Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1635 Xuan Chuang Jade Hand Moves

Looking at a small vermilion building in the courtyard, Zhuo'er felt a little dazed again.

It seemed like he had been here before... He looked at the half-open window of the small building and felt that there should be a woman living here, a woman wearing a light purple dress.

As soon as this thought came to mind, a pink jade arm covered with light purple gauze pushed up the window, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful face. The woman's beautiful eyes were half open and half closed, and there was a smile at the corner of her mouth. Looking at him leisurely.

Zhui'er was completely stunned, as if he had entered a familiar dream. He was waiting for the purple gauze to fall down, because he felt that it should be like this.

"Have you seen me?" The woman slowly opened her red lips and asked in a dreamy voice. Her voice made people's hearts sway, but her beautiful, slightly closed eyes that still looked lazy were flashing with light at this moment. .

Zhui'er nodded stupidly, pointed at the bottom of the window and murmured, "Shayi..."

"If you want to see me, don't enter my small building." Although the woman said this, she waved to him charmingly, obviously inviting him to come over.

Zhui'er couldn't resist her temptation, and while flying towards the small building with passion, he said stupidly, "It's strange, I always feel like there should be a gauze dress falling down..."

The woman continued to wave to him as if she didn't hear him.

Zhui'er vaguely felt that something was wrong. He forced himself to calm down and asked tentatively, "Did you hear what I said?" .??.

The woman's jade-like cheeks were flushed, she looked very shy, and she glanced over with a seductive look.

"You...didn't hear what I said..." Although Zhui'er clearly noticed something strange about this woman, he still couldn't resist and flew towards the window. Her beauty made him feel like he was going to burn, and his heart skipped a beat. It seemed like it was going to burst.

"Throw down the gauze garment." The falling gauze garment became an anomaly in this incident. Zhui'er just felt that it should fall down. If he didn't see it falling, it would feel wrong. In fact, this obsession also stems from He noticed something strange about this woman, but the strong temptation made it difficult for him to stay rational and respond calmly. The only flaw he could catch was Shayi. He passed this sentence with his heart, and it was all in his heart. Even though he was jumping into a ball, he didn't know how he sent out this thought. Anyway, Zhui'er confirmed that he had sent it out.

The woman bit her cherry lips, shyly pushed all the windows open to facilitate Zhui'er's entrance, and stretched her pink jade arms high to increase the temptation again.

"You're fake!" Zhui'er yelled and finally stopped moving forward, but his eyes were uncontrollably staring at the smooth jade arm that made blood boil.

The woman still didn't seem to hear it, and her shy attitude became more and more alluring.

"This is an illusion! An illusion! An illusion!" Zhui'er warned herself in her heart as she quickly backed away.

As soon as he ran away, the woman immediately resumed her posture of half-opening the window.

"Sure enough, it's a trap..." Zhui'er was filled with doubts. Why didn't Sister Minglan mention to herself that there was such a mechanism? Isn't this a trap? Looking at the peerless beauty in the window, Zhui'er swallowed hard and licked her dry lips.

"But if this is not a trap, what is it? Why do I feel that this place is familiar? Why do I feel that there should be a veil falling? Why do I know in advance that there should be a woman wearing purple sand in the small building? Why did she ask me if I knew her when she opened her mouth? Why..." Zhui'er

When he ran away, he planned to leave this place immediately, but the more he thought about the mysteries in his heart, the more confused he became, so he slowly flew towards the small building.

"Have you seen me?" the woman asked again as before. It seemed that she would react when she got close to a certain distance.

"No." Zhui'er shook his head.

"How did you know where this is?" Not only did the woman's words differ from before, she also closed the window a little more, her face half-hidden. This shy and affectionate gesture was even more seductive than before.

"Someone told me." Zhui'er felt a little nervous, so she was able to put up some resistance. Although her heart was pounding again, it was finally not so uncontrollable.

"Come..." The orchid-like graceful jade hand in the window waved lightly. The "come" made Zhui'er's blood rush to his forehead.

"No!" He yelled and tried to retreat again. The pounding of his heart made the yell sound unreal.

After his heartbeat calmed down a bit, Zhui'er looked at the window and had a new guess. Could it be that this was not a trap, but something related to the art of dual cultivation? So why is it inconvenient for Sister Minglan to tell her clearly? If that's the you want to...? He started to swallow again.

