Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1636 Yu Chan’s Treasure

Yu Chan's treasure hiding place was built based on her treasure "Ecstasy Nest", because it was prepared for her reincarnation. Of course, she had to choose the scenes and objects that impressed her most as clues here. If If an outsider breaks in, he will naturally fall into her plan.

This treasure has not yet been completed, and the preventive measures are only in rudimentary form, because it takes too much thought on how to determine whether the intruder is his reincarnation, in case he wants to kill his reincarnation or If you were trapped to death, it would be self-defeating. The idea of ​​building this treasure came from Xun Yi's experience of breaking into that treasure in Western Xinjiang. Because of her talent, it is a bit difficult to identify her identity. The current idea is the temptation of the woman in the small building. She feels that after reincarnation, regardless of whether she is a man or a woman, she should have the ability to resist this temptation. Of course , if the intruder is a woman, then the person who appears in the small building is a handsome young man.

Even so, there is no mechanism that can kill people in the small building. If Zhui'er enters, he will face a new round of identity identification tests. Even if he gets the worst result, he will only be trapped until he reaches the level of Nascent Soul. Cultivation level, this point is also based on the setting of breaking into the treasure of Xunyi. After all, one must be cautious when dealing with people who may be one's reincarnation. However, Yu Chan's ruthlessness is also reflected, and the qualifications are too poor. He could not survive thirty years in her institution. Her consideration was that even if it was her reincarnation, it would be difficult for him to achieve anything with such poor qualifications. It would be better to send him to reincarnation as soon as possible.

When she decided to let Minglan tell Zhui'er about the place where the treasure was hidden, Yu Chan had already carefully considered the mechanisms set up. She felt that Xun Yi's reincarnation could definitely handle it, at least he wouldn't die inside. If he really dies in there, it can only be said that he deserves it. With such poor qualifications, it would be better to send him away to reincarnation as soon as possible.

Facts have proved that Zhui'er's performance was even better than Yu Chan expected. He didn't even enter the small building. In this place where the treasure is hidden, the most dangerous thing is the small vermilion building. As long as he doesn't enter that small building, it doesn't matter. There is a big danger, of course, this is also because Yu Chan has not finally figured out how to perfect the layout of the mechanisms here, otherwise Yu Chan would not have made it so simple with his character.

Fortunately, Xunyi has a close relationship with Yuchan. Not only did he enter the Ecstasy Nest, but he also witnessed the extraordinary moment when Yuchan broke through the realm and entered the middle stage of becoming a feather. Therefore, some of the clues here are like special clues for Zhui'er. He set up the same thing, which unintentionally verified that Yu Chan's designs were effective. It is unknown whether Yu Chan had this meaning in asking him to come to this treasure.

Anyway, Zhui'er should have entered the secret room where the treasure was hidden as quickly as possible. When he was staring at the painting and thinking hard, the painting and the wall suddenly disappeared, and a room that fit the requirements appeared in front of him. The treasure room in Zhuo'er's impression has rows of shelves with treasures, boxes, bottles, and jars placed in different categories.

"Huh..." Zhui'er exhaled happily. He was not happy because he found the treasure, but more because he was happy because he had verified that Minglan didn't coax him. This time, he felt at ease and left without hesitation. Got in.

When he started to look at the treasures, Zhui'er gradually became a little dumbfounded. There were too many things here. The treasure Wuhun gave him was nothing compared to this one. In terms of quantity, Wuhun

There are not as many things in that treasure house as there are on the rows of shelves here, and the variety and grade are even further behind. This is of course. As a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather, can Yu Chan be wrong in what she has carefully prepared for herself?

Zhui'er shuttled between the rows of shelves made of jade stones of different colors and quickly became confused. After looking for a while, he realized that the first pillar of each row of shelves had cultivation level written on it, from left to right. From the Qi gathering stage to the late Nascent Soul stage, there is a jade slip embedded under the characters. The jade slip records the list of items stored on this row of shelves and their uses.

"This treasure is packed neatly." Zhui'er blinked and thought after looking at the two jade slips. No matter how you look at such a treasure, it's a bit strange. Why are things of all levels prepared so completely? ?

It’s not surprising that Yu Chan hasn’t prepared the things to satisfaction yet. When he is almost ready, he will place them in different treasure rooms according to level. Just like the treasure that Xun Yi entered at the beginning, it needs to be Corresponding cultivation levels unlock corresponding treasures. Currently, this is a large warehouse.

