Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 159 Delivering Medicine

Chapter 159? Delivering medicine

Immortal Mingben took out a light blue hairpin and handed it to Xiyang after hesitating for a moment. This hairpin was taken from the branch of Quhuan Sect when he was getting the elixir. He brought this treasure for preparation. Return the favor of Immortal Taifa for his beautiful bracelet.

"The name of this hairpin is 'Tricking the Void', and it has the magical effect of being invisible and escaping. With your cultivation, it can also be hidden from the eyes and ears of the monks in the early stage of Yuanying. You can keep it for protection. When you reach the late stage of Yuanying, This thing is no longer useful to you, it cannot be hidden from the eyes of the great supernatural powers. Then you can return it to the Quhuan Sect." After saying this, he transmitted a piece of magic into Xiyang's mind.

When Xiyang heard that he mentioned that he wanted to return it to Quhuan Sect in the future, he knew the value of this thing and hurriedly declined, "Thank you Immortal Lord for the generous gift. I understand this, but I cannot accept treasures."

"Stop being so nagging." Ming Benxianzun finally had a look of impatience on his face. He pinned the hairpin on his Xiyang bun and said, "I will pass this array to Xin'er first and wait until you finish it." I’ll pass the elixir period to you again, so go back and concentrate on your cultivation.”

After sending Xiyang away, Ming Benxianzun said to Ning Xin, "You just have to be a maid to take care of that boy, your cultivation will be delayed."

Ning Xin's pretty face turned red, and she curled her lips and said, "How am I supposed to be his maid? I'm just entrusted by Sister Xiao'er and the others to check on him occasionally. It doesn't delay his cultivation." .??.

"This kid is really annoying. What's going on in his mind?" Ming Benxianzun frowned and looked in the direction of Jiangxia Island, thinking to himself.

"Are you trying to search for his soul?" Ning Xin asked, narrowing her eyes.

"If he can't settle down anymore, this is what he has to do. I'm really curious. I thought he was a descendant of the Jiang family, so I wasn't surprised that he had a spiritual treasure. Later, I asked Xiao'er and found out that This spiritual treasure does not belong to the Jiang family, which is a bit strange. There must be a reason for a young monk who has just reached the elixir-forming stage to be carrying a spiritual treasure. "

"Can't it be given by my master? Didn't you also promise me that you will give me a spiritual treasure when I reach the Nascent Soul stage?"

"If that's the case, his sect must be a famous sect that is well-known in Nanjingzhou, but I have never heard of the Xuanfang sect. Although grandpa has never been to Nanjingzhou, he is familiar with the people there. The situation is still somewhat anecdotal.”

"Not obvious

There are many unknown masters and hermits, and it is hard to guarantee that his Xuanfang sect has such seniors. "

Immortal Master Mingben looked at her with a half-smile but said, "What's wrong with you? You wanted me to search for his soul before, but why are you doing the opposite now?"

Ning Xin said plausibly, "I was not familiar with them before, but now I am very close to Sister Xiao'er. He is Sister Xiao'er's friend. It would be inappropriate for you to search for his soul."

Immortal Mingben raised his eyebrows and said, "The more I look at this kid, the weirder I feel. The last time I rescued him, I unexpectedly found traces of infection in his soul. That's what happens when someone is possessed by an external soul." Phenomenon, do you still remember the trace of violence in his eyes when he bought the flying boat at Tiangongguan? That should be caused by this infection. I said, how could this kid have such a strong will at such a young age? "

"Can you remove this infection?" Ning Xin asked pretending to be casual,

"Cultivation of the soul and soul is not the specialty of the Quhuan Sect. I don't have this ability."

"Then...then do you know who has this ability?" Ning Xin asked with a frown, not wanting to pretend anymore.

Immortal Mingben shook his head and said, "It is extremely dangerous to perform magic in the soul and spiritual consciousness. If you are not careful, your life will be in danger. It is better not to take this risk."

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Ning Xin asked uneasily.

Immortal Mingben comforted him and said, "Don't worry. Generally speaking, this kind of infection will not cause him any harm. When his cultivation level is higher, it can be slowly eliminated by himself."

"Generally speaking?" Ning Xin asked worriedly.

"As long as he doesn't generate any hostility, otherwise the remaining infection may resurgence, and he will lose his true nature if the two strands of hostility come together."

