Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1660: Die again to return this virtue

Jiang Xiao followed him and said, "You can really coax yourself to play. Tell me the truth. Is there something wrong with your cultivation?"

Zhui'er stretched out his finger and wrote the words "no problem" with his spiritual power one stroke at a time in the air.

Jiang Xiao laughed angrily, waved his hand and hit him on the arm and said, "Why are you so boring! I think you must be holding something back."

Zhui'er tilted his head and looked at her and said, "I'm holding something back in my heart. I don't practice because I'm afraid that after I finish practicing, I'll have nothing to do. What do you think there is left to do when I reach the feathering stage? There's nothing left to do. Thinking about how to become an immortal, it would be boring if none of you became immortals and I was the only one who became an immortal. Once I reach the immortal world, I might not be able to come back."

Jiangxiao looked at Zhui'er in confusion, because she didn't think that Zhui'er was just joking, "You...don't you think it's a little early to worry about this? You haven't given birth yet, at least you You have to catch up with us first, right?”

"But if I push Lu Gang and Shu Yan too far away, I won't be able to talk to them anymore."

"You stopped practicing just because of this? Do you plan to go hand in hand with them for the rest of your life?"

Seeing Jiangxiao's eyes widen, Zhui'er denied, "That's not really true. The main thing is that there are too few things to do in the feathering stage. It's good to practice slowly. It's like eating sugar cane. It's never too bad." Eat sweet places towards sweet places. Eat slowly and you will always feel it is quite sweet. If you eat too fast, you will finish it quickly and you will be very full. You can only watch others eat the rest. ”

"You have to watch others eat?!"

Zhui'er frowned and said, "That's what I'm talking about. You are all eating sugar cane. I won't watch you eat, so don't you have to go and play by yourself? Isn't this just like reaching the feather stage or the fairy world? There must be no point in doing anything.”

Jiangxiao stretched out her finger and poked his forehead, teaching him a lesson, "You have to be promising. Don't always rely on these few people in front of you. Even when you reach the feather stage and the immortal world, you still have friends to make, and there are such high cultivations." Because you can naturally enjoy more fun. The fun in that realm is beyond what you can imagine now. You are like a little toad at the bottom of a well. Only when you jump out can you experience the beauty of the new realm."

Zhui'er folded his arms in front of his chest, feeling a little bit indifferent, "Wouldn't it be better to wait until everyone can jump out before jumping out together? Anyway, I think there is nothing wrong with practicing slowly. I already have You are such good friends, why do I have to leave you to make new friends?”

"Why can't you give me something to do! Do you think you are good like this? I feel bored just looking at you!" Jiang Xiao felt a little anxious. He didn't want to make progress, but he still didn't want to make progress! I had this kind of virtue in my previous life, and I will repay it after death. Why can't I make some progress?

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and thought about it and said, "I think it's okay." Seeing the anger in Jiangxiao's eyes, he hurriedly sat up and said, "Then tell me, if my cultivation level is the same as yours now, I will reach Yuan Dynasty." We are in the middle stage of infancy, why should we continue practicing like this? But Lu Gang, Shu Yan and I will definitely not be as close as we are now. After all, we have lost two friends who grew up together. If you enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul earlier, what would you choose? Or should I improve my cultivation first?"

Jiangxiao felt speechless and said, "You can worry about anything."

When someone reaches a strange and bizarre state, it is something that no one else can do, and no one can break through it continuously. "

"Don't interrupt, just tell me whether you will wait for them or whether you will improve your cultivation yourself first?"

"Then tell me first, are you really sure that you can break through the realm again? Can you really improve your cultivation level quickly if you want to?"

"I'm not sure. That's why I should be worried because I'm not sure. What if I surpass them by several levels again? What would you do in this case?"

Jiangxiao replied against her will, "I will try to improve my cultivation first so that I can help them better. Real friends will not be separated by differences in cultivation. Don't I have a very good relationship with you now?" ?”

"That's because we were very different in cultivation when we met. Second Senior Sister and I also have a very good relationship, but that's different from Lu Gang and Shu Yan. We grew up together, and there's no shortage of people to guide them. Yeah, you guys can teach them the Dharma."

Jiangxiao looked at him silently for a while and said seriously, "Do you know what the problem is? You just live a good life. You don't lack anything, and you don't have to bear anything. Even if the sky falls, there will be people who will fight for you, so You only have so many things to do, but you have to know that the sky is unpredictable. If something unexpected happens, we can't help the three of you, so you have to rely on yourselves. If your cultivation level is high enough, you can still save them both. , otherwise we will have to die together.”

