Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1634 I am not shrinking into an inch.

Before Xiyang could finish sighing, Zhui'er's speed had increased again.

"This kid is so evil." Xiyang muttered in his heart. After following him for a while, Zhui'er's speed became faster and faster, and he had to use his flying sword to step on it.

"Haha, how are you?" Zhui'er slowed down when he saw Xiyang urging the flying sword.

"Can you go faster?" Xiyang was quite curious about this.

"You wait for me to practice again." After Zhui'er said that, he stepped on the flying sword and flew up quickly and slowly.

Xiyang frowned when he saw it. He felt that Zhuo'er's movement was a bit strange.

"What kind of movement are you trying?"

"I'm creating my own body technique." Zhui'er replied without looking back.

Xiyang paused for a moment and put a little distance away from Zhui'er. Since people were creating their own body skills, he would try not to disturb them. Although it sounds very silly for a pill-forming monk to create his own body skills. , but when it comes to Zhui'er, people can't believe it. After all, he can intercept the spiritual thoughts of the Yuanying monks, and he really looks like he is trying to figure out the trial at the moment, and his body movements are very unfamiliar and stiff.

After about a cup of tea, a flower suddenly appeared in front of Xiyang's eyes, and Zhui'er disappeared! Before he could calm down, Zhui'er had already appeared thousands of feet away.

"You actually realized how to shrink to an inch?" Xiyang caught up and looked at Zhui'er with shocked eyes. It can be said that Xiyang is now a very calm person, and he can almost keep his emotions and anger indifferent. He is no longer the Xiyang who stares and shakes his fists at all times, but the facts that Zhui'er has caused are too much. Unbelievable.

Zhui'er, who had just found some connections, had no time to pay attention to Xi Yang. He just waved his hand to him and then twisted and jumped on the flying sword, urging the flying sword to fly forward.

After a while, another flower appeared in front of Xiyang's eyes, and Zhui'er once again reached thousands of feet away. This time, Zhui'er seemed to have found the way, and soon he flashed and jumped thousands of feet away again.

"It's not like shrinking into an inch." Xiyang followed closely while thinking in confusion.

"Hey! I figured it out!" Zhui'er said excitedly and came to Xiyang in a flash. However, because his body skills were still very new and he couldn't grasp the precise heat, he almost stabbed Xiyang with his flying sword. Wearing it, Xiyang was so frightened that he hurriedly opened his body-protecting divine light.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Zhui'er hurriedly stepped back and said with a silly smile, "Hey, I'm either shrinking to an inch or figuring out a way to fly faster. I have to practice again until I get the hang of it. Let's compete again." After saying that, he turned around and twisted a few times but failed to get away. He turned his head and glanced at Xiyang in embarrassment and said, "Hey, stay away first, I'm afraid I'll really hurt you. ”

Xiyang immediately backed away quickly. It would be a lie to say he was not afraid. With a speed of several thousand feet, it would be enough to be hit. "Fly high, be careful not to hit the mountain." Xiyang I almost want to go back and call Jiangxiao. Whose fault will it be if I really hit him for good or bad? The terrible thing is that he has failed to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but at his speed, it is difficult to be sure of rescue, and he does not dare to get too close.

"Okay!" Zhui'er responded and flew upwards obediently, but before the upward momentum was over, he suddenly dodged and rushed forward.

Xiyang worriedly chased him and said, "Just fly forward and don't come back to me. If you have anything to say, wait until I get there to talk to you."


br\u003e “Look, I scared you.” Zhui’er muttered in a shameless manner, and then dodged thousands of feet.

"Okay! Let's compete!" Zhui'er stopped thousands of feet away and waved excitedly to Xiyang.

Xiyang understood that he was going to start with him, and he felt funny in his heart. This Zhui'er was still a child at heart. He didn't dare to talk nonsense and immediately flew over, fearing that Zhui'er would fly back to him in a hurry.

After Xiyang stood side by side with him, Zhui'er shouted "Let's go!", and then... stood on the flying sword and suppressed his blush. He couldn't fly anymore.

"Hahaha..." Xiyang laughed and flew forward leisurely. He hadn't laughed so happily for a long time. Halfway through the laugh, he suddenly realized that he was too confused. Didn't he put himself in danger? So the laughter stopped suddenly and scurried to the side like a scorpion sting.

"Haha...haha...haha..." This time it was Xiyang's turn to make Zhui'er laugh, but his laughter sounded in fits and starts, because he had already started to fly, and he had reached dozens of times in a flash. Inside and outside.

