Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1633 I know a good place

Jiangxiao was a little suspicious that Zhui'er was not telling the truth, but what she cared about most was whether Zhui'er was in good condition, and she would not overly squeeze Zhui'er on this matter. Zhui'er followed her after the last consecutive breakthrough. She had told him that she was taking a different path. She believed in Zhui'er, and even more believed in Xun Yi's ever-lasting friendship with her.

After Zhui'er finished speaking, Xiyang patted Zhui'er on the shoulder and secretly said, "Did you want to say something to me before you fell asleep?"

Zhui'er was startled for a moment, then smiled after thinking about it and said, "You can go out with me later to evacuate your muscles and bones."

"What did you whisper to him again?" Jiangxiao looked at Xiyang dissatisfied.

Zhui'er rushed to say, "How can I tell you everything? I know a good place and I want him to accompany me there. I won't take anyone with me, just the two of us."

Jiangxiao said angrily, "Okay, then I'll tell you, no!"

Zhui'er looked at Xiyang with provocative eyes.

"Then let's go now." Xiyang clapped his hands and stood up.

"Hahaha." Zhui'er stood up and looked at Jiangxiao with provoking eyes.

"You two just help each other and don't learn from each other!" Jiangxiao stepped forward and kicked both of them, pointed at their noses and said, "Don't go out! If you want to go out and wait until the second immortal concubine comes out of seclusion, I won't worry about it." This responsibility." Although the warning was harsh, she was quite happy in her heart. Zhui'er and Xiyang finally got together. As long as the two of them had brotherhood, the little world she had lost would also be hers. You can get it back.

Zhui'er stopped making trouble and said with a smile, "Hey, let's just hang around nearby and not go far."

"Then I'll follow you." Jiangxiao was indeed a little worried. It wasn't Zhui'er who worried her, but Xiyang, so after saying that, she asked Xiyang with her spiritual mind, "What are you taking him out for?"

"Yes..." Zhui'er said one word and then closed his mouth.

Jiangxiao looked at him suspiciously, and Zhui'er looked at the two of them a little confused for a while, and finally grinned and said, "I want to take him out..."

Jiangxiao and Xiyang both opened their eyes in shock. Zhui'er grinned and explained, "I... I intercepted this divine thought somehow. I can't hide this from you, otherwise I will eavesdrop in the future." It’s inappropriate to hear something that shouldn’t be heard.”

Jiangxiao couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Zhui'er's arm. The surprise in her eyes had been replaced by excitement and surprise.

"You is this possible?" Xiyang stared at Zhui'er in disbelief.

Jiangxiao pushed Zhui'er away, sent another spiritual message to Xiyang, then stared at Zhui'er and asked, "Did you hear that?"

Zhui'er nodded, "You said you told him to 'stay away'."

Xiyang still couldn't believe it, so he also sent a spiritual message to Jiangxiao, and then looked at Zhui'er with searching eyes.

"You said, 'The Golden Flame Star has passed through the Immortal Muscle Crossing, and it will be cold in the future.'" Zhui'er accurately stated Xiyang's spiritual thoughts.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao looked at each other, both stunned and speechless for a moment.

"I don't know how I got this ability." Zhui'er said apologetically.

"Why are you so sad! You should be happy about this. What a useful skill!" Jiang Xiao became excited and happy again.

Zhui'er couldn't be happy and said, "But this ability is eavesdropping. I can't catch anyone and tell them that I have this ability. It's not good to eavesdrop on others."


Xiyang and Jiangxiao were shocked again. Zhui'er actually thought so. Isn't this child too honest and honest?

Jiangxiao grabbed Zhui'er's arm and said, "It's nothing. You didn't eavesdrop on purpose. Those of us who are close to you naturally have to tell them. We just need to be more careful in the future. Think about it, if there are bad people How useful this skill is to harm you!"

Zhui'er said sadly, "Of course I know this, but there are more than just these two kinds of people in the world, there are more people who are in between. For example, when I go to Zixiao Palace, I will inevitably hear some people asking for memorization. As I said, I have to find a way to control this ability."

Jiangxiao warned sternly, "It would be better if you could retract and release it freely, but don't lose this ability."

"Yeah." Zhui'er responded with a frown.

Jiangxiao used her spiritual thoughts to say to Xiyang, "It's really rare to be so stupid."

Zhui'er glanced at Jiangxiao angrily.

Jiang Xiao smiled evilly and said, "I forgot, I didn't mean it. I won't let you hear me scold you again in the future."

Xiyang was not in the mood to joke. He really wanted to find out how Zhui'er got this ability, but the relationship between the two was not that close yet, so it was not convenient to ask too much.

