Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1649 The Second Immortal Consort moved in

At this moment, Zhui'er was unconvinced and replied to Jiang Xiao in her heart, "Of course I have fairy treasures, and there are more than one. If I take them out, I'll scare you to death!" But she could only say this in her heart.

"You two, stop looking at each other. What a big deal. Isn't it just a high-grade spiritual treasure? I don't think it is as powerful as the black one. You are not embarrassed at all when you ask me for the black one."

Jiangxiao pursed her lips, raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, don't let you be so arrogant with me in vain. I will accept this treasure. Don't think this can scare me. You can just bring me a fairy treasure." Take it as it is!”

Zhui'er couldn't keep up with what he was saying. He blinked twice before saying, "You are like can you accept my things as if I owe you a debt?"

Jiangxiao burst out laughing, but she was cursing in her heart, "You owe me. You left us in the South China Sea for so many years and made me wait for you to come back like the stars and the moon, but you did it for Su Wan." You deserve it for having tortured yourself to death! Your debt to my aunt is far from being repaid!"

Zhui'er went back satisfied. Jiangxiao looked at Xiyang with a meaningful look and said, "Xi, you are hiding something from me. Don't think I can't tell. But I won't judge you. Let's see who suffers in the end."

Xiyang smiled and said, "I know you are in a good mood after just getting a high-grade spiritual treasure. People cause trouble when they are in a bad mood. You will cause trouble whether you are in a good or bad mood. Don't make trouble for me. I have nothing to do." Hidden from you."

"Okay! I just want you to keep being so arrogant. Do you see it? If you have anything to say about top-grade Lingbao, wait until I have refined it. Let's talk about it!" Jiangxiao held Xuan'a in demonstration and shook it at Xiyang, with a warm look in his eyes. There were irrepressible smiles on their faces.

"Look at how beautiful you are. Don't blame Langxing for saying you have light eyelids." Xiyang said disdainfully, with an uncontrollable smile on his face. It is a great joy for Jiangxiao to get the top-grade Lingbao.

"You're looking for death!" Jiang Xiao raised his hand and hit him.


Yang smiled and avoided it, then sat down at a few desks and waved to Jiangxiao, "The Second Immortal Concubine has moved in and built a large wooden house next to the hut where Zhui'er lives. I seem to have plans to stay here for a long time. It reminds me of an important thing. The loan period of Yunxing Pavilion is coming soon, right? Immortal Concubine Chan has not returned yet. If the original owner comes to ask for this place, she will have to ask the Second Immortal Concubine to make the decision. Well, I didn’t mention this matter to the Second Immortal Concubine just now. I want to discuss it with you first and make a plan. I think it’s time to return to Nanjingzhou. No matter whether the monsters retreat or not, with our cultivation level, we don’t have to be afraid. , it’s time to do what we should do.”

Jiang Xiao muttered, "Let's go back and ask Lang Xing and the others what they think. It would be best to go back together."

Xiyang frowned and said, "He is the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace. We are going to kidnap him. How can we live up to the care Zixiao Palace has taken for us all these years? Look at how much the Second Immortal Concubine loves him. If he is really kidnapped, the Second Immortal Concubine will definitely chase him to Nanjingzhou."

Jiangxiao rolled her eyes and thought for a moment, "Then I'll go back and ask Shen Qing what she meant. I really can't see through her now. I feel like she doesn't care about anything anymore. Lu Gang and Shu Yan are also troublesome. As for Lu Gang, De Xing will definitely not go to Zixiao Palace with Lang Xing. Since we have brought them to Yunxing Pavilion, we have to help them plan something."

Xiyang thought about it and said, "Shen Qing is easy to say, there is no need for us to worry about her. Lu Gang and Shu Yan are a bit difficult to deal with, mainly because they are inseparable from Lang Xing, but there is no need for us to worry about this. There are two immortal concubines." Well, she will definitely help Langxing settle these two people."

"Okay, then let's just do our best. When the owner of this place comes to ask for this place, we will find a chance to return to Nanjingzhou. Anyway, we are already in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Zixiao Palace will not be like He took such good care of us both before, and I really want to leave.

Conveniently, I am a little worried about Concubine Chan. She is very good to both of us. I hope nothing happens to her. "

"It's a pity that we can't get the true essence back." Xiyang has no feelings for Yu Chan. This great fairy concubine is a beautiful snake. She might take their lives and take away their true essence one day.

"Okay, a great fairy concubine has sacrificed her life to save Xunyi. If we can save Xunyi, we will be willing to pay any more money. Even though we can't save Xunyi, we still tried our best. Yes, anyway, I will miss her forever for this. If it weren’t for her, I would have died. "

"Alas..." Xiyang sighed weakly. ??

Jiang Xiao changed the topic and said, "Speaking of Zhen Yuan Lu, I think of Gongsun Chong, and I don't know how he is doing now."

"Don't worry about him. With his calculation skills, he will definitely not suffer any losses but he won't be able to make any big future." Xiyang looked down on Gongsun Chong even out of the corners of his eyes.

"You don't have to look down on Gongsun so much. He became very good later on." Jiangxiao wanted to protect Gongsun Chong, because he was very obedient to her.

“A dog can’t change its habit of eating shit.”

"You are also a shit-eater, as if you have changed. I haven't settled Shui Qingzhou's debt with you yet! If the Second Immortal Concubine hadn't arrived to the rescue in time, everyone would have been harmed by you and Lu Gang. died,"

Xiyang stopped talking, not because he had nothing to say, but because he knew that he and Jiangxiao could not discuss this matter together. Like Lu Gang, he did not think that he had done anything wrong about Shui Qingzhou.

"Hurry up and feed me Wu Hei. I want to take a good look at my top-grade spiritual treasure." Jiangxiao waved her hand to dismiss Xiyang. After Xiyang left, she squinted slightly and thought for a while, and then she smiled happily. Take a closer look at Xuan A Lai.

That night Zhixia sat quietly all night, and the next day

In the morning, a jade slip was handed to Zhuier, which recorded all the things to be explained.

"I'm going to have an accident. Give this jade slip to the eldest sister. OK, send me in."

"Second sister..." Zhuier was a little flustered holding the jade slip that was equivalent to a will.

"This is just a complete preparation. Maybe I can break through the realm and enter the middle stage of Huayu with this opportunity. Then you will have a great fairy sister." Zhixia joked to help Zhuier relieve his nervousness.

"Then you be careful. I will always watch you. If you feel bad, tell me immediately. I can hear you talking."

"You are so long-winded!" Zhixia pinched the face of this little brother who was worried about her with great pity.

Zhuier took a deep breath, and with a solemn expression, he activated the Qiankun bag, and then held his breath and closely observed the second sister who entered the Qiankun bag.

Zhixia stopped there as soon as she entered. Her body was shaking slightly, and her eyes and face were full of excitement.

After a while, she spoke, "It's amazing. I can't see the end of this place either. Zhuier, can you hear it?" Zhuier hurriedly sent a telepathic message, "I can hear it, Second Senior Sister, can you hear me?" "Your telepathic message feels like thunder, it's like you're talking to the gods." Zhixia looked up excitedly. "Here, here! The entrance is here! I'm here!" Zhixia turned her head and said, "I can't tell where your telepathic message comes from, and I can't see the entrance." "Then... you should feel it as soon as possible, and then come out first." "Don't rush me to get you out!" Zhixia said a little anxiously. "Okay, okay, feel it with peace of mind." Zhuier frowned and pursed her lips.

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