Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1671 Creating a Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers

Immortal Xiaoyao took Zhui'er aside and asked him to seek the opinions of the two flower fairies in the Qiankun Bag. Han Xiang was deeply concerned about this, but Fairy Jingshui was quite sensible and used secret transmission of spiritual thoughts to persuade Han Xiang. "You don't have to believe in Zhixia and Xiaochun, just believe in Xunyi. He can make people like Yu Chan become friends with us, let alone these two people. It will be beneficial to us to make friends with two more great supernatural powers from the human race. Harmful."

Hanxiang was convinced. Thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that Xun Yi was very magical. The incredible things he had done were there, and she had participated in some of them. If she didn't believe in this evil, she would not be able to do it, so she became Zhui'er. Afterwards, this kid obviously became even more amazing. He even had an immortal treasure. It seemed ridiculous to hand over his own safety to a little monk. Only people who knew how magical this little monk was would think this was a bit strange. reliable.

When they heard that there were two flower fairies in the Qiankun Bag, Zhixia and Xiaochun were shocked. However, Zhixia quickly came to their senses and thought that it must be these two flower fairies who killed Yesou Immortal Lord before. They were with them. She came with Immortal Xiaoyao. Thinking of the bottle of Wuhui spiritual liquid that Xun Yi once gave her, she thought that this was the fate that brought Xun Yi together, and now it has been reported to Zhui'er.

Over there, it was the Immortal Concubine Jingshui who persuaded Hanxiang, and here it was Zhixia who persuaded Xiaochun, but Zhixia didn’t reveal too much to Xiaochun. Xiaochun had great trust in Zhixia. This senior sister seemed stupid, but she had Her unique wisdom.

In this way, the number of great supernatural powers who have comprehended the Qiankun Bag increased to five. Although Xiaoyao Immortal Lord asked Zhui'er not to tell the two senior sisters more about his relationship with himself and the two flower fairies, Zhui'er's closeness to the two parties Attitude still played a big role, and everyone's relationship quickly became harmonious, because everyone trusted him. Only Xiaochun didn't know the mystery of this, but Xiaochun has always only cared about things that interest him. , especially when she is with the shrewd second junior sister, this is her wisdom.

Zhui'er is very busy this time. In addition to taking everyone in and out from time to time, he also has to pay attention to the conditions of the people inside. He also has to participate in everyone's discussions because he is the only one who can use the Qiankun Bag, so He knows the most about the Qiankun Bag. No matter what we discuss, we must first ask him about his different perceptions and opinions.

On this day, the topic finally came to the issue of rebuilding the universe that Zhui'er was most interested in.

"Can you combine the power of five of you to build a smaller piece of land first? Even a small island, so that you can have a place to live." She has been holding back this idea for many days.

Xiaochun said, "This should be possible. It is very simple to combine the efforts of five people to create a thousand-mile mountain and river. I am sure of this."

"Qianli?!" Zhui'er was overjoyed. This was much greater than he expected.

Seeing how happy he was, Xiaochun couldn't help but smile and said, "Thousands of miles is not impossible, but there is no need to take that risk. It is better to build a few thousands of miles to ensure that there will be no problems. I think that is better."

Zhui'er was so happy that she grinned from ear to ear and said, "That's true, senior sister, let's try to create a land of thousands of miles as soon as possible."

Immortal Lord Xiaoyao muttered, "I feel that there seems to be land below. According to my guess, the original universe collapsed and the earth sank. Only by letting the earth float up can the universe bag be completely repaired." He didn't sense the land below based on his cultivation, it was the black earth's true energy that sensed it.

Zhixia agreed, "I think so too.

. "

Zhui'er grinned and said, "Of course it would be best if it can be completely repaired, but if we can't think of a way at the moment, let's get a few pieces of land first." He couldn't talk about Little Yueya, and there was a limit to how he could repay the Immortal Concubine and Xiaoyao Immortal. He couldn't betray Zixiao Palace or Sister Minglan, so he was very vague about the origin of the Qiankun Bag, no matter what it was. Both Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Jingshui Immortal Concubine had already learned from Xunyi how many secrets this boy had that could not be revealed, so they did not make things difficult for him.

These great supernatural powers are actually not very interested in building a land. For people with their level of cultivation, it doesn't matter whether there is a land or not. They don't need to find a place to live, but for people with their level of cultivation, they don't need to find a place to live. You need a piece of land to stay there for a long time.

Mirror Water Fairy Princess told Zhui'er, "It's not advisable to stay inside for a long time before it is completely repaired. Depending on your cultivation level, it may be fine for a year or two, but it's hard to say how long it will take." As a cultivator of flowers and plants, she is concerned about the living environment. Sensitive.

"Well, I won't stay that long." Hearing that the fairy concubine said that she could stay for a year or two, he was happy again. If there was a crisis, he could safely and boldly bring Shu Yan and Lu Gang in.