"But if my cultivation level is as high as yours, I should hang out with you. I may not be able to be with them in case of an accident. You said that the gap in cultivation level will not cause a gap between friends. This is not true."

"Then think about it. Once you slack off in cultivation, it may be difficult to return to the previous path. You said you are not sure that you can improve your cultivation quickly. If you really can't find it because of laziness, If you have the feeling of cultivation, then they will be in a higher cultivation level than you, and they will not be able to play with you. "

Zhui'er saw that Jiangxiao's eyes were about to get angry, and he nodded quickly and said, "What you said makes sense." Then he lay back down, floated into the apricot forest, and continued to float leisurely in the forest.

Jiangxiao calmed down for a moment, then followed up and said, "Think seriously, is that what I said?" Of course she could see that Zhui'er was perfunctory with her, and she couldn't break the knot by losing her temper. You have to make Zhui'er convinced.

Zhui'er didn't want to talk about this anymore, and instead said, "Actually, wanting to wait for them is just one aspect. The main obstacle that prevents me from improving my cultivation is enlightenment. This is something that even Second Senior Sister can't answer for me. I can only rely on myself." Go figure it out.”

Jiangxiao swallowed hard and said, "Then can you tell me? Since the Second Immortal Concubine can't answer it, I certainly can't answer it, but I want to gain some insight and hear what kind of problem it is."

"I can't tell you. I told you before that I was taking a different path. If I told you, it would shake your Taoist heart."

Jiangxiao hesitated for a moment, then a determined light slowly flashed in her eyes. After making up her mind, she stared at Zhui'er and said, "Just tell me, I'm not afraid that my Taoist heart will be shaken."

Zhui'er looked at her gratefully and said, "I know you really want to help me, Sister Jiangxiao, I know how well you treat me, but the more you do this, the less I can tell you, not even the second senior sister." "

Jiangxiao was startled for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it wasn't that the Second Immortal Concubine couldn't answer the question, but that he didn't tell the Second Immortal Concubine at all. Jiang Xiao followed him and said, "You can really coax yourself to play. Tell me the truth. Is there something wrong with your cultivation?"

Zhui'er stretched out his finger and wrote the words "no problem" with his spiritual power one stroke at a time in the air.

Jiang Xiao laughed angrily, waved his hand and hit him on the arm and said, "Why are you so boring! I think you must be holding something back."

Zhui'er tilted his head and looked at her and said, "I'm holding something back in my heart. I don't practice because I'm afraid that after I finish practicing, I'll have nothing to do. What do you think there is left to do when I reach the feathering stage? There's nothing left to do. Thinking about how to become an immortal, it would be boring if none of you became immortals and I was the only one who became an immortal. Once I reach the immortal world, I might not be able to come back."

Jiangxiao looked at Zhui'er in confusion, because she didn't think that Zhui'er was just joking, "You...don't you think it's a little early to worry about this? You haven't given birth yet, at least you You have to catch up with us first, right?”

"But if I push Lu Gang and Shu Yan too far away, I won't be able to talk to them anymore."

"You stopped practicing just because of this? Do you plan to go hand in hand with them for the rest of your life?"

Seeing Jiangxiao's eyes widen, Zhui'er denied, "That's not really true. The main thing is that there are too few things to do in the feathering stage. It's good to practice slowly. It's like eating sugar cane. It's never too bad." Eat sweet places towards sweet places. Eat slowly and you will always feel it is quite sweet. If you eat too fast, you will finish it quickly and you will be very full. You can only watch others eat the rest. ”

"You have to watch others eat?!"

Zhui'er frowned and said, "That's what I'm talking about. You are all eating sugar cane. I won't watch you eat, so don't you have to go and play by yourself? Isn't this just like reaching the feather stage or the fairy world? There must be no point in doing anything.”

Jiangxiao stretched out her finger and poked his forehead, teaching him a lesson, "You have to be promising. Don't always rely on these few people in front of you. Even when you reach the feather stage and the immortal world, you still have friends to make, and there are such high cultivations." Because you can naturally enjoy more fun. The fun in that realm is beyond what you can imagine now. You are like a little toad at the bottom of a well. Only when you jump out can you experience the beauty of the new realm."

