened. , hurriedly gathered his mind and stopped, and what appeared in front of him at this moment was a small village.

Yes, those were the ruins of a small village, sealed in the earth nearly ten thousand feet deep. After a moment of reflection, you can see that it was this unusual scene that caught his attention and lifted him out of his chaotic thoughts. He was pulled back, otherwise he might really be in danger today.

After calming down in shock, Zhui'er looked at the small village carefully. He didn't know what kind of disaster it had suffered. The small village was very well preserved, as if it had been suddenly sealed. Of course, this completeness was only relative. The village has been completely filled with soil, and the thatched huts and thatched buildings are all black marks of decay. Only the stones, pottery vessels, etc. remain the same, but judging from the various traces of decay or remaining, the appearance of the small village can be identified It was very clear that dozens of bones were scattered throughout the small village, including those of humans and animals.

Sneaking underground requires you to see some relics left by the ancients. Although Zhui'er doesn't have much experience in sneaking underground, he has seen some, but this is the first time he has seen something like this. What kind of disaster made him Villagers died suddenly? And what force caused it to be buried underground so completely?

Zhui'er's consciousness searched from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, and then stopped on the skeletons of two pairs of mothers and children. The two pairs of mother and children were in two huts. One child was slightly older, and the skeleton should be less than seven years old, while the other was just There was a little baby. The two mothers' last postures were to protect the baby in their arms and huddle in the corner of the room. It was obvious that a terrible disaster had occurred at that time that made them feel terrible. Most of the postures left behind by his skeleton were crouching and hiding.

Zhui'er searched for a long time but couldn't find out what the terrible disaster was. Finally, he shifted his consciousness back to the baby, mother and son, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of compassion in his heart.

After looking at the mother and son for a while, he began to observe each skeleton one by one, imagining their situation at that time, and then looked at the utensils, imagining the daily life of this village.

Gradually, a quiet and vibrant small village appeared in his imagination. Because he grew up in a small village, this kind of imagination was easy. Of course, the small fishing village that was resurrected in the imagination was naturally indispensable. traces, even the faces of those people

They are similar to people in small fishing villages.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhui'er lamented in his heart and silently prayed for these dead people, "May you all be reincarnated and live a better life. Thank you for allowing me to escape a dangerous danger. I can The only thing I can do is bury you. I hope this will help alleviate some of the scars left on you by fear.”

He used his magic power to dig some graves and placed the corpses in them one by one, trying to put their curled up skeletons into a stretched and supine position. Then he sealed the graves with soil. It felt very good to do this in the soil. Weirdly, after burying the villagers, Zhui'er prayed some more before slowly floating upward, but he was still thinking about the mystery of the destruction of this small village.

When he rose to the mountain that was still fifty or sixty feet away from the cave, Zhui'er stopped and had to start thinking about those troublesome things again. The thing that made him most undecided now was whether he should use the Shanyi flag to contact Shen Qing. , because this is a risk. If Shen Qing happens to be fighting with the monster at the critical moment, the interference caused by the Shanyi flag may cause Shen Qing to lose his life, even if he thinks that the chance of this happening is not high. It's big, but we have to guard against it. Who knows how fierce Shen Qing's fight will be. If he fights hard all day long, then the chance of this will become very big. He can't take Shen Qing's safety as a trivial matter.

He had this concern because Wuhun never replied to him. Wuhun was probably in danger. Zhui'er regretted his reckless move of using the Shanyi flag to contact Wuhun. He couldn't help but wonder if it was... His reckless actions had harmed Wuhun, and this had almost become a piece of his mind.

"Zhui'er! If you're still down here, get out of here immediately! I don't have the patience to make trouble with you anymore!"

Lu Gang's angry thoughts shocked Zhui'er. She didn't know why he was so angry. Just as he was about to go out, Shu Yan's crying voice came immediately after.

"Zhui'er, please come out quickly. I can't stop him. He is really going to find you. If you don't come out, I will die of panic. I really saw the scene over there in Qianxu Palace. There are too many monsters. No, I won’t lie to you.”

"What's wrong with you?" Zhui'er came out from the bottom of the cave and asked, looking at Lu Gang with a gloomy face and Shu Yan with a crying face.

"Zhui'er!" When Shu Yan saw him, she was surprised and happy and stepped forward to hold his arm tightly, fearing that he would run away again.

"Damn you..." Lu Gang clenched his fists and glared at Zhui'er, the fierce light in his eyes really made him want to turn against him.

"What's wrong? I've only been down for a while, are you doing this to me?" Lu Gang's attitude made Zhui'er a little annoyed.

"A little while? A little while?!" Lu Gang was so angry that his eyes almost popped out.

Shu Yan stood between the two of them, pushing Lu Gang and scolding Zhui'er, "It's been three days. I told you to come up in one day at most. Do you know how anxious we both are?"

"Three days?" Zhui'er was stunned. He quickly calculated it with his cultivation base, and was even more stunned. It wasn't three days in the past, but he had obviously been down for a short while!

Seeing Zhui'er's stunned look, Lu Gang and Shu Yan knew that something must be going on here, so they both became quiet and looked at Zhui'er nervously with their brows furrowed. Zhui'er vented his inner annoyance by sinking dangerously and rapidly.

Why are there so many unhappy things? There was nothing he could do about his parents, there was nothing he could do about Shen Qing, and there was nothing he could do about Lu Gang and Shu Yan.

Zhui'er could understand that Lu Gang and Shu Yan were sincerely good for him, but this sincere friendship had obviously become a fetter that trapped him, so had he also become a fetter for Shen Qing?

