Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1442 Can Qianxu Palace be defended?

what happened?

A wave of fear arose in Zhui'er's heart. What he had just experienced was very simple. If something goes wrong, it can only be in that small village. Is there anything weird about that small village that has been sealed for many years?

Zhui'er recalled the entire process from seeing the small village to leaving in detail, with confusion in his eyes.

"What's going on? Speak quickly!" Shu Yan asked anxiously and nervously.

Zhui'er made a calm gesture to her and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Don't distract me now, I'm going to go down and check again."


As soon as Shu Yan said a word, Lu Gang stopped her. He pulled Shu Yan away and let Zhui'er sneak into the ground again.

"Are you so relieved? Something unusual must have happened. If something happens to him, I will settle the score with you!" Shu Yan glared at Lu Gang and sent her spiritual thoughts to her. She still had this knowledge and did not dare to speak out to Lu Gang. Gang shouted, fearing that it would disturb Zhui'er.

Lu Gang stared at the ground with a solemn expression, and sent back his spiritual thoughts: "Zhui'er is not an imprudent person. I think he seems to have something in mind. Don't be too panicked."

"He can't even notice the time. Can I not panic? We should ask what happened to him and then decide whether to let him go down again!"

Lu Gang shook his head slightly, "He can't be distracted and talk to us too much at this time."

Shu Yan frowned and remained silent. Of course she understood this truth, but if she was given a choice, she would rather ruin Zhui'er's understanding of the state of mind than ask clearly before speaking to ensure that Zhui'er brothers would not do anything. The danger is what matters.

After a moment of silence, she asked worriedly, "I'm afraid it will take a few more days to come up?"

Lu Gang looked at her with steady eyes, "We should be prepared for him not to come up for several months or several years, because the trouble he encounters is that he cannot notice the passage of time and he cannot control it himself."

"Isn't it possible that I won't be able to get back to school for the rest of my life?" Shu Yan bit her lip hard.

"I don't think so." Lu Gang paused and then said spiritually, "It would be good if he really leaves for a few years. At least he won't have to worry about Shen Qing all day long."

"But what if the monster attacks? We can't defend this place."

Lu Gang had no idea about this. He thought for a while and then said, "Just do your best. If he doesn't come up in a few days, you have to withdraw a few million miles south. Let's agree on a place. You can wait there." Follow us, if the monsters really come here, I will try my best to lure them away. "

Shu Yan glared at Lu Gang with great dissatisfaction.

Lu Gang said seriously, "You must listen to me on this matter."

Shu Yan laughed angrily, and then started to stare at Lu Gang with ice pick-like eyes. She was too lazy to say another word.

Lu Gang frowned in worry. He was the last person to persuade others. If Shu Yan insisted on not retreating, he would definitely not be able to persuade Shu Yan.

Seeing Lu Gang's appearance, Shu Yan temporarily put away her icicle-like eyes and said with a slightly calmer expression, "If you both die, what's the point of living for me? If we die together, we'll be here Guard, if the monsters come, we will try our best to lure them away. If we can survive, we will keep running away south. We can only help Zhui'er so much. Zhui'er knows the earth escape technique, and his ability to escape is better than We are big.”

Lu Gang nodded lightly, Shu Yan

It's true. If the two of them stick to this place, they will attract the monsters. Although it is hard to accept the two Zhuo'er brothers, it is the most rational choice.

"We have to leave him a jade slip in advance to let him know where we are going."

Shu Yan pointed at the rock wall and said, "It's better to write it directly on the rock wall. Not all monsters can understand the writing. It's safer than jade slips."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Lu Gang looked at the stone wall and considered how big the words should be.

Shu Yan stared at the ground, thinking whether she should dig up the mountain and look for Zhui'er as a last resort. With her and Lu Gang's cultivation, they could do this.

"Ah!" When Shu Yan's scream suddenly sounded, Lu Gang was startled. He was relieved when he saw that it was Zhui'er who suddenly appeared and startled Shu Yan.

Shu Yan covered her chest, took a few breaths, and then grabbed Zhuo'er's arm in ecstasy, saying continuously, "You scared me to death! Great! We were just worried about what to do if you don't come up for a long time, no." I thought you came up after a while, what happened?"

Zhui'er was also caught off guard by Shu Yan's exclamation. He calmed down and said, "I haven't figured it out yet. There is a small village buried deep below. I thought it was something weird at first, but after taking a look again It doesn’t feel like it’s a problem, there was no time loss this time.”

