Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1632 This time I gained a lot

Zhixia closed her eyes for a moment, calmed down her anxious mood, and secretly warned herself that she couldn't treat him with common sense, this kid was looking for trouble. This kind of warning was very effective. She had gained too many lessons and insights from Xun Yi who did not take the ordinary path, so her anxious mood calmed down.

"I have experience with this. For example, the spells that I spent great efforts to understand before can now easily cast more powerful spells than those spells with my cultivation. But what should I say under what circumstances? , You can’t stop learning to walk as a child just because you can fly in the future, right? I don’t think it’s a waste of energy, it’s a process that must be experienced, as long as you don’t fall into the trap of excessive pursuit of magic.”

Zhui'er shook his head and said, "No, that's not what I meant. What I mean is...the cultivation of cultivation is similar to the cultivation of spells. Cultivation may be a bigger spell, a higher-level spell. We They are all trying their best to improve their cultivation, which in itself is already on the wrong track.”

"Ah...?" Zhixia felt dizzy, as if something invisible gathered on the top of her head, and the top of her head seemed to disappear. However, the invisible thing had weight, but it was pressed there and could not rise or fly.

Zhui'er shut her mouth tightly and waited for the second senior sister to express her opinion.

After a long time, Zhixia said slowly, "You should go back first, I want to retreat for a while."

"Oh." Zhui'er saw that he had made the second senior sister into seclusion, so he had to stand up. .??.

Zhixia ordered before closing her eyes, "I have a defensive array here. You don't have to worry about me, and don't disturb me."

"Oh." Zhui'er stood there feeling quite unsure and couldn't help but said, "Second Senior Sister, I just thought about it randomly, it may not be..."

Before he could finish speaking, he flew out. When he stabilized his body, he could no longer see the second senior sister. She must have been pushed outside the protective circle. Zhui'er stopped there and blinked for a while, then turned back to Yun. Apricot Pavilion.

Jiangxiao, who was waiting in Yunxing Pavilion, did not directly put Zhui'er in.

, but ran out and asked, "You're back so soon? Where is the Second Immortal Concubine?"


Jiangxiao glanced behind Zhui'er, took his arm and secretly asked, "Did you do this?"

Zhui'er shook his head speechlessly. He couldn't tell Jiangxiao what he said to the second senior sister because he was still not sure that his views were correct.

"Jiang Xiao, open the magic circle." Shen Qing's spiritual thoughts came out from the magic circle.

Jiang Xiao opened the magic circle and released Shen Qing, complaining, "Why are you so impatient and impatient to wait? Can't you let me say a few words to him first?"

Shen Qing smiled slightly and replied with his spiritual mind, "I was afraid that Xiyang would feel uncomfortable, so I came to snatch it from you."

Jiangxiao glanced at Shen Qing helplessly and turned around to enter the magic circle. She had to take care of Xiyang's feelings, so she could only let Shen Qing take the lead.

After Shen Qing asked Qing Qing and learned that Xia had gone into seclusion, he flew thousands of miles away with Zhui'er and hid in a dense forest.

After standing still, Zhui'er asked eagerly, "Can you also read with your heart? How did you learn it?" He was awakened from his dream by Shen Qing, who then went up and patted him on the shoulder twice to convey his spiritual thoughts and told him not to. Get this out there.

Shen Qing shook his head slightly and said, "That's not thoughts, it's the method of making characters out of stones. I've made some progress in this aspect. I'm really worried about you sleeping for a hundred years, so I'm worried about you." Let you try it.”

Zhui'er narrowed his eyes and recalled the feeling when he was awakened. "All I can remember is that my heart was shocked. I thought you were using your mind. Come on, use it on me again."

Shen Qing's eyes showed a little evil intention and said, "This is different from what you have in mind. If it doesn't work out,

It will cause damage and is not something you can try randomly. "

Zhui'er grinned and said, "You are really brave enough to spare me. You dare to practice with me on something so uncertain. Fortunately, there was no accident?"

Shen Qing cast her smiling eyes aside. She didn't dare to tell Zhui'er that she had secretly tried it on Lu Gang before using this method on Zhui'er. Lu Gang was still secretly wondering about the sudden attack. What's going on with the weird feeling?

"Don't worry about this next time. A long sleep will not cause any harm to me. I will wake up when it's time to wake up. But I can't blame you. This time it took too long."

Shen Qing said apologetically, "I saw that you were very angry the moment you woke up. Didn't my disturbing you lose all your previous efforts?"

"No, I've gained a lot this time. It's good to wake up early to leave some aftertaste. I've concluded that this kind of dreaming is similar to the enlightenment of the heart. It happens when there are too many thoughts surging in the heart. This Even if some seeds are left this time, it can’t be said to be a loss.”

Seeing him comforting her like this, Shen Qing stopped worrying about it and asked, "What have you gained? Tell me."

Zhui'er pointed to the direction of Second Senior Sister and said with a smile, "I just said the beginning, and Second Senior Sister went into seclusion. Do you think you can hold on? I think we should go back and talk, lest we have to guard here." you."

"Humph." Shen Qing glanced at Zhui'er contemptuously, then pursed his lips and pulled Zhui'er to fly toward Yunxing Pavilion, feeling quite embarrassed.

Zhui'er smiled proudly and said, "Maybe you can hold on, many of them have been discussed by the two of us before."

Shen Qing shut her mouth tightly and flew to Yunxing Pavilion with her head down. She couldn't take this matter seriously. It was safest to return to the magic circle, so that if she felt something in her heart, she could retreat in time.

In Shen Qing's cabin, the two chatted for nearly two hours. Although Shen Qing was far from Zhi Xia in terms of cultivation, he could indeed help Zhui'er in this regard.

Some busy people, what Zhui'er did confirmed some of their previous thoughts, but Shen Qing was shocked by Zhui'er's unimaginable breakthrough in the art of observing the sky, and her courage to think was turned back to her. A big step forward.

Night had fallen when Zhui'er left Shen Qing's cabin. He hurriedly ran to see Jiangxiao. Jiangxiao was so domineering. If anyone dared to neglect her, he would feel guilty in his heart.

No, when he saw Jiang Xiao, he glared and said, "You can still think of us?"

Zhui'er could only say nice words with a smile on her face.

Xiyang smiled and said to Zhui'er, who was making excuses, "The more you behave like this, the more excited she becomes. That's pretty much it."

"Go!" Jiangxiao scolded Xiyang, and then said to Zhui'er reluctantly, "What were you talking about in secret? Tell me everything."

Zhui'er straightened her back, moved to Xiyang's side, and said in a tough tone, "You won't understand what we're talking about, so it's okay not to say it."

"Huh?" Jiangxiao was so angry that she pointed at Xiyang and said, "It's all because you didn't teach him! I only want to settle the score with you!" After scolding Xiyang, she was so angry that she pointed at Zhuo'er. He said, "Don't even learn from me if you're good at it! You dared to talk back to me just after he instigated me!"

Zhui'er laughed and said, "Who told you that you haven't finished it after coaxing me for a long time?"

Jiangxiao nodded to him and said, "Okay! Wait for me to expose you later. Sit down and explain to me what you told them first."

Zhui'er sat obediently on the futon she pointed at, and then began to make up random things, whether true or false. Anyway, no matter how she made it up, Jiangxiao couldn't tell whether it was true or not, and the two previous times he had dreamed about Jiangxiao were all false. Those who have witnessed it know that he doesn’t remember anything after waking up from the dream, so he can handle it if he talks a little bit this time.

s? Thanks to brother jiy? for adding three more monthly tickets. I should be able to stay on the monthly ticket list this month.

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