Xiyang didn't dare to be careless and rushed to catch up. This time it was not so easy to catch up. He was worried that Zhui'er's body-protecting divine light could not withstand such a fast speed, but Zhui'er's laughter continued. Apparently, this worry is unnecessary. What kind of cultivation level does this kid have? Xiyang hurriedly urged Feijian to catch up with Zhui'er, but was thrown further and further away. He could only use the Shuchishin magical power he had just acquired to catch up, but he had just started using Shuchishin magical power. It became lively, and the two people started chasing each other using their unfamiliar body skills. This time, not only Xiyang had to worry about being hit by Zhuo'er, but both of them had to worry about being hit by the other party, and at the same time, they also had to worry about not running into others. .

"Okay, stop." Xiyang thought it was too dangerous and took the lead in slowing down.

"We're here, wait for me!" Zhui'er not only didn't stop, but even sped up.

"What kind of treasure? Is there any danger?" Xiyang started to chase again worriedly, but then lost the trace of Zhui'er. He rushed to the place where Zhui'er disappeared in fear. It was a barren mountain and a stretch of thousands of miles. The precipitous peaks here are as if they were cut with knives and axes. There is not much vegetation to be seen. As far as the eye can see, they are all gray and gray cliffs.

"Langxing! Langxing!" Xiyang shouted twice but didn't hear the answer. He couldn't help but search carefully in this mountainous area with anxiety.

This treasure is where Minglan told Zhui'er. Zhui'er couldn't leak the specific location to Xiyang, so he had to use this method. In fact, the treasure was not in the dangerous mountains, but in a nearby mountainous area. Under the small pond, the place chosen by the scheming Yuchan was certainly not what ordinary people would think of. The poor mountains and rivers were the best cover for the pond.

The pond was only a few feet deep, and most of the water was covered with duckweeds. Zhui'er used the magic trick taught by Ming Lan and dove in. In order not to let Xi Yang see him, he didn't care about the danger. This was also It can't be said to be reckless. He trusted Minglan. He thought Minglan had been to this place before. If there was any mechanism, Minglan would definitely tell him.

But Minglan never came.

Passing through the protective array, what is in front of you is an exquisite small palace garden, with jade terraces, hanging waterfalls and flying rainbows, strange flowers blooming, beautiful spring scenery, and a light mist surrounding the palace garden, like a heavenly palace.

Zhui'er didn't expect that this treasure was actually built so beautifully, and couldn't help but look at it in a daze. Before Xiyang could finish sighing, Zhui'er's speed had increased again.

"This kid is so evil." Xiyang muttered in his heart. After following him for a while, Zhui'er's speed became faster and faster, and he had to use his flying sword to step on it.

"Haha, how are you?" Zhui'er slowed down when he saw Xiyang urging the flying sword.

"Can you go faster?" Xiyang was quite curious about this.

"You wait for me to practice again." After Zhui'er said that, he stepped on the flying sword and flew up quickly and slowly.

Xiyang frowned as he saw it. He felt that Zhuo'er's movement was a bit strange.

"What kind of movement are you trying?"

"I'm creating my own body technique." Zhui'er replied without looking back.

Xiyang paused for a moment and put a little distance away from Zhui'er. Since people were creating their own body skills, he would try not to disturb them. Although it sounds very silly for a pill-forming monk to create his own body skills. , but when it comes to Zhui'er, people can't believe it. After all, he can intercept the spiritual thoughts of the Yuanying monks, and he really looks like he is trying to figure out the trial at the moment, and his body movements are very unfamiliar and stiff.

After about a cup of tea, Xiyang's eyes suddenly flashed with flowers, and Zhui'er disappeared! Before he could calm down, Zhui'er had already appeared thousands of feet away.

"You actually realized how to shrink into an inch?" Xiyang caught up and looked at Zhui'er with shocked eyes. It can be said that Xiyang is now a very calm person, and he can almost keep his emotions and anger indifferent. He is no longer the Xiyang who stares and shakes his fists at all times, but the facts that Zhui'er has caused are too much. Unbelievable.

Zhui'er, who had just found some connections, had no time to pay attention to Xi Yang. He just waved his hand to him and then twisted and jumped on the flying sword, urging the flying sword to fly forward.

After a while, another flower appeared in front of Xiyang's eyes, and Zhui'er once again reached thousands of feet away. This time, Zhui'er seemed to have found the way, and soon he flashed and jumped thousands of feet away again.

"It's not like shrinking into an inch." Xiyang followed closely while thinking in confusion.

