Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1661 The most shameless way of playing

Zhui'er guessed what she was thinking and reminded, "Second Senior Sister can't answer the matter of consecutive breakthroughs. I'm not making up lies to trick you just to wait for Shu Yan and Lu Gang. I've been thinking about whether I should talk to Second Senior Sister recently." For a moment, I can tell you that this topic involves the Nascent Soul, and anyone with a Nascent Soul is not suitable to discuss this issue, because it will alienate the Nascent Soul from you. "

"That's why you don't want to have a baby..." Jiang Xiao understood the crux of the matter.

"Well, I can only tell you this much. Don't worry about me. If I can understand this problem thoroughly, it won't be difficult for me to improve my cultivation."

Jiangxiao said cautiously, "I advise you to talk to the Second Immortal Concubine. No one knows more about Nascent Soul than Monk Huayu. Your confusion may not be a problem at all to her."

"Okay." Zhui'er seemed to have listened and said with a smile, "I listen to you. Let's not talk about this anymore. You can take me to relax outside the magic circle."

"It's better to wait until the Second Immortal Concubine comes out of seclusion and let her take you there. This place is in a remote place, so you can't just wander around casually." Jiang Xiao cursed in his heart, are you still not done after running away from Xiyang? I haven't squeezed you like Xiyang.

Zhui'er sat up and looked at her with encouraging eyes and said, "Let's go out and I'll try to see if I can help you refine Xuan'a. My magical powers are particularly good at refining spirit treasures. I'm afraid I might disturb them here." "

"Then..." Jiangxiao wanted to say that you haven't refined Xuan'a as yours yet, but thinking that it would be better if he refined Xuan'a, she couldn't help but hope that he could keep Xuan'a as his own. Where is the high-grade spiritual treasure? Although she will definitely be a little reluctant to part with it, there is nothing she can't let go of Xun Yi.

"Is that possible? This can't be refined until the middle stage of Nascent Soul. What if it hurts you?" She asked worriedly.

"Take it out and I'll show it to you. I tried it when I first got it. I'm sure nothing will happen."

Jiang Xiao hesitated and said, "Get down first and stand still."

Zhui'er was still sitting in the air and said indifferently, "This is nothing to me at all, just take it out."

Jiangxiao kicked him in the leg uneasily, and then hesitantly took out Xuan'a until he stood on the ground.

As soon as Xuan'a was taken out, a faint blue-grey light immediately flashed. Jiangxiao was so frightened that he let go of his hand. Zhui'er gently picked up Xuan'a hanging in the air. The light above Xuan'a slowly dissipated. .

"How's it going?" Zhui'er proudly handed Xuan'a into Jiangxiao's hand.

"Let's go!" Jiangxiao excitedly picked up Zhui'er and flew out of the magic circle.

Jiangxiao's willingness to speak out and do things was refreshing. From then on, the two of them began to run away every once in a while. Zhui'er finally found a job for himself. Zhuo'er is already very experienced in refining spirit treasures. Although he has only refined one piece of Wu Ting, he can sense the artifacts more clearly than others with his ability to communicate with the spirit of the artifact with his mind. The condition of the spirit can also convey his thoughts to the weapon spirit more clearly and accurately. If he melts Xuan'a by himself, he will be able to use it one day, and he can reach the state of unity in a few months at most. Help Others will take more time to refine, but Jiangxiao's worries and expectations are all unnecessary. Zhui'er only serves as a bridge between Jiangxiao and Xuan'a. If the metaphor is more appropriate, it is a bit like His role between Lu Gang and Shu Yan was not only to bridge the gap, but also to fuel the flames. The Zhui'er brothers always seemed to play this role, and they had been like this in their previous lives.

Half a year later, Jiangxiao's refinement of Xuan'a began to bear fruit. At this time, Zhui'er no longer needed any help. Zhui'er followed him out and was more responsible for guarding. With Xuan'a's ability to exert The power is getting stronger and stronger, and the smelting site is getting further and further away from Yunxing Pavilion.

That day after Jiangxiao began to refine, Zhui'er used the Earth Escape Technique to escape underground to play. In the past six months, they had been harassed by two little monsters, and both of them had become Jiangxiao. Xuan'a was a living target, so neither of them were as vigilant as before.

Zhui'er's earth-escape skills have also made great progress now. Just as he was happily drilling underground, he suddenly received an urgent spiritual message from Jiangxiao: "Escape!"

Zhui'er was startled, and while rushing upwards, he used his spiritual consciousness to sweep towards Jiangxiao. Although it was hundreds of miles away from Jiangxiao, before he rushed out of the ground, he saw that the battle there was already there. After breaking out of the ground, he could see clearly that Jiangxiao was surrounded by four people and was being fiercely attacked, and there were two spiritual beasts on the other side. Jiangxiao also released a little monkey, but those four people were all higher in cultivation than Jiangxiao. Because Xuan'a, who had not yet completed the fusion, could not participate in the battle, Jiangxiao could only rely on defensive treasures to support herself. Although her defensive treasures were of a very high level, they could not last long under the fierce attack of four great monks and two fierce spiritual beasts. Yes, the corners of her mouth began to bleed.

