Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1443 I’m stupid

Zhui'er, who is indifferent by nature, does not have the good quality of being strong. People who pursue something and persevere need to be strong. But Zhuo'er is a responsible person. If his companions need his help, then he will make himself strong. .

"We must be able to defend it. Our Qianxu Palace is not made of clay!" Lu Gang was afraid that Zhui'er's weak words would have a bad impact on Shu Yan, so he repeated it in a firm tone before Zhui'er could speak. Repeat the answer he told Shu Yan before.

Zhui'er nodded and agreed, "We know only a limited amount of the strength of Qianxu Palace, and even the red-clad law enforcement guards and Yiling guards have gone to help, so they will definitely be able to repel the monsters."

"Alas, but the monsters have broken through the defense line of our border army." Shu Yan is not a child, and neither of them could convince her.

Zhui'er analyzed her in a serious manner, "The border is long. Do you think it is better to spread out the troops over hundreds of thousands of miles of defense lines? Now that it has become a few fortresses, the situation is naturally different, and those who guard the border are all These are some second-rate or lower sects, and sects that are not under the control of the Tianlu Alliance, such as Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect, rarely participate, so we cannot think that if the border is missed, we, Nanjingzhou, will be unable to resist. "

"That's true!" Shu Yan's confidence was boosted. She felt that Zhui'er's analysis made sense.

Zhui'er continued with a smile, "Actually, the Tianlu Alliance's attitude towards border defense from the very beginning has been to defend the border if they can. If they can't, they immediately change their strategy and let the monsters in. In this way, the monsters will become a scattered force. Hehe, this is me. I guessed it from Shen Qing’s words. Although she didn’t tell me clearly, that’s what she meant.”

"It turns out I heard what others said." Lu Gang curled his lips disdainfully.

Shu Yan was even more excited and said happily, "If Shen Qing said it, it would be more reliable!"

Zhui'er also said with a happy face, "You can see so far away? This spiritual eye is simply amazing."

Shu Yan hurriedly explained, "I can't use it as I want. Seeing that you were so anxious that day, I had no other choice. The only thing I could hope for was

It’s this spiritual eye. I originally wanted to try to see the situation on the side of Qingyuan Sect, but it didn’t work. I didn’t hold out much hope at all, but in the end, I didn’t know why I suddenly saw the situation on the side of Qianxu Palace. It was a scene that frightened me. If I hadn’t been so flustered, I might have looked at it twice more, and then I wouldn’t have tried again. "

"Don't worry. Sooner or later, you will be able to do whatever you want. This ability is really incredible." After Shui'er encouraged Shu Yan for a while, a look of worry appeared on his face uncontrollably. The Qianxu Palace was like this, and even more so. Can the Qingyuan Sect, which the beast hates, still exist?

Shu Yan could guess Zhui'er's thoughts and said, "Zhui'er, don't be too impatient. I'll turn around... and try again. Maybe I can see the situation on the Qingyuan Sect." She was obviously guilty. Currently, using spiritual eyes is still at the stage where a blind cat encounters a dead mouse.

Zhui'er forced a smile and said, "Don't force yourself. In fact, you can know what's going on without looking. After seeing the formation of the monsters, I gave up. I can only wait. Now go into the pile of monsters." Zha, no matter how many lives you have, it’s not enough to throw away.”

"Do you really think so?" Shu Yan raised her eyebrows with joy.

Zhui'er nodded with a bitter look on his face. He really thought so. Not to mention facing the powerful formation of the monsters, just looking at it made him feel frightened. The monsters each have their own talents and magical powers. His Earth Escape Technique has arrived. It may not be useful in front of others, and the little monkey won't be of much use. If you go there, you will die.

"Great!" Shu Yan excitedly grabbed Zhui'er's arm and shook it, then looked at Lu Gang. If Zhui'er doesn't go to Shen Qing, then it's time to discuss the next move for the three of them. Zhui'er's parents She has not yet passed away, so she is a bit speechless if she wants to evacuate now.