"No! No! No!" Zhui'er shouted loudly in her heart when she felt like she couldn't help but fly over. If she was a double cultivator, why did she say different things twice? Why are people who know her not allowed in? There's definitely something wrong here!

Zhui'er forced her eyes away from the small building and looked at an exquisite cabin in the garden, and then slowly flew over.

As he approached the small building, the woman in the small building leaned half out of the window and called out, "Don't barge in, come here..., I have something to tell you."

As soon as this half of the body was exposed, Zhui'er's eyes widened again. However, Zhui'er's wisdom was not in vain. He shouted loudly, "I know you! I have seen you! You are just an illusion!" , shouted and went straight into the hut.

The small room was empty, with only a few paintings hanging on the walls. The paintings were all quite strange scenery, without a single figure on them. Zhui'er glanced at the paintings for a few times and was about to turn around and go out. At this point, he didn't want to continue exploring. After going down, this treasure is not what he thought. If there are various treasures here, then his suspicion will be eliminated. He has to be more careful when facing this empty room, even if those paintings are collections. He didn't want to touch the treasures here. He was not that short of treasures. He came to this treasure just for a stroll. He didn't need to take too big a risk. It was better to leave this weird place as soon as possible.

The moment he turned around, something suddenly moved in his heart, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at one of the paintings. The painting was surrounded by darkness, and in the middle was a large pink bowl-shaped pit with smooth walls. The outer ring of the mirror and pit is made of dark blue stone. The gorgeous pink color forms a sharp contrast with the surrounding darkness and dark blue.

Why does this look a bit...? Zhui'er turned around, stared at the painting and walked slowly over. The more he looked at it, the more he felt an indescribable feeling. There seemed to be something stirring in his heart. At first, his attention He concentrated all his energy on the big pink pit. Then he took a look at the dark blue stone. He was suddenly startled. He felt that it looked a bit like the spirit stone in the Xu Shui Secret Realm. The more he looked at it, the more similar it became!

Is this the secret realm of Xu Shui? When he focused his eyes on the big pink pit again, the stirring feeling in his heart became more intense, as if something was about to break out of the ground. There must be something at the bottom of the pit. What is it? Looking at a small vermilion building in the courtyard, Zhuo'er felt a little dazed again.

It seemed like he had been here before... He looked at the half-open window of the small building and felt that there should be a woman living here, a woman wearing a light purple dress.

As soon as this thought came to mind, a pink jade arm covered with light purple gauze pushed up the window, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful face. The woman's beautiful eyes were half open and half closed, and there was a smile at the corner of her mouth. Looking at him leisurely.

Zhui'er was completely stunned, as if he had entered a familiar dream. He was waiting for the purple gauze to fall down, because he felt that it should be like this.

"Have you seen me?" The woman slowly opened her red lips and asked in a dreamy voice. Her voice made people's hearts sway, but her beautiful, slightly closed eyes that still looked lazy were flashing with light at this moment. .

Zhui'er nodded stupidly, pointed at the bottom of the window and murmured, "Shayi..."

"If you want to see me, don't enter my small building." Although the woman said this, she waved to him charmingly, obviously inviting him to come over.

Zhui'er couldn't resist her temptation, and while flying towards the small building with passion, he said stupidly, "It's strange, I always feel like there should be a gauze dress falling down..."

The woman continued to wave to him as if she didn't hear him.

Zhui'er vaguely felt that something was wrong. He forced himself to calm down and asked tentatively, "Did you hear what I said?"

The woman's jade-like cheeks were flushed, she looked very shy, and she glanced over with a seductive look.

"You...didn't hear what I said..." Although Zhui'er clearly noticed something strange about this woman, he still couldn't resist and flew towards the window. Her beauty made him feel like he was going to burn, and his heart skipped a beat. It seemed like it was going to burst.

"Throw down the gauze garment." The falling gauze garment became an anomaly in this incident. Zhui'er just felt that it should fall down. If he didn't see it falling, it would feel wrong. In fact, this obsession also stems from He noticed something strange about this woman, but the strong temptation made it difficult for him to stay rational and respond calmly. The only flaw he could catch was Shayi. He passed this sentence with his heart, and it was all in his heart. Even though he was jumping into a ball, he didn't know how he sent out this thought. Anyway, Zhui'er confirmed that he had sent it out.