"Stop!" This scene made Zhui'er's eyes immediately turn red, and he roared and rushed towards the battlefield.

The four people didn't take Zhui'er seriously at first, because they could tell with just a glance of their spiritual consciousness that the person who jumped out of the earth was just a young monk in the pill-forming stage, but they felt something was wrong before the roar lingered. Because the little monk rushed over too fast. Not only was his figure looming, but he also seemed to be carrying a powerful force that changed the color of the world. This is the powerful momentum that a big monk can emit when he exerts his power. This little monk burst out Although the momentum is lacking in force, it makes the fierceness contained in it more and more prominent. The four of them cannot express such a powerful force that can destroy people's hearts!

"Third sister, fourth brother stop him!"

Zhui'er, who had pushed all his abilities to their peak, heard the opponent's spiritual thoughts of dispatching troops and generals.

"Leave me alone!" Jiangxiao shouted sternly. In her desperate resistance, she couldn't find the energy to check on Zhui'er. After hearing Zhui'er's roar, she was so anxious that she could only scream like this.

Two big monks, a man and a woman, pulled away from the battlefield and faced Zhui'er. Although this little monk was quite weird, it didn't make them much afraid, because judging from his cultivation, he was definitely a pill-forming monk. The lack of a baby can be seen at a glance. No matter how weird this kid is, the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks are enough to get rid of him.

They took action when they were still three hundred feet apart. These four people made a living by robbing. Not only were they extremely experienced in fighting, but the days of licking blood from the blade of a knife had taught them to be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship, and not to make any mistakes. The mistake of underestimating the enemy.

At a distance of three hundred feet, with their cultivation level, they can deliver a fatal blow to the Danjie monks. However, at this distance, even if the Danjie monks use powerful treasures, it will be difficult to cause any harm to them.

This is a sure-fire way to play, and it is also the most shameless way when high-level monks fight against low-level monks. There is no chance of winning against low-level monks like this, but Zhui'er is not an ordinary low-level monk, and these people He thought he was a low-level monk, which was wrong in itself. Although Zhuo'er didn't have a baby, it didn't mean his cultivation level was lower than theirs, because he was a monk who didn't follow the ordinary path. Zhui'er guessed what she was thinking and reminded, "Second Senior Sister can't answer the matter of consecutive breakthroughs. I'm not making up lies to trick you just to wait for Shu Yan and Lu Gang. I've been thinking about whether I should talk to Second Senior Sister recently." For a moment, I can tell you that this topic involves the Nascent Soul, and anyone with a Nascent Soul is not suitable to discuss this issue, because it will alienate the Nascent Soul from you. "

"That's why you don't want to have a baby..." Jiang Xiao understood the crux of the matter.

"Well, that's all I can tell you. Don't worry about me. If I can understand this problem thoroughly, it won't be difficult for me to improve my cultivation."

Jiangxiao said cautiously, "I advise you to talk to the Second Immortal Concubine. No one knows more about Nascent Soul than Monk Huayu. Your confusion may not be a problem at all to her."

"Okay." Zhui'er seemed to have listened and said with a smile, "I listen to you. Let's not talk about this anymore. You can take me to relax outside the magic circle."

"It's better to wait until the Second Immortal Concubine comes out of seclusion and let her take you there. This place is in a remote place, so you can't just wander around casually." Jiang Xiao cursed in his heart, are you still not done after running away from Xiyang? I haven't squeezed you like Xiyang. .??.??

Zhui'er sat up and looked at her with encouraging eyes and said, "Let's go out and I'll try to see if I can help you refine Xuan'a. My magical powers are particularly good at refining spirit treasures. I'm afraid I might disturb them here." "

"Then..." Jiangxiao wanted to say that you haven't refined Xuan'a as yours yet, but thinking that it would be better if he refined Xuan'a, she couldn't help but hope that he could keep Xuan'a as his own. Where is this high-grade spiritual treasure? Although she will definitely be a little reluctant to part with it, there is nothing she can't let go of Xun Yi.

"Is that possible? This can't be refined until the middle stage of Nascent Soul. What if it hurts you?" She asked worriedly.

"Take it out and I'll show it to you. I tried it when I first got it. I'm sure nothing will happen."

Jiang Xiao hesitated and said, "Get down first and stand still."

Zhui'er was still sitting in the air and said indifferently, "This is nothing to me at all, just take it out."

Jiangxiao kicked him in the leg uneasily, and then hesitantly took out Xuan'a until he stood on the ground.

As soon as Xuan'a was taken out, a faint blue-gray light immediately flashed. Jiangxiao was so frightened that he let go of his hand. Zhui'er gently picked up Xuan'a hanging in the air, and the light above Xuan'a slowly dissipated. .