How could Zhui'er figure it out? So after thinking for a while, he walked towards the row of shelves with the words "The Early Stage of Yuanying" written on it. After looking at the jade slip on the pillar, he walked straight to an orange wooden box. In front of him, he opened the wooden box and picked up one of the three jade bottles placed side by side inside and looked at it carefully. According to the description on the jade slip, this was the "San'an Dan" from the Xuanfang Sect in Nanjingzhou, which is a nourishing essence. Damn it, he has seen this elixir in the classics of Xianlinyuan. The reason why he took the first look at this elixir is because elixirs from the Xuanfang Sect also appeared in the two previous jade slips. It seems that this place The owner of the treasure should have some relationship with the Xuanfang Sect.

After putting the bottle of elixir into the Qiankun bag, Zhuo'er took out two jade boxes containing spiritual herbs and placed them on the orange wooden box containing the elixir. Although these two spiritual herbs were not used to refine San'an Dan, But he can refine the same type of elixir, because this is the treasure that Sister Minglan told him, so he can't be too greedy. Anyway, he has plenty of property, and he must compensate others for what he can compensate. It is precisely because of this consideration, He only took one bottle of San'an Dan. Lu Gang and Shu Yan could all use this elixir, so it would be appropriate to take all three bottles. But Sister Minglan only told him the treasure, so he would It’s time to take only one thing, and give this to Shu Yan.

There are six kinds of elixirs in this row from Nanjingzhou. Three are from the Xuanfang Sect. Two of them have only one pill, and the other has two pills. Only the three from the Xuanfang Sect have more of them. Zhui'er didn't touch the two types that only had one, and took a bottle of the others.

After taking the elixir, he walked to a purple jade square box. Inside was a defensive spiritual treasure called "Tian Ping". It was the most valuable treasure on this row of shelves. Zhuo'er weighed it repeatedly for a long time. He just put it into the Qiankun bag, and then took several valuable weapon refining materials and piled them beside the purple jade square box. He felt it was a bit inappropriate to take away such a valuable treasure, but in order to give Shu Yan more protection, he I can only have this thick skin.

After walking back and forth a few times in front of the row of shelves in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he gritted his teeth and resisted his greed and did not take anything else. He turned to look at the row in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, where he chose things for Xiyang and Jiangxiao. Well, there are five kinds of elixirs in this row from Nanjingzhou, and none of them are from the Xuanfang Sect. This Zhui'er can understand. After all, the Xuanfang Sect has been in decline for a long time. There is no one with too high a cultivation level in the sect. It makes sense to refine high-grade elixirs. Yu Chan's treasure hiding place was built based on her treasure "Ecstasy Nest", because it was prepared for her reincarnation. Of course, she had to choose the scenes and objects that impressed her most as clues here. If If an outsider breaks in, he will naturally fall into her plan.

This treasure has not yet been completed, and the preventive measures are only in rudimentary form, because it takes too much thought on how to determine whether the intruder is his reincarnation, in case he wants to kill his reincarnation or If you were trapped to death, it would be self-defeating. The idea of ​​building this treasure came from Xun Yi's experience of breaking into that treasure in Western Xinjiang. Because of her talent, it is a bit difficult to identify her identity. The current idea is the temptation of the woman in the small building. She feels that after reincarnation, regardless of whether she is a man or a woman, she should have the ability to resist this temptation. Of course , if the intruder is a woman, then the person who appears in the small building is a handsome young man.

Even so, there is no mechanism that can kill people in the small building. If Zhui'er enters, he will face a new round of tests to identify his identity. Even if he gets the worst result, he will only be trapped until he reaches the level of Nascent Soul. Cultivation level, this point is also based on the setting of breaking into the treasure of Xunyi. After all, one must be cautious when dealing with people who may be one's reincarnation. However, Yu Chan's ruthlessness is also reflected, and the qualifications are too poor. He could not survive thirty years in her institution. Her consideration was that even if it was her reincarnation, it would be difficult for him to achieve anything with such poor qualifications. It would be better to send him to reincarnation as soon as possible.

When she decided to let Minglan tell Zhui'er about the place where the treasure was hidden, Yu Chan had already carefully considered the mechanisms set up. She felt that Xun Yi's reincarnation could definitely handle it, at least he would not die inside. If he really dies in there, it can only be said that he deserves it. With such poor qualifications, it would be better to send him away to reincarnation as soon as possible.

Facts have proved that Zhui'er's performance was even better than Yu Chan expected. He didn't even enter the small building. In this place where the treasure is hidden, the most dangerous thing is the small vermilion building. As long as he doesn't enter that small building, it doesn't matter. There is a big danger, of course, this is also because Yu Chan has not finally figured out how to perfect the layout of the mechanisms here, otherwise Yu Chan would not have made it so simple with his character.