Zhui'er folded his arms in front of his chest, feeling a little bit indifferent, "Wouldn't it be better to wait until everyone can jump out before jumping out together? Anyway, I think there is nothing wrong with practicing slowly. I already have You are such good friends, why do I have to leave you to make new friends?”

"Why can't you give me something to do! Do you think you are good like this? I feel bored just looking at you!" Jiang Xiao felt a little anxious. He didn't want to make progress, but he still didn't want to make progress! I had this kind of virtue in my previous life, and I will repay it after death. Why can't I make some progress?

Zhui'er rolled his eyes and thought about it and said, "I think it's okay." Seeing the anger in Jiangxiao's eyes, he hurriedly sat up and said, "Then tell me, if my cultivation level is the same as yours now, I will reach Yuan Dynasty." We are in the middle stage of infancy, why should we continue practicing like this? But Lu Gang, Shu Yan and I will definitely not be as close as we are now. After all, we have lost two friends who grew up together. If you enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul earlier, what would you choose? Or should I improve my cultivation first?"

Jiangxiao felt speechless and said, "You can worry about anything."

When someone reaches a strange and bizarre state, it is something that no one else can do, and no one can break through it continuously. "

"Don't interrupt, just tell me whether you will wait for them or whether you will improve your cultivation yourself first?"

"Then tell me first, are you really sure that you can break through the realm again? Can you really improve your cultivation level quickly if you want to?"

"I'm not sure. That's why I should be worried because I'm not sure. What if I surpass them by several levels again? What would you do in this case?"

Jiangxiao replied against her will, "I will try to improve my cultivation first so that I can help them better. Real friends will not be separated by differences in cultivation. Don't I have a very good relationship with you now?" ?”

"That's because we were very different in cultivation when we met. Second Senior Sister and I also have a very good relationship, but that's different from Lu Gang and Shu Yan. We grew up together, and there's no shortage of people to guide them. Yeah, you guys can teach them the Dharma."

Jiangxiao looked at him silently for a while and said seriously, "Do you know what the problem is? You just live a good life. You don't lack anything, and you don't have to bear anything. Even if the sky falls, there will be people who will fight for you, so You only have so many things to do, but you have to know that the sky is unpredictable. If something unexpected happens, we can't help the three of you, so you have to rely on yourselves. If your cultivation level is high enough, you can still save them both. , otherwise we will have to die together.”

"But if my cultivation level is as high as yours, I should hang out with you. I may not be able to be with them in case of an accident. You said that the gap in cultivation level will not cause a gap between friends. This is not true."

"Then think about it. Once you slack off in cultivation, it may be difficult to return to the previous path. You said you are not sure that you can improve your cultivation quickly. If you really can't find it because of laziness, If you have the feeling of cultivation, then they will be in a higher cultivation level than you, and they will not be able to play with you. "

Zhui'er saw that Jiangxiao's eyes were about to get angry, and he nodded quickly and said, "What you said makes sense." Then he lay back down, floated into the apricot forest, and continued to float leisurely in the forest.

Jiangxiao calmed down for a moment, then followed up and said, "Think seriously, is that what I said?" Of course she could see that Zhui'er was perfunctory with her, and she couldn't break the knot by losing her temper. You have to make Zhui'er convinced.

Zhui'er didn't want to talk about this anymore, and instead said, "Actually, wanting to wait for them is just one aspect. The main obstacle that prevents me from improving my cultivation is enlightenment. This is something that even Second Senior Sister can't answer for me. I can only rely on myself." Go figure it out.”

Jiangxiao swallowed hard and said, "Then can you tell me? Since the Second Immortal Concubine can't answer it, I certainly can't answer it, but I want to gain some insight and hear what kind of problem it is."

"I can't tell you. I told you before that I was taking a different path. If I told you, it would shake your Taoist heart."

Jiangxiao hesitated for a moment, then a determined light slowly flashed in her eyes. After making up her mind, she stared at Zhui'er and said, "Just tell me, I'm not afraid that my Taoist heart will be shaken."

Zhui'er looked at her gratefully and said, "I know you really want to help me, Sister Jiangxiao, I know how well you treat me, but the more you do this, the less I can tell you, not even the second senior sister." "

Jiangxiao was startled for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it wasn't that the Second Immortal Concubine couldn't answer the question, but that he didn't tell the Second Immortal Concubine at all.

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