Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1650 This fairy treasure is amazing

Zhixia slowly flew to the big bluestone hanging not far away, touched the moss on it and said, "There are signs of death. The environment here should be different from before." As she said this, she looked at the moss hanging in the air. The little crescent moon looks like the sun and the moon.

"Oh." Zhui'er refrained from urging her to come out.

Zhixia pushed the big bluestone and it floated forward.

Zhui'er's eyes flashed and he said, "I felt a little sensation, very slight, a bit like the feeling of someone touching something that has been cast on a spell."

Zhixia flew up and pushed the big bluestone a few times with more strength.

Zhui'er thought about it and said, "It feels almost like that, but if you don't taste it so carefully, you shouldn't be able to notice it."

"Try your best to fix it and let me see if there is any change."

Zhui'er closed her eyes and said, "Okay."

Zhixia carefully pressed her hand on the bluestone. When the bluestone moved, she immediately stopped and said, "It's a little harder than before. Try to see if you can move me." After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and waited quietly.

"It's too dangerous, I won't try."

"My body is much stronger than stone. Don't be afraid. Just give it a try and be careful."

"I don't." Zhui'er flatly refused. Although he had tried the red dish before, he was not willing to treat the second senior sister's safety so lightly.

"You can really cause trouble for me!" Zhixia had no choice but to do the next best thing and said, "Use your method to block the red dish. The stronger, the better. I'll see if I can penetrate it."

This pendant can be made, so he said, "Okay, it's right in front of you."

"Remove it immediately if you feel any discomfort. Don't get hurt." After Zhixia said this, he slowly and cautiously flew forward.

After a while, Zhui'er said, "You go through it. I can't stop you. I've already made it the strongest." When Hong Pan was sent in, he only had the cultivation level of the middle stage of pill formation, and Zhixia of the feather stage. There's so much difference.

Zhixia thought about it and said, "The power of this barrier is not small. It can block people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. However, I don't think I can use my original cultivation in this space. I want to go to a distance to see. You Let me know when you are about to lose track of me."

Zhui'er said anxiously, "What if you get lost in it? We don't know how big it is here! What if it's so big that it's boundless? You can't run too far!"

Zhixia raised his hand and popped out a spiritual fire. After it hovered high in the air, he said, "I will leave a mark along the way."

"That won't work. If you run too far, I will carry you out."

"Okay, then let's test how big your detection range is. Say something when you can't see me anymore." Zhixia rolled her eyes helplessly toward the sky, and then flew forward.

Zhui'er stared at her closely. After a while, he was suddenly startled. He thought that he might not be able to bring out a great magical power. The second senior sister was too easy to talk to. It was hard to guarantee that she was not using a strategy to stabilize the army. Thinking of this, He immediately took action, wanting to get the second senior sister out first. Zhixia, who was flying, felt the powerful and mysterious power and stood firm to resist.

"Are you carrying me out?" After confirming that the force could not affect her, Zhixia put her hands behind her back and asked calmly.

Zhui'er was a little panicked and said, "You've been in there for a long time. Come out first and let's talk, and then I'll send you back in."

"Don't add to the chaos. I know what's going on. Wait for me." Zhixia's figure was very far away in a flash, and there was no need to hide it this time.

Zhui'er quickly lost track of her second senior sister, and the only thing she could see were the two or three points of spiritual fire she left behind along the way that shot into the sky.

It’s really not a worry! Zhui'er complained in his heart. Now he could do nothing but wait.

Fortunately, Zhixia's figure appeared within the detection range of his spiritual consciousness again after almost a stick of incense.

Zhui'er breathed a sigh of relief and asked with some anticipation, "Have you found the end?"

"No, the feeling of walking through nothingness is very disturbing. Let me out."

"Okay!" Zhui'er happily got her out.

After Zhixia came out, he raised his hand and moved it in the air twice, as if comparing the difference between the two worlds, and then said to Zhui'er with excitement, "It's so amazing. This fairy treasure is so amazing. If you can understand its secrets, Wutou should be not far from Wutong Avenue!"

Zhui'er said calmly, "Don't forget that you are the Immortal Concubine Hua Yu. When I come out of it, you will be like this at best. Don't get too happy too early. We have to have a good talk. Since I can't bring you out, then I won’t let you in easily.”

Zhixia couldn't suppress her excitement and pinched his face and said, "It's not up to you. If you don't let me in, I'll skin you. Go ahead, go ahead. Go wherever you like, but don't leave Yunxing Pavilion. Let me Just meditate quietly for a while.”