Lu Gang had a bold idea, but he definitely couldn't tell Shu Yan about it, so he pretended

Shu Yan's eyes pretended not to understand, but instead praised the magic of the spiritual eye.

This was a topic that they were excited about for several days. Needless to say, Shu Yan had a spiritual eye. She finally had the same ability to overpower the two friends, and she was still very good at it.

After talking about the spiritual eyes for a while, Lu Gang began to encourage Shu Yan to try again as soon as possible. Whether it was to see the Qingyuan Sect or the Qianxu Palace, it would be best if he could learn more about the monsters.

Zhui'er immediately agreed. Lu Gang had evil intentions, and he just wanted to think more about wasting time.

After Shu Yanhuan left happily, Lu Gang pretended to be close and put his arm around Zhui'er's shoulders and walked towards the cave where he lived. He secretly said with a calm expression, "The situation in Qianxu Palace is not optimistic. As Qianxu Palace, the situation in Qianxu Palace is not optimistic." Disciple, I feel really guilty.”

Zhui'er didn't say a word, he felt guilty in his heart. Before, it was okay to not know the specific situation of the monster war group. Now that he saw that formation and thought about the situation of his fellow disciples, he felt very uncomfortable.

"I have a plan." Lu Gang looked at Zhui'er with burning eyes.

"What's the plan?" Zhui'er asked confused.

Lu Gang showed a smirk and said, "I guess Qianjie Sect will definitely not become the main target of the monsters. If we lure the monsters there, it will not only relieve the pressure on Qianxu Palace, but also... hehe..." "

Zhui'er blinked twice, seemingly a little tempted, but then looked at Lu Gang with a speechless look, "You are really a fucking genius, but your cultivation level is a bit low. If there is such a thing as Yu Yu cultivation level, Pretty much.”

Lu Gang ignored Zhui'er's ridicule and said seriously, "You can kill a few people from Qianjie Sect first, then put on their Taoist robes and go to kill monsters near Qianxu Palace."

Zhui'er shook his head and sighed, "I also want to contribute to the master's sect, but the three of us can't make any noise."

Yes, you are still killing monsters. Do you think there will be monsters in the elixir-forming stage coming all the way for us to kill? The cultivation level that can come through is estimated to be no lower than the Nascent Soul stage. "

Lu Gang disapproved and said, "Aren't we poisonous pills and talismans? If we are careful, I think it's okay to have a few Nascent Soul stage monsters in the periphery. And I want to go by myself. You just need to help me hide it from Shu Yan." Also, you have to give me some more of your poison pills and talismans."

"Go, go, don't mention this matter." Zhui'er refused, but seeing Lu Gang's disappointed look, he had to advise, "I feel as ashamed as you, but we can't overestimate our capabilities. , do you think I can let you go alone? How can I explain to Shu Yan later? If Shu Yan is not there, I will definitely go with you and die. It is natural to die to protect the teacher's sect, but the problem is We have Shu Yan now, are you willing to let her go into danger with us? "

"I just want to go by myself." Lu Gang frowned, quite unwillingly.

"Well, you go ahead, I'll go find Shen Qing, and Shu Yan will let her fend for herself."

Lu Gang exhaled depressedly, stretched out his hand and said, "Forget it, but you have to give me some talismans and poison pills. You have the earth escape technique to protect yourself, and we both need to strengthen our protection."

Zhui'er rolled his eyes at him, turned around and walked back while muttering, "How stupid you are to ask me for it at this time. No matter how stupid you are, you still think I'm particularly stupid."

Lu Gang looked at his back and said helplessly, "I'm stupid. I blindly regard you as my brother. You are so smart, but don't be too smart."

Zhui'er still didn't look back and said, "Thank you for reminding me, I will give it to Shu Yan, so don't think about it."

Lu Gang caught up two steps later, "Can you rest assured that Shu Yan is so panicked? It's better to play it safe."

Zhui'er turned around and said with a smile, "That big stick of yours is quite powerful. Shu Yan's attack power is weak, so it's just right for her to release the Talisman Poison Pill or something like that."

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