"Village? What kind of village?" Shu Yan asked curiously.

Zhui'er showed them what he saw, and then he frowned and thought.

Shu Yan murmured to Lu Gang, "Judging from the tools they use, this village is quite old."

Lu Gang thought that Zhuo'er might not understand for a while, so he stepped forward and patted him and said, "Let's think about this later. Shu Yan's spiritual vision came into effect. She saw the people on the other side of Qianxu Palace." A sight.”

Zhui'er woke up like a dream, and remembered that Shu Yan had indeed mentioned this before, and asked Shu Yan hurriedly, "What did you see?"

Shu Yan said with a bitter face, "The monster has already reached Qianxu Palace. The situation is very dangerous. It is a huge battle that we cannot imagine." As she said that, she showed a picture.

Zhui'er was stunned looking at the picture. This picture was a view from the air. The Qianxu Palace surrounded by Jiulang Mountain was no longer what it used to be. The quiet holy land of cultivation had now turned into a large military camp. Qing's teams were stationed everywhere, including teams composed of disciples from the Qianxu Palace, teams from the Tianlu Alliance, and teams from various sects. Rainbows shuttled back and forth in the sky, and the tense and busy atmosphere was evident.

There are also teams stationed outside Jiulang Mountain. The most conspicuous ones are the red law enforcement guards wearing red shirts and the Yiling guards wearing black shirts. Farther away, there are endless clouds. The formations and smoke pillars can be seen from the weather as the camp of monsters.

This picture is just a quick glimpse, less than a breath of time in total, but the majestic formation can already be seen clearly. This is indeed a large formation that ordinary people cannot imagine. Just those huge black smoke columns rising into the sky are enough to make people feel I was shocked, and the gloomy background that filled the entire picture made people feel breathless.

"Can Qianxu Palace be defended?" Shu Yan asked Zhui'er with a bitter look on her face. She had already asked Lu Gang this question. Lu Gang naturally wanted to find something to comfort her. She knew that Zhui'er would definitely not be able to say it. Nothing new, they couldn't judge this situation accurately, but they still wanted to hear Zhui'er say something that could make her feel at ease. They are all proud of their status as disciples of Qianxu Palace. If Qianxu Palace is not preserved, it would be as if more than half of their sky would collapse. what happened?

A wave of fear arose in Zhui'er's heart. What he had just experienced was very simple. If something goes wrong, it can only be in that small village. Is there anything weird about that small village that has been sealed for many years?

Zhui'er recalled the entire process from seeing the small village to leaving in detail, with confusion in his eyes.

"What's going on? Speak quickly!" Shu Yan asked anxiously and nervously.

Zhui'er made a calm gesture to her and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Don't distract me now, I'm going to go down and check again."


As soon as Shu Yan said a word, Lu Gang stopped her. He pulled Shu Yan away and let Zhui'er sneak into the ground again.

"Are you so relieved? Something unusual must have happened. If something happens to him, I will settle the score with you!" Shu Yan glared at Lu Gang and sent her spiritual thoughts to her. She still had this knowledge and did not dare to speak out to Lu Gang. Gang shouted, fearing that it would disturb Zhui'er.

Lu Gang stared at the ground with a solemn expression, and sent back his spiritual thoughts: "Zhui'er is not an imprudent person. I think he seems to have something in mind. Don't be too panicked."

"He can't even notice the time. Can I not panic? We should ask what happened to him and then decide whether to let him go down again!"

Lu Gang shook his head slightly, "He can't be distracted and talk to us too much at this time."

Shu Yan frowned and remained silent. Of course she understood this truth, but if she was given a choice, she would rather ruin Zhui'er's understanding of the state of mind than ask clearly before speaking to ensure that Zhui'er brothers would not do anything. The danger is what matters.

After a moment of silence, she asked worriedly, "I'm afraid it will take a few more days to come up?"

Lu Gang looked at her with steady eyes, "We should be prepared for him not to come up for several months or several years, because the trouble he encounters is that he cannot notice the passage of time and he cannot control it himself."

"Isn't it possible that I won't be able to get back to school for the rest of my life?" Shu Yan bit her lip hard.

"I don't think so." Lu Gang paused and then said spiritually, "It would be good if he really leaves for a few years. At least he won't have to worry about Shen Qing all day long."

"But what if the monster attacks? We can't defend this place."

Lu Gang had no idea about this. He thought for a while and then said, "Just do your best. If he doesn't come up in a few days, you have to withdraw a few million miles south. Let's agree on a place. You can wait there." Follow us, if the monsters really come here, I will try my best to lure them away."