"How's it going?" Zhui'er proudly handed Xuan'a into Jiangxiao's hand.

"Let's go!" Jiangxiao excitedly picked up Zhui'er and flew out of the magic circle.

Jiangxiao's willingness to speak out and do things was refreshing. From then on, the two of them began to run away every once in a while. Zhui'er finally found a job for himself. Zhuo'er is already very experienced in refining spirit treasures. Although he has only refined one piece of Wu Ting, he can sense the artifacts more clearly than others with his ability to communicate with the spirit of the artifact with his mind. The condition of the spirit can also convey his thoughts to the weapon spirit more clearly and accurately. If he melts Xuan'a by himself, he will be able to use it one day, and he can reach the state of unity in a few months at most. Help Others will take more time to refine, but Jiangxiao's worries and expectations are all unnecessary. Zhui'er only serves as a bridge between Jiangxiao and Xuan'a. If the metaphor is more appropriate, it is a bit like His role between Lu Gang and Shu Yan was not only to bridge the gap, but also to fuel the flames. The Zhui'er brothers always seemed to play this role, and they had been like this in their previous lives.

Half a year later, Jiangxiao's refinement of Xuan'a began to bear fruit. At this time, Zhui'er no longer needed any help. Zhui'er followed him out and was more responsible for guarding. With Xuan'a's ability to exert The power is getting stronger and stronger, and the smelting site is getting further and further away from Yunxing Pavilion.

That day after Jiangxiao started to melt, Zhui'er used the Earth Escape Technique to escape underground to play. In the past six months, they had been harassed by two little monsters, and both of them had become Jiangxiao. Xuan'a's living target, so both of them are not as vigilant as before.

Zhui'er's earth-escape skills have also made great progress now. Just as he was happily drilling underground, he suddenly received an urgent spiritual message from Jiangxiao: "Escape!"

Zhui'er was startled, and while rushing upwards, he used his spiritual consciousness to sweep towards Jiangxiao. Although it was hundreds of miles away from Jiangxiao, before he rushed out of the ground, he saw that the battle there was already there. After breaking out of the ground, he could see clearly that Jiangxiao was surrounded by four people and was being fiercely attacked, and there were two spiritual beasts on the other side. Jiangxiao also released a little monkey, but those four people were all higher in cultivation than Jiangxiao. Because Xuan'a, who had not yet completed the refinement, could not participate in the battle, Jiangxiao could only rely on defensive treasures to support herself. Although her defensive treasures were of a very high level, they could not last long under the fierce attack of four great monks and two fierce spiritual beasts. Yes, the corners of her mouth began to bleed.

"Stop!" This scene made Zhui'er's eyes immediately turn red, and he roared and rushed towards the battlefield.

The four people didn't take Zhui'er seriously at first, because they could tell with just a glance of their spiritual consciousness that the person who jumped out of the earth was just a young monk in the pill-forming stage, but they felt something was wrong before the roar lingered. Because the little monk rushed over too fast. Not only was his figure looming, but he also seemed to be carrying a powerful force that changed the color of the world. This is the powerful momentum that a big monk can emit when he exerts his power. This little monk burst out Although the momentum is lacking in force, it makes the fierce momentum contained in it more and more prominent. The four of them cannot express such a powerful force that can destroy people's hearts!

"Third sister, fourth brother stop him!"

Zhui'er, who had pushed all his abilities to their peak, heard the opponent's thoughts of dispatching troops and generals.

"Leave me alone!" Jiangxiao shouted sternly. In her desperate resistance, she couldn't find the energy to check on Zhui'er. After hearing Zhui'er's roar, she was so anxious that she could only scream like this.

Two big monks, a man and a woman, pulled away from the battlefield and faced Zhui'er. Although this little monk was quite weird, it didn't make them much afraid, because judging from his cultivation, he was definitely a pill-forming monk. The lack of a baby can be seen at a glance. No matter how weird this kid is, the two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks are enough to get rid of him.

They took action when they were still three hundred feet apart. These four people made a living by robbing. Not only were they extremely experienced in fighting, but the days of licking blood from the blade of a knife had taught them to be careful when sailing a thousand-year-old ship, and not to make any mistakes. The mistake of underestimating the enemy.

At a distance of three hundred feet, with their cultivation level, they can deliver a fatal blow to the Danjie monks. However, at this distance, even if the Danjie monks use powerful treasures, it will be difficult to cause any harm to them.

This is a sure-fire way to play, and it is also the most shameless way when high-level monks fight against low-level monks. There is no chance of winning against low-level monks like this, but Zhui'er is not an ordinary low-level monk, and these people He thought he was a low-level monk, which was wrong in itself. Although Zhuo'er didn't have a baby, it didn't mean his cultivation level was lower than theirs, because he was a monk who didn't follow the ordinary path.

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