The woman bit her cherry lips, shyly pushed all the windows open to facilitate Zhui'er's entrance, and stretched her pink jade arms high to increase the temptation again.

"You're fake!" Zhui'er yelled and finally stopped moving forward, but his eyes were uncontrollably staring at the smooth jade arm that made blood boil.

The woman still didn't seem to hear it, and her shy attitude became more and more alluring.

"This is an illusion! An illusion! An illusion!" Zhui'er warned herself in her heart as she quickly backed away.

As soon as he ran away, the woman immediately resumed her posture of half-opening the window.

"Sure enough, it's a trap..." Zhui'er was filled with doubts. Why didn't Sister Minglan mention to herself that there was such a mechanism? Isn't this a trap? Looking at the peerless beauty in the window, Zhui'er swallowed hard and licked her dry lips.

"But if this is not a trap, what is it? Why do I feel that this place is familiar? Why do I feel that there should be a veil falling? Why do I know in advance that there should be a woman wearing purple sand in the small building? Why did she ask me if I knew her when she opened her mouth? Why..." Zhui'er

When he ran away, he planned to leave this place immediately, but the more he thought about the mysteries in his heart, the more confused he became, so he slowly flew towards the small building.

"Have you seen me?" the woman asked again as before. It seemed that she would react when she got close to a certain distance.

"No." Zhui'er shook his head.

"How did you know where this is?" Not only did the woman's words differ from before, she also closed the window a little more, her face half-hidden. This shy and affectionate gesture was even more seductive than before.

"Someone told me." Zhui'er felt a little nervous, so she was able to put up some resistance. Although her heart was pounding again, it was finally not so uncontrollable.

"Come..." The jade hand as graceful as an orchid in the window waved lightly. The "come" made Zhui'er's blood rush to his forehead.

"No!" He yelled and tried to retreat again. The pounding of his heart made the yell sound unreal.

After his heartbeat calmed down a bit, Zhui'er looked at the window and had a new guess. Could it be that this was not a trap, but something related to the art of dual cultivation? So why is it inconvenient for Sister Minglan to tell her clearly? If that's the you want to...? He started to swallow again.

"No! No! No!" Zhui'er shouted loudly in her heart when she felt like she couldn't help but fly over. If she was a double cultivator, why did she say different things twice? Why are people who know her not allowed in? There's definitely something wrong here!

Zhui'er forced her eyes away from the small building and looked at an exquisite cabin in the garden, and then slowly flew over.

As he approached the small building, the woman in the small building leaned half out of the window and called out, "Don't barge in, come here..., I have something to tell you."

As soon as this half of the body was exposed, Zhui'er's eyes widened again. However, Zhui'er's wisdom was not in vain. He shouted loudly, "I know you! I have seen you! You are just an illusion!" , shouted and went straight into the hut.

The small room was empty, with only a few paintings hanging on the walls. The paintings were all quite strange scenery, without a single figure on them. Zhui'er glanced at the paintings for a few times and was about to turn around and go out. At this point, he didn't want to continue exploring. After going down, this treasure is not what he thought. If there are various treasures here, then his suspicion will be eliminated. He has to be more careful when facing this empty room, even if those paintings are collections. He didn't want to touch the treasures here. He was not that short of treasures. He came to this treasure just for a stroll. He didn't need to take too big a risk. It was better to leave this weird place as soon as possible.

The moment he turned around, something suddenly moved in his heart, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look at one of the paintings. The painting was surrounded by darkness, and in the middle was a large pink bowl-shaped pit with smooth walls. The outer ring of the mirror and pit is made of dark blue stone. The gorgeous pink color forms a sharp contrast with the surrounding darkness and dark blue.

Why does this look a bit...? Zhui'er turned around, stared at the painting and walked slowly over. The more he looked at it, the more he felt an indescribable feeling. There seemed to be something stirring in his heart. At first, his attention He concentrated all his energy on the big pink pit. Then he took a look at the dark blue stone. He was suddenly startled. He felt that it looked a bit like the spirit stone in the Xu Shui Secret Realm. The more he looked at it, the more similar it became!

Is this the secret realm of Xu Shui? When he focused his eyes on the big pink pit again, the stirring feeling in his heart became more intense, as if something was about to break out of the ground. There must be something at the bottom of the pit. What is it?

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