Zhui'er asked with concern, "You don't think there's anything wrong or uncomfortable, do you?"

"No, I'm fine." After Zhixia said that, he took the Qiankun bag from his hand and threw him out of the magic circle he had arranged with a smile.

Zhui'er could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. He picked a red apricot tree and ate it while flying towards Lingxiang's residence. Although he wanted to take care of Lingxiang, he couldn't take too much from Sister Minglan's treasure. There are so many things, so I can only share those alchemy secrets with her.

Zhui'er was very happy to come to Lingxiang. She had already felt a bit of the warmth from Zhui'er that she felt when getting along with Xun Yi. She finally met someone who really wanted to take care of her.

Zhui'er felt that it would take at least one or two months for the second senior sister to gain enlightenment this time, so after staying there for two hours, Ling Xiang was thinking about what to do next. Unexpectedly, she hadn't figured it out yet when Zhi Xia summoned him. Divine thoughts came.

Zhui'er hurried back, looked at the second senior sister and asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable in any way?"

"No." Zhixia lovingly pulled this junior brother who cared about her wholeheartedly to sit in front of her, "I can't calm down. I'm a little too excited. I wish I could understand all its mysteries at once."

"Look at your potential!" Zhui'er scolded with a smile. He was relieved that the second senior sister was fine.

Zhixia smiled happily. She had nothing to say when Zhui'er scolded her like that. She was in a good mood and just wanted to laugh.

Zhui'er looked at her and said with worry, "Don't be so happy that you forget everything, let alone go crazy. You make me feel uneasy."

Zhixia suppressed her smile and said with emotion, "Because you have too little experience, you cannot fully realize how great this blessing is. From today on, I will rely on you. Who allows you to be the only one who can use this treasure?" I will not leave you until I have fully comprehended its mysteries. We have to find a way to rebuild the universe inside. In that case, I can live in it and comprehend it. I think we can add a small crescent moon to try. That way Maybe it can be close to its original appearance, but you need to be cautious about this. It will be bad if you get into trouble. I will wait for a while to understand it carefully. Before adding the second small crescent moon, you need to try to see if it can be done. Take out the little crescent moon inside. If you can take it out, the risk of adding a little crescent moon will be much smaller." Zhixia slowly flew to the big bluestone hanging not far away, touched the moss on it and said, "Yes. There are signs of death, and the environment here should be different from before." As she spoke, she looked at the small crescent moon hanging in the sky.

"Oh." Zhui'er refrained from urging her to come out.

Zhixia pushed the big bluestone and it floated forward.

Zhui'er's eyes flashed and he said, "I felt a little sensation, very slight, a bit like the feeling of someone touching something that has been cast on a spell."

Zhixia flew up and pushed the big bluestone a few times with more strength.

Zhui'er thought about it and said, "It feels almost like that, but if you don't taste it so carefully, you shouldn't be able to notice it."

"Try your best to fix it and let me see if there is any change." .??.

Zhui'er closed her eyes and said, "Okay."

Zhixia carefully pressed her hand on the bluestone. When the bluestone moved, she immediately stopped and said, "It's a little harder than before. Try to see if you can move me." After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and waited quietly.

"It's too dangerous, I won't try."

"My body is much stronger than stone. Don't be afraid. Just give it a try and be careful."

"I don't." Zhui'er flatly refused. Although he had tried the red dish before, he was not willing to treat the second senior sister's safety so lightly.

"You can really cause trouble for me!" Zhixia had no choice but to do the next best thing and said, "Use your method to block the red dish. The stronger, the better. I'll see if I can penetrate it."

This pendant can be made, so he said, "Okay, it's right in front of you."

"Remove it immediately if you feel any discomfort. Don't get hurt." After Zhixia said this, he slowly and cautiously flew forward.

After a while, Zhui'er said, "You go through it. I can't stop you. I've already made it the strongest." When Hong Pan was sent in, he only had the cultivation level of the middle stage of pill formation, and Zhixia of the feather stage. There's so much difference.

Zhixia thought about it and said, "The power of this barrier is not small. It can block people in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. However, I don't think I can use my original cultivation in this space. I want to go to a distance to see. You Let me know when you are about to lose track of me."

Zhui'er said anxiously, "What if you get lost in it? We don't know how big it is here! What if it's so big that it's boundless? You can't run too far!"

Zhixia raised his hand and popped out a spiritual fire. After it hovered high in the air, he said, "I will leave a mark along the way."