"What should we do?" Ning Xin frowned worriedly. Seeing her grandfather looking at her with a smile in his eyes, she hurriedly covered it up, "If sister Xiaoer finds out, she will be worried to death. Grandpa, please think of a way. "

Ming Benxianzun stroked her hair and said with a smile, "

It doesn't matter, it's not easy to be angry. I think this person has a good nature and will not go astray. "

"After all, it's safest to think of a way to eliminate it completely." Ning Xin looked at her grandfather eagerly.

"In my opinion, it is safest to kill him, so as not to distract my good granddaughter from practicing."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ning Xin blushed and stood up with her sword. After flying a distance, she sent back a spiritual thought, "You are not allowed to search for his soul without permission, otherwise I will not comply."

Immortal Mingben sent back his thoughts and said, "I think this kid is going to vomit blood again. You'd better go and have a look quickly."

Ning Xin was shocked when she heard this and didn't bother to ask her grandfather whether this was true or not. Anyway, the distance was just a blink of an eye, so she hurriedly urged the flying sword to fly towards Jiangxia Island.

When Jiangxia Island entered the range of her consciousness, Ning Xin immediately checked Xun Yi's situation and saw that he was blinking and lost in thought. Then she breathed a sigh of relief, and then frowned again, knowing that her grandfather's words just now were not a joke. Play by yourself. Since Xunyi has come out of seclusion, there must be a reason.

After returning to her cave, her observation of Xun Yi was no longer a quick one, but a constant surveillance.

Xunyi sat blankly for a while, then walked into the inner room, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and frowned, as if he was trying to suppress his annoyance, and soon he started to grit his teeth again, making a loud crunching sound. His two fists were clenched tightly, and his body was shaking.

Ning Xin panicked and couldn't help but send her spiritual thoughts and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xun Yi climbed up quickly, looked in the direction of Ning Xin's cave, and said with an embarrassed smile, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm angry with myself. I always get upset after practicing for a while. It's so worthless."

"How could this happen? You have already reached the elixir formation stage."

Xun Yi smiled and said, "Before, just like you, we piled up elixirs. Our Xuanfang sect is good at refining elixirs, and we almost eat elixirs. Now that there are no elixirs, it is too strenuous to practice."

"I happen to have some elixirs here for you. I'll send them to you right now." After speaking, Ning Xin turned around and came to his cave.

Looking for changes

Return to the outer room and ask Ning Xin to sit down.

Ning Xin took out several bottles of elixirs and handed them to him, explaining how to take them one by one.

Xun Yi heard her say that this was the elixir prepared by Immortal Master Ming Ben for them, so he did not refuse, bowed towards the residence of Immortal Master, and accepted the elixir.

Ning Xin asked doubtfully, "Are the elixirs you made magical? Although I have taken a lot of elixirs to reach this point in my cultivation, I still need to practice patiently. As far as I know, you cannot take too many elixirs continuously." "

"Uh...hehe, to tell you the truth, my master liked me very much and gave me some of the elixirs collected in the sect. These elixirs are really magical. You won't believe it if I tell you. I practice I haven’t really meditated properly yet.”

Ning Xin had also taken a magical elixir. Although she was dubious about his words, she still envied him and said, "Among the elixirs I took, there was only one 'Zhizhen Pill' that was similar to the elixir you mentioned. After taking it, my cultivation level was very high." We are about to enter the late stage from the middle stage of Kairong, but there are very few such pills in Nanhai, so you are really lucky."

Xunyi sighed and said, "Master is quite critical of Master doting on me so much, saying that this is not a good thing. I will not be able to sit still after my cultivation level increases too quickly. After all, the effect of pills will not be so immediate after the pill formation period. Now it seems that Master is right, she knows best what kind of character I am.”

"Don't be anxious, just take your time and practice for a while." Ning Xin comforted her warmly.

"Well, I understand this truth, and I'm gritting my teeth and persisting. Don't tell others about my inability to practice, so as not to worry them blindly, which will only make my heart more confused." Xunyi said with a smile.

Ning Xin saw that he really didn't seem to be in trouble, so she nodded and said, "Okay, just relax and adjust your mind. At our age, our cultivation is far beyond that of most of our peers. You have such good qualifications, and you don't have to worry about elixirs." , plus the spiritual energy here is so abundant, it can be said that all the conveniences are available, there is really no need to worry. "

"Yes, yes." Xunyi nodded repeatedly.

Xun Yi's friendly smile made Ning Xin no longer panic. She rolled her big, watery eyes and said with a smile, "Since you can't continue practicing, why don't you chat with me? I want to ask you a question."

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