Hanxiang smiled and said, "Look at his eager look, then take advantage of the fact that there are many people at the moment and build a land for him first, otherwise I think he will not be able to settle down."

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled happily.

Everyone smiled at his smile. Of course, Xiaochun also hoped to take this opportunity to create a perfect land for his junior brother. He immediately proposed a method of building space using the art of refining weapons. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord also wanted to use black earth Zhen Yuan's magic power was put to the test. The Mirror Water Fairy was afraid that they would cause harm to innocent plants and trees, so she suggested that the plants and trees could not survive in this space and asked them to only fetch soil from the ground.

After everyone's discussion, Xiaochun led them to practice the technique of refining the space. She was mainly responsible for this work, and the other four people only had to cooperate with each other to cast their magic power. Everyone has great supernatural powers, so they can do this kind of rough work by themselves. It's no problem. After a little practice, the coordination is perfect.

The next step is to take it out. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord originally thought that he would use the true power of the mysterious earth, so he asked Zhui'er to put the four immortal concubines in it first, and he was going to help take out the earth. Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhui'er activated the Qiankun bag, it A large round hole with a diameter of a hundred miles was made in the ground. The powerful magic power of the Qiankun Bag not only dumbfounded Immortal Xiaoyao, but the four immortal concubines inside also hurriedly levitated the big earth ball.

"I think I can put more in at once, but I'm afraid it will collapse." Zhui'er said, looking at the big hole in front of him.

Immortal Xiaoyao silently took him thousands of miles away and asked him to continue pretending. This was repeated for a while until Xiaochun told Zhui'er that enough was enough. Immortal Xiaoyao brought Zhui'er back to the place of enlightenment, and then also entered the Qiankun Bag. The five great powers worked together to build the land.

Zhui'er excitedly observed everyone casting spells with his spiritual consciousness. The senior sister had told him not to watch, because the magic exerted by the five great supernatural powers could easily hurt his spiritual consciousness, but Zhui'er came here because he wanted to see this. It was a rare scene. Secondly, he was worried about everyone's safety, so he still took a peek. At first, it was okay. When he saw the land he was looking forward to taking shape little by little, the corners of his mouth became higher and higher. He was so happy. Later, The radiance created by the five great supernatural powers became stronger and stronger. He could see nothing but the dazzling brilliance. He had to withdraw his consciousness, leaving only a little attention to see if anyone called him. Immortal Xiaoyao took Zhui'er aside and asked him to seek the opinions of the two flower fairies in the Qiankun Bag. Han Xiang was deeply concerned about this, but Fairy Jingshui was quite sensible and used secret transmission of spiritual thoughts to persuade Han Xiang. "You don't have to believe in Zhixia and Xiaochun, just believe in Xunyi. He can make people like Yu Chan become friends with us, let alone these two people. It will be beneficial to us to make friends with two more great supernatural powers from the human race. Harmful."

Hanxiang was convinced. Thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that Xun Yi was very magical. The incredible things he had done were there, and she had participated in some of them. If she didn't believe in this evil, she would not be able to do it, so she became Zhui'er. Afterwards, this kid obviously became even more amazing. He even had an immortal treasure. It seemed ridiculous to hand over his own safety to a little monk. Only people who knew how magical this little monk was would think this was a bit strange. reliable.

When they heard that there were two flower fairies in the Qiankun Bag, Zhixia and Xiaochun were shocked. However, Zhixia quickly came to their senses and thought that it must be these two flower fairies who killed Yesou Immortal Lord before. They were with them. She came with Immortal Xiaoyao. Thinking of the bottle of Wuhui spiritual liquid that Xun Yi once gave her, she thought that this was the fate that brought Xun Yi together, and now it has been reported to Zhui'er.

Over there, it was the Immortal Concubine Jingshui who persuaded Hanxiang, and here it was Zhixia who persuaded Xiaochun, but Zhixia didn’t reveal too much to Xiaochun. Xiaochun had great trust in Zhixia. This senior sister seemed stupid, but she had Her unique wisdom. .??.

In this way, the number of great supernatural powers who have comprehended the Qiankun Bag increased to five. Although Xiaoyao Immortal Lord asked Zhui'er not to tell the two senior sisters more about his relationship with himself and the two flower fairies, Zhui'er's closeness to the two parties Attitude still played a big role, and everyone's relationship quickly became harmonious, because everyone trusted him. Only Xiaochun didn't know the mystery of this, but Xiaochun has always only cared about things that interest him. , especially when she is with the shrewd second junior sister, this is her wisdom.

Zhui'er is very busy this time. In addition to taking everyone in and out from time to time, he also has to pay attention to the conditions of the people inside. He also has to participate in everyone's discussions because he is the only one who can use the Qiankun Bag, so He knows the most about the Qiankun Bag. No matter what we discuss, we must first ask him about his different perceptions and opinions.