"We can only talk about it later. You two should stop talking with your spiritual thoughts in front of me from now on. Let's go." Zhui'er pulled Xiyang down.

"Where are you going?" Jiangxiao frowned and asked Zhui'er. If it was Zhui'er who was in charge of this matter, then she could relax a bit.

"Just move your muscles and bones, they are stiff after sleeping for a hundred years." Zhui'er said as he pulled Xiyang out.

Jiangxiao chased after her and warned, "Xiyang, please keep an eye on him, otherwise we won't be able to explain to the Second Immortal Concubine, just wander around and come back." Zhui'er made it clear that he wouldn't take her with him, so she couldn't just follow him. , maybe this is the time for Xunyi and Xiyang to renew their relationship.

It’s okay to call this a renewal of the relationship. Zhui’er just wanted to find an opportunity to get closer to Xiyang, and his motive still had to be on Jiangxiao. He didn’t want Xiyang to misunderstand his relationship with Jiangxiao. But this kind of thing cannot be discussed directly, so he wants to get closer to Xiyang. After becoming brothers, it will be easier to express his feelings.

After leaving the magic circle, Xiyang smiled and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Someone told me the location of a treasure. It's nearby. Let's go look for it."

Xiyang narrowed his eyes, then nodded and said, "Okay, but why did you choose me to accompany you?"

Zhui'er chuckled and said, "Because I'll save you trouble and you won't ask endless questions."

Xiyang laughed dumbly and said, "Okay, then I won't ask. Although it saves trouble to take you with me, you have to share more treasures."

"No problem, come on, let's compare our speeds first. I really need to stretch my muscles." After saying this, Zhui'er activated his flying sword and flew forward.

Xiyang had seen Zhui'er's speed which was comparable to that of a monk in the Yuanying stage, but now that he was a great monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, of course he would no longer take Zhui'er's speed seriously, so he took his time. Followed.

After Zhui'er flew out for a while, his speed accelerated. Xiyang followed him with interest, thinking to himself that Zhui'er's past hundred years were really wasted. Speaking of which, he only obtained the ability to intercept the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. The ability of Divine Mind is worth enough, but now it seems that it is much more than that, and the flying speed has also been greatly improved. Jiangxiao was a little suspicious that Zhui'er was not telling the truth, but what she cared about most was whether Zhui'er was in good condition, and she would not overly squeeze Zhui'er on this matter. Zhui'er followed her after the last consecutive breakthrough. She had said that she was taking a different path. She believed in Zhui'er, and even more believed in Xun Yi's ever-lasting friendship with her.

After Zhui'er finished speaking, Xiyang patted Zhui'er on the shoulder and secretly said, "Did you want to say something to me before you fell asleep?"

Zhui'er was startled for a moment, then smiled after thinking about it and said, "You can accompany me for a walk later to evacuate your muscles and bones."

"What did you whisper to him again?" Jiangxiao looked at Xiyang dissatisfied.

Zhui'er rushed to say, "How can I tell you everything? I know a good place and I want him to accompany me there. I won't take anyone with me, just the two of us."

Jiangxiao said angrily, "Okay, then I'll tell you, no!"

Zhui'er looked at Xiyang with a provocative look. .??.

"Then let's go now." Xiyang clapped his hands and stood up.

"Hahaha." Zhui'er stood up and looked at Jiangxiao with provoking eyes.

"You two just help each other and don't learn from each other!" Jiangxiao stepped forward and kicked both of them, pointed at their noses and said, "Don't go out! If you want to go out and wait until the second immortal concubine comes out of seclusion, I won't worry about it." This responsibility." Although the warning was harsh, she was quite happy in her heart. Zhui'er and Xiyang finally got together. As long as the two of them had brotherhood, the little world she had lost would also be hers. You can get it back.

Zhui'er stopped making trouble and said with a smile, "Hey, let's just hang around nearby and not go far."

"Then I'll follow you." Jiangxiao was indeed a little worried. It wasn't Zhui'er who worried her, but Xiyang, so after saying that, she asked Xiyang with her spiritual mind, "What are you taking him out for?"

"Yes..." Zhui'er said one word and then closed his mouth.

Jiangxiao looked at him suspiciously, and Zhui'er looked at the two of them a little confused for a while, and finally grinned and said, "I want to take him out..."

Jiangxiao and Xiyang both opened their eyes in shock. Zhui'er grinned and explained, "I... I intercepted this divine thought somehow. I can't hide this from you, otherwise I will eavesdrop in the future." It’s inappropriate to hear something that shouldn’t be heard.”