"Hey! I figured it out!" Zhui'er said excitedly and came to Xiyang in a flash. However, because his body skills were still very new and he couldn't grasp the precise heat, he almost stabbed Xiyang with his flying sword. Wearing it, Xiyang was so frightened that he hurriedly opened his body-protecting divine light.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Zhui'er hurriedly stepped back and said with a silly smile, "Hey, I'm either shrinking to an inch or figuring out a way to fly faster. I have to practice again until I get the hang of it. Let's compete again." After saying that, he turned around and twisted a few times but failed to get away. He turned his head and glanced at Xiyang in embarrassment and said, "Hey, stay away first, I'm afraid I'll really hurt you. ”

Xiyang immediately backed away quickly. It would be a lie to say he was not afraid. With a speed of several thousand feet, it would be enough to be hit. "Fly high, be careful not to hit the mountain." Xiyang I almost want to go back and call Jiangxiao. Whose fault will it be if I really hit him for good or bad? The terrible thing is that he has failed to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but at his speed, it is difficult to be sure of rescue, and he does not dare to get too close.

"Okay!" Zhui'er responded and flew upwards obediently, but before the upward momentum was over, he suddenly dodged and rushed forward.

Xiyang worriedly chased him and said, "Just fly forward and don't come back to me. If you have anything to say, wait until I get there to talk to you."


br\u003e “Look, I scared you.” Zhui’er muttered in a shameless manner, and then dodged thousands of feet.

"Okay! Let's compete!" Zhui'er stopped thousands of feet away and waved excitedly to Xiyang.

Xiyang understood that he was going to start with him, and he felt funny in his heart. This Zhui'er was still a child at heart. He didn't dare to talk nonsense and immediately flew over, fearing that Zhui'er would fly back to him in a hurry.

After Xiyang stood side by side with him, Zhui'er shouted "Let's go!", and then... stood on the flying sword and suppressed his blush. He couldn't fly anymore.

"Hahaha..." Xiyang laughed and flew forward leisurely. He hadn't laughed so happily for a long time. Halfway through the laugh, he suddenly realized that he was too confused. Didn't he put himself in danger? So the laughter stopped suddenly and scurried to the side like a scorpion sting.

"Haha...haha...haha..." This time it was Xiyang's turn to make Zhui'er laugh, but his laughter sounded in fits and starts, because he had already started to fly, and he had reached dozens of times in a flash. Inside and outside.

Xiyang didn't dare to be careless and rushed to catch up. This time it was not so easy to catch up. He was worried that Zhui'er's body-protecting divine light could not withstand such a fast speed, but Zhui'er's laughter continued. It was clear that this worry was unnecessary. What kind of cultivation level did this kid have? Xiyang hurriedly urged Feijian to catch up with Zhui'er, but was thrown further and further away. He could only use the Shuchishin magical power he had just acquired to catch up, but he had just started using Shuchishin magical power. It became lively, and the two people started chasing each other using their unfamiliar body skills. This time, not only Xiyang had to worry about being hit by Zhuo'er, but both of them had to worry about being hit by the other party, and at the same time, they also had to worry about not running into others. .

"Okay, stop." Xiyang thought it was too dangerous and took the lead in slowing down.

"We're here, wait for me!" Zhui'er not only didn't stop, but even sped up.

"What kind of treasure? Is there any danger?" Xiyang started to chase again worriedly, but then lost the trace of Zhui'er. He rushed to the place where Zhui'er disappeared in fear, which was a barren mountain and river stretching for thousands of years. The precipitous peaks here are as if they were cut with a knife and an axe. There is not much vegetation in sight. As far as the eye can see, they are all gray and gray cliffs.

"Langxing! Langxing!" Xiyang shouted twice but didn't hear the answer. He couldn't help but search carefully in this mountainous area with anxiety.

This treasure is where Minglan told Zhui'er. Zhui'er couldn't leak the specific location to Xiyang, so he had to use this method. In fact, the treasure was not in the dangerous mountains, but in a nearby mountainous area. Under the small pond, the place chosen by the scheming Yuchan was certainly not what ordinary people would think of. The poor mountains and rivers were the best cover for the pond.

The pond was only a few feet deep, and most of the water was covered with duckweeds. Zhui'er used the magic trick taught by Ming Lan and dove in. In order not to let Xi Yang see him, he didn't care about the danger. This was also It can't be said to be reckless. He trusted Minglan. He thought Minglan had been to this place before. If there was any mechanism, Minglan would definitely tell him.

But Minglan never came.

Passing through the protective array, what is in front of you is an exquisite small palace garden, with jade terraces, hanging waterfalls and flying rainbows, strange flowers blooming, beautiful spring scenery, and a light mist surrounding the palace garden, like a heavenly palace.

Zhui'er didn't expect that this treasure was actually built so beautifully, and couldn't help but look at it in a daze.

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