"That won't work. If you run too far, I will carry you out."

"Okay, then let's test how big your detection range is. Say something when you can't see me anymore." Zhixia rolled her eyes helplessly toward the sky, and then flew forward.

Zhui'er stared at her closely. After a while, he was suddenly startled. He thought that he might not be able to bring out a great magical power. The second senior sister was too easy to talk to. It was hard to guarantee that she was not using a strategy to stabilize the army. Thinking of this, He immediately took action, wanting to get the second senior sister out first. Zhixia, who was flying, felt the powerful and mysterious power and stood firm to resist.

"Are you carrying me out?" After confirming that the force could not affect her, Zhixia put her hands behind her back and asked calmly.

Zhui'er was a little panicked and said, "You've been in there for a long time. Come out first and let's talk, and then I'll send you back in."

"Don't make things more complicated. I know what's going on. Wait for me." Zhixia's figure was very far away in a flash, and there was no need to hide it this time.

Zhui'er quickly lost track of her second senior sister, and the only thing she could see were the two or three points of spiritual fire she left behind along the way that shot into the sky.

It’s really not a worry! Zhui'er complained in his heart. Now he can't do anything but wait.

Fortunately, Zhixia's figure appeared within the detection range of his spiritual consciousness again after almost a stick of incense.

Zhui'er breathed a sigh of relief and asked with some anticipation, "Have you found the end?"

"No, the feeling of walking through nothingness is very disturbing. Let me out."

"Okay!" Zhui'er happily got her out.

After Zhixia came out, he raised his hand and moved it in the air twice, as if comparing the difference between the two worlds, and then said to Zhui'er with excitement, "It's so amazing. This fairy treasure is so amazing. If you can understand its secrets, Wutou should be not far from Wutong Avenue!"

Zhui'er said calmly, "Don't forget that you are the Immortal Feather of Transformation. When I come out of it, you will be like this at best. Don't get too happy too early. We have to have a good talk. Since I don't have the ability to bring you out, then I won’t let you in easily.”

Zhixia couldn't suppress her excitement and pinched his face and said, "It's not up to you. If you don't let me in, I'll skin you. Go ahead, go ahead. Go wherever you like, but don't leave Yunxing Pavilion. Let me Just meditate quietly for a while.”

Zhui'er asked with concern, "You don't think there's anything wrong or uncomfortable, do you?"

"No, I'm fine." After Zhixia said that, he took the Qiankun bag from his hand and threw him out of the magic circle he had arranged with a smile.

Zhui'er could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. He picked a red apricot tree and ate it while flying towards Lingxiang's residence. Although he wanted to take care of Lingxiang, he couldn't take too much from Sister Minglan's treasure. There are so many things, so I can only share those alchemy secrets with her.

Zhui'er was very happy to be able to come to Lingxiang. She had already felt a little of the warmth from Zhui'er that she felt when getting along with Xun Yi. She finally met someone who really wanted to take care of her.

Zhui'er felt that it would take at least one or two months for the second senior sister to gain enlightenment this time, so after staying there for two hours, Ling Xiang was thinking about what to do next. Unexpectedly, she hadn't figured it out yet when Zhi Xia summoned him. Divine thoughts came.

Zhui'er hurried back, looked at the second senior sister and asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable in any way?"

"No." Zhixia lovingly pulled this junior brother who cared about her wholeheartedly to sit in front of her, "I can't calm down. I'm a little too excited. I wish I could understand all its mysteries at once."

"Look at your potential!" Zhui'er scolded with a smile. He was relieved that the second senior sister was fine.

Zhixia smiled happily. She had nothing to say when Zhui'er scolded her like that. She was in a good mood and just wanted to laugh.

Zhui'er looked at her and said with worry, "Don't be so happy that you forget everything, let alone go crazy. You make me feel uneasy."

Zhixia suppressed her smile and said with emotion, "Because you have too little experience, you cannot fully realize how great this blessing is. From today on, I will rely on you. Who allows you to be the only one who can use this treasure?" I will not leave you until I have fully comprehended its mysteries. We have to find a way to rebuild the universe inside. In that case, I can live in it and comprehend it. I think we can add a small crescent moon to try. That way Maybe it can be close to its original appearance, but you need to be cautious about this. It will be bad if you get into trouble. I will wait for a while to understand it carefully. Before adding the second small crescent moon, you need to try to see if it can be done. Take out the little crescent moon inside. If you can take it out, the risk of adding a little crescent moon will be much smaller.”

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