Distraught, Zhui'er thought of Huaying again. In fact, he had been thinking about Huaying all these years. He was worried that he had hurt Huaying too deeply. After these years of separation, he no longer cared about the truth about the matter. He no longer cares about what kind of person Huaying is, he just hopes that Huaying will be well. At the same time, he also hopes to see Huaying as soon as possible and sincerely apologize to her.

His chaotic mind caused him to sink into the earth more than 8,000 feet unknowingly. It was extremely dangerous to dive into such a deep underground in his current state. When he realized this, Zhui'er was frightened. , hurriedly gathered his mind and stopped, and what appeared in front of him at this moment was a small village.

Yes, those were the ruins of a small village, sealed in the earth nearly ten thousand feet deep. After a moment of reflection, you can see that it was this unusual scene that caught his attention and lifted him out of his chaotic thoughts. He was pulled back, otherwise he might really be in danger today.

After calming down in shock, Zhui'er looked at the small village carefully. He didn't know what kind of disaster it had suffered. The small village was very well preserved, as if it had been suddenly sealed. Of course, this completeness was only relative. The village has been completely filled with soil, and the thatched huts and thatched buildings are all black marks of decay. Only the stones, pottery vessels, etc. remain the same, but judging from the various traces of decay or remaining, the appearance of the small village can be identified It was very clear that dozens of bones were scattered throughout the small village, including those of humans and animals.

Sneaking underground requires you to see some relics left by the ancients. Although Zhui'er doesn't have much experience in sneaking underground, he has seen some, but this is the first time he has seen something like this. What kind of disaster made him Villagers died suddenly? What force caused it to be buried underground so completely?

Zhui'er's consciousness searched from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, and then stopped on the skeletons of two pairs of mothers and children. The two pairs of mothers and children were in two huts. One child was slightly older, and the skeleton should be less than seven years old, while the other was just It was a little baby. The two mothers' postures before they died were to protect the baby in their arms and huddle in the corner of the room. It was obvious that a terrible disaster had occurred at that time that made them feel terrible. Most of the postures left behind by his skeleton were crouching and hiding.

Zhui'er searched for a long time but couldn't find out what the terrible disaster was. Finally, he shifted his consciousness back to the baby, mother and son, and he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of compassion in his heart.

After looking at the mother and son for a while, he began to observe each skeleton one by one, imagining their situation at that time, and then looked at the utensils, imagining the daily life of this village.

Gradually, a quiet and vibrant small village appeared in his imagination. Because he grew up in a small village, this kind of imagination is easy. Of course, the small fishing village that was resurrected in the imagination is naturally indispensable. traces, even the faces of those people

They are similar to people in small fishing villages.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhui'er lamented in his heart and silently prayed for these dead people, "May you all be reincarnated and live a better life. Thank you for allowing me to escape a dangerous danger. I can The only thing I can do is bury you. I hope this will help alleviate some of the scars left on you by fear.”

He used his magic power to dig some graves and placed the corpses in them one by one, trying to put their curled up skeletons into a stretched and supine position. Then he sealed the graves with soil. It felt very good to do this in the soil. Weirdly, after burying the villagers, Zhui'er prayed some more before slowly floating upward, but he was still thinking about the mystery of the destruction of this small village.

When he rose to the mountain that was still fifty or sixty feet away from the cave, Zhui'er stopped and had to start thinking about those troublesome things again. The thing that made him most undecided now was whether he should use the Shanyi flag to contact Shen Qing. , because this is a risk. If Shen Qing happens to be fighting with the monster at the critical moment, the interference caused by the Shanyi flag may cause Shen Qing to lose his life, even if he thinks that the chance of this happening is not high. It's big, but we have to guard against it. Who knows how fierce Shen Qing's fight will be. If he fights hard all day long, then the chance of this will become very big. He can't take Shen Qing's safety as a trivial matter.

He had this concern because Wuhun never replied to him. Wuhun was probably in danger. Zhui'er regretted his reckless move of using the Shanyi flag to contact Wuhun. He couldn't help but wonder if it was... His reckless actions had harmed Wuhun, and this had almost become a piece of his mind.

"Zhui'er! If you're still down here, get out of here immediately! I don't have the patience to make trouble with you anymore!"

Lu Gang's angry thoughts shocked Zhui'er. She didn't know why he was so angry. Just as he was about to go out, Shu Yan's spiritual thoughts with a cry in his voice came right after him.

"Zhui'er, come out quickly. I can't stop him. He is really going to find you. If you don't come out, I will die of panic. I really saw the scene over there in Qianxu Palace. There are too many monsters. No, I won’t lie to you.”

"What's wrong with you?" Zhui'er emerged from the bottom of the cave and asked, looking at Lu Gang with a gloomy face and Shu Yan with a crying face.

"Zhui'er!" When Shu Yan saw him, she was surprised and happy and stepped forward to hold his arm tightly, fearing that he would run away again.

"Damn you..." Lu Gang clenched his fists and glared at Zhui'er, the fierce light in his eyes really made him want to turn against him.

"What's wrong? I've only been down for a while, are you doing this to me?" Lu Gang's attitude made Zhui'er a little annoyed.

"A little while? A little while?!" Lu Gang was so angry that his eyes almost popped out.

Shu Yan stood between the two of them, pushing Lu Gang and scolding Zhui'er, "It's been three days. I told you to come up in one day at most. Do you know how anxious we both are?"

"Three days?" Zhui'er was stunned. He quickly calculated it with his cultivation base, and was even more stunned. It wasn't three days in the past, but he had obviously been down for a short while!

Seeing Zhui'er's stunned look, Lu Gang and Shu Yan knew that something must be going on here, so they both became quiet and looked at Zhui'er nervously with their brows furrowed.

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