Jiangxiao couldn't help but stepped forward and grabbed Zhui'er's arm. The surprise in her eyes had been replaced by excitement and surprise.

"You is this possible?" Xiyang stared at Zhui'er in disbelief.

Jiangxiao pushed Zhui'er away, sent another spiritual message to Xiyang, then stared at Zhui'er and asked, "Did you hear that?"

Zhui'er nodded, "You said you told him to 'stay away'."

Xiyang still couldn't believe it, so he also sent a spiritual message to Jiangxiao, and then looked at Zhui'er with searching eyes.

"You said, 'The Golden Flame Star has passed through the Immortal Muscle Crossing, and it will be cold in the future.'" Zhui'er accurately stated Xiyang's spiritual thoughts.

Xiyang and Jiangxiao looked at each other, both stunned and speechless for a moment.

"I don't know how I got this ability." Zhui'er said apologetically.

"Why are you so sad! You should be happy about this. What a useful skill!" Jiang Xiao became excited and happy again.

Zhui'er couldn't be happy and said, "But this ability is eavesdropping. I can't catch anyone and tell them that I have this ability. It's not good to eavesdrop on others."


Xiyang and Jiangxiao were shocked again. Zhui'er actually thought so. Isn't this child too honest and honest?

Jiangxiao grabbed Zhui'er's arm and said, "It's nothing. You didn't eavesdrop on purpose. Those of us who are close to you naturally have to tell them. We just need to be more careful in the future. Think about it, if there are bad people How useful this skill is to harm you!"

Zhui'er said sadly, "Of course I know this, but there are more than just these two kinds of people in the world, there are more people who are in between. For example, when I go to Zixiao Palace, I will inevitably hear some people asking for memorization. As I said, I have to find a way to control this ability."

Jiangxiao warned sternly, "It would be better if you could retract and release it freely, but don't lose this ability."

"Yeah." Zhui'er responded with a frown.

Jiangxiao used her spiritual thoughts to say to Xiyang, "It's really rare to be so stupid."

Zhui'er glanced at Jiangxiao angrily.

Jiang Xiao smiled evilly and said, "I forgot, I didn't mean it. I won't let you hear me scolding you again in the future."

Xiyang was not in the mood to joke. He really wanted to find out how Zhui'er got his talent, but the relationship between the two was not that close yet, so it was not convenient to ask too much.

"We can only talk about it later. You two should stop talking with your spiritual thoughts in front of me from now on. Let's go." Zhui'er pulled Xiyang down.

"Where are you going?" Jiangxiao frowned and asked Zhui'er. If it was Zhui'er who was in charge of this matter, then she could relax a bit.

"Just move your muscles and bones, they are stiff after sleeping for a hundred years." Zhui'er said as he pulled Xiyang out.

Jiangxiao chased after her and warned, "Xiyang, please keep an eye on him, otherwise we won't be able to explain to the Second Immortal Concubine, just wander around and come back." Zhui'er made it clear that he wouldn't take her with him, so she couldn't just follow him. , maybe this is the time for Xunyi and Xiyang to renew their relationship.

It’s okay to call this a renewal of the relationship. Zhui’er just wanted to find an opportunity to get closer to Xiyang, and his motive still had to be on Jiangxiao. He didn’t want Xiyang to misunderstand his relationship with Jiangxiao. But this kind of thing cannot be discussed directly, so he wants to get closer to Xiyang. After becoming brothers, it will be easier to express his feelings.

After leaving the magic circle, Xiyang smiled and asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Someone told me the location of a treasure. It's nearby. Let's go look for it."

Xiyang narrowed his eyes, then nodded and said, "Okay, but why did you choose me to accompany you?"

Zhui'er chuckled and said, "Because I'll save you trouble and you won't ask endless questions."

Xiyang laughed dumbly and said, "Okay, then I won't ask. Although it saves trouble to take you with me, you have to share more treasures."

"No problem, come on, let's compare our speeds first. I really need to stretch my muscles." After saying this, Zhui'er activated his flying sword and flew forward.

Xiyang had seen Zhui'er's speed which was comparable to that of a monk in the Yuanying stage, but now that he was a great monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, of course he would no longer take Zhui'er's speed seriously, so he took his time. Followed.

After Zhui'er flew out for a while, his speed accelerated. Xiyang followed him with interest, thinking to himself that Zhui'er's past hundred years were really wasted. Speaking of which, he only obtained the ability to intercept the mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator. The ability of Divine Mind is worth enough, but now it seems that it is much more than that, and the flying speed has also been greatly improved.

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