On this day, the topic finally came to the issue of rebuilding the universe that Zhui'er was most interested in.

"Can you combine the power of five of you to build a smaller piece of land first? Even a small island, so that you can have a place to live." She has been holding back this idea for many days.

Xiaochun said, "This should be possible. It is very simple to combine the efforts of five people to create a thousand-mile mountain and river. I am sure of this."

"Qianli?!" Zhui'er was overjoyed. This was much greater than he expected.

Seeing how happy he was, Xiaochun couldn't help but smile and said, "Thousands of miles is not impossible, but there is no need to take that risk. It is better to build a few thousands of miles of land to ensure that there will be no problems. I think that is better."

Zhui'er was so happy that she grinned from ear to ear and said, "That's true, senior sister, let's try to create a land of thousands of miles as soon as possible."

Immortal Lord Xiaoyao muttered, "I feel that there seems to be land below. According to my guess, the original universe collapsed and the earth sank. Only by letting the earth float up can the universe bag be completely repaired." He didn't sense the land below based on his cultivation, it was the black earth's true energy that sensed it.

Zhixia agreed, "I think so too.

. "

Zhui'er grinned and said, "Of course it would be best if it can be completely repaired, but if we can't think of a way at the moment, let's get a few pieces of land first." He couldn't talk about Little Yueya, and there was a limit to how he could repay the Immortal Concubine and Xiaoyao Immortal. He couldn't betray Zixiao Palace or Sister Minglan, so he was very vague about the origin of the Qiankun Bag, no matter what it was. Both Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Jingshui Immortal Concubine had already learned from Xunyi how many secrets this boy had that could not be revealed, so they did not make things difficult for him.

These great supernatural powers are actually not very interested in building a land. For people with their level of cultivation, it doesn't matter whether there is a land or not. They don't need to find a place to live, but for people with their level of cultivation, they don't need to find a place to live. You need a piece of land to stay there for a long time.

Mirror Water Fairy Princess told Zhui'er, "It's not advisable to stay inside for a long time before it is completely repaired. Depending on your cultivation level, it may be fine for a year or two, but it's hard to say how long it will take." As a cultivator of flowers and plants, she is concerned about the living environment. Sensitive.

"Well, I won't stay that long." Hearing that the fairy concubine said that she could stay for a year or two, he was happy again. If there was a crisis, he could safely and boldly bring Shu Yan and Lu Gang in.

Hanxiang smiled and said, "Look at his eager look, then take advantage of the fact that there are many people at the moment and build a land for him first, otherwise I think he will not be able to settle down."

"Hehe..." Zhui'er giggled happily.

Everyone smiled at his smile. Of course, Xiaochun also hoped to take this opportunity to create a perfect land for his junior brother. He immediately proposed a method of building space using the art of refining weapons. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord also wanted to use black earth Zhen Yuan's magic power was put to the test. The Mirror Water Fairy was afraid that they would cause harm to innocent plants and trees, so she suggested that the plants and trees could not survive in this space and asked them to only fetch soil from the ground.

After everyone's discussion, Xiaochun led them to practice the technique of refining the space. She was mainly responsible for this work, and the other four people only had to cooperate with each other to cast their magic power. Everyone has great supernatural powers, so they can do this kind of rough work by themselves. It's no problem. After a little practice, the coordination is perfect.

The next step is to take it out. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord originally thought that he would use the true power of the mysterious earth, so he asked Zhui'er to put the four immortal concubines in it first, and he was going to help take out the earth. Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhui'er activated the Qiankun bag, it A large round hole with a diameter of a hundred miles was made in the ground. The powerful magic power of the Qiankun Bag not only dumbfounded Immortal Xiaoyao, but the four immortal concubines inside also hurriedly levitated the big earth ball.

"I think I can put more in at once, but I'm afraid it will collapse." Zhui'er said, looking at the big hole in front of him.

Immortal Xiaoyao silently took him thousands of miles away and asked him to continue pretending. This was repeated for a while until Xiaochun told Zhui'er that enough was enough. Immortal Xiaoyao brought Zhui'er back to the place of enlightenment, and then also entered the Qiankun Bag. The five great powers worked together to build the land.

Zhui'er excitedly observed everyone casting spells with his spiritual consciousness. The senior sister had told him not to watch, because the magic exerted by the five great supernatural powers could easily hurt his spiritual consciousness, but Zhui'er came here because he wanted to see this. It was a rare scene. Secondly, he was worried about everyone's safety, so he still took a peek. At first, it was okay. When he saw the land he was looking forward to taking shape little by little, the corners of his mouth became higher and higher. He was so happy. Later, The radiance created by the five great supernatural powers became stronger and stronger. He could see nothing but the dazzling brilliance. He had to withdraw his consciousness, leaving only a little attention to see if anyone called him.

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