Shu Yan glared at Lu Gang with great dissatisfaction.

Lu Gang said seriously, "You must listen to me on this matter."

Shu Yan laughed angrily, and then started to stare at Lu Gang with ice pick-like eyes. She was too lazy to say another word.

Lu Gang frowned in worry. He was the last person to persuade others. If Shu Yan insisted on not retreating, he would definitely not be able to persuade Shu Yan.

Seeing Lu Gang's appearance, Shu Yan temporarily put away her icicle-like eyes and said with a slightly calmer expression, "If you both die, what's the point of living for me? If we die together, we'll be here Guard, if the monsters come, we will try our best to lure them away. If we can survive, we will keep running away to the south. We can only help Zhui'er so much. Zhui'er knows the earth escape technique, and his ability to escape is better than We are big.”

Lu Gang nodded lightly, Shu Yan

It's the truth. If the two of them stick here, they will attract the monsters. Although it is hard to accept that they abandon the Zhuo'er brothers, it is the most rational choice.

"We have to leave him a jade slip in advance to let him know where we are going."

Shu Yan pointed at the rock wall and said, "It's better to write it directly on the rock wall. Not all monsters can understand the writing. It's safer than jade slips."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Lu Gang looked at the stone wall and considered how big the words should be.

Shu Yan stared at the ground, thinking whether she should dig up the mountain and look for Zhui'er as a last resort. With her and Lu Gang's cultivation, they could do this.

"Ah!" When Shu Yan's scream suddenly sounded, Lu Gang was startled. He was relieved when he saw that it was Zhui'er who suddenly appeared and startled Shu Yan.

Shu Yan covered her chest, took a few breaths, and then grabbed Zhuo'er's arm in ecstasy, saying continuously, "You scared me to death! Great! We were just worried about what to do if you don't come up for a long time, no." I thought you came up after a while, what happened?"

Zhui'er was also caught off guard by Shu Yan's exclamation. He calmed down and said, "I haven't figured it out yet. There is a small village buried deep below. I thought it was something weird at first, but after taking a look again It doesn’t feel like it’s a problem, there was no time loss this time.”

"Village? What kind of village?" Shu Yan asked curiously.

Zhui'er showed them what he saw, and then he frowned and thought.

Shu Yan murmured to Lu Gang, "Judging from the tools they use, this village is quite old."

Lu Gang thought that Zhuo'er might not understand for a while, so he stepped forward and patted him and said, "Let's think about this later. Shu Yan's spiritual vision came into effect. She saw the people on the other side of Qianxu Palace. A sight.”

Zhui'er woke up from a dream, and remembered that Shu Yan had indeed mentioned this before, and asked Shu Yan hurriedly, "What did you see?"

Shu Yan said with a bitter face, "The monster has already reached Qianxu Palace. The situation is very dangerous. It is a huge battle that we cannot imagine." As she said that, she showed a picture.

Zhui'er was stunned looking at the picture. This picture was a view from the air. The Qianxu Palace surrounded by Jiulang Mountain was no longer what it used to be. The quiet holy land of cultivation had now turned into a large military camp. Qing's teams were stationed everywhere, including teams composed of disciples from the Qianxu Palace, teams from the Tianlu Alliance, and teams from various sects. Rainbows shuttled back and forth in the sky, and the tense and busy atmosphere was evident.

There are also teams stationed outside Jiulang Mountain. The most conspicuous ones are the red law enforcement guards wearing red shirts and the Yiling guards wearing black shirts. Farther away, there are endless clouds. The formations and smoke pillars can be seen from the weather as the camp of monsters.

This picture is just a quick glimpse, less than a breath of time in total, but the majestic formation can already be seen clearly. This is indeed a large formation that ordinary people cannot imagine. Just those huge black smoke columns rising into the sky are enough to make people feel I was shocked, and the gloomy background that filled the entire picture made people feel breathless.

"Can Qianxu Palace be defended?" Shu Yan asked Zhui'er with a bitter look on her face. She had already asked Lu Gang this question. Lu Gang naturally wanted to find something to comfort her. She knew that Zhui'er would definitely not be able to say it. Nothing new, they couldn't judge this situation accurately, but they still wanted to hear Zhui'er say something that could make her feel at ease. They are all proud of their status as disciples of Qianxu Palace. If Qianxu Palace is not preserved, it would be as if more than half of their sky would collapse.

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