Fortunately, Xunyi has a close relationship with Yuchan. Not only did he enter the Ecstasy Nest, he also witnessed the extraordinary moment when Yuchan broke through the realm and entered the middle stage of becoming a feather. Therefore, some of the clues here are like special clues for Zhui'er. He set up the same thing, which unintentionally verified that Yu Chan's designs were effective. It is unknown whether Yu Chan had this meaning in asking him to come to this treasure.

Anyway, Zhui'er should have entered the secret room where the treasure was hidden as quickly as possible. When he was staring at the painting and thinking hard, the painting and the wall suddenly disappeared, and a room that fit the requirements appeared in front of him. The treasure room in Zhuo'er's impression has rows of shelves with treasures, boxes, bottles, and jars placed in different categories.

"Huh..." Zhui'er exhaled happily. He was not happy because he found the treasure, but more because he was happy because he had verified that Minglan didn't coax him. This time, he felt at ease and left without hesitation. Got in.

When he started to look at the treasures, Zhui'er gradually became a little dumbfounded. There were too many things here. The treasure Wuhun gave him was nothing compared to this one. In terms of quantity, Wuhun

There are not as many things in that treasure house as there are on the rows of shelves here, and the variety and grade are even further behind. This is of course. As a great fairy concubine in the middle stage of becoming a feather, can Yu Chan be wrong in what she has carefully prepared for herself?

Zhui'er shuttled between the rows of shelves made of jade stones of different colors and quickly became confused. After looking for a while, he realized that the first pillar of each row of shelves had cultivation level written on it, from left to right. From the Qi gathering stage to the late Nascent Soul stage, there is a jade slip embedded under the characters. The jade slip records the list of items stored on this row of shelves and their uses.

"This treasure is packed neatly." Zhui'er blinked and thought after looking at the two jade slips. No matter how you look at such a treasure, it's a bit strange. Why are things of all levels prepared so completely? ?

It’s not surprising that Yu Chan hasn’t prepared the things to satisfaction yet. When he is almost ready, he will place them in different treasure rooms according to level. Just like the treasure that Xun Yi entered at the beginning, it needs to be Corresponding cultivation levels unlock corresponding treasures. Currently, this is a large warehouse.

How could Zhui'er figure it out? So after thinking for a while, he walked towards the row of shelves with the words "The Early Stage of Yuanying" written on it. After looking at the jade slip on the pillar, he walked straight to an orange wooden box. In front of him, he opened the wooden box and picked up one of the three jade bottles placed side by side inside and looked at it carefully. According to the description on the jade slip, this was the "San'an Dan" from the Xuanfang Sect in Nanjingzhou, which is a nourishing essence. Damn it, he has seen this elixir in the classics of Xianlinyuan. The reason why he took the first look at this elixir is because elixirs from the Xuanfang Sect also appeared in the two previous jade slips. It seems that this place The owner of the treasure should have some relationship with the Xuanfang Sect.

After putting the bottle of elixir into the Qiankun bag, Zhuo'er took out two jade boxes containing spiritual herbs and placed them on the orange wooden box containing the elixir. Although these two spiritual herbs were not used to refine San'an Dan, But he can refine the same type of elixir, because this is the treasure that Sister Minglan told him, so he can't be too greedy. Anyway, he has plenty of property, and he must compensate others for what he can compensate. It is precisely because of this consideration, He only took one bottle of San'an Dan. Lu Gang and Shu Yan could all use this elixir, so it would be appropriate to take all three bottles. But Sister Minglan only told him the treasure, so he would It’s time to take only one thing, and give this to Shu Yan.

There are six kinds of elixirs in this row from Nanjingzhou. Three are from the Xuanfang Sect. Two of them have only one pill, and the other has two pills. Only the three from the Xuanfang Sect have more of them. Zhui'er didn't touch the two types that only had one, and took a bottle of the others.

After taking the elixir, he walked to a purple jade square box. Inside was a defensive spiritual treasure called "Tian Ping". It was the most valuable treasure on this row of shelves. Zhuo'er weighed it repeatedly for a long time. He just put it into the Qiankun bag, and then took several valuable weapon refining materials and piled them beside the purple jade square box. He felt it was a bit inappropriate to take away such a valuable treasure, but in order to give Shu Yan more protection, he I can only have this thick skin.

After walking back and forth a few times in front of the row of shelves in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he gritted his teeth and resisted his greed and did not take anything else. He turned to look at the row in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, where he chose things for Xi Yang and Jiangxiao. Well, there are five kinds of elixirs in this row from Nanjingzhou, and none of them are from the Xuanfang Sect. This Zhui'er can understand. After all, the Xuanfang Sect has been in decline for a long time. There is no one with too high a cultivation level in the sect. It makes sense to refine high-grade elixirs.

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